Judgements Contest! (Helltaker x Judgement)

Hey yall, heres another fic! Enjoy!

Helltaker sat on the couch, reading through the monthly TRADITION COOKING magazine he was subscribed to. It was one of his favorites to read, and in the current hot summer weather the desert section was especially attractive. As he read, a familiar tanned face appeared in front of him.

“HELLTAKER! WHAT LITERATURE ARE YOU CONSUMING THIS MORNING?” roared Judgement. It was still very early in the day, and he had just woken up. Now he was definitely awake.

“Its this months edition of TRADITION COOKING. Some good stuff in here. And you know there’s no one in here today.” She sighed a breath of relief, and sat down next to him, her breasts bouncing a little.

“Oh thank hell. My throat just gets so tired, especially in the humid summer. Any plans for today?” She asked, leaning on the couch.

“Not much, might go to walk on the beach today.”

“And what do at this beach, besides walking?”

“Dunno, might eat something, fish, spectate a judged beauty contest.” Her eyebrows perked up.

“A beauty contest?” She asked. He nodded, and closed the magazine.

“Yeah, its fun. The crowds go wild, and you get to see some real nice beach bods. Dudes and Gals all inclusive.” She put a metal finger to her chin, thinking. *Seeing how mortals judge beauty might be interesting.* She thought, taking a brief look at her own outfit.

“Honestly you could probably fly in that contest. Why not try it?” He suggested, taking a sip of water. She blushed a little.

“I guess, dont see the harm in it. Will you watch?” She asked, twirling her fingers together. He chuckled.

“Only if you want me to. But I’ll certainly be happy to oblige.” He replied, lifting off the couch. “Ill get some snacks and stuff ready for our little trip.”


“Yeah. Cerebus is taking one of her day long naps anyway, so it’ll just be us two.” She turned away a little as he left to the kitchen, smiling.

They soon arrived at the beach, and parked in one of the spots. As they were packing, Justice had come back, and so joined them on the trip, excited to “see” how good her sister looked in swimwear. It was a long beach, stretching far, the smell of salt permeating the air. Helltaker wore a pair of swim shorts, a classic red color. Judgement magic’d herself some swim swear as well, but had decided to keep a surprise under a light cloak. She had removed the gauntlets though, showing off some surprisingly muscled hands and arms. Justice also had some swimwear, opting for a combo of top bikini and shorts on the bottom, showing off her toned abs and back muscles. She had decided kept her gauntlets, hoping to spar with Judgement a little. Her classic aviators were perched on her nose. Helltaker cleared his throat.

“Alright everyone, contest is over there. It starts in a few minutes, so Ill setup over there. You two can head over.” They nodded, and walked over to the registration stand. Justice had to teach her how to sign paperwork, and how exactly a show worked.

“Its exactly like one of those gladiatorial matches back in hell! Just walk up there and show em what you got!” She boasted, patting a cherry red Judgement on the back. “You’ll do great! Just be you out there!” She said with a proud thumbs up, smiling ear to ear. Judgement put on the best grin she could with the best thumbs up she could muster.

“Yeah. Woohoo?” She said. Justice laughed, and went off to one of the chairs in the audience area. Judgement was then motioned to the backstage, lined up behind other scantily clad contestants.


Once the announcer got off the stage, music began to play, and the competition strut their stuff. Helltaker made it back in time for the start of the show, watching the people do their acts.

“She’s gonna have some competition I think.” He commented. Justice shook her head.

“Nah she’s got this- oh its her turn!” She said, almost jumping out of her chair.

“NEXT UP, UH, JUDGEMENT!” The announcer said, a slight bit of concern in his voice. Then she walked out, as Justice cheered her, Helltaker clapping.

Judgement almost crept onto stage, still in her light cloak. The crowd went silent, waiting for the big reveal. Her cheeks were red as fresh strawberries, as she took a big breath of air.

Helltaker sweat increased more than normal. “Ok, its time to do something??” He anxiously said, putting a thumbs up for Judgement to see.

*Here goes nothing I suppose.* Judgement thought. She ripped off her cloak, and had her gauntlets reappear, massive chains of sin behind her clanking into existence. She showed off an extremely athletic body, abs, thighs, and chest perfectly toned from millennia of combat, paired with a a black bikini top and bottom. She cackled loudly, smiling as she went into her classic pose.


The crowd was silent, and even the blind justice could see what had happened.

“I can’t believe you won! I’m amazed. Not to mention you look fantastic.” Helltaker said, patting a hand on the blushed Judgements back. She clutched her body with both hands.

“I feel so, naked.”

“Sis it’s not much different from what you usually wear.” Justice said, munching on one of the pancake snacks.

“Don’t be ridiculous, my standard dress is battle crafted armor! You would know.” She pouted back, twirling a strand of her silver hair. Justice sighed, and sat down on their beach chair.

“Mhm. Well if you don’t want to spar to settle it, I guess Ill relax here.” Judgment put her hands on her hips, breasts bouncing as she leaned down.

“Ill fight you right here!” Helltaker sighed and put a hand on their shoulders.

“Now now, lets not attract too much attention girls. We can have demonic battles later.” Justice chuckled, admiring the cheap trophy they had.

“Alright alright. I’ll be here, you two go do something.” She sassed. Helltaker took Judgments hand, who blushed at the motion. He motioned to the ocean, its beautiful waves lapping at the shore.

“Shall we?” Judgement smiled, and walked with him, hand in hand.

“Sure. And by the way… what do you think of me in this, outfit?” She asked. He smiled.

“Your quite sexy in it.”

“Of course you’d say that.” She replied, leaning on him a little.

As they had some fun in the sand, the day was soon up. As people cleared out with the days end, the two found a ripe opportunity to spar a little. After their little session, Judgement yawned as she stretched her arms out to the sky, now amber and warm blue from the sunset.

“Alright, I’m gonna go shower off.”
Helltaker said, going to the public enclosed stalls.

“Oh Ill go with you.” Said Judgement. She walked along with him, taking hold of his hand again. They reached the shower stalls, and went to a farther one. He clicked on the water, and began watering down, as did Judgement. She came a little closer to him, her breasts softly pressing against his side.

“It feels nice being this close to you.” She said quietly, gliding a hand up his chest. He turned to her, their faces close.

“I like the sound of that.” He replied, kissing her on the lips and holding it there for a little while. They came apart, breaths faster than before. She met lips with him again, her tongue feeling for his. He stroked with one hand her bottom bikini part, a slight moan from her. She matched it with a hand slid into his pants, slowly stroking his member. They kissed more fervently now, Helltaker pressing her against the wall as she stroked his cock, it becoming harder and harder. They split apart again, silver eyes gazing into sunglasses. Judgement grinned, and slid her hands around her back, letting her top bikini fall to their feet. Her breasts were full and plush, and Helltaker happily cupped them, Judgement moaning from it. She met lips with him again, now grinding against his member in anticipation.

“I heard all the others got to try it. About time I judge it for myself.” She lustfully said, slipping off his pants, his cock springing up to meet her. It twitched at the touch of her hands, as she stroked the tip gently. She knelt down, and slipped her gentle lips over it, bobbing her head back and forth. As she quickened, she could feel with her tongue the slight pre-cum on the end of his tip. She popped off, and got back up, kissing him again. She licked her lips as she rubbed her bottom bikini over his hard member. They continued as she slipped off her last garment, fully showing off her wet pussy. She smiled, as she aligned his cock with her clit.

“You ready for it?” He asked.

“Mhm.” He slid his member into her, a louder moan from her this time.

“Oh! Oh it fits so nicely and perfectly. I can feel every bit of you fucking me.” She said, panting. She made out with him as he started pumping into her, lifting her against the wall.

“And your oh so great.” He said, fucking her.

“Ah, ah, ah damn, fuck!” She moaned, gripping him by his back.

Around the back of the bathhouse was Justice. She couldn’t forget how good the sex was, and knew she couldn’t miss out on at least listening to her sister getting hammered by Helltaker. She stroked her pussy with one hand and had her other wrapped around her breast, moaning quietly as she could. (Oh dang those sounds are so hot. No wonder Modeus loves this.) She thought, rubbing herself with great pleasure.

Judgement rocked up against his chest, feeling his hard member within her pumping faster, sweating more.

“Damn, I-”

“Yeah, I’m getting close!” Judgement replied, meeting her lips with his.

“Oh, shit, I’m gonna-”


They kissed as he orgasmed onto her belly, the warm shower water comforting them both as they relaxed, their naked bodies plastered together.

“that, I’ll judge, was damned good mortal.” She said.

As they actually showered, Justice finished her session outside, wishing a little she had been part of it. as she stood up and went to the showers to clean up herself, she saw the two outside.

“Oh, I didn’t know you were waiting to use the showers Justice..” Judgement said, blushing a little, holding Helltaker’s hand.

Justice laughed.

“Its all good. lets go home to some pancakes then?”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ifervv/judgements_contest_helltaker_x_judgement