Adventures in Petty Theft part II [MF] [BLACKMAIL] [DUBCON]

Part one of this story can be found here: [Adventures in Petty Theft Part I](

I’m not going to force you to read it first or anything, I’m not your real Dad. But you might want to.


Maddie had been lead, self consciously down a long, narrow corridor and when she realised she was headed through to the front desk area she protested.

“But I’m naked” she had wailed,
“I know” the detective replied, not turning around.
She was relieved to find that the reception area was largely deserted. A uniformed cop sat on a swivel chair, lazily pivoting in half circles and as she approached he smirked, looking her body up & down.

“Miss Vibrato, what a pleasure” he grinned, like a wolf.
The detective pushed her forward towards the uniform cop’s desk and stood close behind her, grabbing one of her ass cheeks roughly, working a finger in so it pressed against the opening of her ass. He used his other hand to yank her hair back roughly and spoke softly into her ear,

“Ok my little gangster slut, I’m going to leave you with Mike here. You do exactly as he, or anyone else asks you, or I’ll spend some more time with you, and it will be less pleasant this time. Do you understand me?”

Maddie nodded but didn’t make a noise. The detective screamed at her, flecks of spit hitting her face,
“I can’t fucking hear you, you stupid slut!”

“Ok, yes” Maddie said, as clearly as she could. The detective slapped her ass hard one last time and spoke to Mike,

“Don’t hold back buddy. She looks scared but she’s a randy little cunt”.

Mike laughed as the detective walked back down the hall. Then he turned to Maddie and looked her up and down for what seemed like ages.

“We are going to have some fun Ms Vibrato, oh yes we are” he smiled.

He gestured for her to take a seat beside his desk and then stood up and walked in front of her. He reached out and roughly squeezed one of her nipples. She flinched, though it actually felt good and she was pleased when he stroked her whole breast, his other hand rubbing his cock through his dark blue trousers.
“We need to process you.” He told her, still groping her breast. “I’m going to need to get some prints and take a photo”.

Maddie panicked at the thought of being finger printed. “I thought this was all being done off the system?” she stammered. Mike grinned.

”Oh, it is sweetheart. I don’t want finger prints.”
Maddie looked confused, so Mike elaborated.
“I need to keep your cunt on file sweetheart. The boys are going to want to jerk off over this for a long time to come. We need something to remember you by”

Maddie blushed a deep crimson, but in spite of herself, felt her pussy begin to moisten again. She had no idea what making a cunt print entailed but realised she was going to find out.

“Come over to this chair” Mike ushered her over to a wide armchair in a corner of the room. Obediently she moved over to the chair and sat in it. “Wait here” he instructed and left the room briefly.

When he returned he was carrying a long metal bar with what looked like cuffs at the end. Maddie could see that the middle of the bar was adjustable so the length could be altered.

“This is a spreader bar” he explained. “We keep it for criminals like you. Put your feet up in the air.” He demanded.

Maddie did as she was told and Mike affixed one of the cuffs to her right ankle, before raising the bar and cuffing the other. Maddie’s legs were about shoulder width apart and she could feel her pussy exposed & slightly cool in the office air conditioning.

Next, Mike removed a pin from the centre of the bar and suddenly extended it by at least another foot, forcing Maddie’s legs to open wider. She gasped, her cunt now feeling stretched open. She gripped the arms of the chair tightly.

Then Mike produced two cable ties from his pocket.
“Ok darling, hold your Ankles please” he instructed. Maddie hesitated for just a moment and he spoke again, firmly but calm.

“It’s ok, I won’t make them too tight. You tell me if they’re tight” he reassured her. Maddie reached forward and grabbed one ankle and Mike used a cable tie to secure her wrist, then he did the other.

Maddie felt helpless and exposed. She knew that trying to free herself was futile, and would only cause the tie on her wrists to tighten. She felt Mike’s eyes on her increasingly wet pussy and she wanted him to touch it. Mike stood back to admire his handiwork.

“Fuck me!” He exclaimed, rubbing his erect cock through his trousers.
“That is one beautiful pussy! I gotta get a picture”
He took his phone from his pocket and proceeded to take pictures. First from a distance, capturing all of Maddie, but then up close so he could photograph the detail of her cunt.

He deftly used a thumb and forefinger to spread her labia apart and photographed some more. The fake shutter noise on his phone click-whirring with each shot.

“Show me?” asked Maddie in a tiny voice, causing Mike to stop for a moment.

“You want to see?” He asked, incredulous. Maddie nodded.

“Fuck me, you really are a horny little bitch!”
He unzipped his fly and eased out a relatively short, but very fat and hard dick. He stroked it a few times and then showed Maddie his phone, scrolling through the images.

The first ones showed her whole body. Arms and legs raised and gangly, her pink pussy spread wide, her face embarrassed but defiant. She was fascinated by the close up shots of her cunt, exposed and glistening with her pussy juice. She’d never really seen it from that angle before, and wanted to touch it. Mike noticed her shift uncomfortably in the seat and chuckled.

“I need to eat that pussy baby girl” he told her, still pulling his cock.
He knelt in front of her and grabbed her inner thighs, one with each hand. He pushed her thighs back so her pelvis angle upwards. The pressure so close to her cunt felt good and she wriggled to try and get him to touch her pussy.

Mike laughed again and bowed his head down and started to lick. Long, delicate strokes of his tongue that traced along her inner lips but stopped just short of her clit. She moaned and then sighed as his tongue flicked very lightly across the very head of her clit.

He skirted around it for a little while, teasing, the pressure not quite firm enough. Then, without warning he pushed her thighs back even more and plunged his tongue deep into her pussy, making her cry out with pleasure and surprise. He thrust his soft but rigid tongue in and out of her, sucking at her clit and entire vulva as he pulled his head away.

He paused a moment to murmur how good her cunt tasted and Maddie could see his fist furiously jerking his cock as he licked and sucked.

Mike was moaning low and deep as he lapped at her snatch, hungrily licking up all of her juices. She started to moan too as he enveloped her pussy with his mouth, sealing it tight and sucking. Effortlessly he slid two fingers into her pussy and pressed the against her g spot.

It felt amazing, and Maddie found herself moving her hips in tiny movements to meet the rhythm of his tongue. She let the orgasm build slowly, not fighting it but just allowing it to happen.

Mike sensed this and increased the tempo of his tongue steadily, trading light flicks for firm pressure against her clit with a broad, flat tongue. Everything he did now was rhythmic & firm and designed to accomodate her orgasm.

As she started to cum, the reality of being unable to move hit her and intensified her orgasm. She couldn’t even grip anything and as it became unbearably pleasurable and she let herself cry out, much more loudly than she normally would. As she reached the pinnacle of her climax, mike stopped moving, the pressure from his tongue countered by his fingers inside her, pressing behind her clit. He waited for the convulsions of her orgasm to subside before he withdrew his fingers and gently licked at the juices around her cunt and inner thighs.

He stood up grinning. His still-hard cock pointing out in front of him, precum glistening at the tip. Maddie had a sudden urge to suck his cock and touch herself but she sighed with exasperation at being unable to move.

“Your cunt tastes so sweet!” Mike exclaimed, idly stroking his cock.
“Let me suck you” Maddie said breathlessly, her lips parted.
Mike shook his head. “Soon, maybe” he said and returned to his desk, retrieving an ink pad and some paper.
He knealt in front of her again and purposefully licked the remaining juices from her. Then he took the ink pad, and pushing back against the spreader bar he rolled her back, then he pressed the ink pad firmly against her cunt and held it there. It felt cold and wet.
He removed it and replaced it with a piece of paper.

“Don’t move, I don’t want it smudged” he instructed and Maddie held her breath.

After a moment, Mike peeled back the paper and held it up to examine it. He looked pleased and turned it around to show Maddie. She thought it looked like an ink blot print from a Rorschach test.

“I’m going to clean the excess ink off your pussy” he explained, wiping her with a clean tissue. “But it’s going to look a little bit blue for a few days. If you have a boyfriend, you might want to fuck him in the dark for a little while”

He placed the pussy-print on his desk and grabbed a pair of scissors that he used to gently cut the cable ties binding her wrists. Then he undid the spreader bar and guided her hips back to a more neutral position.

“Ok, mugshot time” Mike grinned and helped Maddie to her feet. He lead her over to a wall with a height scale on it, and a camera set up on a tripod. Mike told her to stand in front of the camera and busied himself attaching letters to a black board. When he was done, he showed it to her, grinning. It read:

SLUT #69696969

Maddie wailed, “do I have to?” she asked.

“Yes, you fucking have to” Mike laughed and thrust the board at her. He stood behind the camera and looked through the viewfinder.

“Ok, give me a sexy pout” he instructed. Maddie tried hard to smile, but Mike shook his head.
“Come on, give me one of them Instagram looks, you know, a duck face”

Obligingly Maddie pursed her lips together and pouted while Mike’s finger worked the shutter. After a couple of clicks he stepped to the side, frowning. “I don’t think you look slutty enough” he explained. “I know, you need to look like you just sucked a cock. Come and kneel over here”.

Maddie walked over timidly and stood in front of Mike, pausing. He reached out grabbed a handful of her hair, wrenching her to her knees. Then holding her hair still, he freed his dick with the other hand. It sprang forward like a jack in the box, resting millimetres from the tip of her nose.

“Suck me, beautiful” Mike said softly and thrust his cock into her mouth. Maddie started to suck softly, but Mike grabbed her hair with both hands and started fucking her face vigorously. His short, fat cock hammering the back of her threat like a jackhammer, stretching her mouth wide.

“Ah-ah-ah-ah” moaned Maddie as Mike’s cock moved in and out of her mouth. Almost, but not quite gagging.
“Choke on that cock you dirty little whore” Mike snarled, punctuating the end of his sentence with thrusts of his dick. Dirty. Little. Whore.

Every five or so thrusts, Mike withdrew his cock just long enough for Maddie to take a breath, then he plunged it back in again. Determined to keep up, Maddie tried to suck him on the in stroke, creating suction as he pulled out. He moaned his approval,
“Ohhhh that’s good, you little cock sucker”

Maddie could tell he was close to coming, and she moved a hand up to cup his balls and squeezed gently, rolling them between her palm and fingers, pulling gently on his sack.

Mike let out a loud moan and pushed his cock as far into her mouth as he could. Maddie felt one, then two jets of cum spurt into her mouth before Mike pulled his dick out and shot more across the bridge of her nose.

“Ahhhhhh yeah” he moaned, squeezing the last drop of cum from the tip of his dick. “Good girl, good fucking girl”.

Maddie sank back on her haunches, the taste of him on her tongue. If he could cum more, she would have greedily lapped that up too.

Mike extended a hand to Maddie and helped her to her feet. “That was fucking great baby” he exclaimed, wiping a drop of cum from her lip.
“Ok, photo time!” Mike smiled and thrust the” COCK SLUT” sign into her hands again.

Maddie stood in front of the camera and pouted confidently, imagining her face glazed in Mike’s pearly, white cum.

Mike snapped away with the camera, murmuring under his breath about how sexy she was. After he had taken half a dozen or so photos he looked up and said “ok baby doll, time to get you cleaned up. You got a date with the magistrate.”

***To be continued***
