Long distance bus journey with a female co-passenger [MF]

I have many anecdotes from long distance bus journeys involving unknown female co-passengers who either sat beside or in a row ahead of me. In many such journeys – mostly at night, I started slowly to judge the reaction of the co-passenger and sensing their tacit approval, I either groped & fondled them during the entire strech of the journey or stayed aloof without risking the ire of the passengers. In one particular bus journey which took place about 25 years back. The journey was during the day. A couple with their infant, got into the bus midway when the bus stopped to drop some and take in new passengers. My co-passenger, a male, alighted at this stoppage. Since the bus was already occupied, they couldn’t find a seat to sit together. The husband found a seat for himself further towards the back while the woman sat on the empty aisle seat right beside me with her infant baby. The baby was fast asleep. It was another 5-6 hours journey to reach our destination. As the bus moved along, the woman moved closer towards me to manage her baby who was on her lap. At this point, I cross folded my arm on my chest and with my left hand, which was now facing her body, I softly touched the side of her left breast. With every movement of the bus ride, my fingers would poke in and out of her soft breast. This continued for several kilometres. Sensing no adverse reaction, I then placed my fingers directly on her nipples. Again, my fingers occasionally touch and play with her nipples with the movement of the bus and this continued for few more kilometres till I realized she’s definitely sensing what’s going on and silently enjoying the feel. I was too excited and horny by all these subtle touch and play with a soft, smooth female body. I then mustered courage and started pinching her nipples with two fingers – starting slowly and then increasing the pressure. She didn’t move or react. During the rest of the journey I continued fondling her soft, plump breasts and played with her spongy yet hard nipples without exchanging any words, till we reached our destination. We alighted the bus separately. The couple went their way and I mine.

Looking back, I feel I was so stupid that I didn’t strike a conversation with her or even attempted to take her contact number. But the memory is still so very fresh in my mind till this day.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iey65e/long_distance_bus_journey_with_a_female