The Brothers Grimm (Part 1) (incomplete) (long) [forced] [MF]

Note: This is my first attempt at erotic fiction, or any fiction in general tbh. I banged this out during work breaks over the last two days after a strange bout of inspiration. I just felt like presenting it in its raw, incomplete form. Feedback is welcome.


“Come on now, hands in the air.” Jack pointed his rifle loosely at the two women.

Their shoulders jolted and they turned around sharply, surprised at the fact that there was another person within a mile of them in the forest, let alone within speaking distance. The smaller one noticed the rifle first and screamed. The second girl, injected with fear, instinctively began running away.

That was when Jim popped out from behind a tree with a pistol and pointed it at the running girl, stopping her dead in her tracks. Her knees instantly buckled. “Oh my god! Please don’t shoot me! Please!” she sobbed.

“Calm down lady, nobody wants to shoot you,” Jim said.

“Don’t point it at meeeee!”

“Just stand up. Go back to your friend. We just want to talk to you. Come on now.” He holstered his pistol and reached out his hand to help her up. “Why are you on our property?”

Upon seeing his outstretched hand, she tucked in, still squatting. “I don’t know!” she cried.

Jack had burrowed the tip of his rifle into the small of the other girl’s back and had walked her down the path to the spot where her cowering friend was. “Sit your ass down next to her,” he bellowed. He took a place next to his brother Jim, rifle at the lower ready position. “Now do you young ladies wanna explain how you managed to accidentally not see all the ‘no trespassing’ and ‘private property’ signs and climbed over at least one fence to end up on our land?”

Silence. Jack stood there scowling under a salt-and-pepper mustache, shifting his grip on the rifle.

“Well?” Jim asked.

Finally the smaller one managed to speak. “We were just hiking and got turned around.”

Jim glanced at his brother, and Jack smirked. Jim replied, “Do a lot of hiking in bathing suits, do ya? Do you think we’re stupid?”

“No no no no. I mean we were swimming in the river, but then me and Amber took a walk. We got lost.”

“The river? You mean Baker’s Creek?”

“Yeah, I guess. Whatever. We didn’t mean to bother you. If you just tell us which way to go, we’ll leave, promise.”

“Well, the fastest way is due East, but it’s thick with nettles and with you two in your little bikinis… I don’t reckon you’d fare too well. What do YOU think, there, Jack?”

Jack laughed, “No sir, I don’t imagine they would, no.” Then he turned his attention back to the girls. He stared at the taller girl, still squatting and tear-stained. “So, Amber, you just left your clothes and phones unattended?”

“Our boyfriends were there, we just meant to leave for a little while. They’re probably looking for us now though. I don’t know if they’d be there if we got back anyway.”

“How long has it been?”

“I don’t know, a couple hours?”

Jack scratched the back of his neck. “Sounds like you don’t really need directions, do ya? Sounds like you need to make a phone call. Do you want to call your boyfriend?”

“I don’t know his number. It’s in my phone though.”

Jack turned to her friend. “What about you? Do you have your little boyfriend’s number memorized, or are you just as helpless as Amber here?”

She looked up at Jack. “No.”

“Well goddammit. What’re we gonna do here?” He looked at Jim.

Jim sighed. “I guess we’ll take these girls to the house, and I’ll head to the creek with Bobby to find the boys.”

“Sounds like a plan. Come on girls, let’s go. Daylight’s wasting.” Jack let his rifle hang by the sling and reached out to Amber. This time she accepted, and Jack got a good look at her long, slender, tanned legs for the first time. The other girl stood and started rubbing the dirt and leaves off of her ample backside. Jack couldn’t help but take notice of this too. “I’m Jack, that’s my little brother Jim. What’s your name, little cutie?”

She giggled a little. “Oh yeah, I’m Chloe.”

“Let’s get you inside, Chloe, before the bugs get ya. The house isn’t far.”

Not fifteen minutes through the trees, they all entered a clearing; in the center was the brothers’ house. “Home sweet home,” Jack said as they approached. He noticed the barn doors were open and a light was on. “Bobby! We’re back! We brought guests! I need ya to do something for me!” The sudden loudness of his voice startled Amber. Chloe noticed and giggled, “Ha ha, scaredy cat!”

“Shut up!” she replied, slightly embarrassed.

A brute of a man lumbered into view from inside the barn and walked out slowly. Upon the sight of the two scantily-clad girls, his bearded face widened into a giant grin. He began wiping black grease from his hands onto his overalls and approached them. “How do you do?” he thundered in a deep baritone drawl as he stuck one giant hand out to Amber. Amber’s mouth curled slightly in disgust, and Chloe stepped in to shake his hand instead.

“Hi I’m Chloe, and this is Amber. We got lost.”

His giant mitt dwarfed her tiny hand, his fingers swallowing both her hand and wrist. “Well, hi, Chloe. Hope you’ll stay for supper. We got stew.”

Jack interjected. “Bobby, I need you and Jim to take the truck to find these girl’s friends down at Baker’s somewhere. Bring the dogs.” Jack looked at the girls and said, “Let’s go inside. I’m sure they won’t be too long.” He walked up the porch stairs and opened the screen door, waiting for them to enter past him.

They overheard Bobby’s attempt at a whisper to Jim, “They sure are pretty!”

“I know they are, Bobby. Let’s get this done quickly. I’ll drive,” Jim replied. They disappeared around the corner of the barn.

Amber glanced at Chloe with a look that screamed, “Gross!” Chloe just shrugged.

They walked in and Jack took another opportunity to watch Chloe’s ass jiggle by in front of him. He let the screen door slam behind them. Amber jolted again. “Ha ha, scaredy cat!” Chloe said.

“Shut up!”

Around the back of the barn, Jim had started the pickup. Bobby hollered for their dogs, “Billy! Jesse! Take a ride!” Two Great Danes sauntered out the back of the barn and climbed onto the lowered tailgate into the bed. Bobby closed the tailgate with a flick of the wrist and took his place in the passenger side of the truck. The springs groaned slightly as he filled his half of the truck cab. The truck started on its way, leaning ever so slightly, leaving dust in the dry, summer air.

“Well, have a seat, ladies. Anywhere’s fine. Make yourselves at home.” Jack motioned toward the living room furniture as he walked through the room and opened a closet. He placed the rifle inside and shut the door. Chloe flopped down on the largest couch and adjusted a pillow to get more comfy; Amber took a seat in an overstuffed upholstered chair, legs tightly pressed together, arms crossed just below her small breasts. Jack sat down on a wooden bench by the door and began unlacing his boots.

“I don’t know about you two, but I’m parched. You want a drink or something?” Jack asked, pushing his boots under the bench with his stockinged feet.

Amber nodded, and Chloe spoke up. “Jack and Coke, please.” Amber shot daggers with her eyes. Chloe defended herself with, “What? He asked.”

Jacked laughed. “Are you two old enough to drink adult beverages?” he asked, smiling.

“I am,” Amber said, “but SHE’S not.” Jack disappeared into the kitchen.

“So?” Chloe responded. “I’m almost old enough, AND I’ve been drinking for a while now. At least I can handle it without getting too drunk, AMBER.”

Amber crossed her arms. “It doesn’t matter, you’re not 21 for another two months.”

“What are you gonna do, TELL MOM? Then I’ll tell Dad you’re sneaking Braden into your room at night.”

“You wouldn’t!”

Jack had to interject from the kitchen. “Wait a minute. You’re SISTERS? You don’t look related.”

“We’re stepsisters,” Chloe replied. “God, if I was actually related to her, I would kill myself.”

“Shut up!”

“Make me!”

Jack walked back in, carrying glasses in both hands. “Girls, girls. Here.” He placed a drink on the table in front of each of them. “Have some lemonade.”

The girls, thirsty as they were from walking, obliged him and each took a drink. “That’s pretty good,” Amber said.

“Thanks, Jack said. “Pretty easy to make. Ma used to make it for us all the time before she passed. Now that it’s just me and my brothers, I reckoned I better learn how.”

Jack was now standing directly in front of Amber. He leaned over, then reached behind her. Amber tensed as he stopped his chest inches from her face. His right hand brushed her thigh and she squirmed. “Oh, sorry honey.” He suddenly pulled back, now holding a guitar. “That’s normally my chair. I keep my guitar back there.” He walked back to the bench and sat down with a slight groan. “You girls wanna hear some music? I don’t get a lot of time to practice these days.”

“Okay,” Amber said, readjusting herself in the plush chair and moving her long blond hair to one side. Chloe finished her lemonade and placed her whole body on the couch, stretching out.

Jack removed a guitar pick stored between the strings and started to strum. The music filled the air as Amber picked up her glass and had another drink. “He’s not so bad at that,” she thought to herself as she listened and watched. She felt almost intoxicated by the sound, and her body began to feel the weight of all the swimming and walking she had done in the heat.

After a few minutes, Jack suddenly stopped strumming, letting the chord ring out on its own. He pulled a phone out of the chest pocket of his checkered shirt. He stared for a couple seconds, then placed the pick into his teeth and began to type. He tucked the phone back into his pocket and gently set the guitar down on the floor.

“Well, Jim and Bobby found your boyfriends. Turns out they were looking for you like you said. They’re all headed back here.” He looked over at Chloe, who was sleeping soundly on the couch. Her large breasts were filling and straining the sides of her one-piece swimsuit, rising and falling with each slow and heavy breath. He crossed the room slowly, floorboards creaking under the weight. His gaze turned cold as it locked onto Amber’s eyes. “I suppose your sister will be okay for a second. Let’s go ahead and get you downstairs; I’m gonna fuck you first.”

Fear and panic pierced Amber’s heart, and she jolted backward off the armless chair. She thudded loudly and stood up quickly to run. Her entire world began dimming and spinning as she began to collapse again, her legs refusing to cooperate. Jack put his arms around her, breaking her fall. “Whoa, easy there. Don’t try to run off, now. Don’t make me hurt ya.”

All she could get out was a weak cry for her sister, “Chloe, Chloe,” before her eyes got too heavy and darkness washed over her.

“Wake up sleepyhead.” Jack jostled Amber awake as she lay on the bed, and began stroking her hair, careful not to disturb the blindfold.

Amber screamed, “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WI—“ She was muffled by Jack’s hand. She fried to flail and kick, but realized her hands were bound together above her head and one leg was shackled tightly. Only one leg seemed to remain free. Jack adjusted his position to straddle her only free leg.

“Shhhhh… this is gonna happen. I don’t want to hurt you. Just do what I want, and everything will be okay. Will you do what I say?”

She nodded in agreement.

“Okay. You can start by not screaming.”

She nodded again.

Jack let go of her mouth, and used his hand to caress her cheek, and then her thin neck. His left hand began tracing the lines of her tanned, toned torso. “God damn, you are beautiful,” he muttered under his breath. His cock strained hard against his jeans.

Amber felt his weight adjust, releasing her free leg, then the bed lifted up slightly as she heard two heavy footsteps on concrete. The hands began again.

Jack rubbed and stroked her tight belly just above her bikini bottom, while his other hand toyed with the edges of her top. Her nipples instinctively stiffened, and Jack noticed. He began kneading her little tits over her top, pausing every so often to twist and pinch her nipples slightly. He unzipped his pants with his free hand, pulling out his fully erect cock and stroking it slowly. He inched his way closer to Amber’s face, still stroking and kneading her.

Amber couldn’t help but respond to the stimulation and arched her back slightly in concert with his pawing. She suddenly felt a presence and smelled a slight musk that she instantly recognized as a man’s cock just outside her mouth.

“Go on, take it,” he said. She parted her lips and he pushed his cock into her mouth. He groaned audibly as he felt her warm tongue brushing along his head. He thrusted slowly a few times in and out of her mouth, then pulled out completely. He unbuttoned the top of his jeans, sliding them off his legs.

Amber felt Jack fiddling with her wrists, and suddenly her arms were free. She had lowered them and was rubbing her wrists when she felt his hand palm the back of her head and push her down onto his cock, this time with more force and deeper than before. He held her there as his cock head pushed its way toward the back of her throat, and she gagged a bit. He released, and she pulled off with a gasp.

“Good, good,” he muttered. He forced her head down on his cock, held her there to the point of gagging, then released again. Then again. And again. And again. Each time, his cock found a little more room; and each time, Amber could stay down a little longer before her throat eventually closed up and gagged.

By now her spit and Jack’s precum had mixed thoroughly and was coating her lips, dribbling down and hanging in small strings from the bottom of her chin. He wiped some of it off, slathered it on his cock, and began stroking steadily. He grabbed the back of her head, more gently this time, and pulled her toward him again. She opened her mouth and took a quick breath, anticipating his cock – but her lips were pressed against his balls instead.

“Go on, suck my balls,” he ordered.

She mouthed on one of his balls while his stroking began to increase in ferocity and pace. “Yesssss,” he groaned. “Fucking suck ‘em, God damn…”

He slid his hand under the fabric of her bikini bottom and began to fondle and rub the small mound of hair just above her pussy. He traced the outside of her pussy lips with his fingertips, and Amber raised her hips ever so slightly toward his hand.

“Oh, you like that? You want more?” he asked her.

She nodded, not releasing pressure on his testicle, pulling it up and down with her each time her head moved. Jack leaned back, and his ball was released from her mouth with an audible pop. He put his cock head to her lips and commanded, “Suck.” She complied and started bobbing up and down on his cock steadily.

Jack took his fingers and began rubbing up and down the inside of her pussy lips, finding moisture below and spreading it upward to coat her stiffening clit. She moaned, vibrating Jack’s cock warmly. He responded by taking a handful of her titty and squeezed. She moaned harder.

Jack, his fingertips coated in Amber’s wetness, pressed down on her clit and began stimulating it quickly to the left and right. Amber reached up and cupped his balls, taking more of his cock with each dip of her head. She reached her other hand down and guided Jack’s fingers toward her warm, aching hole, and then slightly inside. He plunged two fingers inside her, watching her fingers work automatically as they began to furiously rub at her clitoris.

She increased the pressure on his cock, taking her hand off his balls and gripping the bottom of his shaft. Her hand bobbed up and down with her head as she sucked, and sped up slightly. Jack responded in kind, moving his free hand to her hip bone for leverage as he thrusted his fingers quickly in and out of her pussy, making a wonderful, wet noise.

Amber began thrusting her hips while she ravaged her own clit. She felt Jack’s cock begin to get hotter as his head swelled, and she knew he was getting close. This excited her, and she beared down on it, moaning into his flesh.

“Fuuuuuck!” Jack exclaimed as he panted. His hips began vibrating with intensity and his thighs quivered. He pulled his fingers out of her pussy and his cock out of her mouth suddenly, gripping just under the head of his cock with two fingers and bending over slightly. “Don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t fucking cum, Jack!” he pleaded to himself.

He slapped Amber’s hand away from her clit, saying “Stop that. Fuck!” He groaned slightly, straining, fighting the urge to release. His breathing slowed and he released the death grip on his cock, still throbbing. “Jesus, that was close,” he said. “You suck a mean cock, girl! Whew!”

After a few seconds, Jack felt ready to continue. “Take your clothes off,” he ordered, as he started stroking his half-erect cock back to life. Amber sat up, reached down, and slid her bikini bottom off of her hips and down her skinny legs. She pulled her one free foot out completely and let the bottoms hang loosely on the cable tied to her other foot. She reached behind her back and pulled at the tied string which kept her top attached. The top loosened from her body, and she assisted it down her arms, placing it next to her. Her little pink nipples, framed by her pale untanned breasts and exposed to the cooler air for the first time, tightened and stiffened. Small goosebumps formed on her exposed chest, and she shivered slightly from the sensation.

Amber felt her leg restraint lengthen, and realized she could move freely, but was still tied. “Get on your hands and knees,” he said. She managed to flip herself over without much trouble and lowered herself down to her elbows, presenting her tiny ass and throbbing pussy to the open air. Jack pulled his white undershirt over his head and cast it aside. He climbed on the bed and positioned himself behind her. He rubbed the head of his cock against her, nestling it between her still-moist pussy lips and plunged.

She gasped with the familiar sensation of being penetrated from behind and adjusted herself to receive more of him, lowering her face and shoulders to the mattress. He began to fuck her little pussy, grabbing her hips to steady himself. “Oh yeah, that’s nice!” he proclaimed, pulling her hips toward him with every thrust. Her body began to flush and she relaxed, allowing Jack to thrust even deeper inside her.

“Do you like that?” he asked her.


“Tell me you like it.”

“I like it.”

“Say it louder.” He started fucking her harder.

“I LIKE IT!” Amber cried, and she actually meant it.

“Do you like fucking my cock?”


“Do you hear that, Braden? She loves my cock. What do you think about that? Which one of you is Braden?”

Muffled noises came from several feet away. Amber, realizing her hands were free, pulled off her blindfold and was temporarily blinded by the sudden presence of light. As her vision returned, she saw the two boys tied to chairs, naked and gagged. They looked like they had been roughed up thoroughly and were bruised and bleeding slightly from a few scratches. Braden had a black eye forming, swollen and angry. His other eye was open wide, having seen everything that had happened. Jim stood against the wall a few feet away, his pistol in its holster. He was rubbing the front of his pants.

“Oh don’t stop now!” Jack said to her as he grabbed her shoulders. He pulled her up as he continued to fuck her, getting more intense. “Let him see those little titties bounce!” He pulled her arms behind her by the elbows, forcing her to arch backward as he continued to plow her pussy. Her tits jiggled tightly with each ferocious thrust. An unfamiliar mix of embarrassment, anger, lust, and pain washed over her, and a noise started emanating from her throat which spiked every time his pelvic bone collided with her backside.


Jack got intensely excited upon hearing it and started pounding even harder.

“AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-OO-OHHH GOD!! FUCK!!!” she cried almost unintelligibly. She locked eyes with her boyfriend as tears welled, then rolled down her cheeks.

“I-I-I-I-I’M-M-SO-O-O-O-R-R-Y-Y-Y-Y!!!” she pleaded to Braden as he stared helplessly and shifted in his chair. The sexual heat radiated to her face, and she reddened. She began to sweat. Jack sped up, groaning.

She realized at that very moment she was going to orgasm; right then, right there, tied to a bed, in front of Braden and her sister’s boyfriend and some stranger, with another man’s cock inside her.

“I-I-I’M-M-CU-U-M-M-MI-I-NG-G-G!!!” she cried out, trembling violently, her eyes rolling back. Jack’s knuckles whitened, gripping her tightly and panting.

“OH FUCK, BITCH! TAKE THIS COCK! TAKE THIS CUUUUUMMM!!!” Jack buried his cock as deeply as he possibly could while Amber’s climaxing pussy tightened violently around it, and started releasing his load, pumping seed into her as he growled. Amber wept openly as she realized what just happened. She looked at Braden with tear-stained eyes as she just repeated softly, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”

“Oh, don’t be upset, baby. We’re just getting started!” Jack said between heavy breaths. “Isn’t that right, boys?” He pulled his half-limp cock out of her and stepped down from the bed. “God DAMN, girl! You get tight as FUCK when you cum!” He slapped her on the ass lightly. “Does she do that with you, Braden? Huh? Answer me, boy!”

Braden didn’t respond. He just stared at Amber as she quivered and sobbed. Then Jack noticed Braden’s erect cock.

“What the fuck is THAT, son?” He pointed toward Braden’s cock. Braden looked down at himself. “Hey baby girl, don’t feel so bad. I think he likes it. Look at this motherfucker! He’s hard as a rock over here!”

Amber shifted her gaze downward and sure enough, Braden’s cock was at full attention and pulsing, a small drop of fluid forming at the tip. He looked up at her, embarrassed.

“What the FUCK, Braden?!” she yelled.

“HEY!!” Jack boomed. Both Amber and Braden turned their heads to face him. He was glaring at her while zipping up his pants. “Don’t shame the boy. You just came all over my cock. He can’t have some fun from it? Is that what you’re saying? Shut the fuck up.”

He turned to Jim. “I’m done. You want some? Braden doesn’t care, obviously.”

“Fuck yeah I do.” Jim pulled his gun and holster off his pants and handed it to Jack.
He bent down to face Braden eye to eye. “You’re gonna really like this.” He turned toward Amber. “Especially you.”

Jack lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall, smirking. He took a long drag, then exhaled.

Jim stood up and walked toward a door at the far end of the room, and opened it. Amber watched him disappear past the doorway and heard sudden shrieking, then silence, then the distinct tinkling of rattling iron. A few seconds later Chloe appeared in the doorway, shackled to the ankle by a heavy chain, being guided by Jim, who had her wrists in a tight grip behind her back.

Chloe saw Amber laying prone on the bed ravaged and she immediately stopped. She turned her head and saw the boys, restrained and bloody. She screamed and tried to get loose. “LET ME GO, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!”

“Ha! Okay.” Jim released his grip from Chloe’s wrists and she ran for the only other door in the room. Her chain tightened sharply, and her body lurched forward mid stride. She fell hard on the concrete, protecting her face with her arms. Her forearms made a dull thud, and Jim started laughing. “Now why would you do that?” he asked. “You’re not going anywhere.”

Chloe flipped herself over and started fumbling with her shackle, pulling and prying with her little hands. “AMBER! HELP ME!” she cried.

“I can’t do anything,” Amber replied weakly. “We can’t do anything.”

Chloe scrambled on her hands and knees toward the boys. “Johnny! Braden!” Jack stepped over her and knelt down heavily onto her back. She collapsed. He had produced an extension cord, spit his cigarette out of his mouth, and proceeded to tie her hands behind her back.

“Easy, girl… don’t panic. Stop resisting. Eeeasy…” He finished his knot in the cable, cut the excess with a knife, and stood back up. He reached down and pulled Chloe up by the shoulders so she was on her knees. Her large breasts swelled and heaved as she breathed heavily, her dark hair messily covering part of her face. He knelt down to face her and pushed the hair from her eyes.

“I’m gonna tell you the same thing I told your sister. We don’t want to hurt you,” he said calmly. He continued stroking her hair, and Chloe squirmed. “Nobody wants to hurt you. We just want to borrow you for a while. You do exactly as we say, and nobody gets hurt. You fuck with us and I’ll cut Johnny’s little dick off personally.” He pointed the knife menacingly in Johnny’s direction. Johnny winced in his chair. “Do you understand me?” he asked.

Chloe lobbed a ball of spit at Jack’s face that landed on his cheek. “We fucking trusted you!” she yelled.

Jack wiped away the spit with his hand. “And we found your boyfriends like we said we would, you ungrateful little bitch. We just never discussed our payment.”

“Speaking of payment,” Jim interjected. Chloe turned her head toward the bed, where Jim was standing. He had stripped out of his clothes except his tight white underpants. He stood there stroking over the fabric along the length of his cock, which continued to grow, and stared at Amber. “I’m about to collect.” He rolled the waistband down over his long cock and it sprang forth, glorious and stiff. Its round, red, swollen head, significantly wider than the shaft, swayed inches from Amber’s face as her eyes both crossed to focus and widened suddenly in surprise. She drew in a breath sharply.

He grabbed Amber’s face with both hands and turned his head to address the rest of them. “Little sister, are you watching this? How about you, boys?” They sat motionless.

Jack spoke up. “Give her hell, Jim.”

(to be continued)
