Kira’s Life – Chapter 2 – Returning Home [f and M] [inc] [fiction]

Thanks for reading Chapter 1 :) If you haven’t yet, you can check it out [here](

It’s been a week since we got back home from the south. There was a lot going on in my mind after what happened, even if its been a few weeks since that time with Ricky. We went back to the store a few times after that, but it was like nothing ever happened. Not like I wanted to have anything happen, but though it was a lot of fun and I have no regrets and I’d even probably do it again with the right guys, something kept me wanting more. I was finally in an environment where I was being cared for and I didn’t feel unwanted all the time.

A lot of that is thanks to my dad, Westley. I wasn’t hurt that he wasn’t in my life until my mom died. After all, it wasn’t his fault that he didn’t know about me, and I don’t blame my mom for making things more complicated with all the hate we were already receiving. If anything, she made the sacrifice to put that all aside to make sure I had family who loved me in my life.

I got to meet his family too and they’ve all been very accepting of me. Most of them I just met online unfortunately since we live in the Northwestern US and they live on the West Coast. I almost cried when my new cousin sent me, “Welcome to your family!” Ok, I lied. I cried, a lot. I thought they wouldn’t like me since I was from a “one night stand” but that wasn’t the case at all. I couldn’t believe it. I guess its one reason why it didn’t take me long to stop calling him Westley and just calling him dad.

I’ve spent a lot of times with his friends and their wives and family too since he works a lot. They’ve really helped me understand American history and culture more, though we learned a bit of it from American shows back where I was growing up. One thing that really stood out was how different many places are, which I learned a lot from our trip to the south. It wasn’t just things that people could buy or food to eat, but much more.

My dad’s a big guy, which surprised me cause I’m quite short. I do look like I’m a mix of something, but my Asian features stand out. Still, you could easily believe that he’s my dad and many of our neighbors didn’t question me suddenly just popping up. It’s so nice to be home. I don’t even care anymore about going back to my “old home”. This is it and I’m happy to be here with my dad Westley.

It did bother me though that he worked so much. I guess that’s one thing they don’t show a lot in American TV where Americans work so much. But I appreciated it and he loves his job anyway. But I was really happy to hear that he was going to take a week off to spend time with me more and just talk about his family, things he thinks I should know, and all of that. I thought we would go travel somewhere or go on a hike, but he wanted to just stay at home because he was so tired. I wanted to go out, but that was fine for me. All I cared was that I could spend time with him.

He did say that he would have some friends over from time to time, but I didn’t mind. He just seemed so much more relaxed and I was happy to see him that way and happy. They didn’t usually stay long though. Some just dropped by for lunch but those that stayed for a few hours were a joy to be around. One brought along his wife and 1 year old baby – so cute!

When Saturday came, I was still happy, but sad at the same time knowing that he’d have to go back to work on Monday. Overall though, I felt more connected to him and really felt that he did love me as his long-lost daughter, even with that whole mess with my mom. He loved pointing out what I got from “him” from physical stuff like us having the same eye color and attitudes like our stubbornness when it comes to food. It was great. I still have to pinch myself – I have a family that cares for me and a father who loves me. I miss my mom and I wish she was with us, but I’ll forever be grateful for her for bringing me up to adulthood.

We talked about college too, but I thought it would be best to do a gap year instead and he agreed it would be good for me too. He said that I could travel to more business trips with him, but it depended on other stuff, which I understood. He did say I could travel on my own too, but I was a bit scared for that. Maybe visiting my new family on the West Coast would be ok though, or having a friend of his and his family adopt me for a week or two.

After dinner, we decided to watch a horror movie. I wasn’t so much of a fan of them growing up, but he really liked this one movie called The Ring, and I wanted to try it out. Plus I had my dad to protect me! Well, I got scared, a lot. Good thing we don’t have neighbors too close by or else they’d probably be knocking complaining about my screaming. I pretty much held on to him for most of the movie as I kept expecting bad things to happen even when they didn’t. He was sweet and held on to me as well. After it was over, he got really sleepy and went to bed. I wanted to go take a quick shower because it was so hot and didn’t want to wear the same clothes to bed, so we hugged good night and off we went.

Getting into the bathroom, I immediately got scared from just seeing myself in the mirror, thinking about the movie. I took my shower quicker than I thought I would and ran back into my room and quickly turned the lights on. I knew I needed something to comfort me, so I wore this pink satin nightie my grandmother gave me from when I was younger. I didn’t grow much since then, but it was definitely a bit shorter than I remember. I put on new pink panties and hopped to my bed, clutching this unicorn plushie one of my new cousins sent over.

I thought I was ok, but just before I fell asleep, I heard a small noise. I saw it was just a branch hitting my window but it didn’t matter. I was now wide awake and couldn’t go back to bed. Thoughts about something popping out for me just came over me and I knew I wouldn’t be able to go to bed.

I went over to my dad’s room and knocked on his door. He came out half awake and asked what’s wrong, but immediately hugged me after noticing how scared I was. I asked if I could sleep with him on his bed that night to feel safer, and he smiled and agreed, though didn’t really say anything and just directed me to the bed.

It’s been a while since I slept on the same bed with someone, even family. The last time I did was when I was with my mom during a really bad storm that scared us both. It was a bit weird since I’m used to almost cocooning myself with a blanket, but it didn’t matter. I felt protected with my dad.

I heard the branch hit the window again and I immediately turned to him and bounced to him to grab his arm. I apologized for waking him up, but he quickly reassured me that it was ok and put his arm around my neck and held me close with my head on his shoulder. And just like that, all my fears were gone. This must be what it’s like to feel protected by one’s father. I loved it.

Even at his age, he was pretty fit. Going on all those hikes and walks. He wasn’t muscular or anything, but it was nice to not have too much of a belly to deal with while he held me. Nothing against those though, I even like them on some guys. Bodies too muscular on the other hand were of no interest to me at all.

I thought he was already asleep, when he said that he was impressed at how soft my nightie was and I told him it was a satin one and was a gift from my grandmother. He joked that he should get his own some time and it made me laugh for the first time that evening. I looked up at him and said that it would be another thing we had in common and smiled when I noticed that he was looking right back at me. I couldn’t even describe what I was feeling when I saw his eyes. But before I knew it, I went up and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. He didn’t really react or anything other than kissing back. But I looked back at him and told him that I loved him so much. He said that he loved me too and before I knew it again, I went to kiss him again.

This time though, it was a lot different. It wasn’t a quick familial love kiss like what I did before. It was one full of passion. The kind of passion that you feel when you have something kept down deep inside you for so long and its only finally coming out after all these years. To my surprise, he kissed me back with the same amount of passion, if not more. His left arm around me brought me closer to him while I felt his right hand on my back. I felt like I was in heaven.

Feeling his body up against mine like this wasn’t something I would’ve ever expected. But it just felt amazing. His lips were a lovely combination of ruggedness and softness that just really overpowered me and would’ve left any girl weak to his will. And…I felt something. As his hands were moving more around my back, I felt him get hard. He tried to fight it and backed up a bit so I couldn’t feel it, but like a magnet, I went to him. My heart was racing so fast. Faster than it ever has in my life.

I pulled back briefly from kissing him with my hands on his face and uttered words I never thought I would ever say in my life. “Please daddy, I want it. I want it in me.” His face showed his shock, but only for a split second as he kissed me back again, pushed his body on mine, and got on top of me.

I felt his bulge right on my pussy with his shorts and my panties between them. While kissing him, I ran my hands through his manly back and took off his shirt. Touching his body this way was so much better and him being on top of me like this was so hot. He took off his shorts, which I realized were just boxers and I started taking off my panties. I didn’t realize until then how wet I was. I’ve never been this wet before in my life!

He started pushing up my nightie, but before he could get it all up, our eyes met. I didn’t say anything, but my eyes probably told him to put it in me now as that’s exactly what he did. It wasn’t my first time, but it felt like I just lost my virginity when his dick went in me. He was slow, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I felt his manhood go in me inch by inch and I’m pretty sure my eyes rolled back. He couldn’t help either but moan back and went back to kissing me. Ok, this was definitely heaven!

And as if I didn’t think it could get any better, he started thrusting more. Spreading my legs wider seemed to be an indication to him to go a little harder. And I’m glad he did. All this time, I was just holding his head to mine, not wanting to miss out on his lips any more. He went faster after a few more thrusts, but not too fast. Just holding me while I held him and him fucking his daughter. No, he wasn’t fucking me. He was making love to me. I felt so consumed with everything, I didn’t even notice I was about to cum. He must’ve though as my arms moved to his shoulders and grabbed on to him hard. When I came, it was the hardest I’ve ever cum in my life. Westley, my dad, no, my daddy, holding me, making love with me, and kissing me, and making me cum.

After I came, he pulled back a bit, smiled at me, and asked me if it was good. All I could say was, “I love you so much daddy,” before rolling my eyes to absorb all that just happened. But I didn’t have time for that. He moved his arms to lift my legs up and held them as if to expose my pussy more. I was about to ask why he did that until I felt him come back inside me. Oh. My. God.

Though he wasn’t kissing me this time, I could see his hot body, his dick going inside me, and his face with the look of love and pleasure. I couldn’t help but lock in to his eyes and say, “Yes daddy, fuck me! Please don’t stop!” And on cue, he fucked me even harder and faster. I could see that he was looking all over me, but once our eyes met, they never left. He kept going and going, faster and faster, harder and harder. (Oh, daddy, even just remembering it makes me so crazy!) And then, he gave out a few strong thrusts and moaned. He came in me. He came in me, his daughter. I loved it. “Thank you daddy,” I said, without even thinking about it. He let my legs down, and came over to me and kissed me passionately once again. Slowly, he took it out, and layed down next to me. Finally, I got the chance to take off my nightie and he held on to my body with his.

I looked up to him, and he looked back. “I love you daddy. I love you so much.” “I love you too Kira. You make daddy very happy.” “You make me happy too daddy.” I wasn’t sure if we needed to talk more. It just dawned on me that I had sex with the man who made my mom pregnant with me and that it’s not necessarily normal. But honestly, I didn’t care. He gave me love, and we made love. I was with him now. He kissed me again, and I kissed him back as he held me tighter. All that was so much for me, that I fell asleep right there on his lips. On daddy’s lips.
