Sweet Tooth – Part One [voyeur] [exhibition] [dominant husband/submissive wife] [candy] [cafe]

For all intents and purposes, this was a business meeting. A small, intimate, completely sinful sell-your-soul kind of meeting, but a meeting with terms and negotiating nonetheless. They had chosen the intimate cafe a few blocks down from their house to talk over a coffee. Well, his coffee. She ordered nothing but sat down across from him and unwrapped a small, cherry sucker from her purse. This was a battle and she was armed. Their back corner booth was relatively private with only the tops of the heads of other patrons visible over his shoulder. 

She popped the sucker in her mouth, kicked off a sandal, and rested the side of her foot against his calf. He picked up his coffee and waited for her to begin. 

“I’m willing to find a third playmate,” she began, speaking around the lolly. “But I have three conditions.” She let the cherry flavor swirl in her mouth before letting it slip out with a slight *pop* from the seal of her lips. His eyes glanced at her mouth, but then slid over to his Americano. He shrugged. 

“Name them, and we’ll see.” 

“Number one,” she began assertively, stroking her foot affectionately along his calf. “I get to pick her out.” She let her tongue slide out and swirl around the head of the sucker, flicking it under the bulb to coat it evenly. He showed no expression, but his eyes stared. 

“If I also like her, then yes. We would both need to find her attractive,” he agreed. She nodded, sucking the lolly back into her mouth with her lips. She leaned forward and crossed her arms under her breasts, propping them up for him on the table. 

With shiny lips, she slurped on her treat and pretended to mull over her next condition, staring at the magnolia art on the wall. Her foot crept upward and bumped into his kneecap. She let it rest there. 

“Number two is that I get to name her,” she smiled, looking back into his eyes. A small request to follow a larger one. That was her plan. He likely wouldn’t care and would be using a variety of… nicknames… for them both during their activities anyway. 

He arched an impatient eyebrow. “Yes, sure. Fine. I don’t care.” 

“Good,” she said. She glanced over his shoulder to check that their privacy was still intact before making her next move. Her foot slid forward, slowly, along his thigh, until she felt the tip of her target. He was rigid. Her mouth was doing the trick. He tensed but continued to sip at his coffee. Inwardly, she writhed with glee. She almost never got to be a tease, but in public, there was little he could do without making a scene. She would get it when they got home – oh, how she would get it then – but for now, she had a tiny, forbidden taste of control over him. 

She gave a little sideways smile, pushing the sucker against the end of her cheek gently and repeatedly, making sucking sounds and breathing hard. “It’s a little warm in here,” she said as an excuse, fanning herself with a napkin. His eyes narrowed and bored into hers, but he pushed his hips forward so she could feel the hardness she had caused. She liked that he wasn’t one to turn down an invitation. 

“Number three is…” she started. Paused. Hesitated. Her third condition didn’t depend so much on giving her control as tolerating it over their potential new friend. She wondered if she was walking on thin ice. “Number three is that for the first three times we play with her, I get to be dominant over her. Not you,” she added quickly, “just her. I love our relationship and I love our dynamic, but I don’t feel a submissive drive toward women like I do men. That’s not saying I wouldn’t do it… if you ordered… but I want to set the tone with her earlier rather than later.” She shut up and popped her lolly back in her mouth. She pressed her breasts farther up over her tank top and her food slid home, along his rod. 

His breathing stopped for a heartbeat and he pressed his hips forward. She rubbed back and forth along his shaft, pouting her lips and sucking her treat, pleading with her eyes. Behind the facade, she was attempting to mind read. Would he allow it? Was it an acceptable condition? She was asking to trade her humiliation for another’s, albeit for a limited term. But her shame was one of his biggest hobbies, and it might be a no-go. 

She saw something flicker behind his eyes, and he relaxed. He leaned back in the booth and picked up his coffee again. A long, slow, wolfish grin spread across his face. “So,” he murmured, “my little kitten wants to be a big, bad tomcat for a while? Alright. Let’s see if kitty can flex her claws.” Her heart stopped when he reached down to rest his hand on her foot. He held it over his crotch, and locked eyes with her. She panicked – her game was up. Control slipped away from her. 

“What are you doing?” she hissed, glancing over his shoulder again. A waitress was wiping down a table a few booths away. 

“Negotiating,” he replied quietly, and reached down to unzip his fly. To her horror, she felt his warm cock press against the sole of her foot a moment after. Her eyes flew around the cafe, checking to see if anyone was looking toward their little booth. With small, short thrusts, he began to work himself against her. She tried to jerk her foot back, but his large hand locked around her ankle, immobilizing her. “Be still,” he scolded quietly.

“I… But…” she started. 

“Put your candy back in your mouth and suck it,” he grunted. He sipped his coffee with his free hand, deceptively nonchalant. “Push it against your cheek, and I want you to imagine yourself right here, on your knees, sucking me off in front of every single person in this cafe. Wouldn’t you like that, you little tease? My lovely little wife servicing me with her tongue, all cherry stained and sticky, in front of the neighborhood. I would make you beg for it, maybe strip naked so they can see your pretty little ass from your spanking this morning. Or maybe I can bend you over this table and find a volunteer to redden it to the color of your lolly? Yes, two people could hold your hands down so you can’t play with yourself, while a nice, firm hand puts you back in your place. I bet we would find a third playmate right here in this very cafe.” 

She gasped and felt the heat rush through her. She gulped. She pushed the sucker back against her cheek, pretending to jack him off, and stared into his hooded eyes. Now her gaze really *was* pleading. The waitress could come by any minute. Someone could walk through the side door. Someone might see. 

*Someone might see.* 

She felt herself grow damp and relaxed her foot. She gave in. 

“Good girl,” he whispered, pushing his rod harder along the softness of her sole. His wetness allowed him to stroke longer, push harder against her. “Very well. Your terms are acceptable. Shall we seal it with a kiss? You may kiss my cock. Hmm… that probably won’t do in the current space we’re in. You’ll have to have your kiss a different way.” 

“But… I could… when we got home…” 

“No, we chose here for the negotiation,” he insisted, moving his hips in long, smooth thrusts. He smirked. “Give me your lolly, little kitten.” 

She quickly handed over her sucker, expecting him to kiss it and give it back to her. It disappeared under the table, like he was a magician, and he released her foot. Confused and suspicious, she glanced around again. The waitress was walking around, checking on customers. She realized, her heart dropping into her stomach, that she would check on them soon. With a panicked look, she whipped her head back to him, her mouth forming a shiny, red O in dismay. 

He groaned and shuddered, and her sucker reappeared again over the table. A coating of his seed glazed it. A cherry flavored cake pop. He sighed in relief and handed it to her with an expectant look. She was about to protest furiously when she saw the waitress turn and start their way. He must have heard the clicking of heels coming toward them, but he held out her lolly, not moving. Just watching her. 

She grabbed it and stuffed it in her mouth just before the waitress approached the table. Salt and sweetness coated her tongue, and she grimaced but gave a forced, awkward smile to the girl as she approached. He assured the waitress that yes, he enjoyed his coffee, and no, his wife didn’t need anything to drink.

“I like the bitterness of unsweetened Americanos. But I don’t know if my wife feels the same way. What do you think, honey? Is black coffee too much for you to *swallow*?” 

She understood. 

She carefully pulled the sucker out from her lips, making damn sure that she kept every bit of him in her mouth so the waitress wouldn’t see. With a grimace, she swallowed the mixture of cherry and him. 

“Yes, probably,” she managed. The waitress cheerily said something about different strokes for different folks and walked away. When she was out of eyesight from their booth, she reached for his coffee and took a sip to wash away the salt from her tongue. 

“I hate you,” she glared at him. “And I’m keeping your coffee. I can’t believe you did that.” 

“I can’t believe you thought you could manipulate me,” he smirked back. “Oh, and I love you too.” 

Author’s Note – I am new to smut writing, so I hope you enjoy it and I apologize if it doesn’t fit in here. Thank you very much for reading. <3

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/idphth/sweet_tooth_part_one_voyeur_exhibition_dominant

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