[Anal] [Rape] [M,f] [Violence] [OC]

Adrianna looked at herself in the mirror as she dusted her cheeks with glittery powder. She puckered her lips as she admired her face, giving herself props for her beauty. She had large blue eyes lined with dark eyelashes; which she closed as she began to mist her body with sweet perfume. She ran her fingers through her shiny black hair, allowing the strays to fall on the floor. She turned around, stretching her neck to get a glimpse of her backside to make sure her skirt was straight. Once she deemed herself perfect, she hurried out of the bathroom.

She bounded down the hall and popped her head into the adjacent bedroom. It was late afternoon and her roommate was resting when Adrianna woke her, “Melissa! Hey can you be a doll and give me a ride down the road? I’m meeting a friend, he’s gonna let me borrow some rent money. Pretty please?” She asked in her best angelic voice. 

Melissa groaned, “Can’t it wait?”
Adrianna pleaded, “Melissa, come on, *RENT* It’s for *BOTH* of us, really.”

Melissa rolled her eyes, *valid*, she thought to herself. Considering they were barely making rent each month, they could use the help. She inhaled a calming breath before she grudgingly rolled out of bed. She threw her purse over her shoulder and the two were on their way so Adrianna could link-up with this so-called “friend” at the nearest fast food restaurant.
Gray rain clouds had begun to darken the sky to a slate gray. Melissa’s windshield wipers went full speed as she drove Adrianna up the road. She hadn’t mentioned details about who she was meeting or how long she would be there. Melissa hadn’t asked, and she was too tired to care. As they pulled into the parking lot Melissa turned to Adrianna. “You owe me one, punk.”

“Oh my gosh Mel, thank you so much. You know I’ll do anything. You’re the bestest! Muah!” Adrianna made kissing noises as she hopped out of the car.
“Just- be careful Adrianna, okay? No trouble.” Melissa groaned, she didn’t bother to look back as she made the drive back home.

Adrianna took a second to orient. She looked back to make sure Melissa was out of sight before she approached the cab of an idling 18-wheeler. “AddyFire?” He asked, identifying her by her online screen name. He looked a bit spooked. 

“Uhm, yeah that’s me,” she replied, meeting this man for the first time. She sat down casually and checked her lip gloss in the hanging passenger seat mirror. She winced as she wiped away grease-soaked food wrappers from the seat.
Adrianna didn’t even look at the man before she spoke, “Well? You said $200 right? I made it clear I’d only do a beej, got it?”
“Close the door, please.” He calmly requested.
Adrianna rolled her eyes before struggling with the heavy door. She looked down at her phone as the man eased the large truck behind the building, out by the dumpsters.
Adrianna grimaced when she finally looked up, he was a heavy-set older man with a bald head and a bowling ball stomach. He’d been driving overnight and had a greyish film of sweat on his pasty skin. He wasted no time as he held eye contact and grunted like a caveman, rubbing his cock from the outside of his pants. He unzipped his pants and raised his shirt to expose oily fat rolls that looked like tires around his groin. Adrianna’s eyebrows raised in unpleasant surprise at the sight of his wrinkly cock, which was flopped over to the side. She swallowed hard as she cringed, disgusted by the sight (and smell) of this man.
“What are you waiting for? You came to suckmy  fucking dick. Then, you*,* get out.” he darted his eyes over his shoulder.

“Uh? Wow, okay rude. No wonder you have to pay, I mean come on…” she said with a sharp tongue as she stared under furrowed brows. Adrianna held back a gag as she caught a huge whiff of his putrid pubic odor. Her dark hair fell forward in her face as she closed her eyes and lowered her mouth down to his crotch. She ran her tongue up and down the short length of his soft cock. She held her breath as she widened her mouth and curled her lips around the base of his dick. Her neck strained with each upward motion as she rhythmically bobbed her head up and down. His tightly curled pubic hairs hairs brushed harshly against her cheek like a damp brillo pad. She lifted her head straight up.
“Uh, you’re not getting hard? I can’t do this, you’re kinda gross, so.. I’m out.” Adrianna said in a bitchy tone.

She turned her body towards the door and reached for the handle when he ripped her back by her hair, slamming her head into the steering wheel. Her neck made a popping sound as he twisted her hair in his hands.
“No, you’re going to suck my dick, you little bitch!” Panicking, she screeched out for help, flailing about in all directions.
“Stop- what are you DOING!?” she screamed as she started banging on the window. The man growled angrily as he ripped up his pants,  jumped out of his side of the truck, and opened the passenger door in a flash. He ripped open the door and pulled her out by her wrists before slamming her against the side of the truck. Tears welled in her eyes as confusion flashed across her face. He looked around frantically to make sure nobody had seen him. She tried to bite as he shoved his hand over her mouth and held her nose, muffling her cries for help. Adrianna fell to the ground, trying to curl herself into a ball to weigh herself down. 

“Shut up!” He screamed in her ear. He was starting to panic at this point. Becoming infuriated, he dragged her thin body along the asphalt around to the back of the truck. The skin on her legs began to peel and bleed, creating nasty road rash. He ripped open the back of the truck and threw her in the darkness. Her guttural noises echoed as he toppled his heavy body on top of hers. He reached behind himself and slammed the door shut. It was pitch black, and for a moment, totally silent.

Adrianna heard a *whoosh* sound as a blunt object struck her skull. She saw white behind her eyelids before her body stopped moving and she stopped making noise. The man panted heavily as he became aroused. He fiddled with his pants once more, removing them in a hurry. His belly dragged as he crawled up her body. As she lay unconscious, he straddled her face, tilting her head back so her limp jaw hung open. He crouched on all fours with his groin on her face, aggressively slamming his cock in her mouth, dipping it aggressively into her throat. He groaned as he face-fucked her as hard as he could.

Tears and sweat covered Adrianna’s face as she slipped in and out of consciousness, struggling to breathe. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she was being suffocated by his cock and heavy thighs. He didn’t let up as he crushed her head with all of his bodyweight. An audible crunch sounded as her nose broke, causing blood to ooze and smear. Her arms and legs flailed around as his weight caused her head to bang repeatedly on the hard floor of the truck.

“Princess doesn’t like this too much does she?! Princess wants the gross man to stop?!” Adrianna had stopped breathing when he flipped her over onto her stomach and ripped up the back of her skirt, feeling that she had no panties on. She came-to when he jammed his cock into her resistant asshole, dry. She let out an ear-splitting scream before he struck her head again, causing her skull to crunch. He wailed on her repeatedly until she was still and fell silent. He pumped his cock in jagged motions, destroying her tight ass, ravaging her body like a wild animal. There were no more screams or cries for help, just the sound of his groans and ragged breathing. 

His cock rubbed raw as it tore her rectum up from the inside. His mind went into a frenzy of anger and destruction. He pumped deep and rough, coming close to cumming. Rage filled his mind as he relentlessly pumped, tearing through her, defiling her frail body.

With another deep thrust, his cock exploded with thick cum deep, filling her anus. As he quickly yanked his dick out, he noticed her bowels had gone loose, and excrements oozed out of her. He dressed himself in silence before dragging her body to the door. He left her dirty body exposed as he heaved, tossing her over his shoulder.  He approached the dingy dumpster and flung her by her arms and legs onto heaps of garbage. He drove away, leaving her body there to rot.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/idnv1a/anal_rape_mf_violence_oc