On the Clock (Part 1)

Near-frozen humidity nipped at their cheeks as southern, December wind threatened to put out their cigarettes. Lynn, Angel, and Conner’s conversation was low but laughter could be heard from across the parking lot at the expense of the the other store employees. Being that there were maybe nine of them total, everyone’s an easy target from time to time. But these three always seemed to get along best. The manager, full-time, and the assistant manager respectively, it made sense they’d have the easiest time. Lynn and Conner though; they were the closest by far. Having worked there the longest and an average clocked time more than anyone else, they had a lot of time to get to know each other. Every day at work together and almost everywhere else too for almost a year.

The laughter finally died with a drawn out, satisfied sigh. And with a final puff and a flick of her filter, Angel was the first to break the silence. “Alright, that’s it for me.” She was a young girl, barely twenty. Slim, pale skin, brown eyes, plump lips, and an ass to turn anyone’s eye. She had the look and the bubbly personality of the perfect girl next door. Her shoulder length brown hair whipped with her head as she turned to face them. “Do you two work tomorrow?”, she asked with an infectious smile.

Lynn and Conner couldn’t help smile back. “I live here,” replied Lynn with a playful voice.

Conner let out his last puff of smoke. “Same,” he says. “Aren’t you jealous?” The sarcasm is thick in his tone. He throws his dead cigarette into the neighboring parking lot.

Angel hugs them both. “Mmm, not even a little bit” she says. “Guess I’ll see y’all in a couple days then. I’m off to not give a fuck. I’m too tired to any way. Bye lovely lady. Bye pretty boy.” And with that, she hops in her car and takes off, waving.

Though she said it quite often, Conner had never thought of himself as a “pretty boy”, though he was a descent looking, average built young man; closer to twenty-five than not, tall with brown hair on the shorter side, and blue eyes. And skin to compete with Angel’s. People had often confused them for siblings. He was pretty sure still that “pretty boy” was just a playful nickname.

Lynn and Conner, alone with each other: a sight to see among some. He had heard the talk around the store. There was no denying that they spent a lot of time together. And he couldn’t deny (to himself at least) that he found her attractive. Definitely not his normal type. There was just something about her though. She was a short, short haired redhead with the definition of a mom-bod: something he was starting to notice in women, but particularly her. She supported fantastic looking breasts that were easily double d’s, if not e’s, and always seemed to have one less button fastened on her shirt than some would say necessary. Her wider hips carried with them an ass that reminded Conner of two, slightly smaller than regulation, soccer balls held tightly together by a curve rounding net, or in her case, yoga pants. She wore yoga pants everyday that hugged her thick thighs and mom-ass and even on his first day, Conner took notice. But, if he were to take his train of thought down this track, his favorite thing about her by far? Her lips. They were some of the best he’d seen since his ex: not too full but very much something to catch the eye. He’d never admit it, but he’d pictured them planted on his own from time to time. He’d felt them soft in his imagination, and her tongue swirling around the inside of his mouth, her saliva mixing with his… Her lips around his co-

*You can stop that right now,* he suddenly thought to himself. *She is fifteen years older than you and 100% your boss.*

“You alright?” Lynn cuts off Conner’s thoughts. “You seemed pretty spaced out for a minute there,” she says with a giggle.

“Um, yeah, I’m fine,” he blinks to focus and a smile cracks on his face. He would have turned beet red if it hadn’t been So cold already. “So, what’s on the agenda today?”

A knowing smile on her face, “Go for a drink with me?”

“Let’s make it happen captain.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/id1sco/on_the_clock_part_1

1 comment

  1. Pretty short. My first attempt at this. Lmk how I did, what could be done better, and if you’d like to read more. Thanks!

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