Cumming while on Office video conference call

 It was her weekly office video conference call. A two hour long session of project updates , but she had other plans. She got ready in her formal grey pinstripe shirt , all business like and professional, but underneath she decided to forego her pants. Instead she sat wearing her pink lacy panties, the ones where the patterned fabric rubbed against her clit.

The meeting began. There were 5 othrs in the meeting, all of them men, she was the only female on the call. Suddenly she felt self conscious. A cool draft swept against her naked legs, and she let out a small shiver. Should she pull a sheet over her legs? Could they see below the waist?

She checked herself in the video window, and saw her bland and prim image staring back at herself.

As the first colleague started his presentation, she began by running her hands on the inside of her thighs. Lightly drawing figure of eights on her skin. Soon she moved her fingers over her pink lace . She looked down, as if to take down notes, and diligently started to write, but not on a book. She traced out the words with her fingers , words like, profit margin, clients needs , re-work the brief, on to her own pink briefs , and the sensitive skin under the lace tingled everytime she ran her fingers over them. Never knowing what word her colleague would say next, leading to the surprise element of her fingering herself. He dictated her every move.

Then the next colleague came up to share some boring graphs and stats,and this time she moved her fingers up and down in slow luscious long moves, alternating with sharp , jerky moves from sided to side. Slow, and then fast, and the slowwww again.changing tempo and direction, just as fast as his slides changed. Up and down and then sided to side.

All the time she stared back at the 5 intent men, talking tech and business. She could feel her wetness pooling between her legs, and a gentle throbbing starting between her legs.

She crossed her legs and pressed her thighs together. The throbbing intensified, and she stopped feeling herself, just long enough to make her own reports. She went through her progress report with lightning speed, and efficiency. The epitome of classy and cool.

It was now the boss’s turn to give them instructions. She looked right at him, and said the words “yes Sir, right Sir, done Sir.” three phrases he loved to here.

She parted her legs once more, slid her fingers past her by now dripping wet panties and dipped her hands into wetness, until she reached her throbbing clit.

Three slow delicious circles around her throbbing erect clitoris, as she held back her moans. She could barely whisper back ,” yes sir, right sir , done sir.” as the tremors threatened to shake through her. She felt like on the edge of a cliff, wanting to fly out, but fearing the scream as she fell .

But she kept going, kept edging herself to that ultimate release.

She slipped two fingers deep within herself. The muscles around her vagina clenched tightly around her fingers, as she felt herself cum in waves, after crashing waves. YES YEs YES! Done, right Sir!  


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