Creepy Fantasy [MF]

So my Ex GF was a freak and loved to do really crazy sex acts in public. We would go around and fuck in pretty much anywhere we could get away with. While out in a jog we stopped at a small family restaurant and decided to fuck in their bathroom, it was about 7 in the morning and everyone was there for breakfast except for us. She goes in to the bathroom first and I tell the staff I’m gonna wait out here till she comes back out. After 5 mins nobody’s paying attention and I walk in as well to find her waiting asking what took me so long. We were both pretty sweaty from jogging but she pulled her shorts down and I couldn’t resist. I pull my cock out and grab her leg and lift it to about the height of my waist then I enter her. She’s trying to keeps silent because of the people out side and I’ve never had the issue of involuntarily moans. After we fucked for a few minutes I come out and go straight to the men’s restroom and then I message her letting her know she can leave and I’ll follow her out of the restaurant. So we continue on our jog and we get back to her house both pretty exhausted and thirsty we get a drink, then she starts to talk about how what we did reminded her a creepy fuck fantasy she wanted.

She said “I want to be fucked by you but not know it’s you”. I was a little confused.

“What the hell do you mean by that?”

“Well it’s called a rape fantasy”

“I’m not gonna do that”

I didn’t feel comfortable with that idea. She didn’t want me to do it that’s why it’s called a fantasy but for myself i still find it really odd and she told me that a lot of women have similar fantasies but I’m curious if this is a real thing that women actually think about or was I dating a creep.



  1. It’s a very common fantasy. My wife has the same one. Being forced, but not violent.

    Find a movie called “Little Death”. This fantasy is addressed in it. Watch it with your gal. Note: the movie isn’t about death. The little death is a nickname for orgasm. This movie is made either Australia or New Zealand if my memory serves me.

  2. Several girls I’ve dated have similar rape fantasies. Most is the loss of control and anonymity/unknown.
    One girl wanted to stop dating and for me to wait a few months of no contact and get into her apartment when she was asleep, blindfold and rape her.
    I never did this seemed like just asking for something to go wrong… Besides the possibly that she’d have someone else over, the actual violating of someone…

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