Telegraph Therapy [Sci-Fi][F][masturbation]

*In for a penny, in for a pound*, Lauren thought as she unfastened the safety belt. She had already broken the first rule of telegraphing: “Never do it alone.” One more transgression wasn’t going to compound her troubles, at least not legally. The thick straps fell from her still legs and slid under the armrests, metal buckles clinking against the spokes of the wheelchair.

She reached for stirrups attached to the headboard and pulled herself into bed with practiced ease. A year of physical therapy had given her new strength and dexterity in her upper body, compensating for the lack of both below her waist. There was no way she was going to waste this opportunity while being strapped down. Grabbing the small telegraph device from the side table, she craned her neck in order to fit the soft glowing band over her eyes and ears. A surge of motor feedback was a small but real risk, and laying in bed, *unrestrained* could leave her injured, or worse. Blindfolded by technology she didn’t understand, she waited with nervous anticipation.

The alarm on her phone chirped in her pocket but she didn’t touch it, too distracted by the droning hum emitted from the band. As the volume increased, she closed her eyes and let it wash over her, head sinking into her pillow, like the ocean on a moonless night.

“Hello?” she called into the quiet darkness. According to the quick start guide, the telegraph session would always start in a void. “I’m Lauren Rosignol? I have an appointment.”

“Yes, of course,” a sultry feminine voice replied. “Let me adjust the translators, just let me know when the room comes in.”

Shapes and surfaces began to appear: darkly-stained modern bedroom furniture, a large framed mirror propped up against a wall, a video camera, and a silver-lined umbrella lamp. In the mirrored ceiling, she stared at a body that wasn’t hers. The younger women wore black rimmed eyeglasses and nothing else, dark, neck-length hair fanned out over a pink pillow, like a curtain that framed stark blue eyes and full glossy lips. In the reflection, her curvy body almost flattened, the rise of her breasts, expanse of hips and dark mound, looking like a cartoon. Lauren moved her hands over the foreign bed where she laid and grabbed something long and soft.

The disembodied voice let out a giggle as bewilderment became blushed recognition. “Aren’t *we* the eager beaver? Welcome to my space. I’m Sen Static. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Since this is your first session, I like to record it and use it for our future ones. It’s helpful for me to see what you’re like. Is that okay?”

She released the dildo and nodded. Lauren was unused to hearing voices other than her own inside her head, but then again, she’d never telegraphed into someone else’s either. “Yeah, I read about that in the brochure, but thanks for asking. So this isn’t a one-and-done thing?”

“Usually no. It’s up to you how often you want to meet, and your health insurance is quite generous. I’m here while you need these services.”

As she received more sensations from the body, her fingers… *their* fingers cautiously touched their neck and jaw, warm breasts, and dark areolae before sliding over the belly and the ridge of her hips. *I have to check*.

“Legs. I can feel my legs.” As she bent one knee and rubbed one inner thigh against the other, painted toes dragging along a calf, tears swelled in her eyes. She sat up and clutched her lap, fingers digging into their soft supple flesh. Pain, pleasure, and goose flesh on her haunches, it was almost too much to bear. Her voice trembled and cracked. “Fuck, oh fuck, I can feel my legs!”

“I know, I can feel you too.” Sen was quiet as her guest wiggled her toes, laughing as much as crying with joy.

“How? I mean, how can you tell?” Apart from an array of vibrators, there wasn’t a speck of technology on the bed.

“My gear is sub-cranial.” She took over motor control to tap the side of her temple. “It’s sort of like those cars in driving school, the one with two sets of steering wheels and pedals. I’m still here and can override anything you do to keep you safe during our session, but honestly, I use a light touch.” She grazed her nipple with her finger and Lauren gasped. “Go ahead, get used to me before you use me.”

She wanted to run and jump, to do all the things she’d been told were now impossible. Kicking in the air, Lauren moved each toned limb into a new position for a moment before swinging them around again. When the emotions subsided, the host affected an airplane pilot’s voice. “This is your uhhh, captain speaking, we uhhh, have reached complete telegraph parity, you are free to move about the cabin.”

The joke made her laugh, and Lauren rolled to the edge of the bed, holding onto the sheets tightly as gravity pulled her feet to the floor. For the first time in a long time, she put weight on her legs. *Our legs*. In Sen’s body, the muscles bore the load with no trouble. She was on her feet.

“How does the rug feel?”

The guest looked down and scrunched her toes in between long strands of faux white fur. “It’s nice, kind of ticklish.”

“Were you ticklish before?” the host asked. Lauren tried to remember that last time she bellowed with uncontrollable laughter and drew a blank. So many memories were now starkly divided between Pre- and Post-Accident, and the older ones faded faster. Before she could answer, Sen tickled her ribs and she doubled over in fits and giggles.

Catching her breath, she was confused. “I thought it was impossible to tickle yourself.”

“That’s a common myth, but more importantly, you weren’t doing the tickling. *I* was.” Sen gripped her again with dancing fingers and sent them to the bed, cackling. “I was just testing the connection. Try this. Have a seat on the rug.”

Lauren blushed as she lowered herself onto the fur, the soft plush strands cushioning her ass. “This is the first time I’ve sat on something that wasn’t medically approved.” Crossing her legs, she felt the rug brush against the delicate folds between her legs and the sudden sensation caught her off guard. She liked it.

“Rock a little on your butt bones and tell me how that feels.”

She complied, holding her knees as she swayed in place, the swatches of fur moving left and right over her sex. Warmth filled her belly and chest. *Oh God, how long has it been?* Eyes, closed, she leaned forward and changed the angle, teasing her pussy with the lightest of brushes. “Fuck…”

She uncrossed her legs and leaned against the bed, one hand on a breast while the other traveled lower. In her excitement to feel her legs, she almost forgot the most pleasurable spot between them. *It’s not there*.

“Yours isn’t there, not in the spot you’re probably used to sweetie, but I can assure you, my clit is there. Why don’t you look for it?” Sen’s lips were bigger, her hood, a little *extra* than Lauren thought, although in hindsight, she thought little about variations in anatomy. As her fingers traced the outer layers, she could feel the wetness building inside, making her slippery. She dabbed a finger into the slit and slowly pulled up, curling under the hood. When she pressed the swollen clit, Lauren gasped. “Bingo.”

Trapping it between two fingers, she pressed back the skin to expose her sensitive nub and slowly rubbed, the pleasure bubbling inside before escaping as soft moans. “Oh god, fuck…”

“Take your time, sweetie. Enjoy it,” Sen whispered. Lauren almost forgot she wasn’t alone. She felt a slight tingle at the base of her neck and felt her hairs stand on end. “If you want more of that, let me know. I can work wonders.”

Lauren’s fingers ran the full length of her pussy, the sensation of pleasure she’d been deprived of for so long like a welcome friend. *A friend with benefits*. Her clit was soaked and swollen as she rubbed faster in tighter circles. She felt amazing, unable to catch her breath. Looking up, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirrored ceiling, this beautiful woman in the throes of passionate masturbation, and she fell in love with herself.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck!” she screamed as an orgasm rippled through her body. Breath ragged, she trembled with thighs clamped over her hand, ecstasy rocking her hips, washing her mind of all thought. The climax lasted for an eternity, fading slowly in fits and convulsions as she slid down to the rug. “Jesus Christ, that felt good.”

“I’m glad. I’m happy when my clients are happy, and to be transparent, I did let a little of your pleasure leak over to my side. You got the full effect, mind you.”

“Speaking of full,” the guest started, rising to her knees, “I was looking at your toy collection.”

“Mhmm, go ahead, there’s plenty of time in the session.”

Lauren looked at the array of dildos and vibrators, colors and shapes from the realistic to the fantastical, bordering on monstrous. She picked up a ridiculously thick, overly muscled phallus that had more in common with a rhino horn than a cock. “This fits?”

“That’s um, a little more advanced for your first session. I take it in the ass.” The guest dropped it like a hot ember and Sen laughed. “Once you get used to it, the feeling of that beast is exquisite. How about that one?” She drew her eyes to a natural looking dildo with a pair of soft balls at its base. “Hop in bed, it will feel better.”

Lauren looked for the handholds out of instinct. *Oh right*. On her feet, she raked her thighs, moving her hands behind to squeeze her ass, each cheek surrendering to her fingers. Crawling into bed, she grabbed the toy with both hands and stared at it. “It’s been a while since I’ve done this, or anything like this.”

“That’s okay. If you want, I can do it for you. Would you like that?”

“Is that allowed? I didn’t think telegraph therapists were supposed to, you know, do the work for you?”

“Well, I happen to know that you weren’t following all the rules already.”

Lauren was nervous. *How did she know? Are they able to see what happened on the other side?*

“No, I’m not,” Sen replied softly, “but I’ve been around. I know what first timers do. You’re going to be perfectly fine in my hands. You’ll still feel everything.”

“If it’s alright by you, I’d like to go solo. I want to do it.” Spreading her legs a bit, she let the dildo rest between her legs and the tip passed her bellybutton. The length of it began to intimidate her.

“Whenever you’re ready, sweetie. I’m just going to sit back and let you drive.”

Holding the base with one hand, Lauren raised her hips and angled the tip between her legs. She looked up at herself, propped up on her heels in a yoga pose she’d never be able to repeat in real life and basked in the moment.

Sen noticed her hesitation. “You’re really beautiful, you know that? You deserve this.”

The host’s soothing voice and reassurance melted her anxiety and as the thick head of the dildo spread her lips and entered her wet pussy, Lauren groaned with pleasure for the first time in years. Her muscles clenched and ached, pulsing around the firm cock inside her, rewarding her with shocks and tingles. Settling her ass back in bed, she spread her legs and pushed more of the toy inside, her body accepting it with ease. Closing her eyes, she focused on the ridges and ripples as they passed over her sensitive lips and muscles, bumping and gliding, in and out of her sensitive sex.

She opened her eyes and watched as she fucked herself silly. The toy felt amazing but as she took in the whole scene, a ravishing, fully functioning body, slick and sweaty, moaning and grinding under her control, her lust, Lauren shuddered with satisfaction. *I love this, I love watching this, I love doing this to me*.

Moving faster, the toy’s base slapped against her pussy as she fucked herself with wild abandon. The long fast strokes drove her to wordless moans and gasps, gripping the pillow as pressure built inside her. “Oh god, fuck!” Hips thrusting to meet her hands, she came harder than ever, ejecting the dildo like a torpedo as her muscles quivered and shook, the orgasm blinding her with euphoria. She thought she heard Sen, quietly moaning with her but the echos died, overrun by her own rambles. The uncontrollable spasms continued, rolling her body side to side as warm fluid spread between her inner thighs. She was sure she wet the bed.

“Don’t worry about that, sweetie. That’s natural for me. How do you feel?”

As she caught her breath, Lauren looked at the sweaty mess in the mirror. “I feel great. Really, really great.” There were other words that, in the future, she’d remember as being more precise, but for now, physically and emotionally drained, all she wanted to do was bask in the afterglow. Rubbing her wet belly and thighs, she luxuriated on the bed with a long satisfied grin. “Thank you for this.”

“You’re very welcome. Any time. Just make an appointment.” Sen waited for the bed to cool before starting the disconnection process. “I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but our session is done. See you next time?”

Before she could answer, the room began to darken and the sensations began to deaden below her waist. The space resumed its dark quiet void, until a familiar droning hum became inescapably louder. Lauren pulled off the telegraph device and opened her eyes, staring at her plain bedroom ceiling. Her hands were clutching the bed sheet in tight crumples at her side and below but had been clearly busy before. Her pajama bottoms had been rolled down to her thighs and the hairy mound between her legs glistened. Struggling to sit up, she grabbed a limb to spread her legs and saw a dark wet spot on the sheet, spreading under her ass and pussy.

She felt nothing. Later, as she stripped the bed linens from her wheelchair, she paused to feel the damp fabric, to smell her sex still lingering in them, she felt *everything.* Her phone broke the silence, notifying her that a new message had arrived. Sen had already stored the video and sent her a link with a note: “I had fun, watching a person use me to enjoy herself. I hope to see you soon.”

Lauren smiled as she booked another session one-handed.


1 comment

  1. That was a really cool story! I love the world that you painted, the technology, how it helps people who have physical damage like her. The sexual parts were well written too, but I really loved the exploration of technology and psychology. Thank you for that story!

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