Slaves Dilemma [MF] Part 1

*I would love your thoughts on this community. It is my first go. Thank you.*

My mistress likes me on my knees. She’s on the steps ignoring me and I’m on my knees looking up at her. I’m not wearing anything under my jeans, she checked, she doesn’t like it when I wear things underneath. We’re in my backyard high trees around so no one can see in, no one can see what she does to me.

She’s in jean shorts a tank top and her Chuck Taylors rest on me. She is using me as a foot stand. One foot resting on my thigh the other on my shoulder. One of her shoes gently taps me in the side of the head I’m not allowed to stop it. She wants me to move, pull away, to avoid being hit so she can do something even worse.

If I look straight ahead I can see where her thighs meet, the jean shorts barely covering it. She makes me look at the ground though so I can’t admire it. She looks down at me to check, to make sure and then goes back to ignoring me.

She is talking on her phone, cigarette in the other hand, there’s a cold beer that rests on the step beside her. She takes a sip, drags from the cigarette and checks to make sure I am still looking at the ground. I am cheating, looking at her soft inner thighs (a slight sheen of sweat) and she knows it, she steals glances at me trying to catch me so she can punish me.

She talks to some old friend on the phone, someone I don’t know, taking her time; like she has all the time in the world. Like there isn’t a man on his knees in front of her. Heart beat going faster with anticipation, knees throbbing with pain, cock pushing against is jeans. The foot resting on my thigh taps my cock on occasion. Sometimes she presses down against it, pushing it against me like she is putting out a cigarette. Sometimes its gentle and sometime it’s too hard and a grimace and she grins. All the while ignoring me.

She is sitting on those steps like a thrown. When I first met her she told me I would have to please her much more than show would every please me, that she would take advantage of me and I agreed. That first slip that started the snowball, that started the avalanche that brought me here not knowing that submission was my pleasure.

She takes the shoe on my shoulder and brings it across my face to the other shoulder. I smell the rubber, the canvas and my cock throbs even more. She won’t let me lick her feet, but if I’m lucky she’ll let me lick her shoes. I knew today would be a tough day when she first walked in and I might not cum at all today. Today is about letting me know who’s in charge, to assert her dominance over me.

When she first came she knocked on the back door and I wasn’t ready. I thought she would come in through the front. She knocked twice and she hates to wait. When I opened the door it’s the first thing she told me… “you made me wait…” she slapped me and shoved her hand down my pants to make sure I wasn’t wearing underwear. At first gentle, her finger nails caressing the hair above my shaft. She puts the other hand up under my shirt and caresses my chest. I move my hips so she can grab more of me. That was a mistake. She suddenly grabs my cock hard, instantly I feel a shot of pain and blood rush down into my groin.

I get hard even though it hurts. She put her mouth right to mine gives me a hint of a kiss and squeezes even harder I choke down a noise and she squeeze harder again and tells me to shut up with a soft voice “This is what you get when you make me wait… don’t make a noise or I’ll leave. Make one noise and you’ll never get to taste my pussy.”

It hurts, but I get even harder. My cock convulses and I feel a hint of wetness escape. She sensed it because she let go. Her lips, a touch of tongue and then she finally walks in. I stood there not knowing what to do. Should I wait until she commands me or come in with her? I stand at the door thinking. Wait too long and I know I will be punished…which makes me want to wait. Move too quickly and presume I know what she wants…and I will be punished. This is the slave’s dilemma, to obey or disobey, either action can draw a punishment or a reward.
