Fuck Me Daddy!

My name is Tony. This is story of the first time my daughter and I had sex. Well, she fucked me first, my mind that is. And then, I took her. She is bipolar and has many complicated issues. I don’t know, maybe I was in the wrong, but things just happened.

I have a few rules in my home. No one is allowed to be frightened. Not my children, not my dog, not my wife. No one!

On every rainy, stormy, windy night, I would always stay up and watch over the house until the I knew the storm was passing.

Since my wife passed, it’s just been me and my daughter. It’s been years. So many years. She has grown so much. She is 22 years-old now, but things are not exactly the way they should be. How could they?

She reminds me of her in 10,000 little ways. She even looks like her mother now back when we first met in subtle ways, and some not so subtle.

1:45 AM: My phone started blaring and I awoke from my sleep. Severe thunderstorm warning. Large hail. Strong winds gusting to 60 miles per hour. I opened the radar app. It would be here in just a few minutes.

Our home is secure. Brick on four sides.

An F3 had fucked my childhood home. My parents weren’t like me. I hated the night. My parents would just lock their door at night when I was scared. Sometimes they would spank me first and put me back in bed. Through my tears, I could hear their door. “CLICK”. Their door was locked when our home got rocked. I was just a kid. To this day, I still become uneasy when the winds blow.

So, I swore my children would never be afraid of storms or anything. I built our house with 2×6’s instead of 2×4’s every 12” instead of 16” with 1/2” plywood on the curtain walls. There were hurricane straps along the apron and the headers. All of the load bearing walls were reinforced.

Maybe it was my own childhood emotional baggage that I passed onto to my child, but Vonnie had a “awareness” of storms.

That’s a nice way of saying my daughter has storm anxiety.

The storm wasn’t big enough for us to worry in our home, but I heard a familiar tap-tap-tap on the door. It had been a long time, but I immediately recognized the tapping.

“Daddy?!? Can I sleep with you tonight”.

“Of course Baby come in”.

Since Elisabeth passed away, I can never sleep well. I’ve gotten into the habit, maybe addiction of taking gummies at night. I don’t really care for them during the day.

Sometimes they make me feel anxious. Sometime they make me feel like waves are crashing over. It’s like I’m cumming.

Oh man, my mind spinning. I will be be back sleep soon. I lifted the covers and she slid into my warm bed just like she used to as a child. Before, when our family was still complete. Before she became “grown”.

She is definitely grown.

I know she is my daughter, but I still notice her figure. Not in a creepy way, just noticing how much my daughter has grown.

Her back found my body and she wiggled into the baby spoon. I draped the covers over her and pull her tightly against me.

“Alexa, turn the lights off!”

It’s been such a long time since I had held her mother. My bed has been so lonely. I guess I was just dying a little bit every night. Night after night my soul was leaving me. Because suddenly I was agonizingly aware of just how alone I really was. It felt really good to have her with me.

The gummies were bringing forth another set of waives and this one seemed like it might be a little garish. I blinked me eyes as the scent of her hair reached my brain.

How it reminded me of her mother.

My breathing and heart wanted to quicken. My mind was battling whatever it was. My loss, the gummies, my sudden sense of loneliness, her scent, or the warmth of her body spooning up against mine. Maybe all of it.

My thoughts spun around between fear and loathing, and pain and suffering, and the guilty taboo pleasures of a woman and a daughter in one.

The blood pressure must have skyrocketed, because my ears went silent. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I swallowed, it was loud, to me, but my mouth was dry.

A few moments passed. Then, I crossed the line.

I lifted my hand and began to slowly trace her side from mid chest to her hip like I used to do with her mother. I could feel my cock instantly begin to flood.



My hand moved to my own thigh were I scratched a non-existent itch and then returned to holding her.

My cock eased off and I was determined to shake whatever the fuck was going on off and return to sleep.

No child can be afraid in my house. Especially of me!

“Do you miss her?”.

Yeah, more than words can speak. ….
It’s OK. I would live 10,000 lonely lives for the years we spent together.

“Go sleep Princess”.

“Dad, I love you”.

She pressed back against me and wiggled her butt against me and instantly appeared to be heading off fast sleep.
No one go to sleep that fast. Now I was more awake than ever.

I tried to shake off everything again and I tucked my head into her neck and began to try and go back to sleep.

Time sort of warped and I was finally asleep again.

That’s when I felt it. She was innocent enough, barely, almost not at all, was writhing her ass against me. It was a few small movements, followed by nothing.
Then she would do it again. It was as if she were inviting me to have her.

My mind is playing tricks. The gummies. I tried again to drift off.

I snore. I snore loudly. Normally I wear a CPAP at night, but I can never sleep on my side when I do. I am an insomniac as it is.
There is no mistaking me for being awake. I can’t even fake snore as loudly as I snore real life.

It really wasn’t a problem. Mom would always send her back to bed when she was frightened. Not me. She would tip toe to my side of the bed and I would hold a single finger to my lips.

Shush …. then lift the covers and she would sneak in. She only weighed 30 lbs then. It’s been just a minute. But I guess it’s like riding a bicycle. The snoring I didn’t think bothered her.

I heard a faintly giggly giggle. It’s amazing I can hear anything through my snoring, but I do. I am a watchful father and was as a husband once.

The giggle brought back from my drifting sleep and I instinctively shot my left arm under her so that my elbow was almost under her rib cage. My large hand came up and almost completely covered her B cup breast just under her tee shirt.

My right hand came down and cupped her right cheek and I squeezed her firmly.

Then my hand rotated around towards her lower abdomen and in one fluid move I pulled firmly against me. In an instant, my right hand lifted her cheek and my cock fully occupied her ass cleft. She started to twist, my hand grabbed her exposed hip bone and pulled back to me.

My left hand lifted and I began to twirl and pinch her right nipple with my thumb and first finger.

She must have been protesting and straining for a good three or four seconds before I realized what was going on. From start to this moment, it was like a cobra striking a small prey.

Her straining and protesting only my my cock harder.

“What the fuck! What are you doing?”

My eyes were blinking and I started to make sense of the situation.

I’m so sorry. Yeah, I don’t know. I’m so sorry.

We lay there in silence.

“It’s Ok, I guess. I think I am partly to blame. I felt your cock against me and I don’t know exactly what I was thinking. I wanted to be held and feel safe. And, I want more of I am honest. And, I feel badly for you since Mom …, I, yeah, I started teasing you and it felt good. You kept snoring and I didn’t think you would wake up.

I slipped off my panties and I was sort of just enjoying you a little. You were making my ass very wet and I giggled and you suddenly woke up”.

It took a second to process, but that was actually when I noticed she didn’t have on any panties and yes, I produce a lot of pre-cum. She was slick. Unbelievably, I was still twirling her nipple.

Her hand came rest on mine and she lifted it away and pulled her panties back up in a single smooth move with a trite, “I am sorry Dad”.

We laid in awkward silence again, not hugging as closely as we were.

I felt even more lonely that ever.
She pointed her chin towards her chest and began to silently sob.

Now I felt even worse. I pulled her hair back over her neck and wiped away a single long tear.

I was up on my left elbow looking down.
Then I intentionally moved in. It wasn’t an accident. I leaned in closer. I knew she could feel my warm breath on her neck. I leaned and kissed her neck once. Not like a Dad, and not like a lover, but like a husband.

She snuggled back towards me an the silent tears became streams.

Baby it’s OK. I’m not mad. Thank you! It’s been a long time since I held a woman.
Then I began to kiss her neck again, not like a husband, but like a lover.

“Dad, I’m sure this is a good idea, I mean ….”

I changed positions and lifted her ass in the air. Her head was pressed into the pillow. She started to rise up and arch her back.

My fingers started just above her knees and slowly ran up nails first to the bottom of her panties.



She spun around and up on her knees and could almost look me in the eyes.
I my hands instinctively moved onto her hips.

Kiss me!

She leaned in and gave me a small peck.
No, really kiss me. She leaned in again draped her arms over my shoulders and crossed her wrists behind my neck.

She tilted her head and we kissed. A real kiss.

My hand moved to her panties just in front of her pussy and she pulled back her hips, but kept kissing me.

She pulled my hand away from her vulva and and instead leaned in and began stroking my cock which had erupted from my pajama bottoms.

She came closer and lifted her tee shirt. I could feel her breasts against my chest.
My hands moved up but she returned them to her hips. My tongue parted her lips and she accepted my tongue momentarily.

Then she began to suck on my neck while tightening her grip on my cock. She began dragging my cock head around in a circle on her panties.

Now my back arched and my head went back. I started to cum, but she squeezed my cock very tightly.

I started to almost scream and she released my grip and said “Shush”.

She giggled again. It sounded eerily like her mother. My cum covered her panties and she placed her ear to my heart. Her hair was almost reaching down to my swollen cock.

She gently and slowly stroked the rest of the cum from me and then pulled me down besides her.

For the first time in our lives, we were laying face to face as lovers.

I leaned in again to kiss and then she put her ear to my heart and said, “Shush”.
The room seemed incredibly quiet after the storm. In a few moments, we were both fast asleep.

“Wake up! …..”

“Wake up Daddy! The storms are back!”
I’m here Baby Girl. It’s all good. Go back to sleep.

Fuck me! What was dream and what was real? My cum on her panties would be real I thought.

My head was throbbing with confusion. 10,000 brain cycles per second were focused on separating fact from fiction.

“Thank you Daddy. I feel so much safer in your arms”.

Yeah. Hang on. I gotta pee.

Man, what a fucking piss. I am sober now. I flush the toilet, lower the seat, and sort of chuckle. I haven’t lowered my own toilet seat since Mom.

She and I poked like bunnies almost ti the end. Her decaying body had virtually no impact on anything. Near the very end, it was mainly just touch. She was insatiable. If her body hadn’t given out, we would still be going. I had to read just to keep up with her.

When things took a nasty turn, I got a vasectomy. We both knew she would have an abbreviated life, but a pregnancy would have been a death sentence.

“What’s so funny?” she called from the bedroom.

I looked up from the sink and saw a faint, but definitely real, hickey on my neck.
I couldn’t answer back. The humor evaporated and suddenly my mind was racing again. “Fuck! This really happened!”

“Hey, about earlier ….”

“Yeah, Daddy, I am so sorry! I need to talk, but would rather not right now. Daddy, I’m frightened. Please come back. …”

I inhaled deeply and walked back to my bed. Now, I wasn’t feeling so sober.
I slid under the covers. This time we were back to back.

“Daddy hold me. I promise I won’t mess with you.”

I hesitated for a moment then rolled back towards her.

It’s Ok. Actually, I haven’t enjoyed myself in such a long time.

“Then you enjoyed yourself?”

I chuckled again. Do you remember that part when I came like a rocket on you?

“Yes. What happens now?”

“I’m very glad you enjoyed yourself. I guess we should just forget it happened”.


Barely audible, I replied, “I don’t think I can forget”. I was no more horny than ever.

Again, we lay together in silence.

She snuggled up against me again.
A few quiet moments passed, then I began to slowly trace her body with my fingertips. Only this time, she didn’t pull away. In fact, just the opposite. Her ass began to slowly sway. It wasn’t a barely thing anymore, but it wasn’t a crazy twerk either. It was just right.

My finger reached her asshole, then traveled down to her taint, then across and I filled the leg opening very slowly from the back to towards her front.

“Daddy I am scared.”

“Don’t be. It’s just a storm”.

“That’s not what I am afraid of”.


“NO! I am afraid of ME!”

“Don’t be. I’m not sure what is going on either, but the genie is out of the bottle”.
My hand came up her front side and rested firmly over her pierced belly button.

“You can’t undo somethings”.

“Daddy …”

Before she could finish her sentence, my hand was cupping her breast again. This time her left.

“Daddy …”

My left hand began tugging her bottoms off.

She started to squirm, that just made it easier to pull her clothes off.

“Here is the thing. You can’t tease a man after such a long dry spell. If we are going to try and forget sometime, let’s make it big”.

She tried to spin free and inadvertently did in sort of a twist that wasn’t exactly what she was attempting to do. Now, she was facing me. My fingers, three of my fingers, plowed into her vagina as I pulled her close with my other hand.

Both of her palms were pressed against my chest trying to separate us. Then I felt her nails. All it did was fuel my lust. And my lust would be slaked tonight.

Looks like I wasn’t the only one that was wet.

Suddenly, she stopped fighting me. She just went quiet and then she slowly leaned back.

She appeared almost lifeless and another tear streamed down her face. Later, as I thought about all it again, I wondered if something hadn’t happened her freshmen year in college. She came back different.

Her lifeless body didn’t stop me or even slow me down. I got up on her and straddled her. I could feel the stubble from her shaved pussy against my ass.

My hands ran up her sides and she returned. She lifted her head towards me and said, “Daddy?”.

Then dropped her head back in the bed and her eyes rolled back briefly. I leaned forward and yanked the pillow from beneath her head.

I leaned into her ear and in a warm lusty breath asked her, “How long has it been for you? You been in a bit of a dry spell too. That’s super hard for a 22 year old woman”.

She answered with her body. Her arms came up and pulled me close and she started moving her legs.

Mmmm her pussy felt good against my ass. I love the way my legs felt against her and laid down so that I was now between her two legs.

I began to lift her tee shirt. Her arms went up over her head, and I stopped. Instead of completely pulling the tee shirt up and over her head. I twisted the shirt around her arms and pulled them taut over her head.

She move her head from side to side and her face emerged but her arms were still stretched tightly above her.

This is what happens when you tease a man. My lust had consumed me and my cock was pressing all around her. I was just outside over her labia and pushed really hard. Her slick flesh rolled over and I began entering her forcefully bringing her lips with me as my mouth reached hers.

She squealed and arched her back. In a few strokes everything was where it should be.

I finished pulling her shirt off and she promptly wrapped her arms and legs around me.

Just from the waist. I stopped pounding her and rolled my hips from the waist so that ALL me entered her. My cock head was firmly pressing against her cervix now.

She tried to scoot up to relieve the pressure.

She was so much like her mother. Her mother had tiny pussy lips too. Other than that, everything was so familiar. Even her scent.

My arms were beneath her and my hands were coming back over her shoulders so that my fingers were almost on her collar bone.

I pulled her back down and impaled her cervix. I held her here until her body adjusted then I began fucking her in earnest.

Periodically she would cycle between being lifeless to fucking me like a whore. Whatever was going on in her mind, it would have to wait.

“Daddy, hit me! Please spank me. Grab my throat”

She is her mother’s daughter.

Another time Baby Girl. You’ll have to work for it. Maybe tonight, maybe not. I’ll decide what you get and when you get it.

I lifted up and spun her on her knees. This time she didn’t arch her back and lift her head. This time, she submitted completely.

“Fuck me Daddy”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ic9mam/fuck_me_daddy

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