Some people will do anything for a free ride [MF]

***Disclaimer – I used to write sexy stuff in my youth but haven’t done so for many years, please excuse any rustiness. There will be a lot of setting up the hows and whys so if you do like the story I can add other encounters without needing to go over everything again. I’m always open to constructive criticism and this definitely stretched out longer than I anticipated, sorry!***

From day 1 of training I had said that I wanted to join this particular network but knew it required a lot of time and experience to get there. In fact I managed it in 6 months of getting my license. Clearly a good interview is still worth a lot in this world.

Ofcourse I had heard stories from the old timers of things you could get away with, I’d never imagined that with the new tracking systems, and 24/7 CCTV that it would be worth the risk let alone something I would do. When I joined the network I was only in my early twenties compared to the existing team’s average age of around 50 I was certainly fresh meat. I’ve never really considered myself unattractive but my strike rate was far poorer than I wanted to admit. This would soon change.

The network wasn’t huge, only a handful of routes but they spanned the width of the country. Generally speaking 4-5 stops in a university town and then one in London, you could get a ticket to London, or away from it but not between stops in the towns, with one exception but that wasn’t the case here. It was a Friday and I’d been scheduled the last run of the day that went to the far side of the network, 11pm from London, it was never really busy aside from a Fridays when people would head home for the weekend. Great.

Depending on if you had anyone booked on for the mid-point, you could shave 30mins off the journey by taking the A3 rather than the M3 and that was the case tonight, 7 booked on, 4 for the first university town and 3 for the latter. Typically two were booked for the terminus so no early finish for me!!

Not long after crossing the M25 I start to feel tired, not unusual for these late runs but this morning the bin lorry had decided to make as much noise as possible and I was awake by 6am and no matter how I tried, couldn’t drift back off the sleep. I lowered the drivers window so allow some of the cool night air in and immediately got the desired effect of wakefulness. Definitely wanted to get this over with and home ASAP. Looking back in the interior mirror the passengers clearly had similar ideas and, even in the dim light offered I could see they were mostly all settling in for a nap.

At around 1am we pulled into the bus station at our first stop and four weary faces trudged off, collected their bags and made their way into the night. Just as I was boarding again I heard a pair of heels clicking quickly towards me, turning around I saw a young lady (well younger than me, I still felt old having left university a few years previously) wobbling across the path, she had shoulder length black hair, her very pale almost catlike green eyes accentuating her olive skin perfectly, it was obvious her heels were far too tall and narrow and her dress far shorter than seemed appropriate for the cold night however she must have had a decent alcohol blanket keeping her going. I stepped back off the coach to see if she was okay, now I’m only 5’9’’ so her only reaching up to my shoulder did give me reason to giggle but I held off as she spoke; “I’ve just missed the last bus, can you take me to [terminating stop]?” We were told in training we couldn’t, there wasn’t a fare, and we shouldn’t allow it. “I’m sorry, we don’t pick up passengers here” came from my mouth before I could think, “Please! I’ve just missed the last bus! I’ll do ANYTHING!” Now usually I’m a stickler for the rules, and passengers on the “normal” network would regularly make promises they had no intention of keeping, but picking up tipsy young women and inviting them onto my coach is definitely a bad idea if any of the passengers report it back. However, I couldn’t live with myself if I continue to refuse her and drive off, only to find the next day that she, or another young woman who guilt would tell me was definitely her, has gotten into trouble with someone less than pleasant. Worst case we get to the terminus and she hoofs it, at least she’s back where she needs to be, best case she did say anything…. “okay! But you need to keep quiet and behave” she didn’t need telling twice and leapt aboard.

It wasn’t far to the terminus but I couldn’t help but run through my head what might happen. I kept looking back in the mirror to see her rifling through her purse, typing something on her phone, generally keeping herself to herself as I’d asked. She’d chosen to sit at the very back out of the way, sensible choice, however she had clearly had a drink or two as her dress had ridden well up her thighs and if the lighting had been any better I could’ve had an eyeful of her panties. SHIT! I bumped the kerb while distracted, the regulars heads wobbling from side to side but thankfully not rousing them. She smirked, clearly aware that she was the cause of our little incident.

Around 1.30am we pulled into the terminus, a small bus station with coach parking to the rear of drivers needed a break. I stepped off into the cool night air and counted the passengers off, all three alighted giving their usual thanks as they took their bags. The girl didn’t appear. I stepped back aboard and saw that she had nodded off, I decided that the long day coupled with feeling like it probably wasn’t worth losing my job over if she decided against her previous statement, I walked about halfway up the coach and shouting up to her “we’re here, end of the line!” She blinked herself awake and looked out of the window, her eyes clearly less glazed than when she boarded. Her eyes refocused to me and she smirked again remembering her offer to do anything if I got her here. “I think you should come back here so I can show you how grateful I am” I guess she WAS serious about her promise then! I told her to hold the thought as I needed to make my excuses to the company. Hopping off I phones the duty controller, thankfully at this time of night only the regular network controller would be on and they don’t really “get” what we do and how it works “Rick, I’m really sorry but it was hell getting out of London, I’ll need to take a rest break here before heading back” he grunted his disapproval that it would mean him having to wait for me to return so he could lock up but he knew no better and hung up.

I quickly moved the coach to a layover bay and turned it all off, leaving just minimal aisle lights on but knowing the window tint would still mask them from the outside world. I could feel my trousers struggling to contain me while walking along the coach to her, she’d pulled the dress back down now and taken off her shoes but there was still very little to the imagination. She must have been 5’4’’ at most, her gold dress very form fitting and showing off her toned legs, a swimmer maybe? As I reached her I opened my mouth to speak but she sprang from the seat, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my passionately. I put one hand on her hip to steady her and the other slid around her back to take a firm hold of her bum. I could tell this wasn’t a regular occurrence for her, firstly as the other drivers wouldn’t hesitate to brag about having a uni girl acting like this, secondly her kisses were urgent but far from the methodical of someone who had planned ahead.

As we continue to kiss for what seemed like forever, in reality probably only a couple of minutes I dropped the hand from her hip, wrapped my arms round her waist and lifted her up to turn us around. Dropping into the back seat with her legs instinctively finding their way either side of me. With her now straddling my lap I could feel my cock pressing hard against the zip of my trousers, between kisses I managed to tell her “if we carry on like this my trousers are going to burst!” I could feel her grin upon hearing this while she bit my lower lip and began to grind against my now very uncomfortable bulge. She move her face away for a moment to stare deeply into my eyes, even in the dim light I could see her pupils were like saucers as she said “why did you hit that kerb back there? Could you see I wasn’t wearing panties? My cunt was soooo wet thinking about this!” The strain on my trousers was too much and the zip burst open. Clearly my cock had brushed her in the right place as she moaned out “oh fuck, look what you did Mr Bus Driver!” We both grinned and she kissed me hard again before slipping off my lap and onto her knees on the floor. It was like something from a porn film, her eyes darting from the rapidly spreading precum on my boxers to my eyes and back down again.

Without another word I slid my cock out of the front my my boxers with my left hand as I took a fistful of hair in my right, pulling her mouth down onto it. She gasped which only made my cock slip further into her hot wet mouth. She wrapped both hands around my length and began sucking hard on the head, I released her hair and let her work her magic, her hands working up and down my shaft as she swirled her tongue around my bell end. I could feel her moans resonate down my entire length, she was clearly enjoying sucking a stranger, keeping her eyes closed she let one hand drop between her legs as she continued her suction down my cock. I could feel my balls tightening as her moans got louder, dirty bitch was fingering herself now too! She let her other hand go now too, pulling the dress down to expose her tits as she fondled one. Watching her playing with herself as he head bobbed up and down I couldn’t help but moan loadly “fuck” this was clearly what she wanted to hear as she lowered her head further and I swear I could feel her nose against my stomach as she gagged. I couldn’t help myself “fuck, I’m gonna cum!” My outburst shocked her out of her work, she moved her head back and I could see a string of saliva still attaching us, “what are you waiting for then?” she moaned again as her hand further picked up the pace. She moved the other hand back to me and jerked me hard and fast. I couldn’t hold on any longer and felt my release, spraying her face and tits with string after string of cum. She tried to catch as much as she could but there was no way to get it all.

Once again she was grinning as she sucked me back into her mouth, cleaning up all of the cum. I closed my eyes for a second to savour how good it still felt. I felt light pressure on my legs and opened my eyes to find she had somehow gotten up and was straddling me again, my head rubbing against her wet slit; “what are you….” I was cut short as she dropped down onto me, my cock sliding deep into her hot wet cunt as her mouth again was on mine kissing me. Her pussy felt heavenly, tight but not too tight, velvety but rough in a way only spontaneous raw sex can bring. She moaned against my mouth as she was grinding down on me, it was almost painful how hard she was pushing her hips down. We kissed and she pounded down on me for what seemed to go on forever but with how hot this whole thing was would probably only have been a few minutes at most before I was once again moaning and guiding her hips. I could feel her wetness leaking through my trousers as she tightened around me, “oh fuck! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” she moaned against me, this tipped me over the edge again and I pulled her down hard on my cock as I came inside her, her writhing around me and breathing heavily. We sat in mostly silence, her grinding out the end of her orgasm and both panting hard for several minutes.

She slowly looked up into my eyes before planting a soft kiss on my lips and lifting herself off. Reaching into her purse she fished out a pack of wipes to clean the now dried cum from her face and tits before offering me one. We walked back to the front and I turned the power back on to the coach, “that was fucking hot” she said as she kissed me softly again. As she stepped off the coach I told her to stay safe and have a good night, “I definitely had a good night” she winked as she strode off towards the student village district.

I started the engine and tuned in to Radio 1 to catch Judge Jules show as I began the drive back to the depot turning the volume up as I drove. I had flashbacks all the way back and couldn’t help but get hard again at the thought of it all.

When I arrived the cleaners were clearly annoyed at having to wait for my return, I winked at them and told them it was worth the wait as I made my way to the car. I didn’t think I’d see her again but knew I’d definitely volunteer for that shift again!!


1 comment

  1. Very hot! Glad she still rode you bareback after you had finished in her mouth!

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