Father and Daughter hide out in the storm (FM)

We had been driving for a while now, it was late. I had looked out the window as the rain kept coming down. I turned to my father, “Dad maybe we should stop?” I ask, looking at him. He had the same idea, trying to keep the car on the road in the storm “Soon as we find a place, Jamie” he told me.

We heard the weather report that a storm was coming before we left the college I was studying at, to drive home. We decided it would not be that bad, we were wrong. Now we were in the middle of nowhere, hadn’t eaten in a while and barely able to see the road.

Then it happens, we start to hydroplane. “Shit” my dad yelled out as he righted the car “sorry about that honey”. My dad wasn’t the kind to cuss, but that was fine in this case “its ok Dad”. I assure him.

My car had broken down about a month ago, so we scrapped it. He volunteered to drive me back. It wasn’t too long of a drive but we had already been on the road for a while, much longer than we should.

We slide again, my father kept his cool but was obviously shaken, I was to be honest. Then I see some lights up ahead, maybe its a hotel or a truck stop or something. “There!” I call out pointing. We couldn’t see what the sign said, but it didn’t matter at this point. That was our destination.

We pull in, the window drenched in water as he parks. He means to park right up front but we slide around to face away from the store. Its a few yards from the door as I dart out for shelter, my dad following behind. The rain soaks ever speck of clothing we have on, there’s a small lake in my B cup bra just from the distance to the store.

We enter in and look around. There as aisles of sex toys and videos set up. We had walked into a porn shop. My dad takes my hand as I look at him, without words we agree, better to be seen as a couple than a father and daughter.

The clerk looks up, an older woman, older than my dad and says, “pretty bad out there huh”. She barely registered our age difference; she’s probably seen worse. “Feel free to hang out, there’s booths in the back” pointing to the booths “Viewing booths” it said. “or you can pick out a video and watch if you want”.

My dad looks at me, and grabs the nearest video, not even bothering to look “Private booth please” the clerk takes the video and looks at it, then goes into the drawers to queue up the selection. “you’ll be in room 4, its nice and warm in there” she hands us some hangers for our clothes. “Don’t get the floor all wet would you”

As I go to the counter to join him, a bit nervous to be in such a place, I see some gummies, in pink and blue varieties. “Love Gummies” they’re called. I grimace, well its either that or dick pasta, at least these were just round gummies. I set them on the counter “these too please and some water”

I probably should have read the instructions on the gummies, 2 were supposed to give the desired, amorous affect. Probably should have read it before both of us ate a whole pack each of the proper gender. We had eaten 18 recommended dosages of the things, each, that might explain what happened.

We walk down the dark hallway and find our room, each eating our packs of gummies. We enter in and there is a couch in the middle of the long room, a large tv behind plexiglass with buttons to fast forward and turn up and down the volume. Fortunately, the place had been cleaned recently. My dad took off his shoes and socks, wringing them out into the trash and took off his shirt to hang it up. He was an average dad sort of guy, tall with a bit of a dad bod. His shorts were clinging to him, though he kept those on.

I removed my shoes and socks as well, reaching up under my shirt to take off my bra without exposing myself. I was shorter than him by several inches. I was cute, but not sexy. I had a bit of a butt that was sloppy wet from the rain, my shorts and panties were clinging to me like a sticker.

Dad and I were barely talking, this was all so embarrassing. The porn came on, it looked like dad had picked out some sort of compilation video. “Good girls #15” it said as I sit on the couch. I had seen porn before, who hasn’t but this would be the first time I ever watched more than just a few clips. The cheesy music begins to play as my dad starts to press the volume down button, with no change to the sound.

“Guess it doesn’t work” he mutters before stepping behind the couch, trying to keep some distance between us. “Jamie don’t turn around, I’m going to hang up my shorts” I can hear his shorts coming down as I watch the opening clips of oral, vaginal and anal sex. Something about hearing his shorts come off was intense. I was listening to porn but all I heard was my dad taking off his shorts.

The first scene started, a coach and a girl, there was some talking then off to the sex. I bit my lip, god this was hot. I was watching porn with my dad and it was getting turned on. I slip off my shorts, now only wearing my shirt and sensible panties. “Could you hang these up too dad” I say, covering my eyes to hand them to him.

I should not have peeked, but I did. My eyes were barely open under my hand and I could see how hard he was. I was wet as well, and not just from the rain. He was standing there, rock hard but covered. I quickly turned around and stare at the screen. God this was too much.

Finally I break the silence “dad you can sit with me, you don’t want to stand for 2 hours do you” He pauses “yea that might be nice” he says as he makes his way and sits on the other end of the couch. I can see in his eyes; he’s debating on if its better to look at me or the porn.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ibna2h/father_and_daughter_hide_out_in_the_storm_fm


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