Darcy’s Doubts: Day 2 (Part 1) [MT, T-Solo, Oral]

[DAY 1: Part One](https://www.reddit.com/user/BlkFenix89/comments/i5ki9g/darys_doubts_day_1_part_1/)

[DAY 1: Part Two](https://www.reddit.com/user/BlkFenix89/comments/i5kkf5/darcys_doubts_day_1_part_2/)

*Bang, bang, bang*

I don’t remember Kyle slamming the door when she left

*Bang, bang, bang*

The hell? Is someone throwing bricks off the roof? Being awoken suddenly is never fun but at least whatever woke me up kept me from suffering anymore at the hands of my own consciousness. I quickly grab some shorts to maintain some modesty and make my way towards the racket. Poking my head into the hall it was obviously coming from the gym.

I took a quick peek at my phone.

“Bitch, it is 5:30!” Ha, classic.

Well, since I’m up mightaswell go check out who’s throwing concrete blocks around. For whatever reason, I knocked on the door, after waiting I felt incredibly stupid and just went in.

It was obvious that a gym was not the first thought for this room. The floor was concrete and the walls brick. There did seem to be some old-school gym mats folded up on the far wall to my left along with a yoga ball and a few other floor exercise items. Straight across from the door was a water cooler. Behind the door was the source of what I was hearing.

Standing in front of one of those multi-function gym machines stood what I could only describe as an Amazonian goddess. I’ve never considered myself short but seeing this woman who was obviously North of 6ft in front of me made me feel small. It wasn’t just her height. She was built, no that’s an understatement, she was sculpted. Her red and black tank top seemed to strain, stretching over her impressive back muscles and her sweatpants, though baggy, couldn’t hide what was obviously an impressive ass.

After a good gawk, figured I should introduce myself. “Morning. Hello?”

I walked around to catch her eye as she was bending over and was met with two perfectly round surprises fighting against the fabric of their sweaty prison. Yes, Amazonian goddess was a befitting title indeed.

Finally catching her eye, she removed her headphones and gave me a look that let me know that not just my presence was unwelcomed, but so was my existence.

“Good morning,” I smiled and waved.


“I’m Darcy, Kyle’s friend. I’m gonna be staying here awhile.”

Her upper lip curled up in disgust, “Hmph, seems she omitted a few facts when askin’ if you could stay.”

“Oh yeah, she probably forgot to mention how handsome I am, happens all the time.” I could only describe her look as disdain. “Ok, tough room.”

The silence was just as uncomfortable as her stare. She seemed to be sizing me up and in the silence I found my eyes start to wander and do the same to her. First, over her constrained gifts, then down her defined abs, and over the…largest bulge I’ve ever seen! Shock was written all over my face. To make matters worse, the Amazon in front of me immediately noticed me *eyeing* her…girth.

“Get used to it little girl, real men don’t tuck,” she said as she condescendingly pointed at my crotch. Without thought my hand went to my crotch. Before I could respond she replaced her earbuds and left the room.

How rude, she didn’t even re-rack her weights. Oh, also she belittled me and made me feel insecure about my penis size, but that’s no different than the front page of Pornhub so I’ll let it slide this once.

Completely emasculated, I needed to do something, anything to gain back a little self-respect. After catching a glimpse of myself in a mirror, I decided that maybe I’d get a few reps in. I needed to do something to make me feel like *a man* after such a poor showing.

After thirty of the hardest minutes of my life, I decided that it may be time to get back into a steady workout schedule. If for no other reason than to not embarrass myself in front of the mean Amazon…again. The thought alone should be enough encouragement.

After a shower, I decided to be a little productive. I began to unpack. A process that took all of thirty minutes. A half dozen shirts, mostly polos, and three pairs of slacks were all hung in the closet. Not having any drawers to speak of in the room, I opted to leave my more casual clothes and underwear in my duffle.

The next important item to unpack was my laptop. She may have been old, got her my freshman year, but she always got the job done.

Lack of internet access kept me from hopping on social and checking my email, but it was probably for the best. Instead, I headed upstairs.

The apartment was fairly quiet. Making my way to the kitchen, it seemed everyone was still asleep. I rummaged through the cabinets looking for something to eat. I told myself I’d ask for forgiveness later if I ate someone’s food ‘cause after my workout, I desperately needed something to eat. Aside from a handful of snacks, the cabinets were bare. There was a good assortment of fruit and veggies on the counter and in the fridge, most of them tagged with the name ‘Athena,’ the Amazon I assume, along with a few drums of protein powder. This woman was really serious about her gains.

I decided on an all-natural granola bar from a box tagged with Kyle’s name. It was horrible. Kyle loved all this flavorless earth-friendly food. I have no idea how she manages to keep it down. I will say her taste in tea however is amazing. There was a full cabinet dedicated to caffeine, filled with tea and coffee alike. I opted for the coffee, but not seeing a traditional coffee maker I almost gave up until I spotted a coffee press in one of the lower cabinets. I’m happy to see someone else has decent taste in coffee preparation.

“Mmmm, that smells good, what is it?” Kyle yawned, entering the kitchen.

As she stretched, the sweater she was wearing slid up exposing the flesh of her stomach. I found the extra weight cute. The little pudge just made me want to hold her again. She was also still in her shorts from last night which left her soft legs exposed.

My thoughts immediately jumped to last night. Would Kyle still be upset? Damn you, Past Darcy, you should’ve handled this already. Maybe a good night’s sleep will have smoothed things over, or maybe she doesn’t remember. Let’s play stupid until confronted. No way that could ever go wrong, said me and no one else.

“Just making a little coffee,” I shrugged.

Somewhat worried, “that’s not the Cuban blend is it?”

“Naw, I’ve had a similar blend before, but didn’t much care for it”

“Good, BiBi does not like to share it. I believe her mother sent it to her as a gift while on vacation.”

“Well, good thing I went for the one that had your name on it, thought you didn’t like coffee though.”

“To be honest, I’ve only ever given it to guests.”

“Oh, do you get a lot of ‘*guests*’?” My immediate thought was other men. Kyle is, very cute. There’s no doubt in my mind that there were plenty of guys that would love to spend time with her.

Kyle gave me an appraising look. Seeing right through my question. She didn’t react as if she did though, she just answered nonchalantly

“Just my mom every now and then, a couple of girlfriends every once in a while. Mainly when we were studying for finals.”

“Cool, cool,” I was somewhat relieved. I couldn’t explain why but I could feel it. What was I worried about? We are friends. Was I afraid that she was with some other guy or had a slew of suitors? What would it matter to me? As long as she was happy I should be happy too, right?

“So any plans today? It’s been a while since you came to town.”

“Actually, I was thinking of doing a little shopping. I used a grand total of six hangers putting my clothes away and part of me doesn’t think that’ll fly up here.”

“Mind a little company?”

“Of course not! You’ve always had a good eye for clothes.”

“Great! I’m going to hit the shower, I’ll come find you when I’m ready.”

“Wait, before you go, could I get the wifi password? It kinda slipped my mind last night.”

“I’ll text it to you,” Kyle quickly bounced out of the room, her glee evident.

Guess I oughta get dressed as well, after I clean the press, of course.


Today’s gonna be a fresh start. Darcy didn’t even say anything about last night. Maybe I was overthinking, or he’s being nice and doesn’t want to embarrass me. That’s gotta be it. Darcy has always been extra when it comes to keeping me happy. Nice or not though, I think he did enjoy seeing me in what I was wearing last night.

I wonder though. BiBi said “get the blood rushing.” After last night I’m sure I can do that. No. I know for a fact I can do that. I just need Darcy to get over his fears. If I can prove to him that it’s *Ok* to be with *girls* like me, I’d definitely get him.

What am I thinking? God, Darcy has the worst effect on me but the thought of finally being able to express my feelings for him *physically*. *shudders*

I can already imagine how the day will go. While we’re walking I’ll brush my hand against his. Our fingers slowly become entangled one after the other. He’d pull me close and I’d snuggle up next to him on the L, laying my head on his shoulder. My heart was fluttering in my chest now, mind racing, and my penis was getting harder by the second.

Quickly, I hopped in the shower.

I hoped the hot blast of water would clear my mind. Instead, it was having quite the opposite effect. The warm spray added to my arousal. The gentle pressure of the water running over me made my sensitive nipples erect. Just running the washcloth over my wet skin made my small member twitch. At this point, I knew a shower wouldn’t clear my mind.

I considered switching to cold water but I wanted to indulge just this once. With my two middle fingers, I reach beneath my taut sack and begin teasing my taint, slowly building pressure. Each caress sends tingling sensations up my three-inch shaft. Looking down I could see my hard dick begging to be used, to be stroke to completion.

I despised my penis not because it made me feel like any less of a woman but because it was keeping Darcy from fully embracing me. Reaching around my ample hips with my other hand. I began running my fingers around my tight hole. The sensation of my soap slicked fingers circling my entrance made me moan in pleasure. Letting one finger slip into my tightness sent electricity up my spine.

God, I wish Darcy was here. To feel his strong hands stroking my thighs and my ass. Exploring all of my body. My hands started to move quicker. I needed to finish. I wanted to finish so badly.

But I resisted. I was committed to saving myself for Darcy. I’d already waited this long. To blow an orgasm months in the making on a quickie in the shower would be squandering. I wanted Darcy. No. I *needed* Darcy nearby when I finally let myself finish. I needed him to *let* me finish.

I pulled my slick finger from inside me. Gently slowed down the pressure with my other hand. My cock was twitching, dripping with precum. I could feel myself trembling as I held back my impending orgasm. I had brought myself to the edge so many times since Darcy agreed to move in. When he finally does take me, I can only imagine the mind-destroying orgasm he’ll give me.


Throwing on a tee and a pair of sweats from my bag, nothing fancy, but definitely comfy, I decided it was time to actually check my email. As I expected nothing out of the usual. A few updates from the artist I followed on Hentaifoundry and Patreon along with a few ads about sales on various gaming platforms. Standing out amongst the usual was an email from an admin at my new company. Seems they just need a little bit more info to make sure everything would be ready for me on Monday. I quickly sent her a reply.

Not knowing how long I had, I decided I probably shouldn’t start browsing HF.

Well, I mean…I could be quick. Just gonna check my favorite artists. Yeah, just my favorites.

*I* didn’t even believe me. As soon as I logged in my penis was erect. It knew what was coming. A slew of perfectly drawn women. Not a pixel out of place. Dressed however I liked and arranged in the most seductive poses.

Wait, if we’re doing this, we need something for clean up, I quickly ran over to the bathroom and grabbed some tissue. I’d hate to leave a mess on my keyboard. Even though the thought of just freely unleashing all over my laptop sounded weirdly thrilling.

I decided there was no time to doddle and quickly made my way to one of my favorites, Cutesexyrobutts. Their art never failed to hit the spot.

Even presented with some of my favorite material, I found my mind continually drifting to the thought of Kyle. The weight of her against me, the feel of her in my hands, her intoxicating scent. My mind was completely on her. My hands started in her luxurious mane, making their way over her shoulders, caressing her full chest, spending ample time on her dark nipples, their color proudly standing out from her milky mounds. Her pinchable nipples hard, pleading to be tasted. Making my way to her stomach, I could feel my cock twitch in my hand. Laying kisses over her stomach before nibbling and kneading the tender flesh. Running my hands over her creamy thighs, I could truly imagine her excitement. Kyle trembling from the pleasure of my touch.

I paused mid-stroke. The thought of approaching her sex was presenting a mental roadblock. I understand sexuality is a spectrum and all that, but the idea of… *interacting* with a penis other than my own still drew hesitation.

I decided maybe I should explore this a little more. I mean, Kyle is cute and her legs and ass were definitely choice. I decided that to get over this mental block, I’d search some transgender art, you know, to see what the fuss was about. They’re just drawings, pixels on a screen so it’s definitely not gay. Right?

This was definitely a *popular* category. Some of the art was just as good, if not better than some of the people I follow. The *women* were definitely well-drawn and diverse. Whatever you wanted from a woman could be found, just with a little addition. Ok, sometimes a quite large addition. I found myself drawn to an artist named Dmitry’s page. I’d seen some of his non-trans pieces and was a casual fan before his work went up behind a paywall.

My penis seemed reinvigorated to see some of my old favorites that I hadn’t seen in a while. A good portion of the *women* were muscular, giving me real Athena vibes. Attractive yes, but I could tell that they’d rather pitch and I had no intention of playing the catcher yet. Yet? I moved past the thought.

Peach however was a cute little sissy, or femboy, what’s even the difference? Either way, you could tell by the way she dressed that she was naughty little slut, hungry for cock.

Before I could pick the pace back up, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Fuck, and I was so close.

I quickly tucked myself back in my sweats. I situated my dick along my left leg hoping that it would go unnoticed. The next step was closing the staggering amount of tabs I had opened in haste to finish myself off. Luckily, Chrome had the amazing ‘close all to tabs to the right’ option. That bad boy has saved me on more than one occasion.

Just as the last tab closed Kyle walked in.

“Ready to go?” She asked quizzically.

“Yep, just let me grab my wallet.” I started to close my laptop when I noticed I had forgotten a tab. I figured it wasn’t a problem. It only said ‘Peach by Dmitry’. The chances of that meaning anything to Kyle were slim to none.

[PART 2](https://www.reddit.com/user/BlkFenix89)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/iaxtvk/darcys_doubts_day_2_part_1_mt_tsolo_oral