I fulfilled my ultimate fantasy of sleeping with a [Group] of people, whose faces I never got to see…

It’s been a while since I last posted, but in the year (oh god, has it been that long?!) since, things went from good, to great, to bad, to INCREDIBLE. This story is about that last part. But first, some background.

I started seeing a guy I worked with; many other details in my previous posts, but to cut a long story short, I took the bull by the horns and showed him what I wanted. We plunged head first into a very intense relationship, and suffice to say, I’ve never loved anyone as much as I have loved him.

The thing is, we got on a bit of a habit of only really going for “brand new experiences”. First time having anal sex on a train? Done. First time giving him a blowjob in a busy shop? Done. We scoured Reddit looking for inspiration, and honestly I had the best time of my life. But then… the ideas started to run dry. I love him endlessly, but we found our sex life was starting to dry up. Everything felt “the same” or tame in comparison to some of the thrill of exploring new boundaries. I guess you can only push the limits until they truly break.

So, recently, with restrictions lifting around all this pandemic stuff, we were laying in bed chatting, and the topic of us not having done anything new came up. We got chatting, and while I laid stroking his cock, I bounced some ideas off him. It was only when I dug really deep and confessed a fantasy I’ve harboured for a long time, that I felt him grow rock solid almost instantly.

Last week, I lived out that fantasy, to the letter, and this is how it went:

It was a hot weekend, and after a day of lazing about and getting excited preparing for the evening, we started with me stripping down completely naked. I was freshly completely shaven, legs waxed, and had taken the time to make myself as presentable as possible – nails, hair, lips, the works. About 6pm, he looked me in the eyes, asked me one more time “Are you sure?”, and as I nodded, he pulled a tight leather blindfold over my eyes. We’d ordered it online – the type that is two thick pieces of leather bound with a strip, to completely blot out your vision. Ours is lined with what feels like thick felt, so it’s comfortable, but completely dark. Once he tightened the strap around my head, I felt him reach over and return with my hard red ball-gag. He’s learnt how to best put it on me now – tighter than people expect. By the time it was on, I was struggling to move my jaw at all, and was already starting to drool.

I was already wet at just this, but we had only just begun. I laid back on the bed, and patiently spread my arms and legs, as he clicked each wrist and ankle into a metal shackle we’d earlier tied to the bed. A trip to a local hardware store had found us coming back with chains, screws, and padlocks – so these weren’t just roped or lightly tied. I could really put my entire weight into pulling at the metal, and they wouldn’t move an inch. I was spread just at the boundary of being comfortable – enough that I really couldn’t turn or move without straining my shoulders or hips.

Next, I heard him move over to the dresser, where we had laid out a number of interesting toys. First, he returned to the bed, and I felt him gently rub his finger, cold and wet with lube, around my ass. I knew what was coming – all this had been planned in meticulous detail. Before long, my favourite little metal gem plug was being proved into my ass – pushed in until I felt that familiar “give”, and the lip of the plug resting between my cheeks.

After this, I felt him return again, with my favourite toy (one I used to get this man to be with me to begin with) – a little remote controlled vibrator. No lube this time – just loving, caring touch – and it was inside me. Not on yet, just… ready. Again, he wandered away, and returned. This time, with a part that made my heart skip a beat. I listened intensely as he unclipped the cap of a pen, and went to work drawing all over me. I felt him writing on my inner thighs, my stomach, my breasts, arms, legs. I have no idea to this day what he wrote – the pen he chose was a kids “washable” marker, so with the exception of a couple of very faint arrows and letters, I have no idea what was drawn on me then.

The final time he returned before everything happened, he leaned in close, kissed me on the lips oh-so-gently over the top of my ballgag, and pulled his noise-cancelling headphones over my ears. We’d chosen a playlist of some of my favourite songs – things we’d fucked to before, or songs that would get my blood pumping. I swear I heard a faint chuckle as they closed around my ears, and almost simultaneously as the music came on, the vibrator in my pussy started buzzing at a slow throb.

How long I was left there for, I have no idea. It could have been an hour, it could have been seconds. All I know is I was in bliss, and startled out of my trance by the feel of hands on my ankles. I don’t like my feet being played with, but these hands were slowly rubbing over the soles of my feet, up my inner thighs, and all over my naked body. Before I could so much as gasp, I felt another hand gently running fingers through my hair, before another pair of hands started running fingernails over my sides and over my breasts.

That’s right. I was there, completely naked, butt-plug in, vibrator throbbing away, without any sense of sight or hearing. All I could do was touch. And I had absolutely no idea who was touching me. We had agreed beforehand he would find people who he trusted, who were clean, but beyond that, I had no idea who had been chosen.

What happened next was quite unexpected. I feel I dipped in and out of consciousness (not in a bad or scary way, in a “I was over the edge with happiness” way). I couldn’t tell you a precise running order or exactly what happened when, but can tell you what I felt as bursts or memory or vistas from a scene. I remember nearly everything, just… not in context or order. Just a mash of amazing, incredible, mind-bending experiences. Some of those things I remember are:

– Feeling the vibrator being pulled out of my pussy, and replaced by four fingers, which I’m certain were from two different people’s hands.

– Feeling what I think were at least 4 different cocks fucking me. One was absolutely huge and hurt more than I was expecting, but for some reason made me want to be fucked by it even more. One was a lot smaller than my partner’s, but more than made up for it with a head that just hit me in the exact right way.

– Having the ball-gag removed from my mouth, and as I flexed my jaw, felt someone sit their pussy right on my face. This made my heart race and sent me over the edge almost instantly – I had no idea other girls were going to be a part of this, but the second I felt her on my lips, I was in heaven knowing there were other women there.

– Being fucked in my pussy, feeling people climb over me and (I think) fuck directly on top of me. I swear I felt the motion of people straddling me as they fucked inches from my face.

– Being untied but held by strong hands pulling my arms and legs tighter than the restraints did, to be turned over, and fucked in both my pussy and ass at the same time. As soon as they were done, I was re-tied face down. From that point, it seemed everyone became obsessed with fucking me in the ass (something I can tolerate / enjoy but not my favourite thing).

Honestly, I could go on, but for that evening, I was helpless. I was used in more ways than I could ever have possibly imagined, and I loved every second of it. As things started to die down after a few hours, people started to leave me, and eventually I was cleaned up a little, the plug put back in me, and cuffs tightened / returned to position. I waited again, throbbing and buzzing from the most intense experience I’ve ever endured, before finally I was collected by my partner, led (still blindfolded) through to the shower, where he told me to stay in the warm water, with my blindfold on, while he cleaned up

He joined me again in the shower, helped me wash myself down, and finally led me back to the bedroom, where he put a robe on me, and finally took the blindfold off. Squinting in the light, the room was immaculate. It was like nothing had ever happened. All the toys were put away, the bed was made with fresh sheets, and I was clean from head to toe.

We cuddled in bed and as he drifted to sleep, I was shaking with joy and confusion – I had finally lived out one of my ultimate fantasies. And I think that fantasy might have changed me inside. Because since that night, from the moment my blindfold came off, there has been one overriding thought I can’t escape from: that I have slept with a number of people (I don’t know how many) who I have never met, never seen their faces, never heard their voices, never known their names, and I never will – but they’ve fucked me in every hole, cum inside me repeatedly, and seen me with degrading text all over my body. Every time I walk down the street, every person who passes me, I think “that person might have fucked me”. Every friend we have, every time we meet with his family or mine, my mind races thinking “Has he cum in my ass? Has she sat her pussy on my face while someone was fucking me?”. It makes me feel like the world’s biggest slut…

… and I love it. It’s made me happier and more content than I have been in a long while, and I’m desperate to do it again. The fact I got to live out this fantasy has made me happier than I ever thought possible… and for anyone else who is even slightly as interested in kink and pushing the limits, I couldn’t recommend it more.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ia451z/i_fulfilled_my_ultimate_fantasy_of_sleeping_with


  1. I’ve always wanted something like that to happen to me. I got so super turned on by this. That really is an ultimate fantasy. All those things happening sounds like sexual overload.

  2. Good to hear have you posting again!

    And very good to hear about your adventures. Just as hot as the weather here :)

  3. Was with you until the pussy comment. That would kill it for me. Each to their own though. Sounds exciting. I couldn’t handle not knowing who they are though because I’d assume they actually know who I am in real life

  4. i mean, it’s possible that at least one of them was someone you already knew. so now you can always wonder if one of your friends was fucking you. or a co-worker.

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