Blessing in Disguise – [POV] of [gentle femdom] discovering [male sub] likes [being stepped on][consensual][handjob][aftercare][kisses][slight cliffhanger]

It was an accident the first time.

We were laying in front of the fireplace, too exhausted to move to the bedroom the previous night. His face was nestled into my breasts. My arms were wrapped around his shoulders, while he had a tight grip around my waist.

I looked at his face. His brow was relaxed– a welcome change from the usual strain. Poor thing. I decided to let him be. He had worked so hard to please me last night. I gingerly untangled his arms and rolled him onto his side. I grabbed a blanket from the couch to cover him. I smiled gently as I watched him grumble and snuggle in the blanket like a sweet babe.

Glancing at the clock, I realized that I only had half an hour to get ready for work. Damn. Playtime was *always* a great way to end a long weekend. I quickly and silently slipped away to take a shower.

When I returned, I found him, blanket thrown to the side, laying spread eagle in the middle of the floor. I stifled a giggle. What a silly boy. *My* silly boy. I checked the clock once more. I had a twenty-minute drive ahead of me. During rush hour. Out of the corner of my eyes, a glint caught my attention. During the whirlwind of passion, I had, more or less, tossed my phone to the side, not caring where it landed. It had found its home under the coffee table. And he was laying in between me and my phone. I quietly crept around him, making sure my heels didn’t make a sound on the hard tiled floor.

But fate was not having it. Just as my hand was mere centimetres from my target, the ringer went off, the sound somehow ten times louder than usual. Fuck. I turned my head just to see him begin to stir. Who could possibly be calling me? I checked the caller ID. My boss. A fantastic one actually. Usually, I got along great with her. But as I watched his eyes open blearily, I cursed her under my breath. Damn her for waking up my darling.

I accepted the call and held the phone up to my ears, only to hear my boss’s panicked voice. A big client was moving up a deadline? And wanted an impromptu meeting? With… me? Great. Just absolutely splendid. Still on the phone, I spun around quickly and my foot landed on something soft and heard a … moan?

I glanced down. Shit. My right heel had made its purple splotchy mark on his naked thigh. My boss was going on and on about what the client wanted and by what time and so on. But I couldn’t bring myself to care. Why? Because something peculiar had happened.

He had his hands covering his face, yet I could still see the rapidly reddening skin underneath. Interesting. And even more interesting was his cock. Already half erect. Hmmm. A thought struck me, and I raised my right foot again and placed it on his rib cage.

A sharp intake of breathe.


I moved my foot up to his pert nipples and back down to his navel, caressing his trembling skin. I stopped on the third pass on his stomach. And waited. And watched. And there it was.

Despite his hands–his strong broad hands–shielding his face, I saw it. The tiniest nod. So I pressed down. Not too hard–we had never tried anything like this before. A whimper confirmed my suspicions. Oh, this is going to be fun.

I tuned back into the phone call, only to hear my boss say, “… that’s all. Be here ten minutes early.” She hung up before I could say anything. I probably should have listened, considering that deal could make or break our company. But I had more urgent matters to attend to. Placing my phone on the coffee table and keeping my foot on his stomach, I bent over his prone body.

“Does my baby like that?” I cooed. “Does he like it when he’s where he belongs? Under my feet? Like the lowly, pathetic thing that you are?”

“Y… ye…”

Not good enough.

Frowning with disapproval, I reached down with my right hand and roughly grabbed his cock. He choked out a gasp.

“Didn’t I teach you any manners? Speak clearly. And don’t cover your face when I’m addressing you.”

I gave his cock a few quick tugs and felt it harden. A keening cry came from behind his hands. He removed his hands from his face–oh, his pretty, pretty face–and clenched them by his sides.

And what a *gorgeous* cock. I could just barely wrap my hand around its thick girth and still touch my fingertips together. A few veins stretched from the base up to the glorious head. The tip was leaking precum. A single drop began to drip from the slit, and I couldn’t resist leaning down and lapping it up. Slowly. Tortuously. Mmmmm. The most sacred ambrosia. A guttural groan answered me.

Smirking, I stroked his cock slowly, making sure to give his balls a good squeeze. His hips bucked in response, trying to push himself further in his hands.

“Answer my question.”

I removed my hand from his cock to hear a desperate cry.

“And I might just let you cum.”

He opened and closed his mouth several times, face beet red. I raised an eyebrow.

“I’m waiting.”

His eyes looked everything but me. I checked the time. Fifteen minutes now. I wanted nothing more than to stretch this out for hours, until he was wailing and pleading for relief. Alas, I had to keep my job. It paid pretty good, and there was a decent chance I was going to be promoted, granted that I could keep our make-or-break contract.

Time to hurry this up.

I clicked my tongue and gave a fake sigh.

“Tch. I don’t have time for this.”

I removed my foot from his stomach.


I tilted my head to the side, pursing my lips.


And then finally.

“P..please. It feels s-so good… to be under your feet. I’d do anything to cum. You’re so beautiful. So perfect. I don’t deserve to be under your feet. It’d be an honor to cum for you. Please. Let me cum. Pleasepleaseplease.”

His words dissolved into a blubbering jumble by the end.

Pitying him, I decided to give him his reward. He *had* been a good boy last night.

“All right.”

He beamed up at me. I couldn’t help smiling back at him. I can’t ever resist that innocent smile. Even when he was covered in the evidence of our depravity, his smiled remained innocent.

I resumed my previous position.

“You have to tell me when it’s too much, okay?”

He nodded enthusiastically.

“We have to make this quick. I have to leave for work soon.”

“I’ll be a good boy. The best boy. Just for you.”

My heart fluttered. He was mine. All mine.

I began to press down on his chest with my foot and stroked his cock at the same time. He began to moan. His hands scrambled around on the floor, grasping for something to hold. I reached out with my free hand, and he took it. We locked gazes. The heat in his gaze set fire to my core. Definitely paying a visit to the bathroom at work. A long visit.

My hand was slippery with his slick precum. The wet sounds of my hand moving up and down his cock, combined with the lewd moans coming from his mouth, was the greatest music in the world, as far as I was concerned.

“You are such a good boy. Listening so well. Are you going to cum for me?”

Frantic nodding.

“Yeah? Come on, baby. Do it for me. Cum all over my heel. Cover yourself in your own cum, you dirty boy. Prove that you’re a good boy for me, sweetheart.”

With a loud, final cry, white streams of hot cum erupted from the tip of his cock, covering everything: my hand, my heel, and his stomach.

He gasped for breath, his whole body shaking slightly. I snuck a glance at the clock. Shit. Five minutes. I took my foot off his stomach and moved it up to his mouth.

“Clean up the mess you made. I don’t have time to get new shoes. There shouldn’t be a single drop on it when you’re done.”

Like the obedient thing that he is, he lapped and lapped, until indeed, there wasn’t a trace of the filthy act that had just occurred. I knelt down all the way beside his head. I raised my wet hand to his mouth, and he faithfully sucked each finger clean. I removed my other hand from his and took his head in my hands. We shared a tender kiss, a complete contrast from the fervent passion that had overtaken us moments prior.

I drew away first.

“Peachy?” I asked, softly.

He smiled, innocent as ever, with a hint of shyness. His cheeks were flushed a lovely pink.

“Peachy.” He answered, just as softly.

“Okay, I have to go to work now. Rest for a bit before moving. And take it easy for the rest of the day.”

He nodded.

“Good boy.”

I rose to my feet and picked my phone up from the coffee table. I turned and walked a few steps before I heard a quiet “Wait…” from behind me. I turned back to face him. He had retrieved his blanket and had wrapped it around him. I was reminded of how cute he was when he was asleep.

He wet his lips.

“Can-can we try that again… but with your platform heels?”

His earnest eyes looked at me with hope. I smiled.

“Of course, sweetie…”

His face lit up.

“But not today.”

He pouted with disappointment. I chuckled.

“Oh, don’t look at me with that. After last night–”

His face went scarlet.

“–and just now, you need to give your body a break. We will do it again soon–”

My phone went off, the sound as annoying as ever. Fuckfuckfuck. I glanced at the caller ID, hoping it wasn’t the person I knew it was.

“Shit. I need to go now.”

I grabbed my purse and rushed out the door, sprouting complete bullshit to my boss as to why I wasn’t at work yet. Three near-accidents later, I barely made it to the client meeting, and by the grace of an otherworldly deity, maybe even several, survived my boss’s fierce glare. Thankfully, I managed to negotiate an even better deal with the client.

That was probably the only thing that saved me from my boss’s wrath and subsequent unemployment. And despite my boss reprimanding me in her office for forty-five minutes straight, I couldn’t help smiling for the rest of the day. Because I had something, or someone more like, to look forward to.

Playtime with you.

And now that I think about it, maybe fate didn’t hate me after all

Maybe that accident was a blessing in disguise.
