The Morning After Pt.1 [ffm]

Early morning on a summer’s day, a gentle breeze is blowing through an open bedroom window allowing the sun’s rays to shine through a parting in the curtains, like a divine light striking through the darkness of the room. Holly lay asleep in her bed after a great night out with friends, everything was still, except under the sheet signs of movement. She let out a quiet whimper then a soft moan, a smile on her face indicating a delightful dream but just as her movements began to grow she started to stir from her slumber. One eye slowly opened followed by the other, she stretched her arms, turned, and looked at the clock before letting out long sigh and slumping back in disgust.

Holly laid there for a few moments, upset to be awake so early and to have her dream interrupted. She closed her eyes again, replaying the dream in her mind and as she did, her hand naturally started to wonder over her body.

She caressed the side of her face with just her index and middle fingers then moved them across her lips. She kept them there, exploring, probing her lips in full before slowly moving her hand down under her chin and began stroking each side of her neck. She loved soft kisses on her neck and always featured in her fantasy’s.

Her hand glided back to her mouth, and started sucking two fingers gently, imaging arousing a mystery partner. A few moments later she released them, gliding them down over her body between her cleavage.

She ran her hand over each breast playing with them through her blue cotton bra, enjoying the feeling of the material against her soft skin with each movement before slipping a hand under her bra. She squeezed her breast a few times then moved on to running her index finger in gentle circles around her nipple. She started tweaking it between her thumb and finger, until it was hard and tested how hard she could pinch without it being too painful, each time making her bite her lower lip. This was repeated on her other breast, leaving both nipples extremely hard and slightly red.

She stopped for a brief moment to compose herself before gliding her hand lower, stroking her stomach and imaged someone was kissing it. Her hand moved lower down the inside of one thigh, squeezing it as she did before moving back up to her matching blue cotton panties.

She glided her hand up and down her groin allowing just the very tips of her fingers underneath the seam of her panties, not allowing them to go deeper. She had never teased herself this way before and couldn’t believe how sensitive and arousing it felt. She moved back up, caressing her stomach continuing her experiment allowing her fingertips under waistband before moving down the inside of her other thigh.

Just as she was losing herself in this fantasy, experimenting using both hands on each side of her panties, she felt something against brush her left arm. She turned on her side, opened her eyes and stopped dead.

“F**k,” she gasped, someone was lying next to her.

In her part slumbered state she had forgot Morgan, her best friend had stayed over after their night out. Fortunately it appeared Morgan was still asleep and undisturbed by Holly’s antics. She giggled to herself at her own clumsiness then shook her head imagining the shame had Morgan woke up and witnessed her trying to get off.

“Only could happen to me,” she thought.

Holly laid back down, trying to relax after being so aroused but couldn’t get settled and decided to remove the bedsheet hoping it would cool her down. She sat up slowly, and gently slide the sheet of the bed making sure to not disturb her sleeping companion. Before laying back down she couldn’t help but notice the dark blue patch at the base of her panties. Looking back at Morgan, she again thought how embarrassed she would be trying to explain it to Morgan but at least they should dry soon.

As Holly lay back down, instead of rolling over and trying to cool off, she found herself still looking at Morgan. She had seen it briefly many times before and never bothered her but now as Morgan lay on her side facing Holly, she found herself captivated, studying her body in detail whilst unconsciously stroking the outside of her own thigh.

She loved how Morgan’s long brunette hair fell on her body down to her breasts wishing her own hair could grow that long and look so great. She studied Morgan’s breasts which filled out her pink lace bra perfectly and trying to compare them to her own.

Both girls had ample breasts but Morgan’s always seemed bigger and attracted more attention although now in close proximity they seemed so similar. Holly placed a hand under her bra, examining her own breasts again. She memorized exactly how they felt and had a plan in mind.

Holly’s breathing became heavier as she contemplated her next move and dropping her hand to the side of her body. Nervously she slowly inched her hand closer towards Morgan before briefly touching her body and checked if her friend responded.

Nothing, Holly noted before lifting her hand, closing her eyes, and gently placing it on Morgan’s bra. If Morgan woke now Holly could pretend to be asleep and not in control of her body.

Holly waited for a few moments, a mix of emotions, her heart pounding and her hand trembled slightly. Slowly she opened her eyes and to her delight Morgan was still asleep which helped steadied her nerves.

She began to move her hand over Morgan’s bra trying to examine each breast but this seemed inconclusive. With a deep breath she cautiously slipped her hand under Morgan’s bra, intently watching Morgan’s face for any sign of her waking up.

Still nothing so Holly’s attention focused back on the hand placed on her friend’s breast. It was warm and soft like her own, a familiar yet strange feeling. She moved her fingers to study Morgan’s nipples, again it felt similar with a few more pimples maybe. As she played with it Holly was astonished to feel it grow bigger, harder underneath her hand. Now erect, Morgan’s nipples did seem much bigger than Holly’s but before she could investigate further Morgan suddenly moved slightly, letting out a long sigh, and Holly immediately retreated, closing her eyes again.

After a quiet few moments Holly opened her eyes, and breathed a sigh of relief once again, Morgan was still fast asleep. She couldn’t help but smile as both Morgan’s nipples were now fully erect, poking out of her bra and was proud of her cheeky achievement.

Holly couldn’t help noticed how much hotter Morgan looked now and in the heat of the moment picked up her phone. She lay flat on her back, held the phone ensuring both girl’s bodies were in full view before taking a naughty selfie. Reviewing the selfie just taken, she was amazed at just how good both of their bodies looked together and how Morgan’s erect nipples were still on show. A naughty thought suddenly popped in her head.

Ollie was a close friend of both Holly and Morgan, they always hung out together including the night before and he also was staying over in the spare bedroom. She knew he found them both attractive, especially Morgan as she caught him a few times staring at her which he would deny, despite his face going red. It would kill him to know he was sleeping in the next room when this photo was taken, she thought so sent him the photo along with a few messages.

“Opps! The sheet has slid off”

“Haha your asleep next door and I get to see this :P”

“P.S Don’t ever mention or show this is anyone and maybe this won’t be the last. ~.^”

The last message being a lie but it will make sure he keeps his mouth shut, Holly thought before putting her phone away.

She lay on her side again facing Morgan once again with her hand back resting on the top of her thigh, Holly’s attention now moved to Morgan’s stomach.

“It’s gorgeous, so flat and toned,” she thought even though both were in great shape. As she watched as slight cool breeze blew over Morgan causing goose pimples to appear. Holly’s eyes grew wider watching this interaction on Morgan’s soft skin and gave her tingle down her back imagining the feeling Morgan’s body must be feeling.

She stared at Morgan’s navel piercing, when a ray of light hit it the jewel stud it cause rainbow of colours to appear on stomach. “So sexy,” Holly thought and wished she had the courage to get one.

Holly’s gaze move further down Morgan’s body, she was taller than Holly and seemed to have legs that went on forever. Holly shuffled down the bed slightly to get a better look and couldn’t believe how perfect they were compared to hers, even her feet were perfect.

Without thinking she reached out to examine Morgan’s foot it was so soft, and delicate in her hands before proceeding upwards. Morgan’s carves felt so firm which not surprising as she did allot of sports and her thighs were slim but so soft. Holly’s hand was about to reach Morgan’s ass when she suddenly realised what she was doing and not even paying attention to whether Morgan was asleep or not. She quickly looked up, her heart pounding but yet again Morgan lay still, eyes closed and a wave of euphoria came over her.

Holly couldn’t describe what she was feeling, the danger and excitement of exploration, should she really be enjoying this so much?

Still lying half way down the bed, a hand still on her friend’s thigh, Holly found herself staring at Morgan’s pink panties. She’d never really seen another women naked before, maybe a few brief glimpses in changing rooms from a distance but had never looked at porn. Yet here she was unable to get the thought of wanting to know what her friend’s pussy was like.

Not being brave enough yet to touch it herself, Holly moved her right-hand off her friend’s thigh and placed it on the outside of her own panties. She started tracing the outline of her clit with her index finger, whilst tracing the outside of Morgan’s with just her eyes.

Although enjoying the moment, her curiosity was growing and slowly her left hand was getting closer to Morgan. She looked up to make sure Morgan was asleep, paused moving her right-hand and slowly placed her left-hand on the waist band of Morgan’s pink panties. She knew she would have to be very carefully and would have to watch for any sign Morgan start to wake.

Whilst still looking up at Morgan’s face, she clumsily moved her left hand down the outside of Morgan’s panties to find outline of her clit. She began gently encircling it using her index finger whilst doing the same with her right-hand on herself.

Holly’s clit seemed bigger and stuck out more but she didn’t know if that’s because she was still aroused. She moved her hands as best she could whilst not looking, up and down both girl’s panties continuing to compare their pussys. She found even through her panties she could press/slide her middle finger between her own pussy lips yet but Morgan’s seemed tighter and flatter even. Holly didn’t know what to make of it having only her own pussy to compare it too. Maybe the difference was because of her sporting activities or natural differences between women or maybe it was because she couldn’t see what she was doing.

Holly grew impatient and eventually moved her gaze down to her left hand, she was so focused that her right-hand now lay motionless on her own panties. She watched intently as she moved her hand up, down and all over her friend’s panties, spreading her fingers wide stretching the fabric trying to get as good a look as she could. A faint noise came from the corner of the room but Holly was too focussed with the task in hand and dismissed it as the breeze blowing through the curtains. Unconsciously she raised her right hand, placing two fingers on her lips which was quite natural when she was thinking or studying but this time it broke her concentration and jolted her head back in shock, something was different.

Holly hadn’t realised her fingertips were thinly coated in her own juices after resting them on her panties (so much for them drying out) and had unwittingly given herself a sample. Holly was no stranger to masturbating but never had to courage to taste herself before, although once having a fantasy about a guy alternating between fucking her pussy and mouth.

Holly licked her lips trying to ascertain what the taste was then looked at her damp right-hand and finally down at her crotch.

“Hah,” she said quietly realising what had happened. Although only faint, the taste was strange, unfamiliar but not unpleasant. Forgetting about her left-hand on her friend’s crotch, she now moved her right-hand down to the dark blue patch at the base of her panties and slide two-fingers underneath them from the side. She wriggled hers fingers to get a good sample then withdrew them, a line of grool followed, connecting her crotch and hand before breaking as she lifted her hand further away.

Holly rubbed her thumb between her glistening fingers in front of her eyes, playing with her juices before placing one finger in her mouth. Tentatively at first then sucked it clean before quickly devouring her other finger. Holly couldn’t believe how good she tasted and wished she had tried before.

Savouring the last few remains of grool on her fingers, she thought did all women taste this good then looked at Morgan “, how good do Morgan taste?”

Never has Holly fantasied about another girl, let alone her best friend but now she couldn’t get the thought of being down on her knees, faced buried in her friends pussy whilst fingering herself.

Holly quickly got another sample, this time closing her eyes, pushing her two fingers straight together and licking them up and down, pretending they were her friends pussy.

Before Holly got two carried away, another noise came from the corner of the room. This time she opened her eyes, looking over her friend’s body towards where the noise came from.

Holly eyes could see something but her eyes were still adjusting to the light again, was that a torso she could see. Something moved, it got a step closer, it was a definitely body.

“Ollie, what the fuck,” Holly tried to shout in as lower volume as possible, quickly laying on her front to hide her body from view.

Ollie stood there in his boxers, she had no idea how long he had been in the room or how much he witnessed.

To be continued.


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