Scene – the next morning (first timer)

***new to this, here’s an excerpt of something I’ve been working on

There was a momentary pause as they locked eyes, her tender smokey sapphire eyes pierced through his own, he stood frozen unable to look away, to speak, to think; in that moment his existence was nothing more than to be trapped in her endless gaze.   He could feel his mouth slightly open, but he heard no words, and as she looked away he reappeared only to mumble some inaudible sound he prayed she understood as coherent words.  To his surprise she replied, “I’m great, how are you?”  In a trance he’d forgotten all about the previous night, he’d forgotten he wasn’t wearing clothes, and the t-shirt she was wearing had a familiarity that he couldn’t place.  She leaned in acutely aware of her effect on him in this moment, pressed her lips against his, a flood of memories came rushing back as he remembered the sweet taste of her lips, and he wrapped his hands around her pulling her in so their bodies felt as one.  Quickly without hesitation he had her penned against the wall, their lips entangled in a primitive dance of war, they felt the burning flames of the fire as they circled around one another’s lips, playfully, ravenously, harmonious ecstacy. Their hands frantically searched for the other, a cosmic journey of flesh underneath the sensual aroma of raw lust.  His penis throbbed, pulsating in delight as he felt her soft supple fingers rollicking along it’s hard shaft.  The pleasure of her movements was almost too much for him to bear, he quickly grabbed her wrists, placing her hands over her head confining them against the wall with one hand and using the other to run up along the inner of her naked thigh brushing over her sex, fondling her breast as it made the journey upwards to her head.  He released her lips from their prison as he pulled away, turning her head away from his to expose her neck.  He pounced as a lion on its prey, his lips the lion her neck the prey.  She squirmed, goosebumps invading her flesh as waves of indescribable sensations spidered throughout her whole body.  She tried to free her hands; his grip tightened, and he moved his onslaught to her breasts, giving both ample attention, suckling her nipples, gently pressing upon then with his teeth.  She broke free, shoving him against the opposite wall, a battle of wills ensuing. Her hands firmly pressed against his chest and she began her assault on his lips.  Paralyzed he couldn’t struggle as her hands consumed every ounce of flesh.  She grabbed a hold of the hair on the back of his head asserting her dominance, tilted his head back, and pressed her lips against his neck, kissing up and down, breathing heavy in his ear, he could feel her wetness on his leg as he hiked up one of her legs.  His cock unbearably hard yearning to be devoured in the comfort of her sex.  She released him from her grasp, took a step back, gathered her composure then said, “I’ll make the coffee if you cook the eggs.”
