My [M] fiance and I visit her twin sister [F] [Long]

This story happened last winter before all this COVID shit hit the fan and I am writing because I just needed to tell someone. So now I’m here in the middle of a workday typing this up because I could not hold it in any longer. Compared to my love life I think it is somewhat of a roller coaster and I hope you all enjoy.

Back Story:

Ok…time for the real-world moment…physically, I am not what you call…“In shape”. But I am also not a massive person. I am about 6ft and around 230 pounds with dark brown hair, a beard and a smattering of freckles. At around 5.5in, I am not sporting a porn-star cock like everyone else apparently has on this site. I have never been extremely confident in my physical appearance. I have always been a little overweight and as a result I have never had much luck in the dating world. Not trying to have a pity party here; just trying to give the facts.

My fiancé, Amanda, is gorgeous. Based upon looks alone she is way outside of my league but since she and I are super weird nerds (i.e. we love all things fantasy, Syfy, cartoons even though we are “too old” to watch them) so we clicked really well. Amanda is around 5ft 10in, with long brown hair, pale white skin with a few freckles, and she is about 170ish pounds.

My fiancé and I have been together for a little over two years and we are both very happy with one another. We met on an online dating service and I honestly did not expect to fall in love with someone like that…but hey that’s the times. Like I wrote above, I have always been a little self-conscious about my looks and before I met Amanda, I had gotten out of my first long term relationship with a someone who was bat shit crazy. I was at a bit of a low. But Amanda really helped ne deconstruct my self-degrading attitude which made me much more confident with other people and even more so in the bedroom.

Amanda and I work at the same organization which is really nice because when the holidays roll around we actually get a week off gifted to us from the president of the org so we can make plans and visit family…which is exactly what we did. Amanda and I decided to visit her twin sister, brother in law and kids for a few days before going to see my parents. Amanda’s twin, Beth, is pretty much physically the same in every way except instead of long hair she was sporting short, shoulder length, hair with bangs. Its actually kind of creepy because if it weren’t for the hair, I wouldn’t be able to tell the two of them apart half the time. The biggest way I can tell them apart is by their voices and how they carry themselves. Amanda has a higher pitched voice but not by much and she is a little higher strung but not in a “Karen” sort of way…more like she has her preferences and tries to stay as close to them as possible. Beth on the other hand has a little lower voice and is more lose with having everything the way she wants it. She kind of goes with the flow until you fuck with her and when you do you better hide because you will feel her wrath.

I actually thought of suggesting Beth’s hair style to Amanda on several occasions but decided against it because 1) I didn’t want her to think I wanted her to look more like her sister (those of you who are with or know twins understand it they constantly battle with being compared to one another) and 2) I love using her long hair as a handle when I’m fucking her.

Beth and her husband Parker have two kids and are not necessarily “well off.” They live in a small house but there are enough bedrooms that they can move the kids around and allow Amanda and I to have our own room when we visit. Beth doesn’t work because she is a full-time mom (both the kids are under 5) and Parker works a shitty, dead end, job from home where he has an office to himself. Parkers hours are awful, he works normal business hours during the weekdays, has Monday and Thursday off then starts at 6:00 pm most weekend nights and will work until 2:00 am or 3:00 am depending on the calls he gets. He doesn’t get much time off, doesn’t help with the kids, is pissy when he is off and as a result, he and Beth have a pretty shit marriage.

When Amanda and Beth get together, Amanda spends about 80 percent of her time listening to Beth bitch about Parker and how hard it is to be a mom with no one there to support her…to be honest, her complaints are valid. Ultimately, I get roped into these conversations and I contribute by telling her she isn’t blowing things out of proportion. This visit, we planned to get there around 5:00 pm on the Saturday before Christmas but ended up getting there a little past 6:00 pm and Parker was already at work.

Beth was in a foul mood because she and parker had a row before we got there and she was just ready to have some company for a change. We took our bags into the room we would be sleeping in and I was really excited because they own these awesome black out curtains that really keep all the light out of the room. I know you can buy the same exact curtains from Wal-Mart for like $5 but I’m lazy and haven’t gotten around to it. I was happy to finally get some sleep in a pitch black room. The kids were still up to greet us when we got there but they were just about to be put down for the night so the three of us could catch up.

At around 8:30, Beth finally got the kids asleep and she asked us if we wanted to get drunk and let loose. Amanda and I were perfectly keen to let the day go with a buzz and asked what they had to drink.

“Well I have a couple cheap of bottles of merlot.” Beth said frowning while carrying out two corked bottles and three glasses balanced between her arms. But she seemed to be cheering up.

Beth was wearing a white tank top without a bra which caught me off guard but its her home and, hell, she can do what she wants. However, the bottles and glasses she was carrying were pressed up against her chest for support and managed to push her boobs together so when I looked at what she was bringing out I couldn’t avoid staring for a second….or two….or three.

I think she was me gawking, but I looked away, “Ummm…I’m game but wine makes me really sleepy and after that drive I don’t know how much I have in me.” I said with a smile.

Amanda definitely saw that I had been staring because she slapped me on the arm, chuckled and whispered in my ear, “You see something you like?” and then said to Beth, “Pour me a big glass…more…more…there we go.”

Even though I haven’t had much experience sexually with only having had two long term relationships, I still have a lot of kinks. Well, my bat shit crazy ex I mentioned above really pushed my boundaries and we ended up having a couple MFM threesomes during the time we dated. I honestly wish it wasn’t with her but looking back they were fun and I would gladly be ready to open my current relationship to more people. Amanda, however, is a little more puritan in the bedroom and when we first started dating she was interested in having an open relationship but I had brought it up a few times since then and she was becoming a little more interested. She says she’s been interested in girls but was unsure if she wanted bring another into the relationship. But whatever, our sex life was (and still is) great and she was still way out of my league.

So the night goes on and we drink and we drink and before you know it we have gotten through a bottle and a half of wine. We were having a pleasant conversation about the holidays, what they bought their father and how much they were looking forward to some time together. But eventually Beth brought up Parker and slowly I got edged out of the conversation. I don’t know if this is a twin thing or a sister thing but when Beth and Amanda get going it is hard to get a word in edgewise.

Beth was going on about, “When Parker gets off work, he immediately stars playing videogames. Sometimes he doesn’t even come out of his office when his shift ends and I’ll go into check on him and there is he playing Rocket League. I just don’t get it. It’s like he doesn’t even want to be a part of the family. I even tempt him with sex, and he doesn’t budge.”

“Yeah like what?” Amanda said with a raised questioning eyebrow.

“I mean I’ll hint it hasn’t been a while and he will ignore or roll his eyes. And so I decided to take matters into my own hands and I bought…you know…toys for the bedroom but he said how they diminished his ‘manhood’ and I had to stop myself from gaping at him.”

“What?! Toys are so much fun! nosoul and I have a bunch. We event bought a riding crop and some restraints”

I was a bit taken aback by this, not because it is necessarily the most private information (I could care less who knows the details about my sex life) but it was more because Amanda never talks so openly about what we do in the bedroom. But its her sister and she usually tell Beth everything.

Beth seemed really interested in this and Amanda went on about how the toys are fun and all but she really loves when I go down on her. Beth kept asking Amanda for more details about our bedroom activities and with how much Amanda had been drinking (she’s a bit of a light weight) the floodgates were open and everything was being shared.

Now, I’ve never shown interest in Beth sexually but with her being my fiancé’s twin it’s not like I’m unattracted. I just tried everything in my power to not think of her in that way. But as the conversation progressed, you could tell she was getting turned on by what Amanda was telling her. She didn’t seem like she could keep her legs still and I swear her face was more flushed than it had been just a few minutes before but that could be explained away by the wine. But the real nail in her coffin were her nipples…rock…fucking…hard. I couldn’t help myself from looking while she was in that tank.

Amanda noticed and mentioned slyly, “You’re really zoning out, aren’t you?”

“Yeah…” I said coming to the realization that I didn’t know how long I had been staring. And I glanced up at Beth. Her eyes were locked on me.

You know that stare you get when someone looks at you and its almost like they are looking deep into you? Yeah…that was the stare. I think Beth realized she was staring back because she kind of shook her head and Amanda changed the topic. Parker came out for his 30 minute lunch break at around 10:30 pm and we shot the shit for a bit before he went back to work. He might be an ass to Beth but he can be fine in social situations. As he left the room Beth got up to pee and I was alone for a few minutes with Amanda.

This gave Amanda a second chance to really tease me, “So you aren’t happy with one of me, is there something more you want?”

“No no no. I swear I was just zoning and happened to be staring…right at…your sisters boobs……yeeeeeah.” I hung my head in shame.

“Well I can’t blame you; they were really hanging out.” She retorted with a smile and I knew she was giving me a pass.

I stood up to stretch and it was now I really knew I had been drinking because I almost fell right back into my seat on the couch and I immediately felt tired.

“Well I think I’m going to bed. I know you want some sister time, so I’ll leave you guys to it.”

Amanda said “Ok.” got up and pressed her amazing body up against me and whispered ever so slightly in my ear, “I’ll see you in bed later.”

I left the room with a slack jawed smile on my face and as I was going to the bedroom, I passed Beth coming out of the bathroom. Their house is too small and thus they don’t have enough storage space so random crap inevitably ends up piled up which makes for a really tight fit when you have two people in the hall.

I kept walking thinking Beth would take a step back into the door to the bathroom but instead she walked towards me. As we met we did that little awkward dance you usually do when trying to get around someone at the store but Beth eventually grabbed both my shoulders with her hands and turned me so my back was against one of the walls and slipped past me. As she passed, I felt like she pressed just a little closer than she absolutely needed to and ended up brushing her chest against me. When she was on the other side of me her hand dropped from my right shoulder and she “accidentally” brushed against my bulge.

“Oh! Sorry about that. I’m a bit clumsy”

“It’s ok.” Yeah right…clumsy. “I’m headed to bed, see you in the morning.”

Beth had a moments hesitation as she looked at me but said “Ok. Sleep well!”

And with that I headed into the room. I don’t usually sleep with much on which usually only means a pair of boxers. Since they keep their house a bit on the warmer side, I turned on the fan so it stayed cool as I slept. I drew the backout curtains and laid down. Between the wine and the drive, I was out in minutes.

I was woken up by the presence of Amanda in the bed. She was half on top of me and touching my hard on I usually rock when sleeping. I could hear her breathing heavily as she slowly stroked me through the blanket. I sat up a bit, but I could only barely make out her outline in the pitch black.

I didn’t know what time it was and was about to check my phone when I said, “Oh hey. I was wondering when…” I was cut off as she leaned down and pressed her mouth into mine and kissed me with a force, I had rarely experienced from her before. What did I taste? Rum? I guess she and Beth broke out the rum and cokes before going to bed.

Our tongues danced together like they never had before, and she bit my lip slightly when breaking the kiss. I started to wiggle my hands out from under the blankets to fully embrace her and as I reached up and around to her back and neck she grabbed my wrists and thrust them back down into the pillow behind my head.

Ok…I thought. I guess she is in control tonight. Must be some pent-up rage in there from looking at her sister. I’m game.

Allowing her to pin my arms she kissed me again with another passionate kiss and then moved to nibble on my ear a little bit. ‘That’s new’ I thought but a welcome change. We made out for several more minutes and she just felt hungry for me. Her kisses were deep and passionate like it was the first time we were making out. It felt like she was exploring more in her intoxicated state and I could not have been happier. I finally got fed up with the teasing and flipped her over onto the bed, so she was lying down. She was already naked.

I slid my hands down her body and gently kissed my way down to her thighs. I spent a little time on her nipples because I know she loves it when I suck on them. I flicked my tongue on her rock hard nipples going from right to left until her back arched and I decided it was time to move on. Her knees were still together and they were bent so I couldn’t access her glorious pussy. I moved to part her legs but she didn’t let me do so easily at first. “Fighting back are you?” I said with an incredulous tone.

All I got in response was an “Mmhmmm” but eventually her legs parted which gave me access to her pussy. Usually when Amanda and I fuck we turn on a light so we can see each other’s faces but tonight there was nothing but the dark outlines of our bodies. It was hot.

I kissed her left knee and then the inside of her upper thigh and I made my way down her leg kissing slowly until I was met with a surprise. “You shaved?! Oh, it’s my lucky day!”

I licked the skin, where the inside of her thigh meets her pelvis, ever so slightly and I felt a shiver run up her body. I Like to tease Amanda then I eat her out. I don’t dive right in and go to town…It’s a process. I moved my mouth over her cunt and just lightly blew up and down. She seemed to like that because she let out a little squeak. And then I quickly and firmly pressed the tip of my tongue onto her clit. Amanda let out a gasp of pleasure as I did so and then I really started working.

I moved my tongue to the bottom of her pussy and licked all the way up to her clit and rand it back down again. I did this two or three more times but tried not to stay in that pattern because I wanted to keep her on her toes…figuratively of course. I then circled my tongue around the hole to her cunt several times, going both clockwise and counterclockwise to mix it up. She was getting wetter by the second and I couldn’t help but stick my tongue all the way in. She let out a louder moan but must have pulled the pillow over her face because moan came out muffled…we were still at her sisters house and we could go making a racket of course.

After tongue fucking her for about 30 seconds I moved up to her clit and slowly started running my tongue in concentric circles around it. Amanda let out a whisper, “Oh god.” God help you here I thought ha-ha. And with that I pressed my tongue even harder against her clit as I ran it back and forth….faster…and faster…and faster. Amanda was really squirming now and she had leveraged her legs to push her pussy further into my face. And all of a sudden, I felt her body pulse over and over as she came into my mouth. Fuck I love eating her out.

She laid there for a minute breathing heavily and I let out a laugh. I went to move up her body not letting her have a second’s relief. I was about to put my throbbing dick inside of her when she gripped my arms and rolled me onto my back and started to kiss down my body. I guess it was my turn now.

She took me into her mouth, and I felt instant pleasure. She started at the tip working her tongue back and forth on my head. Oh man that felt good. I let out a, “Fuck yeah baby, just like that.” I went to touch her arms but she stopped me and forced my hands down to the bed and held them there. So I only get to enjoy at the moment…fine with me. I put my head back and relaxed.

She teased the head for about a minute before working my entire shaft into her mouth. She went up and down and up and down for a while. Eventually, she pressed her head as far down as she could taking literally every inch as she deep throated me. This caught me off guard because Amanda rarely did this but she was drunk and I figured that was helping.

I could tell she was giving me one of the sloppiest blow jobs she has ever given me. I could feel a pool of her spit at the base of my shaft which she eventually made use of when she released my hands from the bed and started stroking me so she could get a breather.

She started stroking me faster and faster and eventually had caught her breath enough to take me in her mouth again. She didn’t pin my hands again because she was using them to work the base of my shaft as she licked the tip of my cock purposely and forcefully. I could fell it building. It started in the pit of my stomach. My legs started to tense. I could feel it coming from the base of my cock and up to the tip and I said a little louder than I intended, “I’m cumming.” But she didn’t stop. She kept going. I lost myself.

I shot rope after rope of cum down her throat as my body contorted in ways I did not expect. I couldn’t hold back from grabbing her head and slamming her further onto my cock…wait…where’s all her hair? It’s short?!

Half cumfused and half aware, with a pounding heart, I rustled off the bed and turned on the light. And sitting naked in front of me, with my cum rolling down her face, was Beth.




  1. Great story, well written, you have to continue with what Amanda had to say and anything else that happened with your visit

  2. Great story. But dude, SyFy is a crap cable channel. SciFi (or better yet, SF) is an excellent genre of literature.

  3. Very nice. Super fun read. Appreciated the backstory and real-life tone. Flowed well through the events. Telegraphed it a little with Beth but I suppose with the title it was already on our minds. Looking forward to part II

  4. If there’s a commendation out there for leaving us wanting to hear more, you just earned the highest award.

  5. We need part 2 ASAP. I have a feeling Amanda told Beth you pretend to be her, and I gotta see if I’m right.

  6. So hot! You had me absolutely dripping by the end. I really wanted Amanda to be watching, and maybe join in at the end!

  7. Moral of the story: every woman who marries an inept man who is unable to fully financially support a family but has time for video games ends up regretting it and getting dick elsewhere.

  8. Parker has a bigger cock i bet so we all know where Amanda was occupying her time while her sister got of.

  9. As a girl with a twin sister, this has happened more than once for sure. We once swapped bf’s without letting them know at the time so we could compare and share stories.

  10. Great story, good detail! Hoping for part 2!

    You confused the shit out of it though by using “fiancé”, which is the male word. You were trying for “fiancée” (female).

  11. Ok you sister taster I hate cliffhangers like this ????. You better be cummin up with a Part 2

  12. You definitely threw ya a curveball with the hints and allegations of threesomes, but it was a great curveball. And that cliffhanger….can’t wait for the next chapter.

  13. I agree with the avalanche of readers that encourage you to continue with a Part 2 continuation!

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