[MFM]/[MF] A girlfriend wanted a virgin, so I gave her to one.

***Disclaimer:*** *While this story – in its entirety – is true telling of this weekend’s events between myself, Jason, Rory, and Cali, I have taken a certain level of “creative license” in both the details of said events and the manner in which I tell those events. My goal in this is to protect identities of people and locations. My goal is __not__ to embellish or otherwise make this story unworthy of /r/gonewildstories.* Thanks for reading.


###It all began when Rory beat me in a game of Magic: The Gathering.

Bet you never thought a story here would begin with something so nerdy, but it’s the truth. I often challenge and encourage friends, colleagues, strangers into random acts of learning, random acts of kindness, and random acts of slutiness by promising them something that has come to be known as a *Golden Coin*. It’s something my late wife invented and when she gave them out, they’re worth was/is limitless, able to change the world – for me they’re mainly tokens for favors (something I began collecting when I no longer *had* to work to collect money^(1)). With girlfriends they’re “coupons” for *any* fantasy scenario they wish^(2).

**Rory** is 26, a graduate student at my university^(3). She’s high strung and high maintenance unless she’s *actually* high^(4) (which always leads to her hanging around my house in her underwear no matter who else is in it^(5) and saying things like “Daddy it’s hot in here”^(6)). Physically, I would describe her as **an African goddess**. That ass, those nipples, that flawless dark skin (a great contrast against my own) is just… wow. Rory exclusively dates/fucks nerdy white guys, though the more I turn her out, the less I think she’s beginning to care about the color (or gender) of the cock (or tongue) pleasuring her. Her sexual experience claim to fame (maybe ~20 guys) is **a love of anal**. She’s a very attentive lover, eager to please, but also **finally finding her dominant side** and an addiction to orgasms so a lot of our encounters this summer have been me doing what I do best (eating pussy) and introducing her to toys and kinks. Her first time ever entering Subspace^(7) was over the 4th of July and her first time ever having anonymous sex^(8) was **this weekend**.

Rory had spent weeks in my library where my collection of cards^(9) is stored building decks and playtesting against the computer. I’m pretty sure she even stopped by the local comic book store for advice and practice (which meant every kid in there had a mask *and* a boner for sure). She already loved board games from before I met her (Ticket to Ride and Dominion are some of our mutual favorites) and has an intense competitive streak, but with the added bonus of a *Golden Coin* at stake, when she finally won that best of 3 match, the smile on her face and the growing wet spot on her panties made all her “ugh, this game is stupid” exclamations over the last month *so* worth it and she knows that.


**Rory:** Well, since you say MFM is the best type of threesome and every woman deserves one, I want that.

**Me:** Done. [I picked up my phone to start making arrangements]

**Rory:** Wait, it’s that easy?

**Me:** Well I’ll have to see who’s in town and then have you approve, but yeah.

**Rory:** No, no, this has to be someone new for both of. In fact, they have to be a virgin.

**Me:** You know I have a rule about being anyone’s first [or anyone’s last]. Besides, for a real MFM threesome to put you in subspace and make you feel like a total slut, you don’t want a newbie.

**Rory:** A Golden Coin is a Golden Coin you said. Besides, I plan on being his first, you can just have sloppy seconds. Make it happen Daddy.


###Thank God I hadn’t already sucked Jason’s cock.

When I first began talking to **Jason** about a week ago, he was desperate for a blowjob, especially from someone willing to play a sissy/trap^(10). I don’t really do that sort of thing for younger guys but I figured it would be fun. He’s 19, a student in my college but not my department. Big goofy smile with dimples, clean shaven, could probably use more time at the gym if it weren’t going to make him sick, and his cock is thicker than mine but a couple inches shorter with a more pronounced curve. Very easy to deepthroat and perfect for DP as Rory and I later learned. His personality reminds me a lot of mine before I had sex. Shy and fearful of rejection or offense, almost to a fault.

[Over KIK]

**Me:** Jason, sorry I’ve been MIA. Did your tests come back?

**Jason:** Yep, all good, and my roommates aren’t coming into town until tomorrow. [Jason just rented his first ever apartment, so adorable]

**Me:** I’m still down to suck you, but how would you like to spitroast one of the hottest women on campus with me, tomorrow night, instead? It’s her first threesome too, so it will be casual, relaxed, a perfect opportunity for you both, I promise. [I then sent a few pics^(11)]

**Jason:** Is this for real?

**Me:** I would never lie to a fellow [insert our school mascot here].

**Jason:** Alright, what do I need to do?

**Me:** First, I need you to admit to me that you didn’t actually have sex with your “high school girlfriend” and own your virginity. She wants to take it from you.


###At first, it was like watching middle schoolers on a first date and I was the chaperone.

Because I prefer to keep my deviant lifestyle out of my other more public careers, I rarely host anonymous sex in my home. Instead, we chose to host **Jason** at a townhouse I rent to students but was currently empty because I released the four guys living here from their lease when the university shutdown last Spring. The downstairs still needed cleaning, but **Rory** and I had turned the upstairs into a nice little guest room + office + TV room + sex dungeon previously, so it was perfect.

I picked **Jason** up from his apartment around 9pm and we headed to a nearby favorite restaurant to place a takeaway order for the three of us. He was nervous and I think I did a fairly good job at making him believe this was all real, that he could feel safe in my control and planning and experience of the situation, and told him a lot more about **Rory** (her “playbook” so to speak). Also while waiting for the food, we talked about the only four words he needs to know to ensure everyone has a good night, the four Safewords I use with all new partners regardless of the type or intensity of any encounter.^(12)

To skip the boring parts, we played Kings^(13), he didn’t smoke weed^(14), they shared the most awkward kiss (yeah, definitely a virgin, reminded me of Steve Carell and Lisa Kudrow’s kiss in Space Force), and his awkward/shyness brought back the same **Rory** had had before meeting me.

The night was moving so slowly that **Rory** had gotten the munchies *again* even after all the delicious food from Chef Mugdha. So I left.

**Me:** [standing up, grabbing my wallet, vape, etc] I’m going to grab some snacks from the nearby convenience store. [Looking at Rory but pointing at Jason] This man needs a blowjob. You better either still be sucking his cock or have evidence of having swallowed his load to show me by the time I return.


###Yeah, neither of them knew how to respond to that.

I heard “well I guess we better get started” from Rory as I walked out the door of the townhouse into the beautiful summer air.

**Cali** is 22/23 and also a virgin (I think). She’s incredibly innocent, almost to the point of it being annoying and me shaking her head at whoever her parents are/were. After graduating from here, she decided to stay. She told me she works at one of the university/community ministries, but I know that it’s just volunteer work and she’s actually paying her rent through a part-time job in food service and also a recently created OnlyFans page^(15) that her sluttier friends can’t figure out how she’s making so much money from^(16). She’s blonde, bouncy, petite but also curvy, and loves the outdoors. The townhouse her and her friends share is not in the complex I own any in, but it is on the way to the convienience store and they’re at the end with a nice big tree for sitting under with dogs I foster, so we met earlier this summer (before the OnlyFans page, which I may or may not have gotten her curious about looking into when she complained about money). My gift to them in May of a nice outdoor table and chairs looks great under the tree.

**Me:** [over Snapchat] Come outside and tell me a story.

**Cali** came outside in the same t-shirt and shorts I recognized from her last post to OnlyFans.

**Cali:** Another one of your girls passed out down the street and you still can’t sleep huh?

**Me:** Rory is actually sucking off a guy closer to your age over there right now.

**Cali:** Ooh, sorry.

**Me:** Why sorry? I’m the one that invited him. I’ll probably suck his cock too and then tell him to fuck her after I go grab a snack [you can see the lights from the convenience store from the chairs, so I just motioned over] Tell me about your day.

**Cali:** I did a bunch of internet shopping today, can’t wait for the stuff to arrive.

**Me:** [knowing exactly what she bought^(17)] And I’m sure I can’t wait to see it.

**NOTE:** (too important for a footnote) **Cali** has never actually admitted that she is exploring her sexuality through OnlyFans by my suggestion and I’ve never admitted I have seen her OnlyFans, it’s just a subtle running joke between the two of us that we are both very careful about without the other knowing. She pretends to be a pornstar seeking advice from a guy in the business and I pretend to be ignorant that most of her questions could only come from someone in porn 99% of the time and apologetic 1% of the time when I take it too far. I “reset” the roleplay often by saying something like “but really, you really should consider something like that, I hear it’s good pandemic money and you’d be great at it” and then she talks about how “the lord will show me the way to paying my rent”.

**Cali:** I actually bought a book too, thank you very much.^(18) Were you serious about what’s going on at your house right now?

**Me:** [having wiped off the vape and her finished with the hand sanitizer, I handed her the vape] Yep, she asked for it, beat the challenge I made for her, and this is her reward. He’s just lucky really, decent kid.

**Cali:** And you’re just okay with that? I thought you said you loved this girl. You said it was Rory right?

**Me:** [nodding] I do love her, nothing about physical exclusivity promotes love. I can’t turn back into a 19 year-old virgin that’s never had a blowjob before. I can’t have my cock in her pussy and her mouth at the same time. Why deny those experiences to anyone, especially if you love them?

**Cali:** Well, what if she decides she likes him more than you?

**Me:** Not a chance of that happening, our bond is stronger than what a flesh and blood sex toy can provide. But even if she did fall in love with him, that could only ever affect her love for me, not my love for her. I never say the words needing or expecting to hear them back, you know that.

**Cali:** It just seems so wrong to me. If someone loves you, you should only want to be with them. I would get too jealous.

**Me:** Well that’s because sex is good and makes us feel a lot of great things. But jealousy is the fear of losing something or someone to another person. If you really love someone, really feel loved by someone, that fear is impossible. Rory could lose all her arms and legs in a freak accident and I would still love her. It might even make for some interesting new sexual positions.

**Cali:** You’re disgusting. [said with total blowjob eyes]

**Me:** [standing up and taking the vape back from her] Yeah, but I also have to go.

**Cali** stood up to go back inside, and as we hugged I said “next time I’ll take you up on your offer.”

**Cali:** [yelling because i was a few steps away] What offer?

**Me:** To be your first blowjob if I ever find myself in [town name]. [having said that over my shoulder, i then turned around to blow her a kiss in the exact same fashion she’d privately sent one of her subscriber’s (me) when making that offer]

**Cali:** Oh my God. [Though, I saw the smile when she was under her townhouse’s porch light headed back inside, I walked the other way back to my place just in case. We’ve since chatted a bunch and yeah, all things are great, another story maybe soon]


###I returned with Cheezits, Gushers (sour *and* regular), beef jerky (teriyaki *and* spicy), three bottles of water, peanut M&M’s, a couple pints of Ben & Jerry’s.

After closing the door, I could hear **Jason** moaning and the unmistakable sounds of **Rory**’s signature sloppy head game. The giggles from both of them started on maybe my 4th step on the stairs, which immediately got me hard.

Guys, I’m telling you, there is nothing like walking into a room, seeing a girl, *your* girl, on her knees for another guy, drool covering her face and hands and his cock, dropping whatever’s in your hands (and all your clothes), getting behind her, lifting her dress (not that it ever covers much of that ass anyway), yanking down her adorable panties, and then plunging into whichever hole your cock decides the moment is right for^(19)

**Rory:** Oh my God (normally she goes for “gosh”, which is adorable). [she laid her head down on Jason’s thigh, his cock still in her left hand]

**Me:** Don’t stop on my account. [we’re maybe four strokes in and she’s already cumming, definitely a record for her, especially without a vibe]

**Rory:** I… can’t… (or something like that)

**Rory** then kinda just collapsed to the other side of the couch, **Jason** and I made eye contact, I could tell he was so close, there was actually pain on his face.

**Me:** Fine, then I get to be his first.

Not wasting any time, I quickly deepthroated his cock to show I know what I’m doing following by the technique that seems guaranteed to get every cock off.^(20)

[Maybe 30 seconds later]

**Jason:** Oh fuck, I’m definitely going to cum.

**Rory:** [awake from death] What? Already? [finally seeing the technique I’d tried to describe to her] Oh wow.

I didn’t get to see all the things **Rory** started with to join back in since I was a little busy, but I do know she began fingering herself and feeding him everything on her fingers as if he were giving a blowjob. She then joined me in his lap, her on the couch, me on the floor, and Daddy gave her a lesson in exactly how he likes his blowjobs (lots of opportunities to edge **Jason** in there) A few minutes later and she shifted to be on her knees in front of him, I got out of the way, grabbed the snacks, sat down in another chair, chugged a bottle of water, and enjoyed the view. After what was honestly the first uncontrolled verbal outcry from **Jason** (remember, he’s still shy), the next time I saw **Rory**’s face, the dark skin of her lips and chin were covered in dripping white cum, like perfectly glazed icing on a chocolate cupcake. Yeah, I definitely snapped a pic when she crawled over to give me the same treatment, not even bothering to wipe herself up, just a shame it turned out so blurry.


###Jason had been working up to that load for the last 19 years, it destroyed him.

**Rory:** How about we go to the bedroom and you eat me out while Jason watches and recuperates?

You didn’t have to ask either of us twice. We walked across the hall, **Jason** collapsed high on the bed, his thigh near where **Rory**’s head ended up, while I got between her legs. Being the young virgin that he is, I hadn’t even yet gotten my fingers inside her before he was hard again. By the time I’d stacked orgasm #3, his cock was in her mouth with him holding himself against the wall to lightly thrust up and down. God I love hearing a girl moan from something I’m doing while another cock is in her mouth, muffling the sounds and then requiring gasps of air just to stay conscious.

**Me:** Jason, stop fucking her face for a minute and watch this, you might learn something.

*Four is enough* probably I thought, but it turns out I’d loaded up a few more. Orgasm stacking isn’t something I can really explain in a mere footnote, but I’m sure google is good.

**Me:** You ready to cum for Daddy and his new friend?

**Rory:** [still holding onto Jason’s cock] Yes, fuck yes.

30 seconds later and I was standing off to the side of the bed while Jason’s eyes simply could not move save for taking in every inch of **Rory**’s convulsing body. Not a single word out of her mouth was English.

**Jason:** Jesus, it’s like you just ripped the cord on a fucking beyblade.

Yeah, I’m totally stealing that line from now on. The laughter from me and **Rory** made **Jason** think he’d said something wrong, but she just pulled him on top of her and gave him more lessons on kissing.

The night ended with **Rory** bent over the corner of the bed (lifted to standing height), between my legs as I sat on the mattress, with **Jason** behind her. But whether it be nerves or the alcohol or the fact that it was something like 2AM, he simply couldn’t muster the blood to penetrate (**Rory**’s pussy is admittedly tight after cumming like that, she often pushes me out and then I can’t get back in).

I dropped Jason off at his apartment, came back home, and then **Rory** and I had some of the best sex we’ve had to-date. Which is the part of swinger parties and other group sex I love the most, the afterparty with just the two of you, giggling and turning each other on recounting the night’s events. Yeah, it’s just perfect.


###But our story doesn’t end there.

The next morning, it was clear **Rory** was now addicted. We’d already had sex maybe six times before I was showered and dressed to head to the animal shelter (where I spend most days of worship).

**Rory:** It’s bullshit that you almost stole his cum after I sucked his cock for like half an hour. Besides, he didn’t get to fuck me, so I think I deserve another.

**Me:** Are you coming with me or what? They just got new puppies.

**Rory:** Ooh, puppies. But no, that means I’d have to put on clothes. Can you bring me back something tasty though?

I was in my car, ready to head across town, when I got an idea.

[over KIK]

**Me:** Jason, are you roommates moving in?

**Jason:** Nope, haven’t heard from them yet.

**Me:** You want to fuck Rory today?

**Jason:** Obviously.

**Me:** See you in ~20.

I got out of the car, went back in the house, up to the bedroom where **Rory** was on her phone, still in nothing but panties.

**Me:** Come with me. Daddy says.

**Rory:** [understanding the key phrase and now excited] Okay!

At first she was a little nervous me driving her through town in nothing but her underwear, but since the semester hasn’t started (and won’t be full population this Fall anyway), there wasn’t much risk. Besides, after she started giving me head, no one could tell it was anyone but me in the car anyway.

Maybe 15 minutes later I was parked outside **Jason**’s building. I zipped up my pants, got out of the car, walked over to the passenger seat, and opened the door.

**Me:** You better hurry if you don’t want anyone to see.

**Rory** sort of jumped out of the car, but ended up not hurrying because her sandals fell off and she’s particular about her feet touching dirt or pavement. Less than a minute later, I was knocking on the door of apartment C.

**Rory:** Who’s place is this?

**Me:** Take this [handing her a golden coin]

I didn’t have to answer because Jason opened the door and Rory hurried inside while I remained at the door.

**Me:** That’s not yours Rory, it belongs to Jason, from you. Give it to him now please. [she did, slowly, a bit sad]

**Jason:** What is this?

**Me:** She can tell you, but for now, please spend it by giving it back to her.

**Jason**, clearly confused and a little alarmed that **Rory** was already naked (I also hadn’t been this type of dominant for most of the previous night, but sometimes I just don’t like wasting time), handed **Rory** the coin and then they both looked back at me.

**Me:** She’s all yours for the next couple hours. Give her back to me full of cum in all three holes and I’ll buy you a whole pie from [pizza place] (they’re like $50 and could feed everyone on a bus, so fucking good). Call friends if you have to. Do whatever you want to her, but if she bites you back, that’s not my fault, and if she says “Sagittarius”, you stop everything and call me. [now looking at Rory] If Jason here reports that you did everything he suggested, left nothing off the menu, then consider that coin yours.

**Rory:** [at first extremely nervous but now back in slut mode] Bye Daddy.

The door closed and it was clear they wasted no time. I pulled out of the parking lot but then stopped to do phone stuff.

[over Snapchat]

**Me:** Want to come walk the dogs at the animal shelter with me? They’re closed but I’m staff and can bring guests. They just got new puppies.

**Cali:** Are you kidding? Fuck yes.

When I looked back up to start leaving, a uHaul truck with two young guys inside was pulling into the spot I’d just left.

The rest of that day isn’t really my story to tell. My encounter with **Cali** yesterday was mild but clearly points at future stories. I did get pictures and videos of what happened inside **Jason**’s apartment (if his loads are always that big, dude should really consider porn, damn), but again, I won’t be sharing them, though **Cali** clearly caught a glimpse and that conversation is eventually what led to her agreeing that the next time I see her, she’ll be wearing the WeVibe I recommended she buy and it will be paired to my phone.

I do know that those were indeed **Jason**’s roommates, but no it didn’t devolve into a gangbang. Instead they went out for lunch and now think he’s a god. Rory spent the rest of the day sleeping in between more sex, wants to know what we’re doing next, when she can earn another Golden Coin, and such. Though FMF threesomes aren’t my cup of tea unless the two women are already very much bisexual, both **Rory** and **Cali** have expressed curiosity at playing with another girl, so I might introduce them to each other, who knows. It’s been a great summer. Two months ago **Rory** was a “sex only after X dates and with feelings” type of girl and now she’s taking teenagers virginities without even knowing their real name.

Thanks for reading.


^(1) – I invented a small thing that is part of a big thing right out of undergrad that almost every person on the planet has purchased and continues to purchase. That combined with the wealth I inherited from my late wife means I have *never* had a “boss” since graduating college, though many have tried. Since then I’ve gone back to school, taught at schools, meddled in schools, and mostly stick to startups and research for investments (of my time and money) because I love their energy.

^(2) – Yes, literally any, even if it doesn’t involve me. I lost my virginity in a foursome at 14 and have been polyamorous ever since even before I knew it. I’ve had a lot of sex, most things are “been there, done that” unless I’m really into the other person.

^(3) – I’m not going to tell you where it is, but yes, when I turn old or dead enough to no longer piss off anyone I haven’t already fucked off, a building on this very famous campus will be named after my late wife. I hope it has plenty of places to sneak off and fuck in, or at least some family bathrooms and a faculty shower. Until then, I use my wealth and influence to keep this town and the university that controls it from doing anything I deem a mistake. The other faculty resent me because I take the side of students and didn’t “earn” my position, but I’m too young to be their peer anyway.

^(4) – Just cannabis for us, grown in my greenhouse (plus beer/wine for her and the occasional for me), though she says she’s eager to try mushrooms once this batch is ready (another thing I’m teaching her to grow over the summer) and likes telling the story of that concert she took Molly at.

^(5) – Thankfully the pandemic has meant most of my colleagues/staff/students haven’t been surprised by her newfound nudist hobby and those that have only got a glimpse of her dark torso wrapped in white/pink frilly panties in quick passing over Zoom, but the one neighbor I have close enough that can see anything messaged me “love the new girlfriend” once it got warm enough for her to be comfortable walking outside. If she goes and gets the mail (giving the neighbor and his own guests a good show if they’re at the right window) then I make her her favorite breakfast (2-egg country omelette, bacon, and a special waffle mix I learned that belongs on Reddit just not in this sub).

^(6) – DDLG == Dominant Daddy Little Girl. With Rory it’s not really about the ageplay or incest though she does like some of the cute outfits and lingerie. DDLG is an “umbrella” kink that promotes great dirty talk between a *loving* Dom and a *bratty* sub. That’s why it’s one of my favorites too and has been for the last ~15 years.

^(7) – Subspace is an experience a submissive enters during a BDSM session. With Rory is was a simple necktie holding her wrists near a corner of the bed and a blindfold while I rubbed various toys and household objects against random parts of her body and had her guess correctly what it was or I was going to spank (or fuck) her with it. Having experienced Subspace myself, I can only describe it as “floating”. You’re really just in total bliss from all sensations, only you and the dom exist. It’s really another *type* of orgasm that can have positive effects for days *even weeks* after a session, much like shrooms!

^(8) – Anonymous sex is any two people engaging in any sex act on the same day they meet. “Handshakes to handjobs” is how I describe it. If you swipe right and then meetup with the plan to have sex, that’s anonymous. If you visit a gloryhole, that’s anonymous. If you let Daddy share you with his friends, that’s anonymous. Even if I (or my staff) has done the due diligence to eliminate risk and increase comfort between good matches, if you just learned their name(s), it’s anonymous.

^(9) – I once tried my hand at being a ProAm in this region’s circuit and abroad, but got bored and moved on. Through favors owed, I still get multiple playsets of *every* card mailed to me, usually before or during their release to the public.

^(10) – A sissy is a crossdresser or trans person that plays into the cockslut and cumslut roleplay, often with an element of hypnosis to it. A trap is a trans/crossdressing person that appears very well to be one gender (usually female) but actually is of the other (usually male).

^(11) – No, I will not link to them, though some I’ve taken of/with Rory (and many others) are already on Reddit.

^(12) – GREEN means “this is great, but I need to pee or drink water or otherwise take a break”, YELLOW means “you’re fingering me too hard, let’s try anal later, or tone down that specific dirty talk scenario”, RED means “no more spanking, change positions after a chat, or even switch D/s roles”, BLUE means “end the session and either cuddle me or leave me alone, my choice”.

^(13) – A 3+ player drinking game with a deck of cards popular in college. Each card has a different rule, such as “Seven is Heaven” and the last person to raise their hands must drink. In my experience, it’s a decently good method of instigating group sex but not my favorite because of the drinking.

^(14) – I offered every time either Rory or I partook but did not try to peer pressure him at all. He said “I know I will try it, just not tonight” and I respected him for that even if it meant he never really got over his inhibitions the first night.

^(15) – Nope, not gonna link that either, she’s not ready for that kind of exposure.

^(16) – Sugar Daddy relationships are an advanced form of prostitution where the man uses his wealth to seduce and keep a (usually younger) woman in his bed. While I abhor Sugar Daddy relationships to the point where I hide my wealth from most people I meet (and have never needed my wealth to have sex with anyone I wanted to), I do love a good “manipulate someone into choosing to be slutty” scenario. So yes, I am the reason she’s been finding any success on OnlyFans and many of the “random” subscribers have been encouraging her while also reminding her to keep the photos safe and anonymous (no face or identifying marks, ever).

^(17) – A copy of My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday, a new camera, some studio lights, and a slew of toys from WeVibe, Lelo, and just Amazon. All suggestions from her “subscribers” that want her to read the true stories in that book aloud while trying new toys in order to promote healthy sexual fantasies and masturbating in herself.

^(18) – In the 1970’s, Nancy Friday put out ads in newspapers asking for women to write in or interview about their sexual fantasies. She collected thousands of them, sorted them, applied her scientific brain to them, and then compiled them into a book called My Secret Garden. Everyone should read it.

^(19) – There’s oil, water, and silicone based lubes in *every* room of any house I stay in. Always.

^(20) – Left hand gently scratching/caressing the balls and taint, every so often venturing more south if you get a good response the first time (reading non-verbal communication is key to being a good slut). Right hand around the cock, super lubed up, going all the way down and then all the way back up *past* the head. Mouth making the same motion as the right hand, almost as if the hole through the hand were a tunnel into the mouth. Flatten the right hand as it reaches the base of the cock to give more room for the mouth. Repeat, repeat, repeat, begin twisting motion and vary the pressure once their legs tense up.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i8saqh/mfmmf_a_girlfriend_wanted_a_virgin_so_i_gave_her