I accidentally became the leader of a Gangbang Group [M]

A while ago, I was browsing Craigslist and I found this gangbang group. At that time, I’ve had a modest sex life. More than vanilla, less than porn star status. A few threesomes and whatever. But I’ve always had a fascination with gangbangs. Just finding a woman who is so insatiable that one guy isn’t enough. No, she needs 3, 4, 5 or more guys to feel satisfied. So I responded to the ad, and the then leader of the group reached out. I guess through some miracle, I was invited in.

Being the newbie, I was the low man on the totem pole. I’d only be called, as a last option. If the other guys, more senior, were interested or available. By that point, I was getting invited to the last scraps, so to speak. Hey, I get it. You have to pay your dues, in this weird gangbang group type of deal. But I wasn’t getting much action, and when I did, I wasn’t attracted to the women. But again, I’ve had this fascination with gangbangs, so I just went with it.

Personally, I’m an organized guy. Always on time, always coordinating plans and events with friends. I’m the go to reliable, he’ll get shit done type of guy. And I took the same neurotic attitude with me to this gangbang group thing. The current members were guys… And they were just hard to communicate with, and sometimes just didn’t care. I don’t know. SMH. I can’t imagine how many GBs we missed out on, just because they didn’t have their shit together. Anyways, my organized personality I guess resonated with one of the senior guys. And the group asked me to take more scheduling responsibilities. I’m pretty sure they just wanted me to do all the work. But whatever, at least I’m not the low man anymore.

So I guess I’m rising through the ranks?, when the leader of the group had to step aside. Some legal personal stuff, so he just quit. At the same time 2 or 3 of the senior people faded away, just weren’t doing it anymore. That’s when someone nominiated? me to help organize the remaining members. Again, they probably just didn’t want to deal with the logistics. But I kind of enjoy that kind of stuff.

I actually cleaned a lot of shit up. Got rid of the guys who didn’t play by the rules or didn’t have their shit together. And brought in guys who can help bring in more women. That’s the challenge. Finding different women. When I first joined, it was the same old women. Fun sure, but guys need variety. So the new blood in the group, actually brought in new women. And my biggest change? Asking for referrals. Haha, weird right? But asking a woman, who just had the time of her life, for a referral to another woman is like gold. It’s just like business, if you have a good experience, why not refer one of your friends?

So right now, the women we’re seeing range. Could be college students. Divorcees. Strippers. Married wives – lots of them. Poly wives. Swingers, you name it. Even some corporate executive types. And as this defacto leader, I enjoy some of the perks as well.

Yeah, so the story doesn’t have a lot of smut or actual intercourse. But that’s my deep dark secret and fetish. If you guys are looking for more smutty details on these gangbang aventures, let me know?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i91aj9/i_accidentally_became_the_leader_of_a_gangbang


  1. Can you go into more detail when you say some guys didn’t play by the rules or have their shit together? What were the rules?

  2. ​

    > college students. Divorcees. Strippers. Married wives -….. Poly wives. Swingers,….. corporate executive types.

    That must give a lot of stories, compare them, who are the best referrals ? Who were the most cooperative, best surprises , innovative etc. Woman now also come at their own?

    You not only did logistics but also introduced modern marketing techniques! Great! Write more stories or delegate that to some of the women.

  3. I’ve enjoyed going to several events like this.
    I’m amazed how many men fail to turn up.
    The general rule of thumb is to invite twice as many men as you actually want.

    So congratulations to OP for doing the job right.

  4. The groups I had contact with in eastern PA, NJ DE and MD all faded away. Really hard to find new ones. Yahoo groups used to be great to find like minded people.

  5. I kind of suck in technical English. May you explain to me what is GBS. I would appreciate it very much.

  6. OP, you’re leading a gang of gangbangers and we like it. You’re sollicitated by only one girl at time or maybe more… Now ?

  7. I’m sorry, but this is some of the funniest shit I’ve heard of! How many people are there in the world who can say that they accidentally became the leader of a gangbang club, via craigslist no less?

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