My artist [MF]

Hey everyone,

Kinkyleejellybean here. Hope everyone’s staying safe, staying indoors with this coronavirus in the world. This damn virus is such a cockblocker.

I’ve written so much about my adventures, and I forgot the one that started it all. My artist.

I guess I’ve never really gotten to write about him before because he’s really different. All my stories have been based on my carnal instinct to fuck men, to fulfill my desires. With the exception of C, who I had a really minuscule feeling for, W, who I had an affair with for 5 months, by opening my world with psychedelics, and S who ignited a feeling i forgot existed in me, I fell *in love* with my artist.

I was 23, he was 22. It was the year 2013. I met the artist at work. He was in my department. Every time I saw him, he made me smile. We spoke about everything and anything. He just made me happy, for a brief time it was. I have no regrets. It was one of those things, the right person at the wrong time. Like really, *universe*, really?!?!

I first made a move, on April 4 ( I’m exceptionally good with dates.)He had driven me home, and we still had a few mins to spare because work, my place, and his place were all so close. I don’t even remember what we were talking about. But it happened.
I pulled him in for a kiss. That spark **flew** it was the whole morality of the situation, that held him back. At least, I thought so. Once I felt that spark, my morals flew out the window, it felt right, but of course it was oh so very wrong.

This affair also lasted 5 months, but the time in between was wild. We would walk from work, holding hands, kisses in between. With my artist, I wouldn’t have had the chance to have sexual publicly.

It was an alley. Almost always deserted, I walked passed it all the time. So I knew no one would be there. Towards the end of the alley, there was this apartment complex connected to an auto shop. The staircase was there, the entrance was wide open and so it started. I pulled him in. We made out. I feel his bulge in his pants grow. At the same time, he’s wary of everything because anyone could go up and down those stairs at any given time. I didn’t fucking care. Ahaha I was too focused, I was on the high of everything happening.

I position myself lower. I greet his dick with my lips and he moans which drove me crazy. I get up. Put my pants low so he can enter me. Of course after putting the condom on, he might have gone a little limp, but that quickly changed when he entered me. A few thrusts in, **bam** someone fucking opened the door to come down the steps. He exits me, and says *shit!*
I distinctly remember starting to laugh because he got so scared. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was terrified as well, but after thinking about everything that just happened, made me laugh.

We had sex in his car,in the dark. We even had sex in his bedroom, with the door wide open. Idk if it was the exhibitionist in him, but he didn’t care if it was wide open when anybody could’ve walked in. I was so nervous!

He was the first person I smoked weed with. Made me laugh. It was on July 4th, where he did the transfer smoke thing between mouths to ease me into it. Since it was my first time.i forgot the right technical term for the mouth transferring smoke thing lol.

We never got the chance to have the wild sex we both know we could have. I saw him 12/26/18, when he visited since he moved up north. It was nice. We just hung out for a bit. It pained me not to even kiss him. I had to respect him, and him me. This isn’t as raunchy as most of my stories are. Granted, we’ve spoken about the raunchiness we could have had.

I think because of him, I literally have no feelings for the men I have sex with in my sexual escapades. But the adrenaline I get, is so much fun.

This was sitting in my drafts forever.



1 comment

  1. In the UK we call it a “blowback” at least we did when i was a teenager!

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