[FM] Wife finally agreed to talk about her past

Hi all, sorry this post is so damn long, but I think this is important context for all future stories. Mostly because my wife has steadfastly refused to talk about certain aspects of her past with me. The reason for this is pretty straightforward, and a bit of a story itself. Basically, she used to be (before we met) a little heavy. Then, at around age 24, she did everything she could to get into great shape and turn herself into a total smokeshow. When we met, she was about 90% done with her transformation and looking really good. She somehow managed to maintain big tits on a now almost stick skinny frame (sadly no ass though). The result of this, though, is that she was now starting to get a ton of attention she had never really gotten before. After years of being very down on her self image, all of the attention from “hot” guys started to really get to her. We started dating basically as soon as we met. For about 6 months things were great. After that, however, she started to repeatedly give in to temptation, into all of the new attention she was getting, and she ended up cheating on me a number of times. We continued to date for a long while; however, her giving into temptation/manicness/general bad behavior was only increasing. She was drinking a ton and just generally making bad decisions. After about 2 years of dating, I found out about an affair she had been carrying on with someone who, at the time, I had considered one of my closest friends. At about the same time we had moved in together (the moving in together is what had precipitated the guy to finally come clean, because I guess he thought he loved her or something). At almost the exact same time, we found out she was pregnant. After a tumultuous several months, we had a paternity test and found out the baby was mine. We resolved to stay together, and there was an incredible change in her behavior. Getting pregnant had matured her immensely almost instantaneously. We worked hard at our relationship to get to a trusting, loving place. She quickly revealed herself to be an incredible mother and a devoted partner. On our son’s first birthday I proposed, a year later we were married. She has been nothing but good to me and has been an amazing partner.

Meanwhile, though, what I didn’t really reveal to her was that deep down all of her cheating episodes had actually been a huge turn on for me. I’m not into “cucking” or humiliation or hot wifing. Just the idea of this hot woman getting so lost in her desire and passion that she couldn’t help herself but to fuck a guy, that she didn’t even think of her boyfriend as she gave in to her desires, was enormously exciting to me. The last affair, with one of my best friends, had been incredibly painful to me (like I said, I’m not into humiliation, and that was humiliating), and I had been on the verge of breaking up with her (baby or not), but basically everything else I was super into. I had tried to tease out various details at times, but she was always very hesitant to tell me. Shortly after we got engaged she had basically put her foot down, saying that she hated talking about those incidents because they reminded her of the awful person she used to be and the horrible decisions she had made and hated herself for, and because she didn’t think she was that person anymore and basically wanted to forget those incidents had ever happened. Basically where we stood was that there were two incidents where we both knew that I knew for a fact that she had slept with other men, and one more incident at a wedding where the cheating was obvious but what had actually happened was a mystery, and everything else was a black box. I felt cheated, but I tried to respect her wishes and not really bring it up, even though certain of the memories were a constant masturbation fantasy for me. I even downloaded one of those programs that recovers deleted messages from phones; it revealed to me that there was significant evidence of cheating that went beyond the incidents I knew about. Basically it added a ton of fuel to my fantasies, but there was nothing conclusive to totally satisfy them.

For the 4 years that we’ve been married I, at various points, would bring things up, but I was always shut down harshly. I tried to forget and just move on, but couldn’t – somehow, when jerking off, my mind would always go back to her slutty adventures. In the last two years I had thought about asking for a story as a gift of some sort, maybe for my birthday or something, but had always chickened out for fear of upsetting her. Then, on this past Sunday night, we had dinner with my parents and in talking and reminiscing about things we mentioned a couple of things about ex girlfriends of mine (in a joking, fun context). As we were laying in bed that night, we were talking more about it, and how we never really talk about our sexual pasts. I made a comment about how especially I don’t ask even though I’m into it and fantasize about it. She asked me what I wanted to know. For some reason, in the moment, it just seemed like such an honest question from her that I just decided to open up and ask what I really wanted to know – I said “well I don’t even really know what happened at [friend]’s wedding.” She immediately got embarrassed almost to the point of tears.

I guess it makes sense to stop here and say what happened, from my perspective, at [friend]’s wedding. [Friend] was a college buddy of mine. We went to the wedding out of state, rented a hotel room, all of my college buddies were there. My wife (girlfriend at the time) was looking great in her dress. She didn’t really know the other girlfriends/wives at the time. We were seated at a table that was half college buddies and half the groom’s childhood friends. I immediately got super drunk with my college friends and was basically ignoring my gf. At one point, maybe 3/4 of the way through the night, I was outside with one of my buddies, talking and smoking a cig. I guess we were outside for like 20 minutes when another of my friends came out and said something to me about how I should go in and check on my gf because she was all over some other guy. I basically ignored it, thinking the kid was being a little dramatic, but when I walked back into the reception hall, she was nowhere to be seen. I looked inside, I looked outside, I looked inside again, I looked outside again. I called her phone over and over again. No sign of her, no response. I tried to just go about the night, but I was embarrassed. I told my friends she had gone back to the hotel already, but in truth I had no idea where she was. I rode the party bus back to the hotel when the party ended, kept trying her with no response, and so I just went to sleep. At 4:30 AM she called me finally, somehow mad at me and asking where I was and why I hadn’t made sure she got home ok. Now she didn’t know where she was and wanted my help. I basically told her to go fuck herself and hung up. At about 6:30 she stumbled back into the hotel room and got right into the shower. When she got out we argued, she claimed she had just gone for a walk with the kid and lost track of time, I obviously knew she was lying, and then we sat in silence on our 2.5 hour drive home. We never really spoke about it again, but it became a recurring fantasy for me. Where had she gone? What had she done? In my fantasies she always fucked the guy. In reality, I assumed she must have at least blown the guy on the golf course behind the reception hall, and that is where she called me from when they were done hooking up, and I hoped for more, but I wasn’t really sure. So imagining just what had happened really drove me up a wall, sexually, and I was excited but also nervous to find out just what had happened. Obviously I wanted to know, and hoped for the best, but I was also nervous that when she told me the actual truth it would be a huge let down. Maybe they just made out and groped each other and that’s it.

Back to present day. She was embarrassed to the point of tears, but I reassured her about how turned on I was, how I fantasized about it all the time and I really wanted to know. She asked me what I thought happened, and I told her I figured she at least blew the guy. She kind of laughed, and after more reassurances (including moving her hand to my rock hard cock), she told me that she had fucked the guy back in his hotel room. Then she started blowing me. Through the blowjob, and then incredible sex, she told me way more details, as best as she could remember through her drunken haze. She had gone out to the golf course with the guy, they were hooking up on the course, he was groping her and rubbing her pussy, she was rubbing his cock through his pants and said it felt big and she wanted to fuck him. He brought her back to his hotel room and undressed her, then pulled off his pants and she sucked his cock before he started to fuck her. She said it was really good, and she came. And then he pulled out and made her suck his cock again, before fucking her some more. Finally, he ended up cumming on her tits and she licked it off in front of him.

There are about a million more details I wanted to know about the story, but I didn’t want to push it too much too fast. She did tell me, however, that she wasn’t weirded out; her hesitancy to tell the stories was because she was afraid I would leave her if she admitted what she had really done. Now that she knows I’m into it, she said she is happy to give me all of the details and stories I desire. And she also admitted that she was a VERY bad girl and there are MANY more stories she can tell me. So sorry if the juicy part of this story was very short, but please know I am very excited to report that there should be many more stories to come, and I will make sure to really get into their juicy aspects!

Edit: here is a pic I took of her that night at the hotel before leaving for the reception: https://i.imgur.com/uJnjess.jpg

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i8cj9a/fm_wife_finally_agreed_to_talk_about_her_past


  1. You’re a good writer. Setting the scene with hot past stories is so important. And all the mixed feelings involved builds the sexual suspense.

    Hot story and happily your wife is eager to share details of her sexual past.

  2. Im kinda embarrassed for you, how could you he such a doormat.

    The most pathetic detail is that you didnt want to get too many details out of her in fear of somehow upsetting her.

    Is this what you want in your life, to be known as the guy whose wife fucks everybody behind your back?

  3. Well told. I kind of have the same feelings about my wife. We have been together since we was both 20 and been married 20+ years. I knew when we met she had been with a few guys but never spoke about it but over the years I’ve found I want to know more. Not into cuckold just so dam curious about what she did with all the other guys.

  4. Can’t wait to hear more of her stories and hopefully see more of your gorgeous wife

  5. So… it doesn’t bother you that you’re fantasizing about her fucking someone else without caring about you? And then lying about it and doing it again and again, even with someone close to you? And you really think after she’s done all that you can take her word for it that she wouldn’t do it again? Live your life man, but it sounds like you’re in denial you’re a cuck or in denial she can’t be trusted and doesn’t respect you at all, or in denial about both.

    I only say this because I’m worried about the dynamic this kid will grow up in if that denial goes on. I hope you don’t have some dramatic realization one day and project all the frustration onto the kid because you resent them for your choice to stay with her. By all means share her stories with us, but no one is going to validate your delusions

  6. I’ve had a fantasy that if I were cheated on by a partner I’d want her to tell me all the details while I very roughly fucked her (maybe even painal) for punishment. So I can see where you’re coming from.

  7. Doubt she’s done. She may be in a different mindset, but in time old habits renew. However, if you two can be open and accepting of each others sexualities, maybe she can openly hookup with men for both your pleasures. Avoid friends or ppl connected to your “real” life.

  8. I went through something similar to somewhat of a lesser degree. I think a lot of the people here don’t get the mixed emotions that come with a cheating partner, or the ability for someone to redeem themselves. I get being turned on but also embarrassed and angry. Just because there’s a sexual interest in it doesn’t mean you wanted it to happen or would want it to happen again.
    The repeated cheating would be hard for me to forgive, for sure. But I’ll take your word that she’s better now and good on you for being an understanding person.

  9. I, for one, think the internet deserves more pictures of those huge tits lol awesome story

  10. The story and the telling is good. The status of your relationship… not so much.

    I have to assume that deep inside you either want this (the incessant cheating) or know that it will not stop. You both as a couple have now set a dynamic which will be very hard to reverse. The fact that she admitted that “there are MANY more stories she can tell” means that you only know a fraction of what is really happening. And by these ‘talks’, sexy and enjoyable as the may be, you are in a way opening the floodgates…

    Sorry to say this, but there is a 99.9% chance that you will be cheated on again. And again. So please, if this is sexy or Ok to you: have fun and enjoy it (and set some rules?). But if you think this will stop you are deep in denial.

    The best of luck to you.

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