An Anonymous Hotel Room Education [MF] (long, no-touching, facial)

This is my 2nd ever post here, a bit dirtier than [my first share](

It’s 100% true even though it’s over 20 years old.

I’ve shared this story with a number of people over the years. It was really formative for me and I think about it often. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


**I. Introduction**

As a much younger man, in my college years, I developed an obsession for cum facials on women. Seeing a woman dripping wet with cum drove me crazy. I couldn’t get enough of it. This was the early days of the internet and video wasn’t easily available. I spent an inordinate amount of time collecting facial photos from usenet groups, even developing my own automation scripts to download, compare, and catalog images. I had a serious obsession that worried me at times, but I don’t think was ever really unhealthy. I had a normal social life, girlfriends, and a good job. I just had a “hobby”.

Some years later, in the late 90s I was a member of a closed Yahoo Group for “facial lovers”. (At the time Yahoo Groups was full of tons of highly specific sexual fetish groups). Our group was mainly photo and video sharing with some chat, discussion, and storytelling. A lot of times people would tell detailed stories about their fetish, how they’ve explored it, and how it came to be.

One day I posted this story from my past (rewritten today, not the original text):

**II. A short, sad story within the story** In my early 20s I had a girlfriend for a short while who was really attractive and a lot of fun to hang out with but a little uptight sexually. She was a “lights out, missionary only” kind of girl. I always wanted to be more playful and explore together more but she just wasn’t into it. She vetoed the idea of a “facial” very quickly. I never really wanted to push her so I just let things be.

One evening she indulged me with a blowjob and I asked her if I could cum on her face with a light on in the room. She had had a few drinks and I think I must have caught her at the right moment so she turned on the lamp by the bed, said “do it quick”, and put my cock back in her mouth. She was terrible at giving blowjobs but I was close to finishing so I grabbed my cock and stroked my cum out onto her face. She tightened up her face like she just ate a lemon and immediately ran to the bathroom, making gagging noises and going “gross!”. I felt terrible. I apologized and said, “I’m sorry. I thought it would be fun.”

She gave me the silent treatment for a while before telling me that “no women at all find that fun” and it’s just “nasty”. A little later she said, “it’s really just violent and misogynistic”. I was hurt by that idea since I saw erotic power exchanges like that to be an intense expression of libido and completely non-violent. I told her I was fully in favor of being on the receiving end and having my face or anything to be used for her pleasure. I think my high-minded, college-kid approach to erotic exploration was way out of line with how she saw the world and she seriously regretted letting herself receive a facial.

She stayed the night but broke up with me in the morning. She was done. One of the last things she said was “don’t ever ask a woman to do that for you ever again. Nobody likes that. Even if they say they do, you’re just being violent.”

I felt confused, wounded, unsure of myself, and just sad. I was sure that I was a kind person who just loved sex. I’m completely non-violent. I don’t and didn’t have a misogynistic bone in my body. Her reaction made me question whether or not my baser urges were part of an unexplored part of my personality. In short, I thought she might be right, so I buried my obsession from anyone else and stuck to collecting photos and videos online. For years, I never mentioned it to another human being.

I ended my confession to my Yahoo Group with the note that I had not had an real facial partner since that night and I hope to re-emerge into a healthy, playful relationship full of facials one day.

After posting this story, not only did people in the group understand my feelings, they assured me that most people understand fetishes and that my ex-girlfriend was the outlier.

**III. The Outreach**

A number of days after posting that story, I got a private message from someone in the group. It said simply, “I read your story. I’d let you cum all over my face, sweetheart.”

I assumed this was either a man or a scam, but since I was anonymous, I replied. Back and forth of messages went on for about a week. I learned that Jane was a much older woman (I was about 27 at the time and she said “I’m easily old enough to be your mother”) and she lived about a 3.5 hour drive away from me. She was in a sexless marriage and had adult children. She also had a very serious cum fetish, especially with younger men. She had a long history with this fetish and was definitely adulterous. She also indicated that this was her “secret life”. She was a successful executive at a company, on the board of her church, and generally well respected in her community. I told her more about me but there wasn’t much to tell while remaining anonymous. I was single with a job.

We made arrangements to talk on the phone which went pretty well. (She wasn’t new to this so she had a number she was comfortable giving me.) We chatted for about an hour one evening and it ended with the possibility of us meeting up.

**IV. Moving Forward**

Jane didn’t email for over a week and I assumed that it was all a prank (even though she clearly sounded legitimate on the phone) or maybe she changed her mind. Then, one morning I woke up to an email from her that she wrote at 2:30am which asked if I wanted to meet next week. A couple messages later she outlined how it would happen.

She named an inexpensive chain hotel that was roughly halfway between our areas but a little closer to her, about two hours from me. She was going to get a room one weeknight and confirm with me via email. In the morning, I was to arrive at the hotel at precisely 8am and she was going to leave a package at the front desk under a company name. She said I should be dressed as if I’m attending a business meeting. In the package would be the room number and room key. It would also contain a lot of blank paper making it look like a big, official, business document package. (I asked why 8am and she said that a morning visit with a big document is much less suspicious than an evening visit with a thin envelope.) I was not supposed to open it in view of the desk, but just thank them and go right to the elevators and find another place to open it.

After I got the package, I was to enter her room, not speak, and do as I was instructed by her. When it was time to leave, she would tell me so and I was supposed to leave, no questions asked. We went back and forth a bit via email with questions, clarifications, but I tentatively, eventually agreed.

I still didn’t know if this was real or I was being set up to be robbed or something else. I was pretty nervous. But, I had no indication that she was lying and she had no idea who I was and she never mentioned money or anything else. I thought through the whole thing as carefully as I could and made a plan to go forward with it.

I put in for the day off of work. That morning, I put on a shirt and tie and hit the road at 5am to give myself plenty of time to get there. I only brought cash. I brought no ID. The hotel was off of an interstate and the area had a ton of chain restaurants, hotels, etc around. I parked in a guest spot at a different nearby hotel, hid some cash in the car and hid my car key in one of those magnet car key holders under the fender. I walked away from my car with nothing but $40 and a couple condoms in my pocket, assuming that if I got robbed, that’s all they’d get and I could get back to my car quickly. Overly cautious? Maybe? But I was kinda enjoying the whole process.

I was about an hour early so I sat and had a light breakfast.

**V. Meeting in Person**

At 8am I entered the hotel. I walked to the front desk and asked for the package for the company she named. They smiled and handed it over saying something lke “She just dropped it off like three minutes ago!”. (I was surprised there wasn’t an ID check or anything for the pickup but she told me later that she had run into that before. She said if she tells the front desk “she doesn’t know who’s coming from the company but they need this and they’re sending someone right away” then it’s not a problem). I took the heavy manila envelope and headed to the elevator, went to a random floor and opened it at the little chair outside the elevator. Inside was a bunch of blank paper and a folded sheet with her room number written on it, wrapped around a room key.

I was sweating and my heart was pounding. I headed to her room.

I entered and she was in the bathroom with the door closed. She cracked the door and told me she’d be right out and to go sit down. I could tell that once I moved into the room, whoever was in the bathroom could block my exit. I paused and almost just left. I took me a few seconds to move forward but eventually I just took the leap. At the little table by the window was a bottle of cold water and she said that was for me.

Jane came out of the bathroom. She was a 60-ish year old woman, not un-attractive but no one I’d look twice at on the street. She looked like an aunt or someone my mother would play cards with. She was on the heavier side, but fit enough for a woman her age. She had what looked like dyed blonde hair in a short-ish curly style. She was in lingerie: a sheer camisole and lacy panties along with some slippers. Through the camisole I could see her breasts, ample and heavy. Honestly, not a lot about her appearance excited me, but the situation was thrilling and I felt much more relaxed now that I could tell this was not fake. She invited me to freshen up in the bathroom which I did. While I was in there she stood outside the door and reminded me that we had to talk about the rules. “We’ve gotta talk about the rules again, sweetheart. Don’t forget!”

**VI. Doing as I’m Told**

After I was freshened up and relaxed a bit, she went over the rules again. Don’t talk, let her direct everything, and leave when I’m told with no questions. I made it clear that I totally understood.

Then, she told me to get completely undressed. She sat on the edge of the bed while I was by the table and chair. She just watched me intently. I was already incredibly excited about the idea of what was happening that my cock was noticeably pushing my pants forward and she noticed. The more she looked at me hungrily, the harder I got. She told me to slow down at one point while I was getting undressed. She was enjoying the show and I was probably racing a bit.

I’ve always been in decent shape. I’m no gym-rat but I’ve always exercised. I am slim with a medium build and noticeable muscles. She said “mmmm” as I removed my undershirt and grinned when I lowered my boxers and was standing fully nude in front of her, my cock fully at attention. I had ‘manscaped’ in preparation and I’m a good size and I could tell she liked the view. She was running her hands over herself, the inside of her thighs, her breasts, one hand reached under her camisole and played with her nipple while I silently and patiently stood there for her.

The odd combination of excitement and uncertainty combined with my instructions to keep quiet was heightening my blood pressure and I honestly gave another thought to just getting dressed and getting out of there. The uncertainty of not knowing what to do made me uneasy. Even then, I still couldn’t shake the uneasiness that this could go wrong. I blurted out “what’s next?” and she calmly reminded me to keep quiet and she’d tell me everything.

I think as a punishment for talking she took her time silently looking at me. Finally she invited me to stroke my own cock a bit, slowly. I did as she asked. I had been hard most of the morning so it felt great to start to massage my swollen head and shaft a bit. Jane got up and grabbed a towel which she laid on the chair for me and invited me to have a seat. She also very sweetly folded and hung up my clothes.

At this point she laid out more rules. She told me there would be be no touching at all, no exceptions. I was supposed to masturbate for her and cum on her face and then relax for a bit after I was done. She said there was to be no cum directly into her mouth. She asked for my agreement which I gave. This wasn’t a problem. I didn’t really want to have sex with her anyway and didn’t have a huge urge to touch her. In that scenario, the facial, along with being nude and watched was plenty for me.

She walked over to her bag and got a good sized dildo and a small bottle of lube out and put them on the edge of the bed. She then put a couple of the pillows on the ground for her to kneel on. I was laying back in the chair and she was in front of me, a few feet away. She instructed me to stroke my cock and take my time.

She never took her eyes off of me. The whole time she was alternately playing with her nipples and rubbing her inner thighs and pussy over her panties. I tried to give her a show as much as possible and not hammer my fist around my cock. She told me to take my time so I did. She dirty talked a little and told me she liked my cock and how the idea of my cum dripping down her was making her hot.

I kept working on my cock slowly, top to bottom. She shuffled closer to me and told me to stand up over her. I stood up straight and worked my cock a few inches from her face and she was rocking back and forth and pinching and rubbing herself harder. She removed her camisole so she was just in her panties, her big tits open and hanging free. She mostly stopped talking now but she was breathing heavy while I continued to stroke for her.

Her eyes got really wide staring up at me, sitting back on her heels, practically right underneath my steel-hard erection. It looked to me like something flipped in her head, like she was a different person. She was deep in her fetish ecstasy, the moment before getting exactly what she came for.

She started to beg for my cum, moaning for me to shower her. She was close enough that I could feel her breath on my hand and cock when she sad, “Cum on me, baby. I want it dripping down my face. I want to feel you hot all over me. Cum on my face. I NEED it, baby”

I could feel it welling up and I released my orgasm, watching myself spray a rope of cum right between her eyebrows and dripping down the side of her nose. It didn’t stop and I kept cumming on her cheeks and forehead and it ran down over her lips and a bit dripped down onto her tits. It was a huge load that wet most of her face.

She was moaning and yelling “oh yes!” and rocking onto her own hand and she laid onto her back on the floor. She grabbed the dildo off the bed, quickly lubed it, pulled her panties aside, and began to fuck herself hard while looking up and me. She wasted no time getting her hardware into her wet pussy. Her face was glazed with my cum and she started grunting and moaning as she pounded her pussy with the dildo and furiously rubbed her clit with her other hand. Her teeth were gritted and her eyes were wide focused right on my and my still hard, dripping cock standing over her. She was like an animal, not at all like the woman I met 45 minutes earlier.

Jane had a shuddering climax that took over her whole body, writhing, grunting and bucking around on the floor at my feet.

When she was finally still, but still panting hard, she told me to sit down. I sat back in the chair and had some water. She just laid on the ground, pussy dripping, cum drying on her face, catching her breath. She was sweating and messy from her face down to her pussy. The room smelled like two people had been fucking for hours.

After about five minutes of silence. She told me to get dressed and leave. “Quietly please,” she added. She had obviously achieved her objective and was done with me. She put on a robe and I got dressed. As I was putting my shoes on she said, “Thank you for a delightful morning”. I smiled and walked out.

**VII. After**

During the drive home, I couldn’t stop thinking about the whole thing. I was stunned how big and diverse the world of sexual satisfaction seemed to me all of the sudden. I had had shame placed on me by a girlfriend and now I saw the other end of the spectrum: a woman who took serious personal gratification from a facial and was unashamed by it. And she wasn’t an unusual person in any way. She was a regular woman with a job, family, and a church and she knew what she wanted and how to get it. The world looked different to me.

It made me who I am today. I’m more comfortable in asking for what I want, more willing to experiment for someone else’s enjoyment, and more understanding in that I don’t judge anyone for what they enjoy (within the bounds of consenting adults).

Jane and I met only one more time after that. There was obviously much less subterfuge about locations and worrying about what I was carrying. I met her in a another hotel room one evening and we had a similar experience with fewer rules (although she still wanted me to keep quiet).

We had a drink after our 2nd meeting and talked. She let me ask her about her fetish, her rules, and a bit more about her life. It was a bit of an education. I asked her about the ‘no touching rule’ and she said that she had met men anonymously a lot during her life and “Nowadays, most men aren’t attracted to me and that’s OK. I know I’m a big old lady who probably reminds you of your aunt. I feel like if I take the intercourse out of it, both of us are more comfortable, it’s safer, and I still have a lot of fun.”

We said our goodbyes and we never spoke again.

I don’t know where Jane is, but if she’s still around, she’s probably in her early 80s. I hope she’s enjoying herself.
