Winter Weight (WG, M/F, MG)



She looked at the date. November 4th. Soon enough the weather outside would be unbearable for her especially considering she was wearing her only good pair of human clothes. Every Winter Kyra entered a hibernation-like state where she would become extremely lethargic and begin storing waste, as her metabolism slowed to a crawl. Where an average guy like Jack got a few calories from a piece of food, she could potentially get thousands in her Winter peak, as her body tried to use every last bit of food that was stuffed into her mouth.

Her bottom-heavy genetics indicated that most of the weight was going to her ass. Right now it was extremely muscular but in a matter of months it would become a massive, blubbery rear end that completely consumed her tail.

She was checking out her curvy Summer body for one of the last times this year when she heard the front door open. “Hey, mind helping me with the groceries?”


Chapter 1: Overindulgence


She quickly put her clothes back on and ran out to Jack’s car to begin putting grocery bags inside. “Jeez, these are a lot of bags, babe. Who is this for?”

Jack smiled at her, picking up bag after bag. “Do you think I forgot what happens to you in the winter, Ky? I’ve known you for six years, wouldn’t you think I’ve seen you long enough?”

She giggled as she took the last bag, and blushed at him. “You didn’t have to do all of this for me now…”

“I make more than enough money to support your Winter phase. You’re not overstretching my budget, Ky. I love you a lot, and I gotta spoil you in Winter. You’re too good to not!” He grinned, closing the car’s trunk and walking inside.

As he began placing snacks inside cabinets, she realized how much he actually bought. “There’s one little bag there, that’s my snacks. I have food in the fridge for myself and you, I have a great dinner planned tonight.”

She almost felt embarrassed by the massive amount of food he bought for her, and she would subsequently consume in the next week. She kissed him on the cheek and walked off to the living room to watch TV.

When Jack finally returned, Kyra was surprised to find him holding a heaping plate of chicken in one hand. She blushed really hard. “Y-you don’t have to spoil me like this…”

Jack took his own plate, with one or two pieces on it. “I know you too well, Ky.” She leaned into him, before shoving the entire plate down her throat. “I’m sorry babe, I-I didn’t even know I was that hungry-“

“Babe. It’s winter. Again, I know you too well.” He smiled. They kissed before staring back at the TV.


Chapter 2: A Growing Girl


As Jack got up, he went to the living room and heard Kyra snoring on the floor. He smiled, even though he couldn’t see her in the very dim light.

He grabbed a mug and put it in the coffee machine. As it was brewing he walked into the living room and kissed Kyra on the head. He headed back to the kitchen to get his mug and drank the entire cup. Soon after he went out the front door to leave for work.

As she slowly came to, she woke up in broad daylight. Last night she had an immense pang of hunger and ended up stuffing herself with half of the food Jack bought. She stared at her body. Her stomach was beginning to hang out of her shirt, and her boobs already looked a lot bigger. She panicked a bit as she realized how much she grew in her sleep.

Looking in the mirror revealed another thing: her pants were extremely overstretched trying to contain her ballooning ass. It was by far the largest part of her body, and it was now even bigger. She spanked and groped her new curviness, watching it jiggle and wobble at the lightest touch. She moaned watching it.

Somehow she felt even hungrier today, but she already indulged herself on half the food in the pantry. Maybe eating some of Jack’s food wouldn’t hurt.

Halfway into her day and she already tore through 10 bags of food but she was still starving. She stared at the massive pile of bags and boxes to her right, just within arm’s reach and that she’d commandeered from the pantry and fridge. She fell into a trance of sorts where all she did was sit and eat. Every bite of food that went into her mouth satisfied and sent huge waves of dopamine through her. She could feel her body expanding with every bite, her ass getting fatter and fatter inside of her barely-fitting pants. She loved the sensation of her clothes barely fitting against her rapidly-growing body. She craved it. As her mountain of food turned into a hill, turned into one or two boxes, the dragoness was still starving. She wasn’t nearly done eating and she snapped out of her trance suddenly. Even as her clothes were stretched to their limit, her stomach growled in emptiness. As she got up to get more food, her new frame was having a bit of trouble in terms of mobility. She felt her ass cheeks clapping as she waddled to the kitchen counter and began ravaging the fridge and freezer, filling her chubby arms with whatever she could hold. As she was about to pig out again, she heard the door open as Jack walked into the living room, to find all of her discarded food in a massive pile and her body completely covered in blubber. She blushed hard upon him entering. “I-I got really hungry, I’m s-s-sorry babe…” She hung her head in shame of how much food she scarfed down.

“What’s there to be sorry about?”


“You’re a growing girl. Of course you’ll eat a truckload. That’s why I bought more.”

She seemed surprised by his generosity and asked “Do I have to help?”

“No, I got it. Stay here, I know you don’t wanna move.”

She moaned in agreement while he was walking back to grab an even larger load of food for her. When he came back to her, he had a mini-fridge in his hands. “I got you this.”

He put the mini-fridge down next to her and plugged it in. When she opened it with her fat hands she saw it chock-full of refrigerated treats and delights. He walked back to the kitchen and then proceeded to pour a bunch of wrapped candies all over her stomach. “Don’t eat it yet.”

He then returned with at least 10 bags of fast food, the largest, juiciest meals just for her. She looked at them and smiled. “I-I can’t… you didn’t have to get me all of this..!”

“I know. Again, not overwhelming my budget.” He winked.

When he walked into their room to change out of his work clothes, she began pigging out on the fast food. She was gaining much more than what those snacks did. She almost snapped into another trance when she realized she already shoved all of the fast food down her throat in a matter of minutes. This entire gain just put into perspective how much she was truly eating. She waited a few hours, expecting Jack to come out and watch TV with her, but after waiting she decided to keep eating to satisfy her growing hungers. She snapped into another trance, eating and eating, creating a massive pile of waste and wrappers to her left. She absolutely indulged herself and she felt like she was growing rapidly. As she began eating every food item in the fridge she began to feel full. Suddenly she stopped eating as she felt stuffed to the brim. Her belly now crawled close to her knees, and her shirt was completely useless. She just decided to remove it, revealing her soft, purple skin. Her boobs began to strain against the bra, made of so called “stretch” technology. Her pants and undies were supposedly made of similar things, with her bra and underwear being the strongest to protect her growing nudes. She realized how late it was, and decided to clean up the mess she made. She tried to get up, but could barely move. Her fat ass weighed her body down like an anchor and it was only getting fatter. She tried to pick up the pile of bags and waste, and could barely bend over to pick them up. After a struggle to the trash can, she struggled to get through the doorframe as her swelling ass was almost as wide as it.

As she sat down she was sweating and panting like a dog, despite being in a cold room. She felt like a massive pool of fat and fell asleep groping her expanding frame.


Chapter 3: A Spoiled Blubberball


Waking up, Jack heard Kyla moaning in pleasure.
He walked outside their room to find her in the center of the living room, her ass nearly the size of a beanbag chair. She blushed and rubbed her large belly. “C-can you help me up?” She reached out a blubbery hand and Jack put in all of his effort, but there was no moving this massive girl. She was effectively immobile, and there was no way for her to move. “A-are you going to work today?”

“Why would I get up so late? I wanted to spend the day with you.”

“I-I was getting hungry. Like, I’m starving.” Her pants were literally stretched to the point where her skin was visible underneath. Her legs were spread out to make room for her expanding belly, but it was half the size of her booty. He couldn’t even see her tail, which was completely hidden under her massive buttocks. “These pants are really getting tight, huh?” She tried to reach behind herself to no avail. “Goddammit, I’m so big!” Saying that caused her to blush and moan at the same time.

Jack made her a bunch of grilled cheese sandwiches which she gladly stuffed herself with. Even when she was immobile she was energetic. Every time she saw food her eyes widened and she opened her mouth in anticipation before her massive arms fed her until she couldn’t anymore. She went for the mini-fridge, which was just out of reach. She jiggled and wobbled trying to get her chubby hands to the handle, but she got exhausted quick. “Babe, can y-you push it a little closer?”

He put it right next to her. Kyla’s body now took up the same space as a twin bed, and her head faced the TV. In fact, her head was the only portion of her that wasn’t noticeably fatter. It almost looked out of place, a tiny draconian head on such a massive frame. She continued to stuff her small snout with more food, before she suddenly came to a halt. She felt her pants beginning to rip off of her massive butt. All she could do was moan as more and more ass was exposed, until eventually her entire backside was naked except for her undies, which began to look like more of a thong on her expanding rear.

She was now a massive purple blob, with only one need: to be even bigger. She craved growth, and got pleasure from feeling herself expand. All she wanted was to be bigger, fatter, and more importantly…

She wanted to have even more blubber.
