The Pleasure of Business: An Erotic Novel, Chapter 26

The next two days at Paradise are less crazy as Anna takes few days for her body to recover. Even so she couldn’t help but tease Bruce about how much she enjoyed being fucked into total submission. How her body was sore but also how she wanted that to happen regularly, within reason. But she still knows how important and how much she needs him and his body all to herself. She was definitely still adjusting to feeling so liberated.

The two of them had returned to the conference to set up new deals and to busy themselves to keep their hands off one another. They managed to set up a few new accounts and renegotiate ones that already existed. Bruce had been right. The business came to them. They really didn’t have to try that hard.

As the conference came to a close, they returned to Paradise to pack. As they start their descent to the main gate of Paradise, Anna has opted for a more comfortable outfit for their flight home. Bruce senses some nervousness in her.

“Everything okay, Anna?” he asks, taking her hand.

“Just sad to be leaving Paradise, sir. I feel like a completely different person than when we arrived,” she says with a smile. Then her smile disappears. “I’m also just trying to think of how to tell my husband I’m leaving him. And how I’m going to get all of my stuff out of the house.”

“We can return to Paradise any time you wish. That’s our room now. Our tree house. Wyatt will have the staff maintain it but it won’t be rented out anymore. He said to tell you to come back any time you want to escape. With or without me,” he says kissing her gently.

“While you were soaking in the Jacuzzi and getting your massage this morning, Wyatt and I set up a European bank account for you. Your millions have been deposited. You will accrue interest but you won’t ever pay a penny in taxes on it.”

“As for your husband and the divorce and your things, I can take care of all of that. If you want me to. I have lawyers. I have movers. I have very large intimidating men at my disposal.”

Another kiss.

“And now you have all of those things as well.”

“He doesn’t have to know you have a lot of money.”

Bruce chuckles and pull a flash drive out of his pocket.

“Or we could just send him the video of you earning 100 million, “ he finishes with a wink.

Anna smiles and accepts each kiss, feeling more and more comfortable as he speaks.

“I’ve said this before, but thank you, Bruce. For everything…” she says, looking at the ring that hasn’t left her finger. “I can’t believe this is my life, nor can I ever repay you for everything you’ve done for me.”

“You’re worth all of it and more,” Bruce responds with one last kiss before having the guard open the gate for them.

They get into the car but Francis is not behind the wheel but Jerome, Wyatt’s driver. He greets them politely but doesn’t make conversation. As they head to the airport, discussing her divorce, Anna’s cell phone rings. The screen reads JAMES. It’s her husband. No doubt wanting to see when she will get home.

“Should I tell him now?” she looks at Bruce, her nerves palpable. The confidence she had gained at Paradise feels like it was left at the gate.

“You tell him when you’re comfortable. You’re not losing him. He’s losing you. He’s lost you already. You’re not the woman you were before. You are stronger. More confident. Sexually liberated. You no longer can or should settle for anything less than what you want,” Bruce tells her, taking her hand and squeezing it.

“A diamond is just a rock unless it is given for a reason. You have reason, Anna.”

She kisses him and looks him in the eyes.

“I don’t want you to feel unappreciated ever again,” he whispers.

Then he takes her phone and responds to the text. “About to board the plane. Talk to you soon.”

“There. Tell him when you want to,” he says, returning her phone.

“I guess I just know how angry he’s going to be, and what his reaction might be,” she says, still nervous/

He kisses her again. Every kiss he gives her makes her feel like the luckiest woman in the world. She manages a small smile but it’s not very convincing.

“I need to tell him soon. He’s going to want to have sex when I get home. I don’t think I can do that. Doesn’t feel right to me. It would be like fucking a stranger. In a bad way. Not like at Paradise. Would you, wait in the car for me so I can leave right after?” She lets the words fall from her lips.

She looks at Bruce again, her eyes pleading. She can’t do this completely alone. Her face starting to reveal her real fear of her husband’s anger or how he will react. “James is a little on the high tempered side of things. The drunk text I received was pretty standard. He kind of ignores me but also feels like he owns me. I’ll be glad to get the hell out but I’m still afraid of him.”

“I’ll wait in the car, stand next to you, punch him in the nose, whatever you need,” Bruce says, reassuring her.

“I may call you my prized possession but you’re not an object to be owned. You’re an incredible woman who has been hidden away for too long.”

Anna is on the verge of tears. Bruce puts his hand under her chin and brings her face up to his own.

“If he cooperates we’ll hire someone to go suck his dick. A parting gift,” he says with a wink trying to get her to smile.

She sniffles and giggles a little. “I’m not sure how he will feel about that…”

She takes his hand and sits in silence. She doesn’t speak again until they are in the air, her hand never leaving until it has to.

“I can do this. I have to tell him alone but I want you in the car waiting…” she says more to herself than to him.

I turn and look to you, “Where am I going to live? I supposed I can check into a hotel for a little while but…”

“What’s mine is yours, Anna,” Bruce says, cutting her off and kissing her. “My home, my things, my body. Anything. Come live with me.”

He pauses and kisses her again.

“You can do this. You can be mine. Officially. For all the world to see.”

“I have to tell him tonight. I don’t want to wait for my new life. We can sort out the legal side later,” she says, squeezing his hand, trying to hide her shock that he just invited her to live with him.

He pulls open a magazine and sees photos from the gala. “Well, maybe the world has already seen.”

He shows her the page with a glossy photo of the two of them on the red carpet. Both his arms around her.



“If only those people knew what happened later,” he chuckles.

Anna blushes looking at the photo and can’t also help but smile widely, “I look really happy here, don’t I?”

She pauses before continuing, “It’s strange to see me here.” She points to the picture. “I never thought I would like, well, be that beautiful ever. I can hardly believe it’s me even though I know it is.”

She lays her head on his shoulder still staring at their picture. “Thank you again. For letting me be yours. For offering me the world. I don’t know how to repay you, I know I keep saying that, but I feel like I owe you something”.

He strokes her hair gently. “You changed my life. Made me stop running around with my dick out, chasing every piece of ass I could find.” He stares out the window a moment. “You’ve turned me into the man I should have started being a long time ago.”

Another kiss.

“I’d day we’re even.”

“And you are beautiful. Not just when you’re done up like a princess. Always.”

Anna blushes again and kisses him back. “Thank you, sir… Bruce. That means more to me than you’d ever imagine.”

By now, the plane has landed. They depart the jet. Their bags are loaded into his car and they are off.

“Are you ready?” Bruce asks, his hand stroking hers gently.

“I think so,” Anna answers with a shaky voice.

They pull up outside the house. The house she has lived in and shared with James. A house that no longer feels like home. She sits in the car for a moment, trying to work up her courage.

“I’ll be right back.” She leans in and kisses his cheek before opening the car door and walking up to the front door.

My husband opens the door before she gets there and stands with his arms crossed, holding the same magazine they viewed on the plane.

“Have anything to tell me?” He asks gruffly, his arms tense, his body language tell her he is not happy.

“I’m… I’m…. I want a divorce,” Anna answers with a shaky voice.

James stares at her then glances at the car in the driveway, “He’s in there, isn’t he?” He pauses then looks at her again and lowers his arms. “Fucking bastard stole you from me. You’re my fucking wife and just because some rich asshole wants you now, I’m not enough. Sorry I’m not some rich piece of shit but you belong to me.”

Anna’s nervousness fades away. She’s not afraid of him anymore. She’s angry. Angry at herself for putting up with being treated this way for so long. Angry at him for thinking he owns her. She focuses her anger and responds.

“James, he didn’t steal me from you. You pushed me away. You ignored me. You didn’t give me what I needed to be happy. You never appreciated me or valued my career. He…” She points back at the car. “He cares about me. He values my mind and career. He has provided more for me than you ever have.” She turns to leave but stops before she gets to the car, tears streaming down her cheeks, words she has wanted to say for years pouring from her lips.

“He also helped me become who I really am. Who I have always wanted to be. And I cannot thank him enough for that. I will not go back to hiding myself for you. So yes, I want a divorce. You can’t win me back. I’m not an object for you to win but I am a woman you just lost.”

Bruce opens the car door and steps out to help her in.

She can hear Bruce and James saying things to each other but she doesn’t watch the interaction. She’s too caught up in her own emotions. She can’t stop crying, not from sadness but from feeling liberated. Free.

She does hear Bruce say, “My lawyers will be in touch and a moving company will be by tomorrow to get her things.”

“Too scared to come face me yourself?” James yells at him as Bruce helps Anna back into the car.

“She asked me to wait. I waited. Some men actually listen to what a woman wants,” Bruce says calmly.

“She doesn’t know what she wants. She just wants to fuck you because you’re rich,” James yells, continuing his tantrum.

Bruce has had enough. He closes the car door and walks up to the porch. He stands face to face with James.

“Yes, I am rich. Very rich. I could buy and sell your sorry ass twice a day and not even flinch,” he growls at him. “And, yes, she does like to fuck me. Actually, she loves to fuck me. Because I care. I don’t treat her as a hole to stick a limp dick in for a few minutes and then fall asleep. She cums for me. She cums so hard for me she sometimes can’t move afterwards. I treat her how she deserves to be treated. In bed and everywhere else.”

James moves like he is going to take a swing but stops.

“You took an incredible woman and hid her. You buried her. You told her she was nothing. She’s not nothing. And she sure as fuck isn’t yours. Not anymore. She is her own woman making her own decisions. And if you try to make this difficult for her I will make sure it is twenty times worse for you. Put your tail between your legs and walk away. You lose.”

Bruce straightens his jacket and walks back to the car.

“My lawyers will be in touch and a moving company will be by tomorrow to get her things,” Bruce calls backs at James. “Be smart for once in your fucking pathetic life and don’t get in the way.”

Bruce opens the car door, climb ins, and passionately kisses Anna on the mouth.

“Drive. Get us out of here,” he tells the driver.

Anna kisses him back, tears still falling. She lets myself fall into his chest, letting emotions out she’s never let myself feel before.

She watches her house, well that house, get smaller as they drive away. She sees her soon to be ex husband throw the magazine on the ground and punch the siding again and again, thankful it wasn’t a swing at her or Bruce.

She can’t speak. She just feels Bruce rubbing her back, calming her down as the tension of aggression leaves his own body. He lets her get everything out, purging myself of the negativity she’s been hiding from him, hoping he never has to see this side of her again.

“The rearview mirror is where all of that belongs. In the past. Because it’s over,” he whispers to her.

“If he tries to make this difficult for you, I will make his life a living hell,” he says with a dark tinge to his voice. “I didn’t threaten him. I just warned him.”

Then he snaps out of it. “Do you want to go to my house… Our house? We can do anywhere you want.”

Anna sits up and wipes her eyes, still not sure how he feels about the tears and nods, “Thank you for being here…”

The dark tinge had alarmed her. She knew he could get angry but she’d never heard him sound like that. He’s just taking care of her she tells herself. The tone isn’t about her, it’s about James. Bruce is just protecting her.

She looks out the window and feels him pull her close to him, wrapping his arms around her. “Are you asking me to move in with you, sir?” she whispers, still processing what just happened.

“I don’t want to be without you again,” he whispers back. “Make my home your home. Eat with me. Sleep with me. Be lazy in our sweatpants and watch TV with me. Live your life with me.”

“Share my bed, my home, my life… Six months ago I just wanted to fuck You. Now you’re all I want all of the time. Let me be with you. Let me share your new life.”

Anna blushes and turns to face him, sniffling. The tears had stopped but now they were returning for entirely different reasons.

“I… I don’t want to be without you either, sir… Even when this all started I didn’t know what was happening, I didn’t feel like I was myself unless I was with you.”

She takes his hand in hers and whispers, “I’ll move in with you, sir. As long as you promise to take care of me, I’ll do the same for you. We can build a new life together.”

The car comes to a stop in front of a large gate. A familiar gate.

Anna’s eyes go wide for a moment.

“Yes, it’s the same gate as the one outside Paradise,” Bruce says. “But I promise everyone isn’t naked inside this one. Unless you want them to be,” he winks.

The car pulls forward down a long drive way. It is minutes before the house appears.

“Well, Anna, we’re home,” he says.


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