[MF] The Neighbor’s Curiosity (long)

This is my first post to /r/gonewildstories

It’s probably a 3/10 on the erotic scale but it’s 100% true and it’s something I’ve always wanted to document. Only the name has changed to protect the innocent.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed reliving it.

I have a handful of other incidents/encounters from my younger days I hope to write up soon.

TL;DR >! I had a lesbian friend/neighbor who became very interested in my cock and used to enjoy giving me handjobs for fun.!<


**I. Background**

It was the mid 90s. I was fresh off of finishing my bachelor’s degree and working an entry level tech job at a small publishing company. I had a cramped apartment (my first time living alone) in small, aging building. I was a single guy in the city with a job and pretty happy about it.

My neighbor across the hall was Kate. I knew Kate in college although not particularly well. We were in the same dorm for a year and had a couple classes together classes together over the years. When I moved into the building, she had already been there for a year and it was a happy coincidence for both of us to have a neighbor who was a friendly face.

We didn’t run in the same crowds in college mainly because Kate was an out gay woman and her social life was dominated by similar women. She wasn’t going to parties frequented by guys like me and we weren’t in the same social clubs or other extra-curricular stuff. That being said, if we saw each other on campus, there’d always be a friendly “hi” and a smile.

Kate was cute but not feminine. She was short (about 5′) with light brown hair cut in a short messy bob and soft-looking pale skin. You could kinda tell she had a nice figure with curves, but she kept it hidden behind 90s “grunge” clothes: baggy jeans, men’s flannel shirts. She had a kind, sweet face and never wore makeup. I always liked seeing Kate. She was the kind of person who just made you smile a bit.

Living across from each other we became closer almost by necessity. We were both rent-poor: dumb, young people spending way too much of what we made on rent so we could live in the ‘hip’ part of town. By necessity we started to share things to save money: grocery shopping, laundry quarters, errands (neither of us had a car), buying pot (she had the dealer, I didn’t), and eventually cooking meals together. After about a year it was like having a roommate with a separate apartment. Our building two units per floor so it was like we had our own huge apartment when both doors were opened.

Buying pot and eating together naturally led to smoking and watching movies together and talking late into the night, sometimes with friends, sometimes just us. I learned a lot about Kate. She had been gay as long as she could remember. She had no brothers, an absent father, and never even so much as kissed a boy. Her experience with and around men was completely void. She said boys asked her out in high school but she always just made up some excuse. She wasn’t out in high school and went away to college to follow an older girl she knew who went to the same school. Knowing another gay woman at the school made it feel comfortable to her. By the end of college, Kate was pretty comfortable with who she was and very confident and outspoken. She was short and sweet, but not the kind of person to be told what to do or what to think. Her strength and independence was a big part of her charm.

Over a short amount of time, Kate and I fell into a pretty comfortable groove being pseudo-roommates. This was before cell phones for both of us so relying on someone who was a door knock away was pretty helpful.

**II. Questions**

The first weird question from Kate came one night while we were stoned watching a movie in my apartment. The movie had a sex scene and there was some laughing joking about the guy’s cock. (For the life of me I cannot remember the movie but I can see the two characters together in bed laughing and play fighting).

Kate said, “Yeah I have no idea how you walk around with one of those things,” which led to a short casual conversation about dicks, erections, and the occasional (or perceived) inconvenience of having one.

A few days later the same pattern repeated itself but this time it was almost like she was looking for an opening to ask me about my cock. I was a little taken aback when she asked, “So does it just get hard randomly during the day?”

“It happens, definitely, if I let my mind wander,” I said “but it’s not a real problem.”

“So you can control getting hard and soft?” she asked.

“More or less,” I said. And what followed was an uncomfortable silence where she seemed to be thinking things over or processing my answer or something.

Days passed and a third set of questions popped up about guys getting hard. She seemed fascinated by the idea of a temporary firm appendage between your legs.

“Have you ever actually seen a hard cock?” I asked.

“Definitely not,” Kate answered.

“Not even in a porno?”

“Maybe a glimpse once, but no, not really.” (Keep in mind we are in the early days of the web here, so satisfying your curiosity with HD video in 3 seconds flat with your pocket computer was not an option).

Out of my mouth fell “if you ever want to see one, let me know.”

I could tell I made a mistake as soon as it came out because it sounded like I was hitting on her. It was flirtatious, but all in fun. It didn’t land that way.

The atmosphere in the room got a little cold and Kate seemed to avoid me for a few days. Maybe a week.

**III. The First Opening**

I pretended like it didn’t happen and just played everything normal with Kate. One weeknight, we shared a dinner of rice and beans and beer in her apartment.

“Allright…..so…..show me”, Kate said in a way that seemed like she was working up to it.

“Show you *what*, exactly?”

“You’re really going to make me say it? Your hard on.”

“Just like that? Pull out my hard cock?” I laughed assuming she was messing with me.

Tentatively, “Yeah, I want to see one….Offer still stands from before?”

“I suppose so.” Laughing nervously again. I wasn’t shy and I’m always up for something fun and different, but I couldn’t shake the feeling she was playing a game with me.

We changed the subject for a little bit and finished our beers. She could tell I was about to get moving back to my apartment for the night and she spoke up.

“So do whatever you have to do to get it hard and then take it out, but look the other way. Don’t stare at me while you’re doing it.”

“Um. Ok. Sure. I guess”

I stood up and I could feel that I was already halfway there. I undid my jeans so I could get my hand onto myself and get fully hard. I’m not a small guy but I don’t have ‘monster’ either. Women have always been pleased with my size, a few calling it “perfect”. It’s probably about 8″.

It didn’t take me long to get fully aroused and I unceremoniously popped it out over the waistband of my boxers. I was careful to follow her instructions of not looking at her by focusing on an art poster on the wall. I didn’t say a word and neither did she.

She didn’t tell me to put it away or anything. She just sat there for a long 15-20 seconds and then got up and started doing something else. I zipped up, casually said “see ya later”, and headed out.

**IV. A better look**

Being exposed like that in front of her was a huge turn on even though I got zero reaction from her at all. It was weird to just stand there for someone but I’ll never forget how my heart started pounding knowing that my exposed cock was the object of direct attention like that.

I knew Kate’s personality pretty well and I learned early on to let her do the talking and take the lead. If she felt for a second that I was pushing any kind of sexual agenda or even really enjoyed myself too much, this wouldn’t happen again. I knew to let her explore if she wanted to, make gentle suggestions where necessary, and not to bring it up at any other time (especially not in front of anyone else).

“Listen, don’t ever tell anyone about that,” she said one day later while walking to the grocery store.

“I know.”

“Seriously. Not at all. It’s not an attraction thing. I’m curious. I’m not turned on or anything.”

“I got it. Don’t worry. I barely remember it.”

That line made her happy even if she knew it was completely false.

Back at the apartment, unpacking and splitting our groceries on my table, she said, “So, I want to see it again but I want to see it happen”

“What do you mean *happen*?”

“Like go from soft to hard,” she said. “How it changes, how quickly.”

“OK. I’ll see what I can do.” Another nervous laugh from me.

The same rules applied. I had to pretend she wasn’t in the room and look somewhere else. Once we decided it was time I laid back on the couch while she was kinda standing kinda behind me. I worked to get myself hard without really rubbing my cock too much so I could specifically satisfy her request of watching it get hard. This time it wasn’t that easy. I felt like I was at the doctor’s office.

I was able to get it going after a bit and again, the same zero reaction from Kate. She left pretty abruptly as it dawned on her that i was pretty worked up and essentially masturbating in front of her.

I laid back and stroked myself until I came, thinking about the last girl I had sex with.

**V. The full view**

Later that same night I came back from a party and she heard me and came over. It was about 2am and I was alone and a little drunk.

“What did you do after I left you like that today?”

“Um. I think you can guess.”

“Really? just right then after I walked out?”

“Well, I was laying alone on my couch with my hard cock in my hand. My choices were to take care of it or frustrate myself. What would you choose?”

“Could you do it again?”

She was getting much more bold. At this point it had been weeks since she first started asking questions. Now she was pressing me twice in the same day.

“You want me to jerk off in front of you?”

She nodded, sternly, with a little twinkle in her eye that tipped me off that I wasn’t the only drunk one.

“OK,” I said. But what followed was awkward nervous silence. I looked around the room to try and figure out how to “set up” and then it dawned on me. “Why don’t we just watch a porno and I’ll let it play out naturally?”

She thought about it for longer than I expected her to and then said, “Sure” before directing the seating. She told me to take a chair that was pretty close to the TV and she put herself on the sofa where she could see me but she was kinda behind me a bit, just into my peripheral vision.

I had a handful of VHS tapes and we both got comfortable and popped one in. It was an 80s feature, the kind that had five or six different scenes of various types revolving around one story: boy-girl, girl-girl, three way, anal, another boy-girl, group finale.

We chatted a little and laughed during the intro and first scene but as it moved on she got quieter and so did I. Eventually I lowered my pants without looking at Kate and I started rubbing my cock slowly. I could tell she was watching me but I could barely see her. I was really careful to not look over at her or say a word.

At this point I wasn’t watching the movie (I had seen it a hundred times) even though my eyes were pointed in that direction. I was mostly turned on by being watched. Kate was like a statue in my peripheral vision, focused completely on what I was doing.

I was rubbing my cock pretty slowly, probably turning the session into something a little more leisurely than she was expecting. “Does it always take this long?” She startled me by speaking. I had no idea how long I had been playing with myself but it was probably starting to get old to her.

I shifted my grip tighter and really started to work my hand hard on my shaft and it wasn’t long before I gushed into the tissues I had laid across my stomach. It was a pretty aggressive climax and I think she got a good show. I laid there for a minute to let my heart rate drop before cleaning up and stopping the movie.

“That was cool. How do you feel?” She phrased it almost like a researcher.

“Tired,” I said, choosing my response carefully, afraid of tipping off anything about how insanely exciting it was to have her watch me.

**VI. Escalation**

I learned early on with Kate to just continue to pretend like these things never happened. It made her more comfortable with it and it built her trust in the fact that I wasn’t sharing out secret.

We did the porn thing a couple more times over the next few weeks, always at her request and usually after a few drinks. (Seeing her start to flip through my box of VHS tapes always made my day.)

We were preparing to watch one late at night (probably the fourth or fifth time overall) and I didn’t move to “the chair”, mainly out of laziness or forgetfulness. We were next to each other on the sofa and I could feel the tension as the tape started playing, her wondering if I was going to move and me wondering if she was going to remind me to move. Neither happened and we both settled in.

Kate was in pajama bottoms and an oversized sweatshirt. I was in sweatpants and a t-shirt. I let the normal course of things with the video play out. As I got harder, my hand moved around the outline of my cock more until I pulled the sweatpants and boxers down. This time I pulled them all the way to my ankles so I was fully exposed right next to her.

She was less than two feet from me instead of the normal six or eight. I could feel her eyes on me. I could smell her and hear her breath. Just laying there open like that was enough to make me feel like I was going to burst. My cock was at full attention, purple and engorged and highly sensitive. I felt like if Kate got any closer, I would explode. I made the brief mistake of turning my head and looking her in the eye and she snapped her head away uncomfortably. “Sorry,” I muttered and returned my focus to the TV.

I took a few deep breaths and calmed myself before beginning to work my fingertips along the shaft and head. I felt like giving her a little bit of a show, playing with my cock in a way that I normally wouldn’t if I were alone. I let my fingers dance around, giving myself a little squeeze and a tug here and there.

I was shocked when Kate moved a little closer.

I started to stroke myself naturally, unsure of what might happen next and a little nervous that I might freak her out.

She said to me, quietly and directly, “let me know before you’re going cum”.

I didn’t say anything. I continued letting my hand work the length of my outrageously hard cock, knowing full well I could turn on the orgasm switch at any moment.

Being watched so closely and so intently was such a thrill I didn’t want it to end. Kate shifted her weight (signalling boredom to me) so I decided to move forward.

“I’m almost there,” I said.

Kate quickly, confidently slipped her hand underneath mine so she was stroking me and I was guiding her, essentially I was masturbating with her hand. In seconds I had a bone shaking orgasm that made a shocking mess of my t shirt. Kate held on to my cock the entire time, feeling every pulse.

Afterwards, Kate said “I just wanted to feel it happen.”

I didn’t say a word.

**VII. The pinnacle and the routine**

“We need to talk about that thing that happened,” Kate said, about a week later at the laundromat.

“Sure. I said.”

“I’m just having fun, you know. This isn’t really sexual for me in the same way it is for you.”

“I get it. I think.” I replied.

“I just don’t want you to have the wrong idea. I don’t want you to get weird about it.”

I tried to collect my thoughts and be as plain and as clear as possible. “Listen. I’m not going to lie. It’s a huge turn on to be watched. It’s a huge turn on to have someone play with my cock. It’s hot in the way that it would be for any straight guy. Any time you want to hang out and have some fun, I’m fine with it. I’m not entirely sure what you get out of it, but if you find it fun, then great. I won’t get the wrong idea and I’ll always follow the rules. If you want to stop, just say so.” I tried to be open, easy, and let her know that she was in control.

It was a weekend morning and when we made it back to the apartment she asked me to come in and lay down on her futon bed. “I want to give you a full hand job.”

I said nothing and I got undressed. I decided to keep taking things off until she told me to stop, which she never did. I was fully nude but not yet erect, likely due to surprise and nerves.

I laid back and she sat cross-legged next to me, aligned with my pelvis. She had some hand lotion and a towel. It felt a little clinical but exciting and weird at the same time.

I took a leap. “Would you do one thing for me?”

“What?” Kate said skeptically.

“Get nude with me.” Very awkward silence and for a minute I thought I blew it but I think the very vulnerable physical position I was in made her feel comfortable.

Kate was never exceedingly shy about her body, although in all our time together I had never even seen her in anything remotely revealing. I think I surprised her with my request. I don’t think she ever really considered men looking at her very much and maybe it intrigued her, I don’t know. She pulled off her t shirt and pants, revealing some decidedly un-sexy underwear. Her body, on the other hand, had that soft, small, curvy look, with skin that looked like it hadn’t seen the sun ever. Her breasts were as big as I thought, pleasantly hanging into her bra which she quickly unsnapped.

Kate smirked as I stared at her smooth, heavy tits and she lubed up her hand and started to stroke me gently. She even started to imitate what I did when she last watched me, playing with my shaft with her finger tips and rubbing my cock head. I was in ectascy.

She slowly stroked and played with me for a long time, at one point laying down head to toe with me and dragging her hand back and forth along my cock.

I looked at the clock at one point and realized she had been massaging, tickling, stroking my cock for nearly 30 minutes. I took another leap and asked her to grab tight and make me cum.

Amusingly, she said “in a minute” and she stopped and made her self more comfortable sitting up on the other side of me so she could switch hands easier. She gripped me tightly and started to work a hard firm at just the right tempo. Her tits were jiggling aggressively and I wanted nothing more than to bury my face in them. It was that thought that triggered my climax which remains the single biggest explosion I can ever remember. I shot the headboard over my head with the first shot and the second hit my own chin. The rest completely soaked my chest and stomach. Kate yelped, laughed, and tried unsuccessfully to clean up with the little towel she had.

We laughed about it and chatted some more. I promised again I wouldn’t “be weird” and I would never tell.

Hand jobs in bed with nude Kate became pretty regular for the next six months or so, but that’s as far as it went. Occasionally, we’d sleep in the same bed if we were playing really late (or early). Sometimes she’d brush her tits up against me ore press herself against me while she slept but that’s about it. I couldn’t put a hand on her even affectionately and certainly no mouths would come into play.

Kate eventually, inevitably found a girlfriend and they were perfect for each other. Kate was in fact very popular and promiscuous and had a lot of female playmates during the course of this whole story. The playing between us wound down and eventually the apartment-mate situation did too as she became closer with her new partner.

**VIII. Epilogue**

We stayed in touch, more or less, over the following 25 years. The occasional group gathering, meeting for coffee once in a while, and eventually I went to her wedding. We never spoke of our fun ever again.

She married a beautiful woman and they have two adorable kids. I didn’t see her much after the wedding, but she does live a couple neighborhoods over from me and I just saw her a few weeks ago in the park with her kids, having a picnic. We stayed far apart but waved and smiled and she introduced me to her kids as “mommy’s old friend” and we promised to get together sometime in the near future.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i7zbr5/mf_the_neighbors_curiosity_long


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