Hate[F]ucking [M]y Colleague (long)

For the past couple years, I’ve worked for a large multinational company in the finance department. Trust me, that was never where I saw myself going, and I can’t say I was very happy there. But the pay and benefits were pretty decent, so I staid. Now, I’ve luckily found a different job that I enjoy significantly more, and have the leisure to tell some interesting stories involving my colleagues.
Generally, my philosophy is “don’t shit where you eat”, and that includes relationships at work. It almost never works out, and you’ll be spending 8 hours a day with them afterwards. Not even speaking of the gossip, potential HR involvement, you get the picture. For the most part, I did follow that maxime, with three exceptions over the course of my career there. All of them were interesting in their own way.

The first one happened after I’d been with the company for close to two years. As stated, I was working for the finance department, in an industry that is pretty male-dominated to boot. Now, I get along pretty well with anyone. I’m good at my job, respectful, answer my emails quickly (seriously, why is that so hard?!) and somewhat charming. I put a lot of value in having good relationships with the colleagues I work with. 80% of my job is chasing after people to get numbers, commentaries and updates on time – I need to be good at pressuring people without them disliking me, and I am.
There are certain colleagues where you know that they need reminders, handholding, etc. – our systems aren’t intuitive, some teams have new interns every couple months… As long as they do their best and I get my slides, I’m fine with that, I still get along with them.

Stella was the exception to that rule. She wasn’t bad at her job – I’d actually say she was fairly good, when she wanted to be. Her main skill, however, seemed to be getting people to do things for her and avoiding her desk at all costs. The first couple times, she sent the her numbers in the wrong format – we have certain requirements for formatting to make sure things look good in the final report and aren’t too much of a pain to consolidate. She’d just sent the forward curves as a screenshot, and her Excel sheets unformatted. The first couple times, I was slightly annoyed, but offered to help her fix it and to teach her how to do it properly. She played ditzy, “oh I’m sorry I didn’t know that”, “Oh gosh I did it wrong again didn’t I so sorry”. Whenever I went over to her desk, if she was there, she was always just a bit touchy, complimented me… I soon figured out that she was that way with everyone. She had all the guys in the department wrapped around her little finger, including her team lead. She was a bit flirty – nothing inappropriate, but compliments, touches, light double entendres for everyone. She dressed the same way – nothing risqué, but just a bit more than her female colleagues. A bit more cleavage, the dress just a little shorter, the heels just a smidge higher than office dress.
She wasn’t a stunner, but she was great at using what she had. Light brown hair, usually pulled back in a ponytail, a somewhat round face, large brown eyes. Her nose was slightly crooked, a small gap in her front teeth, laugh lines and small crow’s feet around her eyes and front. Her makeup was always immaculate – bright red lipstick, a little bit of eyeshadow, long lashes. She laughed a lot, no matter if something was funny or not. Honestly, she looks somewhat similar to Christina Ricci, for reference. She wasn’t exactly skinny – she definitely enjoyed the good life, but it made for some good curves. Her tits were probably around a B cup, maybe C – she did display them prominently at least. She definitely had a great ass, enhanced by her penchant for heels and basically being a pendulum when walking. Whenever she could get away with it, she was in a floral summer dress with heels, usually sandals. She wasn’t exactly my type, but I can’t deny that I found her hot in a way.
I always stayed polite with her, but I think my annoyance with her showed – at some point, she started being better with the reports, and toned down the flirtiness with me. I found out that she usually had one of the guys in her team do the formatting and final checks on her reports. Not my problem honestly, as long as I get my data in the right shape.

After every mid quarter report, the department goes to celebrate. Nothing major, and not official – sadly, no free booze. Still, it’s usually a good time, kicking back after the longest day in three months and putting some beers and wine away. There’s usually 30-40 people there, including line managers, and it’s fairly common to only work a half day after.
I’d been polite and friendly with Stella over that past year or so, but definitely not warm. Especially at these midend bashes, she’d tried to put the moves on me – I think she didn’t like the thought of someone not falling for her charms. This time, she didn’t. Honestly, I didn’t notice even notice – I was just trying to destress, throwing back a couple beers, bitching my the guys from my team about certain business units. I didn’t stay long – my vacations were about to start, and I needed to finish some stuff at the office over the next days, and honestly my colleagues are largely boring. I got out of the pub and started heading for the subway station, and to my surprise Stella arrived a couple minutes after me. Oh great. Usually, she was definitely part of the “half day or off day” crowd, and I knew that she’d gone home with some sap a couple times at these.
“Hey Nogood! Heading home already?” “Yeah. My vacations are coming up, need to prepare some things tomorrow.” “Oh nice, where are you going? With your family?” “Croatia, with an old friend.” “Oh, how nice!”. After that, bit of an awkward silence. She looked at me expectantly for a bit, but I didn’t volunteer anything else. She sat down on a bench, I pointedly didn’t.

The subway came, and we both got on. Mostly empty, but of course she sat right in front facing me. Twice she breathed in as if to say something, then didn’t. Then, after a bit, she asked me “Why do you dislike me so much? Huh? What have I done to you?” It sounded more whiny than outraged, and she was definitely slightly tipsy. What do you answer to that? You’re a manipulative bitch? I had to run after you for months to get basic work done? It pisses me off that you’re untouchable because your line manager is infatuated with you? “I don’t know what you mean. I don’t dislike you.” She leaned forward, giving me a good view down her flower-patterned wrap dress. She was wearing a red bra. “I know you do! You’re much nicer to my colleagues! You didn’t even keep a piece of cake for me!” I really had to dig for that one – as is office tradition, I’d baked a cake (a lemon strawberry marble, was pretty good) and brought it to the office. When she’d rolled in after lunch, there was no cake left. I can only assume that she was used to people saving a piece for her.
I chuckled from the sheer ridiculousness of the accusation and just shook my head, I really didn’t know what to answer. She leaned forward even more, angrily glaring, and poked me in the chest, quite hard. “You! Why – do – you dislike me?” She wanted to poke me again, but I grabbed her hand. “Stop that.” Like a petulant child, I was really starting to get annoyed with her now. “I don’t like that I constantly have to run after you during the close. I don’t like that you manipulate your colleagues to do your work.” She tried to pull her hand back, but I held it. She pouted: “How do I manipulate anyone, huh? What do I do? I’m friendly to people, they’re friendly to me! Not like you!” Now I genuinely had to laugh and let her hand go. “Stella, you flirt with EVERYONE. You’re a tease. Only the male colleagues get along with you.” She looked genuinely angry now, and I was scared that I’d gone too far. I was in a solid position, but Stella had a surprising amount of sway.

She didn’t say anything for a while. She just glared and shifted around in her seat. Then she smiled. Not a friendly smile. “So I’m a tease?” She leaned back, then slowly, slowly crossed her legs. The panties matched the bra. Then she leaned forward again, deliberately this time, pushing her chest out, putting her face close to mine. She held it there for a second, then leaned back, slowly uncrossing her legs again, putting her left hand on her thigh. “What on earth are you doing?” The carriage was pretty empty, but I was as quiet as I could be. “Showing you what you can’t have. A tease, huh?” Her left thumb was moving, drawing small circles on her thigh. More than anything, those words put certain images in my head. She was attractive, and I hadn’t been laid in a while. I couldn’t stand her, but she can’t talk when she has my dick in her mouth. Her left hand was moving closer to her triangle now, and she had her right arm across her chest, gripping her left boob now, rubbing her elbow agains the other. I looked around, and nobody else was looking in our direction. I definitely felt the blood flow now, especially when she lifted the hem of her dress and flashed me her panties fully this time. She moved her hand under, kept the dress up, slowly stroked the red cloth with her palm. I was hard now, somewhat visibly. “NEXT STOP: MAIN STATION” blared through the speakers, surprising us both. She got her hand out, smirked at me and said:” A tease, huh? Maybe you’re right.” She looked down into my lap, then got up to stand by the door. I staid sitting for another minute, then got up as well and stood next to her, deliberately not giving her another glance. I could hear her shifting next to me, then I felt her hand on my crotch, still semi-erect. “Don’t dislike me that much anymore now, do you?” Fuck.

We came to a stop, she got out, me some steps behind. She actually strutted – as straight as possible, moving her hips as if she was on the catwalk. Only she wasn’t used to it, or maybe it was the busted tile. Her heel caught on it, she stumbled and smacked facefirst on the floor. I hurried to her, “Are you alright? Let me help you up, sit down, I’ll get your bag.” She was more upset than hurt, crying a little, her mascara smearing. “No! I don’t want your help! Go!” I didn’t say anything, just got her bag and squatted next to her. “Come on, I’ll help you to the elevator.” She sniffled, but accepted my hand and leaned on me. “Fuck! This is your fault!” She was crying now. I just kept silent and maneuvered her to the elevator. We went up, I set her down on a bench and took a look at the foot. It was a little red and starting to swell a bit, but she could move it without problem. Probably not broken. “I live on the fucking fourth floor!” she said accusingly, now glaring at me again. I was about to say “Not my bloody problem”, but she did finally manage to actually ask for my help, so I got her to the cabstand and drove back to her flat with her. Supported by me, she hobbled up the fourth floor, heels in hand. “Come in, I’ll get you a glass of wine at least. Make me one too.” She hobbled to her bedroom, I was considering just leaving, but in the back of my head I thought “Well, she flashed you and then asked you in…” So I found two glasses, and a bottle of rosé in the fridge. She hobbled back in, now out of her dress in an oversized tee, still in the ruined makeup. “Noo! Why did you open that one? You were supposed to get the other bottle!” Her nips pointed at me accusingly through her shirt.

I was done. I put the two glasses down carefully, took three steps towards her and pushed her down on her couch. “Enough. I’m done with this. Either you give me a reason to stay or I’m out of here.” I looked at her erect nipples pointedly. She was sitting on the couch with me towering over her, mouth open in surprise. Then she seemed to make a decision and lifted the shirt over her head. “This what you wanted, since you been staring the whole evening?”, and threw it at me. I was still standing, and looked her up and down. “Eh. You’re not bad looking, but you’re not as hot as you think you are.” Definitely more of a B cup, with prominently erect pink nipples. She was still in her red panties, legs slightly spread, left foot a bit swollen. I loosened my belt, and stepped out of my jeans, now with a prominent bulge showing. “Is that supposed to impress me?” I was getting seriously annoyed with her again, and it was turning me on. I pulled my boxers down and took the last step towards the sofa. I stood there like I’d been forgotten at daycare while she smirked up at me, then I had enough and grabbed onto the back of her head and pushed her down on me. The combination of annoyance and horniness doesn’t exactly lead to rational decisions. She got the hint and took me in her mouth, and my god did it feel good. She was eager and sloppy, and did indeed look good with my cock in her face. This wasn’t a gentle, teasing blowjob and I didn’t want one. She was just hoovering me up, taking me as deep as she could, then letting me go almost all the way. I was completely covered in spit after just two or three passes, and she wasn’t slowing down. The sound was great too – wet, gurgling sounds, the plops whenever she briefly released me from her mouth, the deep breaths to gulp down air so she could swallow me again. When she started to slow down a little, I grabbed the back of her head again and pushed her back, setting the pace. I was in control. One of her hands was grabbing onto my buttocks, giving her better leverage, while other other was fondling my balls. I was glad I’d shaved recently, though I’d been in the office for more than 10 hours during the summer, so I couldn’t guarantee how fresh my rod tasted. Honestly, the thought of her gagging on my sweat turned me on even more and I pushed her deeper, and was rewarded with a deep moan and my dick hitting the back of her throat. I held her there for a second, enjoying the warmth around me and felt her trying to move back. I held her for a second longer, then let her go and she recoiled back into the couch, taking in deep breaths. “You fucking dick!”

She was a mess. Her mascara had already been a little smeared, now it was running down her cheeks in black ribbons. Her face was plastered in spit, dripping down on her tits. Her hair was a mess, the ponytail picked apart by me. I could see a prominent wet spot on her panties now. She looked both indignant and horny, but I didn’t give her much time to recover. I stepped closer and dropped one hand to her tits, roughly grabbing onto her right one, while I took control of her head again with my right hand. I shoved her mouth back onto my dick and pinched her nipple at the same time, and I could feel the moan on my prick. I was a bit gentler now, and continued playing with her breast. It was a perfect handful, and I enjoyed circling it, massaging it and pinching her from time to time. She was definitely enjoying it too, and was getting more into it. I didn’t believe it could get sloppier, but it did, drool just dripping down her chin and spattering all around her with every pump. I took more control again, and she glared up at me, and I remembered just why I disliked her. Right now, with her lips wrapped around me, she was just about bearable, and I was going to make the most of it. This time, I didn’t move her head, I just held it while I started thrusting into her mouth. Slowly and gently first, then I started picking up the pace. I didn’t care – I wanted to shut her up, and I wanted her to be uncomfortable. I was pistoning in and out of her mouth now, and I could hear her moaning, and see that one of her hands had dropped into her panties. For some reason, that made me even madder – she wasn’t supposed to enjoy this! I was drilling her now, and she was taking it like a champ, gasping in between pumps whenever she could, loud muffled moans, and fingering herself. I was starting to feel the pressure build in me, that familiar tingling in my balls. I think I was moaning too, or maybe grunting, but I definitely wasn’t silent. I didn’t warn her, but she could probably tell – her hand on my balls was getting more frantic, she was moving against me now. Still, the moment itself came unexpected for her – I shot the first stroke down her throat and let her head go, and she leaned back sputtering, only to be blasted by my load. The next shot landed on her hair, then I covered her face, a little bit of the couch and her boobs. She was coughing and had her eyes closed, her whole face painted white. “FUCK YOU asshole!” I admired my work, then fetched some tissues and the wine and handed them to her to clean up. It was a righteous mess, spit and cum on her and the sofa, streaks of mascara down her chest. She was redheaded and very, very horny, panties wetter than her face. She still looked mad after she’d wiped herself down, “Look at what you did! That stain on the sofa! And my hair! You happy now, huh?” I didn’t answer anything, just looked down at her crotch pointedly. “Fuck you! The least you can do is repay me!” “Hmm, maybe. If you ask nicely, that is.” She opened her mouth and eyes, astonished. “The fucking nerve on you! Fucking eat me, you dick!” The last sentence was already transforming into whining again, and the thought of me fucking the bitch out of her was turning me on. “That wasn’t exactly nice, was it? Try again, or I’m leaving. I’m good, after all.” I smirked at the mess on the sofa. “Fine! Alright! Will you please, please eat me out?”

I’m a people-pleaser after all. I went down on my knees and put her legs over my shoulders, then started moving my hands slowly up her legs, back up to her butt. I pulled her cheeks apart and let my thumbs stroke around the edges of her tanga, inching ever closer to her butthole. Then I moved my hands back, resting them on her thighs, my thumbs drawing lazy swirls on her inner leg. She was starting to breathe a bit heavier again, and I moved my face in closer while I let my hands roam freely up her body, up her hips, stopping just under her breasts. I had my face right in front of the red, soaked triangle, and started slowly breathing on it, blowing a warm wind on her most sensitive parts. The first exhalation made her draw a single sharp breath, and I used that moment to snap my hands onto both her breasts, making her moan. She was sitting upright, so this must have looked somewhat ridiculous, and was an awkward angle for me. I bumped into her foot, and she yelped and cursed at me, so we decided to rearrange a bit. She ended up stretched out on the luckily wide sofa, left feet elevated over the side, and I had a better angle. Her panties had gotten lost in the process, and I was done with the teasing. She looked great sprawled out like that, and I was starting to rise again. I put a finger in her very wet snatch and closed my mouth down on her clit. I very gently sucked on it, while slowly moving by finger back and forth. She was moaning rhythmically now, “OOOh”, breathe in, “OooH”, breathe in. I inserted a second finger, and she was tight, especially at this angle. I rested it there for a second, let her catch her breath, then simultaneously pumped in hard with both fingers and gently bit down on her clit, and she damn near jumped, a short high moan coming from her, and her hand clamping me down on her clit. I circled her clit with my tongue and curled my fingers inside her, looking for just the right spot. It took me a bit, but I could tell from her now almost constant moaning that I had found the spot, and her legs restlessly moving around me. I wanted to lift my head, but wasn’t allowed to, so I just went with it. I picked up the pace, my fingers sliding in and out of her, curling into her, spreading her, my teeth nibbling just the slightest bit at her clit, while I was varying the suction. I used my tongue, lashing Stella’s button, circling around it, leaving it alone for just a second while I ceased all motion. I could tell she was close, gulping down air greedily when I stopped, panting quickly, thrusting her hips into me, trying to reach my fingers and tongue. Her hand couldn’t keep me down, I looked into her wild eyes, juices smeared around my beard, and smiled. I held her gaze for a second. I was in control. Then I went back down, and sucked her clit in with one almost violent movement, three fingers barely fitting into her, and she exploded into moaning again, almost fully lifting up as she pushed into me. I kept going, fingers digging out her insides, her clit dancing in my mouth, and all I could barely hear oh yes oh yes please yes oh aaah ooh as her legs clamped around me and her whole cunt closed around my fingers, violently contracting, no more words coming from her just a single neverending moan, rising and falling and then she just stopped. She fell back down onto the couch, all tension gone, another stain added and I could understand what she meant about cum and hair now. My face was soaked.

Now it was my turn to gulp down the rosé greedily, and try to get feeling back into my left hand. She just lay on the sofa, not moving, trying to catch her breath. I was almost comically hard again, and I walked back up to her and almost shoved my shaft in her face. She sucked on it weakly, then started jerking me lazily. I wasn’t done with her. I knew exactly what I wanted. I squatted down, now head to head with her. “We’re not done. Get up.” “Make me, asshole.” She knew exactly how to make me mad, and that mad meant turned on. I grabbed her shoulders and sat her up, then started fingering her again and lifted her hips with my fingers still in her. It was a bit awkward again, trying to find a position where there was no weight on her left foot, but I now had her propped up on the couch, her ass sticking in the air at the perfect angle. “Don’t move.” She just wiggled her butt at me. I almost sprinted the couple steps to my briefcase and fished out a condom, ripped the packaging open and threw it right on the floor while she was watching, rolled it on and walked back to her.

Maybe she expected foreplay, because she looked surprised when I sunk myself into her in one smooth stroke. She definitely didn’t need any, I glided in as if I’d used a whole bottle of lube. I held it there for a second, giving her time to get used to the fullness, then slowly pulled almost all the way out again. She wriggled her hips at me, but I held her there until I was ready again and smoothly pushed back into her, all the way. This was not gonna be a gentle lovemaking session. I still couldn’t stand her. I leaned forward and grabbed her tits, pinching her nipples while I thrust into her, leaving one hand there and one on her hips for leverage. I increased the pace now, and she thrust back into me, and I rewarded her by roughly pinching her again, making her moan. I slowed down again, going for long, powerful thrusts now, and she arched her back at me, looked me in the eyes, “That’s all you’ve got?” God, that woman made me mad. I slammed into her, pushing her whole body forward with my thrust, and on the next one I slapped her ass. She yelped and glared at me, and I asked her “That’s all you can take?” She didn’t answer, so I slapped her again, thrust, slap, thrust, slap. I was getting really into it now, trying to hammer her both hard and fast. I fishhooked her, pulling her head back with a finger in her mouth, feeling her pussy flex on my member. She arched her back, trying to impale herself even more on me, one hand going down to her clit, playing with herself. I could feel her hand exerting pressure on me, making her feel even tighter. I leaned forwardpressing down on her, grabbing hold of both her boobs, and just letting her feel who was on top here She grunted, nothing coherent coming from either of us anymore, her other arm giving out. She was still furiously playing with herself, head now pressed into the couch, drool running out the side of her mouth, panting like a bitch in heat. I was drilling her now as fast as humanly possible, just ramming myself into her, pulling back out, my whole cock disappearing into her swollen slit each time.. My favourite magic trick. Her moans started rising again, becoming shorter and shorter, her hand moving even faster on her clit. They started running together, and I leaned forward again, my head close to her ear. “You’re a dirty bitch, and I still can’t stand you.” She exploded, her cunt convulsing around my dick, the moan ending for lack of air. The tension went right out of her again, and now she almost deflated, sinking into the sofa. I wasn’t done. I kept drilling into her, held her ass up, and felt the familiar pressure building. I slammed in, out, in, slapped her ass again, then just held her hips so she couldn’t fully sink into the couch. I closed my eyes, let out a grunt and emptied myself into her, almost blasting a whole into the condom. I staid in her for a second, then dropped back, my softening dick flopping out of her. I was disappointed in my own sensibility – exploding raw deep into her would have been even more satisfying, but seeing her there, drenched in sweat, my and her own juices and completely done, I was plenty satisfied. I didn’t think that I fucked the bitch out of her, but being able to remember her face full of my spunk whenever she pissed me off would do a lot to make it bearable.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i7awfx/hatefucking_my_colleague_long


  1. I read this story thinking that you were female, then trans then definitely a dude. Good job.

  2. 1. This was posted before, weeks ago.

    2. The sex described is not “hate fucking.”

  3. If you answer emails quickly you either aren’t doing much work or your work hinges on responding to people quickly.

  4. This was a fucking hot story. Definitely gave me 365 dni vibes hahaha. Hope you post more soon!

  5. What a gloriously fucked dynamic, and I say that as a compliment.

    Any interesting fallout from this?

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