Cybernetic freedom. The beginning.

I cant seem to really talk to anyone about the things that go through my head. My fetishes. Some too dark to say outloud. I usually browse the net for chat rooms to get some relief. It all just seems like an ocean of boys thinking that sending random dick pics as an introduction is the key to getting in a womens panties.
Most of the men I meet in person, either are boring or selfish. Most but not all. I remember Jin Ho. He was this Korean hottie. Tall and thick. Not buff but not overweight. Just thick. Full lips, black hair, ivory skin, and big brown eyes. He had a dimple on his left cheek. I met him online first. He so happened to be local and we decided to meet up at a public place and see if there was chemistry. As soon as I saw him my pussy wanted him. Lucky for me he wanted me too. We went back to his place. I was nervous. He handed me some whiskey that we had bought on our way to his apartment. I sat on his couch. He stood over me and placed both hand on the headrest of the couch. Inches away from my face. My heart wanted to leave my body. I know my face showed my arousal. I felt the temperature rise. He looked straight into my eyes with a sly smile and said softly

” I want you to please you. But, I will please you MY way”

With those words he collected himself and sat casually next to me. Smiled and took a sip of his whiskey.
When we chatted online, he mentioned he was into ass play. I told him, I had no experience in that area and was a bit afraid to try it. He promised to gentle. To me anal just seems so painful. Nothing is suppose to go in there. Its not ment for sexual purposes. Yet, I was curious.

” I need you to go the bathroom and clean yourself. I left some items for you to use” he said.

I nodded and made my way on to the bathroom. I was a bit insulted that he basically said I was dirty. When I got to the bathroom he had left a towel and a enema package for me to use. It took me a minute for me to realize what the fuck was going on. But after giving it some thought I was glad he was guiding me through this. I cleaned my self thoroughly. Took a shower and stepped out in a towel. He was still on the couch. He got up and walked towards me with his drink in one hand. With the other he lift my chin up to his face and kissed me
” Dont be shy. I think you are beautiful. I want you to look at me when we fuck” he said. His breath going through my lips. He stoop up straight and said he was going to take a quick shower as well. I nodded.
