My Life As a Massage Therapist [MF] The Johnsuns Part 2

Hello potential readers! Thank you so much for the kind words in response to my first story! If you want the full context, here is [Part 1]( Lets dive in!

I am a licensed massage therapist and this is a testy subject matter for me. Being a male massage therapist has it’s stigma. I am in no way attempting to condone my actions. No money transactions have occurred in any of my interactions that may be discussed on this subreddit and proper consent forms were discussed, agreed upon and filled out. With that being said massage therapists are NOT sex workers. Please do not take this or any other massage related story on this subreddit as a reflection of the profession. If you have any questions please feel free to ask as I would love to answer them to the best of my ability as long as they are within reason. Please be respectful to the profession, myself and those around you. Thank you for sticking with me so far. If you would like to skip to the steamy bit look for the asterisks.

She laughs and rolls over onto her stomach, hops up on her knees and gives me a kiss. “Holy shit MassageStories!”

I’m big time in my head at this point. Worried that somebody heard us, a million worst case scenarios flying through my thoughts. But the thoughts don’t pull me away from her embrace. I know I fucked up, but dwelling on it wishing shoulda woulda coulda is gonna do nada, move forward.

“You’re not gonna get weird on me are you?” I say with a kiss and walk away towards the bathroom.

An audible gasp and I hear her jump off the table towards me. I’m putting her still soaked thong back in her robe pocket when I feel her arms wrap around me. “You stole my line!” I laugh it off and walk into the bathroom to wash my hands with her still wrapped around me. I’m still on the clock. Three more hours of massage to go. Wholesome sensual moments like these are what I enjoy the most and what I remember most fondly. Washing my hands, looking in the mirror while this beautiful woman wants nothing but to be close to me. It doesn’t have to mean anything more, but it’s a comfort we all enjoy.

Speaking off mirrors why not use this time to describe myself a bit? I never did in part 1 and it’s the biggest feedback I got. Male massage therapists aren’t too common so I apologize if the title was misleading. Currently 6′ and I like to think I take pretty good care of myself. My career kind of forces me to do so. Yoga, tai chi, the occasional taekwondo class and calisthenics are my go to if that helps paint the picture of my physique. Short brown hair and a beard long enough to grab that was mentioned in part 1 xD. I was 29 at the time and my downstairs is a love hate relationship. I’m very grateful to have an 8×6 cock. I HATE that I’m circumcised but I digress.

Eve finally lets go and walks towards the door, “One final look” she says turning around and opening up her robe. I will die happy. She is completely smooth, definitely not a requirement for me but I can 100% appreciate the commitment. She’s a troublemaker for sure and with that she skedaddles away. I change the sheets and make sure everything is ready for my next massage. I walk down into the colossal room that encompasses both the living room and kitchen, where Embla is standing in the latter.

“All set Embla?” She starts off towards the table when I look into the living room and see Eve looking back quickly, standing next to Erica before disappearing up the stairs. Erica looks flushed and is doing a TERRIBLE job hiding her shitty grin.





My heart is going a million miles an hour while I walk into the kitchen to refill my water. I sit there in silence while I wait for Embla to be ready and slowly head down the hallway towards the studio. Finally I hear her quietly call out that she’s ready and I head in. Our session was a piece of cake. Any massage therapists reading who have massaged younger clients knows it’s almost not fair how easily tension falls out of their muscles. If only we all had that luxury. We finish up, I change over the table and I’m ready for my last massage.

I head down to the living room and there’s Erica sitting in the same spot, still staring at her phone. “Ready birthday girl?” she jumps up with a smile, says she’s ready and takes off down the hall. Fingers crossed and praying to a higher power I don’t even believe in that Eve didn’t tell her anything. I take my time heading over to the studio and finally hear her call out that she’s ready.

“So what are we working on today? We have two hours.”

“Oh full body like usual.”

Here’s the rundown of Erica: Wavy light brown hair that was in a bun. Her eyes are emeralds just like her father and siblings. Soft adorable features along with a softer physique much like her sister. Erica is also shorter than her sister, she’s around 5’2″, 5’3″. Her breasts are also smaller, I would guess A cups. Same lightly tanned-olive complexion and KILLER bootie.

Now my general rule during a session is to let the client dictate the conversation. If you want to talk, I’m fine with that. If you don’t want to talk, that’s fine too. Thinking back I don’t know if I have ever been in my head so much during a massage and hoping for silence so I can process everything. Luckily Erica gave me said silence. Unfortunately she was super tense, not taking deep breaths, the works. It was clear she was in her head as well and me being in the state I was in wasn’t going to help her out. That’s why I became a massage therapist, to help people, to give back. Naturally it breaks my heart to see this and luckily things like this snap me out of my funks. My shit can go on the back burner, I can deal with it later. During massage I’m given an opportunity to help, time to exercise that privilege.

If you read part one you know I’m more often than not the cheeky, take everything lightly and not so serious type of person. So I like breaking the ice with something similar. Knocking on her back like you would a door, “You’re still alive right? Cause I know you can take deeper breaths than that.”

She responded with a chuckle and a deep breath. Thank god she isn’t dead.

We continue our massage in silence but she’s breathing deeply and calmly thankfully. We finish up her back and arms, time for the backs of her legs. Working from calves to hammies to glutes I again notice what I noticed with Eve just hours prior. An undeniable warmth coupled with a curious amount of extra glide. Quickening breaths the farther up I work, I treat it the same, recognize it and move on. “Alright birthday girl, ready to turn over?”

A slow and graceful turn, checking in to make sure everything is still nice and cozy, we continue the massage. Working distal to proximal I’m eventually on her quads. The insides of which feel significantly hotter, not warmer, hotter. Those deep relaxed breaths from earlier have gone away completely on both our parts. I finish up the front of her right leg and move to the other side.


It’s here when I notice something I’ve never seen. The sheet and blanket slowly moving. Given other circumstances I might think she has an itch, no biggie. She did have an itch, of a different variety from the looks of it. Mouth agape, eyes shut. And again given other circumstances this becomes very not okay with me. You can’t just diddle your skittle til it spittles in the middle of a session. But I had just fooled around with her sister a few hours prior, calling her out would’ve been hypocritical to say the least. Also I was still unbelievably horny. Again not attempting to condone my actions, but we’re all human. I drape her leg while my cock is doing it’s best to rip through my pants. Guys you know those erections so intense they make you weak in the knees and throw your balance off? Bingo.

I start working on her shins and work up like I don’t notice until my hands are on her quads. This is distracting and I feel like I’m going to explode. I put a hand on her shoulder with the intent to comfort then my other hand on top of hers, the one doing the self massaging.

Her eyes shot open with a panic, “I’m so sorry MassageStories….”

“Erica….breath it’s fine” I say laughingly while slowly rubbing her hand in a circular motion like she was doing on her own just seconds ago. I don’t think I will ever forget what I saw next. Upon me saying that and essentially performing a dutch rudder on her (is it called something different when performed on a woman or is the term unisex? Anyways) she looked up into my eyes and her pupils dilated. It almost looked alien how instantaneously the reaction was.

“Oh my god MassageStories” she said still looking up at me.

“Erica, would you mind if we had a quick chat before continuing?”. Off putting yes, but consent and professionalism are still VERY important to me contrary to how these stories make me look. I don’t want to lose my career over something that can be prevented with a chat and a signature. Again there will be a lull from the sexy times. If you want to skip to the next sexy bit look for the asterisks.

We had a chat just like I had with her older sister. Finding out she had a thing for me for a while we both acknowledged the mutual attraction, wanting to fool around, agreeing we need to be adults about it, everything Eve and I discussed in part one. The difference being when she asked if I fooled around with her sister. I had to ask what Eve told her. Apparently all she told her little sister was that she came on my massage table. A simple yes was all I could say and with a similar devilish grin she said, “I want what she got.”.

We discussed a consent form and went over everything just like I did with Eve. She luckily felt the same as her sister so there were no disagreements on what needed to happen.


The form was signed and when I turned back around to face her after putting said form away she wasn’t on the table. She was on her knees now in front of me.

Confused I asked “I thought you wanted what Eve got?”

“Didn’t she get this?” putting both hands on my hips framing the tent my cock was attempting to make.

Shaking my head from side to side she immediately got a smirk on her face and started unzipping my pants. Pulling them along with my boxer briefs down my cock finally sprang free as she leaned in putting the head in her mouth. Still holding me by my pants and briefs she began to slowly bob up and down. Soft moans humming around my cock she kept a slow consistent pace. A very basic blowjob, nothing fancy but it didn’t take long til my cock started twitching. I didn’t want it to end so soon so I leaned away and told her to lay back down on the table, we still needed to finish her massage.

With a smile she jumped up and back onto the table. Instructing her to close her eyes and breath I began massaging the front of her leg. Gradually moving up I started to tease her scorching sensitive skin. Once her hips were bucking and begging enough my hand found home and started massaging her lips. She let out a moan that was too loud for my liking so I stopped.

“Do you want everything your sister got?”

A nod later and I walked over towards her robe to find a black thong in the pocket. Balling it up I walked back over and told her to open. She did and I slowly put the thong in.

“This is so you don’t get too loud” I whispered in her ear. Just like with Eve I grabbed her wrists and tied them down to the face cradle. Once again making sure she was okay and giving the same instructions if anything needed to change.

With a hand over her mouth, my mouth and tongue caressing her nipples (which are a similar shade to her sister’s), and my other hand massaging her pussy I’m in control. I slowly glide a finger in doing the same come hither motion as earlier. She was much quieter than her sister but squirming around significantly more. After a while I replace one finger with two and continue. Increasing the tempo and pressure my goal is to make her cum like this then reposition myself between her legs. Her legs start to creep in and I feel her gripping down on my fingers more consistently. Hyperventilated breaths lead to absolute silence. Her body begins to spasm from what I hope is wave after wave after wave of pleasure as her orgasm courses through her body.

My heart drops. I’m not looking at Erica. I’m looking up towards the hallway while Erica is still twitching underneath me. Eve is leaning against the wall, still wearing her robe and a smirk on her face with her arms crossed. Regardless of the smirk I remember being fucking petrified. Feeling like what I imagine it feels like to get caught cheating. Thinking the lowest of the lows about myself she slowly walks into the room with a finger over her lips, crawls under the massage table, grabs my cock and starts sucking. Frozen stiff for the first eternity, I finally compose myself and I’m on board.

Erica’s orgasm feels like it has subsided while I slide my fingers out and give them a taste. She tastes exactly like her sister, the one who currently has her mouth and tongue wrapped around my cock. I take a second taste then take my hand off Erica’s mouth, take the thong out and replace it with my fingers. She hungrily sucks them clean while I’m constantly shifting my gaze from sister to sister, waiting for Erica to realize what is happening. All-the-while Eve is looking up at me looking like she’s stifling her laughter and smile by sucking my cock.

Erica grabs my hand, slides my fingers out and looks up at me. Her eyes immediately widen as she notices Eve. Both Erica and I are stone silent, the only sound filling said silence is Eve slowly sucking my cock. Eve finally pushes me back, crawls up in front me on her knees so she isn’t awkwardly arching her back and neck under the table and puts my cock back in her mouth. She’s the only one not being awkward about the situation as she’s getting into it. Soft moans and whimpers muffled by my cock get louder and she starts going faster and faster. I’m getting close, I couldn’t help it the situation was way too hot.

“Eve I’m gonna fucking cum if you don’t stop.” I finally break the silence in the room.

“Cum in her mouth” comes softly from Erica’s lips as she’s staring at her sister.

That’s all the incentive I needed as I start shooting rope after rope of warm cum into Eve’s mouth. Easily one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had. She keeps the same pace and expertly swallows what felt like the biggest load I’ve ever shot while my legs are surely trembling. I look up and see Erica is playing with herself still fixated on her sister and my cock. Eve finally leans away looking up at me, “Mmmmmm”, looks back at her sister and smiles, “Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii”

I have to stop here. Seeing the length I was going to stop when I saw Eve but I wanted to finish when I finished xD. I apologize if longer stories aren’t preferred but I really enjoy writing the small details and doing my best to paint the scene. Again any feedback would be greatly appreciated and thank you so much for reading! This still wasn’t the end of Erica’s birthday so if the interest is there I can continue. I can not thank you all enough for how big part one blew up. Someone even gave me gold! Thank you stranger! So far you have been such a welcoming community and hopefully part two didn’t disappoint. I look forward to reading your comments and messages, we’ll chat soon :)



  1. Love the conversational nature of the story telling, the gratitude and kindness, the sex…well done homie.

  2. I highly doubt that there’s even one single person here that DOESN’T want to hear a part 3.

  3. Can’t wait for part 3. IMHO I like the longer detailed ones, allows me to get more into the story and sets my imagination going

  4. Perfectly written! I love longer stories, hearing about all those details and the build up. Keep it up! Looking forward to part 3 :)

  5. Don’t change a thing man everything’s perfect. Give us the next part as early as you can

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