Of Kindness and Kink. Chapter 1: A Kinky Guardian Angel [bondage]

I punched down a glass of Old Parr and wandered through the dance floor looking for a lonely girl. No luck. I went back to the bar and ordered a glass of Jameson. As I was reaching for my wallet, I saw a group of girls making their way to the dance floor. They all seemed quite pretty, but only one of them looked me in the eye, for just about a second. A beautiful blonde. She smiled shyly at me and kept going.

As I was sipping on my glass, I tried going around looking for her. She was nowhere to be seen. I went to the second floor to see if I could spot her, but I once again couldn’t. Dammit! I had sort of a start to something and I let it go. Upon a sudden, I got the urge to take a leak, and I walked to the restrooms. After answering nature’s call, I was washing my hands until, out of nowhere, I heard these words: “Excuse me”.

I looked to my right and saw who said it. It was her. I moved to the side to make room for her. “Say something”, I thought. I just looked at her, and she looked at me, again with a shy smile. “SAY SOMETHING!!!”, I thought again. “So, are you here by yourself?”.

“Shit!” I thought immediately. “Well, actually, I am.”, she said. “WHAT?!?!?!”, I thought. “I thought you were with that group of girls that were in front of you. They were talking to you.”, I said. “No, one of them borrowed my phone and was giving it back; hers was dead. I just met her on the line outside.”, she said. “Can I buy you a drink?”, I asked. “Sure”, she said.

She came to the bar with me. I couldn’t make out her features properly; the lighting was not too good. She did look kinda pretty: Blond, silky hair, beautiful brown eyes, a pearly white smile, gorgeous breasts, firm ass and the sexiest legs you can imagine. Her name was Jenny. We talked for about two hours and found out we have a lot in common: We both love Star Wars, we share the same political views, we both think western films are criminally underrated and we both love London.

I bought her one more drink. The conversation suddenly became more heated; we started talking about more intimate themes. It was probably the booze, but she started touching me. Sometimes she would say something grasping my arm or touching my chest. Then she approached me closer and I closed my eyes. I thought I was going to get a kiss, but what I got was even better. She said: “Why don’t you take me back to your place?”.

This was my chance. She was a little drunk, I was quite sober. She didn’t wait for an invitation; she just asked. “How about a last drink before we hit the road?”, I asked. She accepted. I asked for a Coke, being the default designated driver. I ordered her a daiquiri.

As we drove home, we started talking about our sex lives. I didn’t tell her about my fetish, being afraid to scare her away. After all, with a three-year long dry spell one can’t afford to be too picky. As she spoke, she started dragging her words down. God, this poor thing can’t handle her liquor. She barely had three drinks and she was talking like she had ten.

We got home. I helped her off the car. “I’ll just use the restroom real quick; why don’t you make yourself more comfortable?”, I said as I pointed up the stairs, to my bedroom. We were both wearing heavy winter clothes, and having set the thermostat to a more suitable temperature, I was just itching to get out of those three layers of clothing.

As I was leaving the restroom, I heard a scream. “GET OFF ME!!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!”. I rushed upstairs, and I what I found left me shocked: Jenny had stripped down to her underwear, and she was clawing at her own arms. “THEY’RE UNDER MY SKIN!!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!”.

I panicked. I didn’t know what to do. I was afraid she’d keep clawing until she cut herself. I thought about calling 911, but I was afraid they’d take forever to arrive (I live quite far away from the nearest hospital). I’d never seen something like this. Then it hit me: The straitjacket.

I got it out of my closet. It was a little dusty, but I didn’t have time to think about aesthetics, and just approached her slowly. “Jenny, look at me. Don’t look at your arms; look at me”. “GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!”, she screamed. “I just want to help you; I mean you no harm”, I said. She started crying. “YOU DID THIS TO ME!!!!”, she screamed as she sobbed. “No, no, Jenny. I would never do that to you or to anyone! I just want to help you.”, I said, still keeping my calm. “Look at me; just look at my eyes.”, I said once again. She looked at me. I presented the jacket to her. “I just need you to trust me. This jacket will make it all go away. You’ll be safe in it; I will not let any harm come to you. I promise you: You’ll be okay.”, I said. She seemed a little more calmed down. “Just put your arms in here and I’ll keep you safe”, I said one last time.

She complied. The moment I had her arms in the jacket, she calmed down. I first fastened the straps on the back. When I asked her to cross her arms for me, she hesitated. Tears were rolling down her eyes, and I just reminded her it’s all okay as I caressed her shoulders over the jacket sleeves. She have her arms to me. I strapped them up good and finally I fastened the crotch strap. I am no expert, but I recall when I was younger I used to suffer from sleep paralysis, and would experience horrible hallucinations. In order to keep myself from these hallucinations, I used to sleep with a blindfold, and it worked. So I blindfolded poor Jenny.

Then a thought crossed my mind: “This is your chance. She’s bundled up just like I like it. She’s a bombshell and she’s completely at your mercy. Either you do something right now or she’ll be gone by morning. She’ll probably even file charges and land you in jail for false imprisonment and slipping something into her drink; might as well enjoy a little action before you’re sentenced to more years than you can bear without a good fuck”.

I helped onto the king sized bed. I sat by her and put my hands on her shoulders. As I was about to undo her crotch strap and give myself the pleasure I so craved… I froze. I thought about the way she cried before I strapped her in. She was scared, she was vulnerable, she was out of her mind and I made her a promise. I couldn’t do it.

I tucked her in and sat on my sofa. I stayed up all night right by her side, in case she woke up in a panic or she needed to throw up. I couldn’t help but wonder: Who slipped something into her drink? How did said person do that? And why?

The minutes felt like hours; an hour felt like an entire week. My eyes were becoming exhausted. Every now and then I checked her pulse. I thought about getting some coffee, but I was afraid something would happen to her while I was away. At one point, she woke up in a panic. I helped her calm down and she went back to her peaceful slumber. At this point, I didn’t care if I got laid or not. All I wanted was for poor Jenny to be okay.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i62m5y/of_kindness_and_kink_chapter_1_a_kinky_guardian