Wyatt the Farm Boy, Part 2 [MM]

How did he not hear the truck coming? he thought, a bit panicked at literally being caught with his pants down. Well, it was pretty loud with the rain, and he was exhausted from the day, he thought. This field was at the edge of the family property and on the other side of the road was the neighbor’s field with an intersection that Wyatt had pulled off from. The neighboring farmers were a middle-aged couple in their 40’s with two children, a girl in grade school and a boy named Jonah who was Wyatt’s age. They had just bought their farm about five years before, moving here from Kansas. Wyatt’s family had always been friendly, inviting them to bbq’s and the occasional dinner, but the two families had never really associated closely, especially since Wyatt’s dad had gotten sick.

The truck began turning the corner, sending its headlights in the boy’s direction. Wyatt looked around, ready to run but there was little cover out here. There was a muddy dirt road on one side and an open pasture on the other. He was ready to bolt for the nearby haybale but was literally caught like a deer in headlights. He froze, clothes in one arm and holding his beer in the other. The lights of the old Chevy truck shone in his eyes, blinding him. He lifted his clothes up to cover his face and used the hand with the beer to cover his junk. Wyatt was pretty sure this was the neighbor’s truck and he was mortified that the farmer couple had just saw him completely naked! They would never want him at one of their bbqs again!

Wyatt turned as the truck approached, baring his ivory-white ass to the reflection of the headlights, dropping his beer while trying to pull on the wet Levi’s. Soaked skinny jeans do not go on easily, Wyatt discovered! Frantic and buzzed from his two beers Wyatt lost balance and fell over, getting mud on his ass and down his leg. Oh god, he thought, they are stopping! Sure enough, the truck rolled to a halt next to the wet, muddy, and naked Wyatt. The boy was mortified.

Seconds felt like hours and then the farm boy heard the window being cranked down and a young voice shout, “Wyatt? Is that your pale white ass over there?”

Oh god. He was grateful that it wasn’t the neighbor couple, but it was their son! Wyatt looked up to a concerned Jonah looking out of the truck window. He knew he wasn’t going to live this down. Wyatt’s fear now was that Jonah was going to tell everyone in town that he was found naked in the field. His brain became jumbled, and pulling the jeans up became twice as difficult. This caused him to roll around even more violently, covering him very thoroughly in mud. Wyatt realized he must look crazy indeed. Looking towards Jonah he saw the neighbor boy staring at him as he struggled. “What are you doing out here naked? Are you hurt?” Jonah yelled, getting out of his truck.

“Go away!” Wyatt desperately yelled as Jonah ran over to him in the rain. He could seriously cry now, thank god it was raining and the other boy wouldn’t see that too. Wyatt finally stopped struggling with the pants as Jonah came over to check on him. “I’m ok, just leave me alone!” Wyatt shouted once again, near tears. The rain began letting up. That was how it was with Nebraska rain, downpour one minute and then a light drizzle the next, followed by clear skies. To be honest, he wished it was still downpouring.

Jonah stood next to Wyatt and, seeing that he was ok, a large grin spread on his face. Wyatt noticed Jonah looking around the truck, and then scan the field. “I’m sorry dude, did I catch you out here with a girl? I thought you were hurt or something.” Obviously curious, and with no modesty at this age, he said “You can tell her to come out, I won’t tell anyone.”

Wyatt was beet red in the face and stammered out, “J-j-just go! Please…I ain’t with no girl. Just let me go home and don’t tell anyone you saw me.” Wyatt looked up into Jonas’ hazel-brown eyes pleadingly. Brown eyes that met his light blue ones intensely. Jonas stood still, considering the fate of the boy and his friend in front of him and finally broke the silence with a laugh.

“Ha ha dude, I won’t tell on you, but you’ll owe me big for this!” Jonah reached a hand down to Wyatt to help him up. Wyatt begrudgingly accepted and stood with his jeans around his ankles, and his young cock hanging out in the wind. He would never wear skinny jeans again, he thought to himself. Bending over to grab the jeans he noticed Jonah was staring at him as he stood up. Not just at him, but at his cock! Wyatt knew that side-glance look that all guys gave each other in the locker rooms. Not that they were gay, they just wanted to see how their cocks compared. But Jonah was full-on staring! Wyatt felt very self-conscious, and a bit inadequate, given the cool rain. Still, Wyatt noticed that Jonah has his eyes locked on Wyatt as the young man pulled his skinny Levi’s up his thighs and tucked his dick in, buttoning them around his slender, jutting hip bones. He pulled his shirt on over his shoulders, leaving it unbuttoned in the front. It was soaked anyway, but he just wanted to regain some of his lost modesty.

The rain let up to a light drizzle. As the two stood awkwardly across from each other Wyatt noticed his neighbor more closely. They had known each other for several years, but never really hung out. Jonah was in the same grade as Wyatt but went to the neighboring county school. Parents had the choice of schools if they lived on the county line. Wyatt and Jonah never really shared in any high school experiences and were usually too busy on their farms to hang out much. But Wyatt had always liked Jonah and considered him a casual friend. As the boys grew older and filled out, Wyatt had appreciated Jonah’s looks. He was a handsome guy, about 5’8” and a slender 135 lbs. He had dark olive skin, curly brown hair, and a wide pronounced nose. His teeth were a little crooked, but he had a genuine smile that put those around him at ease. Jonah was wet from the rain. His dark blue shorts seemed to hang off of his bubble butt and cupped a nice bulge in the front. His white t-shirt was wet and clung to his pecs, showing the darker nipples underneath. It adhered to his torso, outlining the 18 year old’s flat midsection and a fair amount of chest hair that made him look several older than Wyatt. The young man’s treasure trail was very obvious under the wet shirt.

Jonah had a smallish muscular build, toned from many days of throwing hay bales on the farm. Wyatt was feeling very awkward from being discovered so exposed in front of this dark and handsome young man. Half of him wanted to run away and hide, pretending this crazy encounter never happened. The other half wanted to stay, loving being this close to a hot guy who had seen him naked.

“So sometimes I like to just get away from the farm and relax after working all day. I wasn’t doing nothin’ out here. I was just letting the rain fall on me”, Wyatt finally said to Jonah. “You don’t think that’s weird do ya?”

Jonah regarded Wyatt for a moment and then said, “Nah, I don’t think that’s weird. I guess it’s the same as when I lay out by the fish pond sometimes.”

“You lay out there naked? You’re not afraid of being seen?” Wyatt asked, now fully picturing Jonah nude by the small pond about a mile down the road. His cold and wet cock was now starting to warm up. God, was this conversation really happening? He was thankful Jonah was being so cool about all of this.

“Yeah, especially when it’s hot I do. And no one comes down there, except you. But I haven’t seen you in a long time”, said Jonah with a hint of disappointment in his voice. “So I don’t worry much. And I guess if you happen to see me then we would be even”, Jonah said with a crooked grin on his face. His eyes looked down, then slowly went up Wyatt’s body until their gazes met. Then, in the corniest, yet csly innuendo, Jonah asked, “Do you like fishing for trouser trout?”

Oh shit, Wyatt thought. Was this really happening? His hormones opened the flood gates wide and Wyatt was glad it was dark, because he knew his face was bright red. He felt hot and a bit light headed and leaned back against his truck. The moonlight reflected on his smooth chest and cast faint shadows over his hip lines and abdominal muscles. His cock twitched and began to fill, swelling into a nice little bulge inside of his wet jeans. Jonah moved up right in front of him, cutting off any escape, the heat from his young body raising the temperature of the hot midwestern night.

Wyatt’s brain started stuttering again, not having a decent reply. He had never expected this from his neighbor, a boy he had no idea was gay. “Have you ever had trouser trout?” Jonah asked again. Standing close but not advancing.

“Wh..what’s trouser trout?” Wyatt stammered out, for lack of a better reply.

“This”, Jonah said, looking down at Wyatt’s obviously swelling cock and grabbing hold firmly.

Wyatt gasped as he drew in a sharp breath and raised onto the tip of his toes, his eyes going wide in front of Jonah. He leaned back further over the truck, causing his hips to jut out and his jeans to leave dark openings with pale skin and a long vein running parallel to his Adonis line. The Levi’s were barely above his downward pointed dick, pushing down a very fine patch of pubic hair which was covering the two pronounced ligaments that held his cock in place. Jonah leaned forward while still grabbing his crotch.

The dark-haired young man seemed to hesitate as he studied Wyatt’s shocked face, lightening his grip on the boy’s ever-hardening cock and stopping his advance. Jonah liked Wyatt, thought he was a nice guy. He always thought he was cute but never let him in on that fact. Both boys had a lifetime of small-town living, learning how to hide their true desires and pretending to be straight. Jonah was hesitating because he thought he might be wrong about Wyatt being gay; he was afraid he might be destroying the kid and their friendship. Jonah was also afraid Wyatt might think he was taking advantage of him because he found him in such an embarrassing situation. Both boys remained frozen with Jonah’s hand holding onto Wyatt’s now fully hard cock. Jonah began to back up and released his grip on the beautiful blond boy’s swollen gland but Wyatt’s hand shot out and grabbed Jonah by the wrist, pulling the almond skinned boy’s hand back firmly onto his now rock-hard dick.

The two young men’s eyes were locked and Wyatt smiled. “I’ve never been touched there before, by a g-guy I mean,” Wyatt stuttered out. Wyatt pushed Jonah’s hand onto his bulge with more pressure, encouraging the firm hands to rub him up and down. Jonah obliged.

“You’ve done things with girls though, haven’t you?” asked Jonah, still pushing and rubbing.

“Of course!” Wyatt blurted out. “I mean, lots of kissing and making out.” He blushed again in the dark. “But nothing much more. I just never liked girls that much, so I haven’t done much at all,” Wyatt replied honestly, letting it all out finally.

Jonah considered this for a moment. He hadn’t thought that Wyatt was a virgin, being so good looking and all. Not that Jonah was an expert, but he had watched lots of porn and had a good idea of how things went. Jonah had also had a girlfriend last summer who had taught him a few things. He knew what felt good his own dick. He desperately wanted to show that to Wyatt, to make this stud’s dick shoot off like a bottle rocket on the Fourth of July. He had wanted to taste this skinny boy for a long time and now was his chance.

Jonah stopped rubbing Wyatt’s rock-hard rod and undid the button of the Levi’s. Wyatt leaned back even further over the front of the truck, amazingly not breaking his back in the process. His tight abdominal muscles stretched up and down his stomach, and his pale white hip bones jutted out fully, framing a smaller mound of muscle which descended into a v-shape which ended at the boy’s cock. Jonah unzipped the pants and a beautiful, hairless 5 and one-half inch penis sprung out, already dripping a milky white precum. He pulled the pants further down Wyatt’s hips and the rock-hard cock stood proudly upward at a 45-degree angle. Jonah took a moment to stare and said, “Dude, you have an amazing cock!” Jonah took in every angle, noticing the beautiful meat in front of him rising out of a bed of short, light brown pubic hair. The shaft was smooth and hairless, pulled so tight there were no wrinkles. It stood firm, supporting a rounded pink head that looked reddened on one spot. Truthfully, he had several red spots up and down his dick. Jonah knew what this was because he had done it to himself before. It was the product of jacking off too much without enough lotion. Well, it would have to take a bit more abuse tonight.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i55xnf/wyatt_the_farm_boy_part_2_mm

1 comment

  1. I love that Wyatt is so innocent but Jonah is going to teach him what’s what.

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