Putting on a Private Show *repost*

Kevin and Heather had known each other for years, crossing paths every so often, mostly when work required it and luck would have it. They were colleagues in their field but beyond an academic presence and collaboration in the lab they’d not spent any personal time with one another. Kevin had become a well known scientist and Heather always took advantage of his guest lecture appearances, as he consistently offered some of the brightest and most modern data in cell and molecular biology. It just so happened, Heather also found him rather handsome and intriguing beyond that of his intellectual mind, though she had never admitted this to him during any of their projects together. It seemed she had a sixth sense for fellow sexual deviants and could tell there was something there, just below the surface with Kevin. Heather recognized in others what she had discovered in herself, a need to no longer hide the darkest desires and the cravings, but rather to own them and revel in them. However, they still lived in a pretty conservative area and generally speaking taboo sex isn’t easily accepted by the status quo, otherwise it wouldn’t be considered taboo.

Kevin, of course was hosting a lecture on his most recent research and as usual in the second row, middle seat, punctual as always, was Heather. Long blonde hair, tall, blue eyes, bright and cheery disposition, she was the highlight of his “celebrity appearances” even if she didn’t realize it yet. As the lecture finished up and he was finally done wooing the masses, enough people had made their way out of the room, however, he always made sure to stay behind to answer a few short questions. This time was different, this time he simultaneously talked with guests and rushed through his answers, moving toward the exit with his new found admirers hoping to create a sense of urgency. Ultimately, he was attempting to catch Heather before she disappeared from grasp once again. She wasn’t like the other women in the room, or at least she didn’t seem to be. He believed she really did attend these things to develop in the field and provide, when warranted, an educated response and argument in a different direction. The other women, sure they were smart but their intention was to catch Kevin’s eye with their looks and sex appeal. She was unique, she could care less about him and how good looking he was, or so he thought, and quite literally he couldn’t decide if that annoyed him or was refreshing.

Luckily, his implied urgency was recognized, or the “posse” realized he didn’t quite care to answer anymore shallow questions about himself so they quickly fell back and hoped to pick his brain at the next event. He was able to catch Heather and as he fell in pace behind her, he reached out grabbing her arm just above her elbow. His grip was satisfying. For the first time that day he felt at ease and in control, funny since a majority of the day was all about him and how “in control” he was. Holding onto Heather that way felt invigorating and he instantly experienced that electricity in his manhood he had been missing for some time. Perhaps it was her reaction to him, how she quickly stopped and turned toward him and without hesitation questioned his purpose in grabbing her, almost in a “fuck off” fashion but in the most respectable way possible. “I, um, I’m sorry. I wanted to catch you before you left. You always come to these things and….well, you never stick around long, even after building such great rapport with me from the audience, why is that?” She quickly responded, “I got what I came for. Besides, you always seem so busy just after. I wouldn’t want to take time away from your devoted followers.” She had a smirk that could make any man’s blood boil. “Well, please let me take you for a drink, you attend every lecture, surely I can repay you for your support. Not to mention, we’re friends, come on Heather.” “I suppose a drink wouldn’t hurt, but if you sign one autograph in front of me….” she broke out laughing and he couldn’t help but follow suit.

They decided it might be nice to freshen up after a long day attending the conference where his lecture was featured and agreed to meet in a couple of hours at The Whiskey Barrel, a bar the elites couldn’t stay away from. They promised to catch up with one another and Kevin added his own promise of no autographs or pictures. His undisclosed commitment was to get to know Heather better as he genuinely liked her as a person and wouldn’t mind seeing what was hiding beneath her hard exterior wall of “well educated academic,” for until now he hard marked her as saintly. He hoped to disprove this particular theory. As they found a table in the bar, they began discussing life and everything that entailed. They made each other laugh and fell into taking an inventory of all the times they crossed paths, Kevin making sure to bring attention to how she always seemed to sneak off without a second to chat. “Oh come on, like you’re really that bothered by it, you seem plenty occupied with all the bimbo boobs wanting to fawn over you as if they really know what computational genomics is and how your research has changed how people implement this concept.” Kevin chuckled at her and pushed his hair back, “Well, right now I’m preoccupied with someone who’s much more than that and deserves my undivided attention….so tell me something I don’t know, something no one knows, something that’s a deep dark secret, something you’d never tell anyone unless you were a few drinks in and willing to take the risk.” He winked at her and took another sip from his glass, she couldn’t even remember how many they’d had at this point and he was already placing an order for two more. “Fine, you want to know my deep dark secrets…. I….umm, I write erotica and have about a million and a half fantasies I want to experience but probably never will, most of the erotica I write is chock full of those very fantasies actually. She looked at him, hiccuped, then exclaimed quickly “I don’t know why I said that…”

“Perhaps you said it because you can tell I’m also quite sexual myself, maybe you want to fulfill some of those fantasies and you think I’m the man for the job. Let me take you back to my hotel room, I want to play a game with you.” Kevin sounded more adamant than she’d ever witnessed. In those last few words she heard more conviction than when he stood in front of an entire room sharing his experience and tireless hours dedicated in the lab. She thought to herself, “ ‘I want to play a game with you’…….what could that possibly mean. I know him well enough, surely I can trust him in this regard, besides when was the last time you let loose and enjoyed yourself. You’re perpetually horny because everyone you’ve been with recently didn’t quite meet the mark…just concede and see what he has to offer.” She agreed, they finished their drinks and quickly made their way to his hotel a few blocks over. Of course his was much nicer than hers and when the concierge welcomed him back the management exchanged a look with him as if it was understood no one should disturb him and things should be kept discreet.

They entered his room and he poured them a few more drinks. He handed one to her and watched her bring the glass to her lips as she allowed herself to relax. Almost immediately he spoke up, “I want you to strip.” He looked at her and said it so matter of factly she almost choked on her bourbon. She looked back at him and could tell his seriousness about the matter. His demeanor resembled that from earlier when he had hold of her arm, he seemed in control and so sure of himself. This sureness and authority enveloped her, enticing her to bend to his will. She stood up without effort despite her buzz and moved to unbutton her blouse as he spoke up once more. “I want you to strip and look at me while you do it, do not take your eyes off of me.” She did as instructed and as soon as she was done he gathered her clothes, put them nicely to the side, and spoke to her again. “You’re going to sit on the edge of the bed, legs apart, your hands resting on your thighs and you’re going to watch me as I sit in the chair across from you and masturbate until I cum. You will not look away from me, you will not touch me, you will only watch me. When I see your cunt begin to glisten and witness proof you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen you will be allowed to touch yourself and we will experience mutual orgasm, brought on by one another but never having touched to do so. Do you understand and agree?” She nodded her head instantly and effortlessly assumed the position he’d requested. He proceeded to remove his own clothes and unleashed his cock from his pants. Heather gazed at him, not looking away as she was told and realized he must have been strategically hiding how aroused he’d been this whole time.

“Do you want to watch me, do you want me to be entertainment for you?” He asked her, initiating his game with a bit of sexual banter. “Do you want to be denied the ability to touch me, only allowed to watch for my pleasure?” He had already wrapped his fist around his manhood and was stroking up and down. She nearly shouted “Yes” and blushed at the idea of seeming too excited. Kevin, on the other hand, enjoyed her eagerness and it made his cock twitch. He relied on his fantasies of her over the years, many of which included them being completely sequestered in an auditorium after a lecture and her riding him over and over until he filled her pussy with his cum. He imagined her moans and cries for more and they were so often the flame to his fire. He looked at her now, sitting there so wanting, if only she could reach out and touch him but she was to just watch as he’d dictated. He proceeded to close his hand tighter around his shaft after spitting on it for more lubrication. “The things you do to me woman, as I’ve had to stand next to you in a lab for hours, smelling your perfume, hearing your voice, seeing your curves under your lab coat, you could literally end a man.” He was pulling at his cock much faster now, his grip not letting up. “Jesus, that summer we did research together, it could have lasted only one day and still for my tortured soul it couldn’t end quick enough. I wanted you so bad but couldn’t breach the understood policies for supervisor and research assistant. I can see you now, back then, every move you took made my pants tighter. I would have fucked you so good you’d be screaming my name.”

Heather continued to not look away as almost without choice her hips started swaying. She realized without prompting she was grinding against the edge of the bed, attempting to catch herself on the rough seam of the mattress, knowing the damn comforters were way to nice for that. She could feel how wet she was getting and opened her legs wider so he could see, hoping the light was catching what she was feeling. She watched as his hand moved up and down over and over again and imagined it was her hand, her mouth, her cunt, anything of hers to feel him. She wanted so badly to take control, but instead followed his instruction and simply watched. His eyes scanned over her and his lust was reignited, stronger every single time. He took notice of the subtle movements her body was making on the bed without him. Her movements were matching the exact tempo of his hand on his cock, it was as if he were already fucking her. He could see how badly she needed to touch him, he could see her desire burning in her eyes and how wet she had become. “Touch yourself, fuck your pussy for me, with me. Don’t look away.”

She moved one of her hands from her thigh to her labia and began strategically moving her fingers over herself. She found her throbbing clit and electricity shot through her body. She nearly threw her head back in pleasure but remembered her agreement. She proceeded to discover her soaked cunt like she were brand new and never felt her hands let alone another’s there. She dove them deep inside of herself, drawing out the orgasm she was soon to have. She was much closer than she realized. She continued to watch him and found her clit again using her slick nectar to help her fingers move quickly over it. The strokes bringing her closer and closer to the peak. She watched him so intently and couldn’t help but allow him to hear how good it all felt. Her moans and cries for more resonating in his mind like they had so many times in his fantasies. “Are you going to cum with me, are you going to show me how much pleasure I can give you without even touching you?” She nodded her head, but that wasn’t enough for him, he wanted to hear her say the words. “Tell me, tell me you’re going to cum for me, with me.” “I’m going to cum with you, I’m going to cum for you.” They both took another few strokes, his over his throbbing cock and hers over her clit and inside her pussy once more. She looked into his eyes and knew their pleasure was quick to spill over. Just a few more intentional movements and she threw her head back as the waves of one of the strongest orgasms she’d ever had began crashing into and over her body. He braced himself against the chair experiencing his own momentous deluge of pleasure. His calf muscles meeting the wooden legs and intertwining for leverage. His cum spilled out onto the floor and he watched her as he continued to move his hand against himself. He knew he could cum again and he knew he wanted to.

As she was falling back to Earth from her orgasm, moans continued to escape between her lips, she’d not yet taken her hands from between her legs. He gained dominion over his body once more and swiftly moved to the bed and scooped her up in his arms holding her to his body. He took her place there on the edge of the bed and swung her legs on either side of his hips. He barely needed to guide things into place as if instinctually his cock found its way into her pussy, still so very wet. She began riding him up and down, arms draped over his neck and looking him in the eyes. Their bodies met each other so naturally and their desires took hold. It was as if they were putting on a private show for someone to watch.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i5h2s5/putting_on_a_private_show_repost