The Assistant 1 [affair]

The company had hired his new assistant for him. He didn’t care as long as they met his requirements and could do the job. He got off the elevator and walked towards his office. He checked his email on his phone as he walked.

“Fuck,” he mumbled under his breath.

Another last minute meeting. He shoved his phone into his pocket as he rounded the corner. He slowed a bit when he saw the woman sitting at the desk outside his office. He felt his heart rate increase and put on his poker face. He knew what she would have been told about him, so it was time to get to work.

He strode past her desk and unlocked his office.

“Morning,” he said, not looking at her.

“Good morning,” she replied cheerily.

*Oh, this will be fun, he* thought. He sat at his desk and started going through emails.His new assistant put a cup of coffee in front of him. He looked up at her.

“Black right?” she asked.

“Correct,” he said, and he took a sip. *Damn that’s good*, but he kept his poker face on. He raised his eyebrows as she still stood there. “Yes?”

“I’m Kylie Stephens,” she said, extending her hand. He didn’t take it and she let it drop to her side.

“You know who I am and what you need to do,” he said and he turned back to his computer. She went back to her desk and went to work. He found himself distracted more than usual as she took calls and scheduled meetings. If her pulled back chocolate hair, ample breasts, and well dressed curvy body didn’t distract him, her voice certainly did.

He spent the week being a hardass and was impressed with how well she handled it, but could she handle it for a second week? If she was as good as everyone kept telling him, she could.

Tuesday morning Kylie brought him his coffee as she did every morning.

“You didn’t burn it today, did you?” he asked, not looking up from his papers.

“No, it’s just black like your soul,” she said cheerily.

He looked up as she had turned to leave. He could tell he was starting to get to her. Maybe she wasn’t as good as everyone said. Thirty minutes later he left his office for his next meeting.

“Mr. Lawson,” Kylie said. He ignored her and kept walking. “Mr. Lawson!”

She had had enough of him acting like a jackass. She marched after and cut him off.

“I have a meeting,” he said as he started to step around her. She sidestepped. “It’s not wise to play games, Ms. Stephens.”

“It’s not wise to treat your assistant like shit either,” she spat. “Do not ignore me. I am not your servant. I am your assistant. There is a difference. You have a meeting at two with Mr. Daniels in his office.”

She slapped a sticky note against his chest and walked back to her desk. No one had ever stood up to him like that before. He looked back at her briefly and then continued to his meeting. He was confused by what had just happened. He took his seat at the meeting and stuffed the sticky note in his binder.

“So, how is your new assistant Anthony?” asked the sales executive, Roger. “She’s quite the eye candy.”

Mr. Lawson smirked.

“She’s surviving so far,” he said.

“You’re not being too hard on her are you?” Roger asked.

“I think she can handle herself,” Mr. Lawson replied and he took out the crumpled sticky note. “She shoved this at me as she told me off before I came here.”

Everyone in the room stared at him, mouths almost agape.

“That’s what I thought,” he chuckled. “HR did good with this one.”

He left for his office where Kylie was still steaming. He smirked but was still impressed she had the balls to stand up to him like she did. He kept his focus for the next couple hours until a knock brought him out of his computer.

“I’m going to lunch,” Kylie said. “You’ll be fine for an hour?”

He nodded and she left. He watched her ass sway as she walked away and felt his cock start to throb. *Bad idea Anthony*.

Two months passed and Kylie did well dealing with his bullshit. Wednesday Anthony came out of his office, stopping at Kylie’s desk.

“Got your bags packed?” he asked.

“For what?” she asked, not looking up.

“The conference this weekend,” he said. Kylie looked up at him.

“No one told me I had to go,” Kylie said.

“You’re my assistant, of course you’re expected to go,” Anthony said and he turned to walk away. Kylie closed her eye’s for a second and stood.

“Anthony Lawson do not walk away from me,” she spat. Anthony stiffened. Nothing pissed him off more than someone using his first name at work. He turned around and marched back over to her, invading her personal space.

“Do not use my first name. Ever,” he growled. “Not only is unprofessional, it’s disrespectful.”

“Hard to give respect to a man who doesn’t respect you or your time,” Kylie said, not backing down. She stepped closer. “If you want me to do my job and do it well, that requires communication. I don’t read your mind. I’m not your other assistants who may have swooned over your sharp good looks and gotten weak at the knees over your power.”

Anthony studied her eyes as she invaded his personal space now. Her light perfume tickled his nose. He could feel his cock start to struggle. He sucked on his cheek a moment before saying, “I need your assistance at the conference this weekend. We leave Friday morning. Need to be at the airport at 6am.”

“Now, was that so hard?” Kylie said, cooly.

She sat back down and went back to her work. As much as she said she wasn’t swooning over his good looks and power, damn did it have its appeal. Being that close she could smell his aftershave and something about it got her blood rushing.

Anthony spent the rest of the day distracted by the sweet floral scent he smelled that morning. He was equally turned on and pissed off by her assertiveness. Before she left for the day she knocked on the door and stood in the doorway. He looked up.

“Required attire,” she said, phone in hand.

“Your usual office wear is fine,” he said. “But pack three formal dresses. Two cocktail, one more black tie.”

Sitting next to her boss on a 4 hour flight was less than appealing, but Kylie’s breasts were aching to be touched. His cologne wasn’t helping the matter. She did her best to distract herself with her book, unfortunately she had picked something that was just turning her on more.

As she was reading she gasped. Anthony looked at her and raised his eyebrows.

“Sorry,” she said, her cheeks burning. “Sometimes I really get into the book when I’m reading.”

She put her book away, but Anthony took note of the title. He finished his notes and surreptitiously looked up her book to read what it was about. He smirked and tucked his phone away.

At the airport they waited at baggage claim. Anthony saw Kylie’s bag first and grabbed it.

“Christ,” he said. “Why do women pack so much?

“Well, when I have to have extra outfits for dinner, that means extra shoes,” she said. A car was waiting for them to take them to the hotel. When they got there, things started to go haywire.

“What do you mean they only booked one room?” Anthony asked. He rubbed his forehead as the clerk explained. He took a breath. “Can we sort this out later? We have meetings to go to.”

He handed Kylie a key card and they went to the room. Kylie sucked in her lips as they rode in the elevator, doing her best not to bust out laughing. She found it comical that he actually seemed nervous about having to share a room with her.

Kylie freshened up before they went to their meetings and they finally returned at 4pm. Kylie flopped on the bed.

“Look alive Stephens,” Anthony said. “We still have dinner tonight.”

Kylie groaned. She kicked off her shoes.

“Are you showering?” Kylie asked.

“Yes,” he said. “You can go first.”

Kylie grabbed her robe and undid her hair and claimed the bathroom for 15 minutes. She emerged from the steamy room with her hair in a towel and grabbed her toiletries so she could do her makeup and hair.

“That was fast,” Anthony said. Kylie shrugged.

“Most of my time is spent doing my hair, especially if I have to dry it,” she said.

“Did you leave any hot water,” he said as he unbuttoned his shirt.

“Maybe,” she said with a smirk and she brushed her teeth.

Anthony snuck by her to the bathroom. He left a little gap open. Kylie couldn’t resist a little peak. She almost made an audible gasp but caught herself before she made that mistake. She felt the blood rushing between her legs. She put on her getting ready playlist and focused on putting her makeup on and drying her hair.

Anthony came out, towel wrapped around his waist. Kylie snuck a look in the mirror as Anthony got dressed with his back to her. She worked on pinning up her hair when an up beat song came on. She couldn’t help but wiggle her hips to the beat. Anthony watched, amused by her free spirit, but his cock ached.

He could tell she was getting frustrated not being able to see the back of her hair to make sure it looked ok. There was also a spot that needed to be pinned. He walked over to her.

“Bobby pin,” he said, his hand extended. She looked at him in the mirror, confused. She handed him a bobby pin which he opened with his teeth and pinned her stray hairs. “There. All good now. You have ten minutes.”

“Mr. Lawson knows how to do hair,” Kylie poked.

“I do,” he said as he walked back to the bed and sat down. “Goes much faster if I help my wife instead of her getting frustrated, because she kinda sucks at it.”

Kylie slipped on her thong with her robe still on and then her dress. She let her robe fall as she put on her bra and pulled her dress the rest of the way up.

“Married even,” Kylie said as she strutted over to Anthony and turned around. “I trust you know this part.”

“I do,” Anthony said, standing and zipping her dress. He leaned in so she could feel his breath on her neck. “You are lovely.”

Kylie couldn’t help but blush.

“Thank you,” she said. She slipped on her heels and grabbed her phone and wristlet.

Anthony opened the door for her and followed her to the elevator. He gently placed his hand on her back as they stepped in. Kylie’s heart pounded. She didn’t want to admit it, but she wanted him. She hadn’t had sex in 9 months, went to bed alone, and felt quite neglected. The glimpses she got as they got ready got her blood rushing.



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