Some Would Call Me A Dreamer

Kate sat at her desk in a front corner of the classroom. It was piled with papers covered in slanted, sloppy writing, that of a horde of third graders- which was also how she felt about them most of the time. There were a few good eggs, good kids, kids who wanted to learn and succeed. They were few and far between, though. Most of them just wanted to yell, scribble, or just waste her fucking time. She supposed she should’ve expected that having taken this job at an inner-city school. She took it hoping to be one of the superhero teachers she’d seen in all those movies growing up, the ones that inspired her to become a teacher, the ones that lead her into this terrible situation. She sighed and looked up.

The kids were supposed to be doing their math boxes. Easy enough work. She’d been sure they understood when she’d used the overhead to walk them through the example problems. And maybe they did; but if so they hadn’t been too enthralled to start their own work. A few of them were scratching away with enthusiasm. The rich ones. She wasn’t proud of the thought but that didn’t change the facts in front of her. The rest of them, even one or two of the rich ones doodled in the margins, on the back of the worksheet, or just ignored it altogether.

Oh well. She had two reasons not to give a shit this morning. One being summer was right around the corner, late enough in the year it wouldn’t matter what work any of the kids did for their grades. Not that she would tell them that. The second was that she’d be seeing Ben again that evening. This made her shiver; goosebumps crawled up her spine as one of her eyebrows made a run for her hairline. She flipped up her laptop and put her hands on the keys, typing at random, pretending to work, and let her mind drift back to the previous night. Dinner had been good. But that’s not what she cared about.

Ben had swept the dishes away nearly as soon as she’d put her last piece of steak in her mouth. She raised an eyebrow at him as he returned to the table. He didn’t sit down, just raised a hand and pointed a finger at the ceiling.

“Yes, please,” she’d said. Ben dropped his finger and walked around behind her. Her stomach plummeted and her knees weakened as one of his hands came to rest on her collarbone. He gripped her shoulder and pulled her hair aside with his other hand. Then his lips were touching her ear.

“Good girl,” he whispered. She shuddered and moaned as his hand slipped under her shirt collar and brushed the outside of her bra. Ben stepped back, pulling her back on her chair. Kate stood, turned, and looked up at Ben. He was tall. His eyes were blue like the ocean. He pulled her into him. She reached around but before she could get hold of his back he’d spun her around, squeezed her ass, and ushered her toward the staircase. Straight-backed, he followed her up the stairs, shaking his head and pointing forward when she turned to look at him.

Kate heard Ben close his bedroom door behind them. She drew a breath of surprise. His room was…atypical for a bachelor. Clean, sleek hardwood. Two giant windows that in the light of day would flood the room with natural light, but it was dark now. That fact was accentuated by the warm glow of the salt lamp and radiance of the soft-white Christmas lights lining the room’s ceiling. Opposite the large, white-linen bed sat a long wooden desk. Sitting on top were a laptop, a thick leather journal, several sheets of paper full of cramped writing, and a coffee mug full of fancy-looking pens.

“You’re a writer,” Kate said. It wasn’t a question.

“Some would call me a dreamer,” said Ben. The giant window was black and shiny with night; in it, Kate saw Ben’s reflection come up behind her, felt his lean arms wrap around her. He wrapped one arm around her as the other explored the front of her body.

“What do you write?” Kate’s eyes were shut. Her breathing slowed.

“Sad things.” His hand was under her bra now. He gave her a soft pinch. Kate moaned.

Ben pushed her onto the bed. He crawled on top of her, pressing his groin against her. Kate moaned again. Ben grunted. He pressed his lips against hers and he palmed her cheek. She wrapped her legs around him. Ben’s other hand snaked under her bra and he gave her nipple another soft pinch, then the same to the other. He turned his head and Kate bit his ear. He squeezed her breast. She squeezed her legs. Ben stuck his tongue into her mouth and she attacked it with hers, their tongues dancing against one another. They moaned together. Ben pressed his palms against hers. They locked fingers. Kate pressed her groin against him, feeling how stiff she’d made him. She started to grind, even though she was underneath.

Ben stopped kissing her. He let go of her palms. He backed away. Kate started to sit up but Ben pressed a finger against her lips, raising his eyebrow. She raised her own and nibbled at his finger tip.

“No.” He tapped her lips with the finger and pointed it at her. Then he withdrew it and both of his hands. He pressed his hand against her pelvis then lifted her legs straight into the air. Kate gripped her breasts over her shirt. Ben slid her pants half-way up her thigh and set his mouth against her panties. He drew a great breath and let it go with restraint. A slow blast of hot air pushed through the silk panties. Kate shivered and Ben felt her lean legs flex against his palms. He did it again. Kate grabbed his head as she flexed again. Ben ran his hands down her thighs, up her ass, and slipped her panties up and out of his way.

He was inches from her and felt her heat radiating against his face. He could see her wetness. He stuck out his tongue and started in. Kate gasped and shuddered and shivered and flexed and dug her fingernails into Ben’s scalp. Ben continued. He licked and kissed and pressed with his lips and used his fingers. Kate’s fingernails dug into his shoulders and neck as Ben’s hands went from her wetness to her navel and came to rest on her breast. Ben caressed her chest and pressed his tongue into her. Kate glanced down and saw that even through all of this, Ben was looking at her, one of his dirty-blonde eyebrows up. She took one of her own fingers and motioned ‘come here,’ raising her own eyebrow.

Ben stopped. Kate continued to shiver. Ben wiped his mouth. Kate removed her shirt. Ben removed her jeans and panties. He stared at her naked body in the soft glow of the mood lights. Long legs. Lean hips. Toned muscles. Taut skin. And she had hold of him now. He grunted a moan as she pulled several long strokes. She wanted every bit of him she could get. Kate gave a soft yet authoritative pull on his girth and he got the message. Ben dropped down, resting his elbows on either side of her head, stroking her hair. He watched the Christmas lights dance in her big beautiful dark eyes.

Ben gripped the back of Kate’s head as she guided him into her. Her warmth enveloped him and he pressed his forehead against hers. She moaned. They were together now. One entity. Kate wrapped her legs around him. Ben slipped a hand under her back to hold her and put the other against her cheek. They moved together. Ben felt her wetness sliding back and forth across what felt like his entire being. Kate took his hand from her cheek and laced her fingers into his. Ben squeezed back. They both moaned. The walls disappeared. The bed vanished. Now there was nothing but the two of them, floating together in the soft glow and ethereal darkness of physical ecstasy.

The music rumbled. The breathing raced. Two foreheads pressed against each other. Lips did the same. Heat radiated. Thrusts. Grunts. Moans. Shivers. Goosebumps. A shared explosive climax, simultaneous. Ben felt as if lightning was pulsing out of him. Kate felt it enrapture her body. Ben grunted, clutching her to him. Kate shook in his arms and dug her heels into his back.

Their lightning gave one final rip and receded. Ben held Kate’s soft and warm body against him as he rolled her over on top of him. They laid back against the pillows. Kate’s body was now draped over him like a warm blanket. He stroked her hair. Kate stroked his chest. They held hands. They kissed. Ben rubbed her back, fingering her spine. Kate put a hand on his cheek. Ben held it with his own, kissed her palm. Kate snuggled against him. Ben turned off the light and wrapped his arms around Kate. He kissed the top of her head.

She smiled.

The bell rang. Kate gathered her things, foregoing the usual goodbyes to her students, and hustled out the door. Lockers blurred past her as she palmed her phone. Once in her car, she jammed the air-conditioning to full blast, thumbed through her contacts to the Bs, and drew a deep breath.

Ben felt his phone buzz.

He smiled.
