Repost: Menage – part 1 of 3 [FMM]

*“Meet me in the lounge bar at the Bond Plaza. And, wear something nice…underneath.”*

My lover’s instructions were simple and I clearly understood what he meant by “underneath.” In other words, wear one of my best lingerie outfits. But I as I left the cab and walked towards the glass doors of the exclusive hotel, I couldn’t help but wonder what was the special occasion? We had been seeing each other exclusively for about six months now. It wasn’t any kind of anniversary, nor was my birthday or any holiday coming up.

I smiled warmly at the portly doorman who greeted me and held a door open for me to enter. In the cavernous but elegantly decorated foyer, I felt a chill cascading down my back to the exposed lengths of my legs. The chill could have been caused by the brisk autumn evening breeze that followed me in. Or it could have been the anticipation I was feeling with my mind speculating what my lover had planned for us.

I turned in the direction of the hotel’s cocktail lounge and strolled across the marble floor that was polished to a high gloss. Wearing black stilettos, my stride was graceful. I felt confident that my feet wouldn’t slip, causing me to fall and thoroughly embarrass myself.

I approached the lounge and immediately noticed my lover, sitting relaxed at a small table. I’ve become familiar with him enough that I bet I could find him in a crowd of people. A strikingly handsome Latino who stood at 5’6”, not very tall but still commanded a presence that was intensely masculine, not arrogant or domineering. He wore his charcoal black hair, peppered with silvery-grey strands, short and trimmed. Smooth tawny complexion, almond-shaped amber eyes and a spiky tickler for a goatee, I’m often mesmerized by his exotic looks.

He was suited in black Armani, sophisticated and undeniably sexy. I slowed my pace just to observe him for moment, hearing the beating of my heart as I approached. Just the look of him warmed my insides like a sip of fine brandy going down.

We first met at an airport, just hanging out at the bar because our flights were delayed. I was taking sips from a fruity Sangria while texting on my Blackberry, sending a string of apologies to clients for missing appointments. He sat so quietly next to me that I barely noticed him. It was the sensuality in his voice that caught my attention as he ordered his beer. I glanced at him briefly. He caught my glance, returned a smile and said hello. An eerie feeling came over me when our eyes met. I felt as if I knew him, not from another place or from my past, but from another lifetime. Sounds pretty cheesy, but I would swear by it to this day.

We began to chat once I stopped with all my mad texting. He complimented on how savvy I was with my Blackberry, while he was so “techno-illiterate” that he was lucky to find the correct button to answer a call on his cell phone. Despite his obvious alpha Latino presence, he spoke without any hint of a Spanish accent.

I quickly felt comfortable talking with him. He shared that he was single, choosing to run his own successful security company over getting married and having a family. I shared that I was divorced, sharing custody of two young children, and busy working as a nurse consultant for a company specializing in electronic health records . We discovered that we had many things in common: we enjoyed being outdoors, seeing action and sci-fi movies, listening to 80’s music, watching similar shows on TV. After having a few more drinks, we discovered we shared a lot of the same tastes and curiosities in the bedroom as well.

Since our first meeting at the airport*,* we would meet again from time to time, whenever we were both in town at the same time. Our encounters were intensely erotic and sexual, having insanely incredible sex at his place. Or in every room in my home, including the laundry room. Or in the backseat his BMW X5 with extra-dark tinted windows. Or in an adult movie theatre. Or on the balcony of an empty condo he was considering purchasing. Usually, he would take charge during our erotic encounters. I enjoyed being the submissive, obeying to his physical and verbal (usually profane) demands. But there were also times where he wanted the power switched, allowing me to take charge and granting me to full access to his athletically-toned body for my pleasure.

My fine moment of reminiscing was broken when I noticed another man sitting at the table with my lover. Both men were drinking beers and talking casually. My mind suddenly filled with caution, wondering what my lover’s intentions were, and if his intentions involved the man sitting across from him.

I felt a nervous flutter dance in my stomach as I approached the gentlemen. My lover, in a calm expectation, looked over at me. His amber eyes, full with admiration laced with lust, locked onto mine as I slowly entered the lounge.

*God, he made me feel so desirable when he look at me like that.*

Both men stood as I approached the table. My lover greeted me with his usual kiss: a glide of lips across mine ending with a sharp nip of teeth on my lower lip. It was a kiss of possession, a way to remind me that I belonged to him. As he helped me out of my long black leather coat, he introduced the other man as “a childhood friend who was more like a brother of his”. He indicated that they have known each other since they were toddlers sharing a playpen together.

The “friend” was a little taller and stockier than my lover. He was ruggedly handsome, having a round face with slanted hazel eyes and full lips. His head was close-shaven but having the equivalent to a 5 o’clock shadow and his moustache was neatly trimmed. He dressed in loose-fitting jeans and a black sweater that was snug enough to show powerful chest muscles. His apparel could be best described as being more “urban”, but it very tasteful and sexy.

As my lover folded my coat and placed it in the empty seat beside him, the friend pulled out another seat and gently guided me to sit. I would have thought the friend was displaying a little chivalry on his part, but I soon realized he was taking an opportune time to lightly graze his hand across my ass.

The waitress appeared to take our drink orders: White Zinfandel for me, beer from the tap for my lover and a tall rum and diet coke for his friend. I observed my lover cocking an eyebrow at his friend as if to question his choice of beverage. The friend shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.

“Would you believe me if I was to say I was on a diet?” he asked.

I had to giggle at his question. By the way his sweater showed the muscles of his arms and torso; I would say whatever diet he was on was definitely working for him.

We talked as we waited for our drinks. The conversation started pretty benign, talking about the weather, local sport teams and upcoming mayoral election. I soon learned that the friend’s ethnic make-up was the same as mine: African-American and Filipino. That explained the warm mocha coloring of his skin and the seductive exotic eyes.

We sipped on our drinks and talked more. As my lover and I spoke about the happenings in our careers, the friend offered how his lumber business was holding up well despite the bad economy and the drop in the new home market. I learned how my lover and his friend became really close: the friend’s father used to date my lover’s mother.

The friend was quite charming despite his obvious display of bravado and few abrasive comments. He didn’t quite hold my interest or fascination in the way my lover did.

The friend excused himself to use the men’s room. I felt my eyes betray me as they scanned across his thick thighs and the impressive bulge in between.

I felt my lover gently take my left hand into both of his and brought it close to his lips. Instead of kissing my hand, he grazed his lips ever so lightly across my skin. Goosebumps jumped on the skin of my arm and I can feel my nipples harden under my corset as he did this.

“What do you think of him?” he asked.

“He seems pretty cool, a little bit of a roughneck for my taste,” I answered.

“So, do you approve of him?” he asked softly. His lips continued to glide across the skin of my hand. His eyes locked onto mine, searching, piercing almost.

“Approve?” I replied slowly. I wasn’t quite sure what he was asking of me.

“Oh, I guess I need to refresh your memory,” he said with a sexy grin. He moved my hand away from his lips but still cradled it within his hands.

“I guess you do,” I replied.

“Do you remember when we were in bed a few weeks ago?” he began. “I asked you what would be your greatest sexual curiosity?”

My mind flashed back to that moment: being in each other’s arms, tangled up in the sheets of his bed after having mind-numbing sex for the second time. I suddenly remembered what my answer was.

“A ménage,” I whispered.

He didn’t say anything, but the playful twinkle in his eye replied instead.

“So, again; do you approve of him?”

I was taken aback with the realization of why I was meeting his friend. *Was this man serious?*

“Me? Approve?” I asked despite the difficulty I was having in finding my voice. “I can’t believe you’re suggesting this. I mean, if you are serious, I don’t think my approval is the only important thing here. Do YOU approve of him?”

He softly caressed my hand as he answered.

“We’ve only been together for a few months, yet I’ve developed some pretty intense feelings for you. I’m still trying to sort them out but one thing I’m sure about: I’m very protective of you, almost to the point of being possessive. But I don’t want to rush you into anything or scare you off. I just want to find some way to claim you as mine.

“Claim?” I giggled. “You make it sound as if I’m some prime piece of real estate or something.”

“No, baby. Not at all,” he answered. “What I want is for you to *want* to be with me exclusively.”

*Exclusive to only him? As in beyond today, beyond tomorrow, for a while longer?*

I’ve treated our encounters as singular events, moments when we focus only the present, enjoying the pleasurable heights that we take each other to. I never looked beyond, never thought of having a future with him, even never expected to see or hear from him again.

What he asked of me now has changed the nature of our association.

He stared into my eyes as he continued. “Your deepest needs are very important to me. Being the man that I am, when you said you were curious about ménage, I was jealous at first. I couldn’t bear the thought of another man touching, pleasuring you the way I do. But then I pushed aside my ego. I realized that for me to have your full trust and submission, I would have to have the balls to provide you with everything you need emotionally, mentally, physically. You would never have to look elsewhere.”

“Why did you choose your friend for this?” I asked.

“Honestly? If there was anyone that I would trust to even touch you, it would be him,” he replied as he turned his attention to kissing my neck softly.

“You’re not worried that he may try to steal me away from you? That’s some serious trust you have.”

“I’ve trusted him before,” he whispered before my earlobe between his warm lips. I felt his hand slide up my thigh and stop at the apex of my legs. Moisture and heat began to build in between.

“Before?” I asked.

“It was a long time ago, back when we were young, dumb and sowing our oats,” he softly chuckled.

I wanted to ask him more, but his friend returned to the table.

As he sat down, the friend’s eyes scanned our faces as if to discern our thoughts.

My lover cleared his throat as he sat up straight in his seat. I smiled quietly at the friend.

With his first finger and thumb, the friend toyed with the small patch of hair below his lower lip. He broke the silence between all of us by asking, “So, how are we feeling, Bro?”

My lover looked at me and asked, “How are we feeling, baby?”

In the brief silence, I pondered the meaning in the questions they asked.

“I’m feeling pretty comfortable,” I replied. I looked the friend and asked, “How about you?”

His hazel eyes stared into mine of whiskey brown. His eyes were probing, questioning, searing.

“I’m down if you both are,” he finally responded with a cocked eyebrow and a sly grin. “Besides, I definitely want to see what you have that has my friend so pussy-whooped.”

As candid as the friend was, I wasn’t offended at all. I was starting to find his inappropriate statements comical.

I felt a shiver came over me again as I considered my response. I thought that this could be the beginning of an incredible adventure, or a rather awkward and embarrassing tragedy.

I smiled at both men, admiring the contrasts in their personalities. My lover was quiet, disciplined, seductive, a simmering arousal. His friend was arrogantly outspoken, rugged, abrasive, rogue sexuality.

“Lead the way, gentlemen,” I replied as I drank the last of my wine.


My lover and his friend followed me into the suite that consisted of three rooms: a living/working area, a large bathroom and a spacious bedroom. In the living/working area to my left, was a plush velour-like sofa with an ornate wooden cocktail table in front of it. To my right was a wooden entertainment cabinet, complete with a 52-inch flat screen TV. Behind us, next to the door, was a wooden desk decorated similarly like the cocktail table and entertainment cabinet. There was an office chair of modern design and made with a course mesh material at the desk.

My lover closed and locked the door behind us while the friend took an appreciative glance at the TV. I placed my coat on the back of the unusual looking office chair. I stood in the middle of the room and waited. I was unsure of what to do but I felt an overwhelming sense of angst and anticipation.

I watched as my lover removed his suit jacket and tie. He loosened a few buttons on the top of his tailored dress shirt. As if on cue, the friend came and stood behind me. He removed the clip that held my hair up fashionably off my shoulder. My hair cascaded down my back, which the friend moved to the side and placed a light kiss on my neck.

I flinched slightly, being aware that this was a stranger taking advantage of the susceptible areas on my neck and behind my ears. But as I stared at my lover and seen the lustful approval in his eyes, I relaxed and began to enjoy his friend’s tongue running along my neck to the sensitive area where my neck and shoulder joined.

My lover walked up and stood in front of me. Simultaneously, both men pressed their bodies against mine. I felt surrounded, shielded, protected and incredibly aroused. My mind began to spin with the realization that I had two mouths kissing me, four hands exploring my body, two solid erections pressing against me.

*Holy shit! This is really happening!* My mind screamed repeatedly.

I could feel the friend placing his hands on my hips and sliding them down the sides of my legs, across the soft material of my skirt. He slid them back up again, until they reached the crest of my hips. Holding me firmly in place, he pressed his thick erection into the inner ridge of my buttocks and slowly began to gyrate. In my ear, he emitted a breathy “Hmmmm.”

My lover brought his left hand up and cupped the back of my head, bringing it forward until our lips touched. Our kiss deepened, with tongues rolling with each other, tasting, seeking, exploring. He also pressed his bulging crotch against my belly, and gyrated in the same rhythm with his friend. I moaned against my lover’s mouth while moving my hips in unison with theirs.

The friend became more adventurous and inched his hands down to the hem of my skirt. He lifted it slowly, exposing the sheer black thigh high stockings, the lacey garter straps of my black satin corset and to his surprise, no underwear. He hissed in appreciation as he rubbed a warm hand across the cool bare skin of my ass.

“Nice. Very nice,” the friend said with a whistle. I appreciated his compliment in silence, accepting his directness.

Without taking his lips from mine, my lover tugged my white cotton blouse from the waistband of my skirt and worked the buttons open with skill. He pushed the blouse off my shoulders and slid it down my arms until it fell to the floor. His friend swiftly unzipped my skirt and pushed it down my thighs. It pooled at my feet along with my blouse. Their coordination was so smooth; it was as if they had rehearsed it.

My lover stopped kissing me to glance down at the black lacey corset with garters and the thigh high stockings I wore. I could see in his eyes how pleased he was that I followed his instructions. Without voice, he mouthed, “Very nice.”

The two men circled me until my lover was behind me and his friend was in front. His friend’s eyes scanned me up and down before giving another whistle in appreciation.

“Fucking A, bro. You sure you want to share this fine-ass lady?” the friend asked.

My lover wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled my neck with a smile on his face, as if amused by his friend’s profane but direct question.

“I know,” my lover replied. “She’s fucking gorgeous. But it’s not my decision to make. It’s hers.”

His friend looked to me for a response.

I grabbed the friend by his sweater and pulled him close, covering in his mouth with mine, showing my obvious consent with a deep sensual kiss.

When our lips parted, the friend looked over my shoulder to my lover, and nodded his head as if some subliminal message was exchanged between them. My lover reached up from behind and cupped my breasts, fondling them and circling my nipples through the lace of my corset. He nibbled at my shoulders as his friend slowly dropped down to his knees.

I was startled at his friend’s downward movement and even tried to take a step backwards. But my lover stood firm behind me, holding me in place. I could feel the cool crispness of his dress shirt against my back and his demanding erection pressing into my ass.

“Shhh,” my lover whispered in my ear as his friend placed his hands on my hips. The friend leaned forward and kissed the exposed skin below the lower edge of my corset. I felt the tension increase in my muscles as his lips glided down one thigh, kissed both knees, and glided back up the other thigh.

My lover’s hands reached inside the bra cups of my corset and caressed my breasts, pinching and rolling my nipples, sending electrical sensations down to my groin, and making my pussy so incredibly wet.

The friend paused in front of the apex of my thighs and inhaled deeply.

“Damn, she smells good” he said.

“And tastes even better,” my lover replied.

The friend kissed the exposed skin above my pubis and my entire body reacted by tensing up again. My lover had to sense my apprehensiveness.

“Relax, baby. Relax. You’re in good hands,” he said softly in my ear.

I sighed deeply and willed my body to relax. I could feel the friend’s hot breath hit my clit as he parted my slick flesh with his thumbs. He paused before venturing further, taking a quick moment to leave the room and return with a chair.

He lifted my right leg by the ankle and rested my foot on the seat of the chair. He dropped back down to his kneeled position in front me. With his thumbs, he fully parted my pussy, exposing my clit and the opening to my ebony to his view. I could feel the hunger in his stare, his eyes devouring me down there. I held my breath, waiting, wondering what he was going to do next.

The anticipation almost became unbearable until I felt the rasp of his hot tongue drag across my clit. Suddenly filled with a rush of electric tingles, I threw my head back and gasped. My lover placed a supportive arm around my waist to hold me still. He whispered reassurance in my ear, “That’s it, baby. Relax and enjoy what he has to give.”

I reached up with right arm and wrapped around lover’s neck for added support as his friend laved me again. He followed with short licks at my inner lips while placing firm swipes across my nub with his thumb. His tongue became insistent in its seeking, its probing until finally his mouth covered me completely. He suckled on my clit with steady movements, inflaming it. He worked a pair of his fingers into my heated wet channel, making me gasp even louder. I could feel my inner muscles responded quickly, gripping onto his fingers as he moved them in and out. The rise of pleasure soared within me, spiraling me higher to ecstasy.

My lover held me firmly in place as I moved my hips to the rhythm of his friend’s erotic assault. I could feel my orgasm nearing, a swell of insatiated need and desire rushing up on me. My moans became erratic whimpers as my crisis approached. Then the words of my lover sent me over the edge.

“Come, baby. Come for us.”

Like floodgates opening, I felt the crash of ecstasy exploding from my pussy, up my spine, to my brain then disperse throughout all the nerves in my body. The friend continued to lap at my pussy, which I was sure was pooling juices on his tongue. He moaned as he licked, the vibrations from his throat sending flaming aftershocks throughout my body.

I felt like a rag doll in my lover’s arms. My legs crumpled from the weakness caused by my incredible orgasm. My lover reached down, picked me up into his arms and tenderly carried me over to the bed in the other room.


*The material above was posted to this subreddit for entertainment purposes only. It is owned by me and I do not give consent for the reproduction and/or distribution of all or any portion of this material.*
