[MF] I (36) fucked an 18 year old girl I met on Instagram (long).

Backstory: a few years ago me and my then wife were looking to relocate to the Dallas area. My wife found a job before I did and she moved into a rental house we found. On my days off I would make the drive over here and do some job hunting.

Looking for work is grueling and work in itself, so before heading back to our old home I would take the time to do some solo adventuring and see what the Dallas area offered. I ended up finding a nice little trail off of 380. It was perfect. It was on my way home, it was lined with trees and it wasn’t too physically demanding so I wouldn’t be worn out on my drive home.

I managed to take some decent photos and I posted them to Instagram. I made my profile public and used relevant/local hashtags. Not thinking anything about the posts I went on about my business, finished my hike and made my way back home.

A few days pass and I’m at work browsing through ig. I see a few likes from usernames I don’t recognize and think “bad ass, hashtags actually work”. Scrolling through my notifications I see likes from one particular user on several of my photos and a follow. Curiosity and loneliness get the best of me so I click on her profile. I usually ignore follow requests/follows but her profile photo was zoomed out and all I could see was blonde hair and what looked to be a pretty face. The slight attention from a pretty stranger on Instagram coupled with lack of intimacy got the best of me so I sent her a follow request. We’ll call her Helen. She had a bio that had the name of a Dallas suburb and the number 18.

Helen doesn’t immediately accept my follow request. I think to myself either A. She doesn’t want me to follow her or B. She doesn’t spend a lot of time on Instagram. What the fuck kind of 18 year old girl doesn’t actively check her phone/socials media accounts?

A few more days pass and yeah, I’m back on Instagram like a pathetic, lonely married man checking to see if my request to a pretty 18 year old suburban blonde has been accepted. It was. I visit Helen’s ig. To my disappointment it wasn’t a feed of endless selfies. In fact, I had to scroll a little way down to see actual photos of her. I was no longer disappointed. “Worth the wait” I shamelessly whispered followed by “fuck, she looks like Alexa Grace”. Helen had blonde hair that went halfway down her back, green eyes, somewhat bushy but clean eyebrows (idk how to describe eyebrows) and her teeth weren’t perfectly straight but her smile was amazing.

I double tap a few of her photos and comment on one that’s not of her. I didn’t want to be too ominous and I really had no intentions other than furiously masturbating to this pretty young girls photos. Loneliness was a motherfucker during this transitional period. To my surprise, Helen comments back a “thank u!”. I think to myself “cool, she doesn’t know I’m a perv” and chuckle a little. I then receive a DM from her. I open it and Helen is asking if I’m from the same town that she’s in, says she likes my work and wanted to know of a few spots to explore in the area. Of course I immediately reply. I tell her I’m looking for a job in the area so I can move back with my wife (which was kind of a test to gauge where we would go from here), thank her for the compliment and mention that I don’t know of any spots besides where the photos were taken.

Helen mentions to me that she’s fairly new to the area and she moved with her parents after graduating. That answered my unasked question of why she didn’t know any spots to explore. We keep talking, she says nothing about my wife and says that she needs a friend in the area. Helen is really mature for her age. We talk about music, film, hobbies and I somewhat vent about the loneliness during my transition/job hunt. Helen asks for my number and I give it to her. We continue our friendship via iMessage. I mention to her “Helen, you do know there are times that I won’t be able to chat with you, right?” And she says “of course” with a winking emoji. That turned me on way more than it should have.

We keep talking. We exchange selfies here and there but the conversations never get sexual. I’m surprised at my self control because in my head I was fucking the shit out of this girl half my age in the bed that my wife and I share.

About a month later I find a job and I am moved in with my wife again. This doesn’t stop me from talking to Helen. She asks which subdivision I live in and we find out that we are within a few miles from each other. This excites me. This excites Helen, but we never make plans until one day.

One morning after having breakfast with coworkers my wife befriended I get a text from Helen that I vividly remember. She says “hey, I’m having a rough day let’s get coffee”. My wife asked me i I minded her hanging with the girls the rest of the day. The timing was too perfect. I try to play off my excitement and say “can it wait another day?” knowing this was her first time having a girls day in a new town and she says “pleeeease?”. I agree, give her some cash and tell her I’ll do some solo exploring then reply to Helen “hey, I’m sorry, yes let’s hang”.

Helen asks if I can pick her up at her parents. I nervously tell her I will. She gives me her address and about an hour later I make my way. As I approach her house I see a man outside mowing the lawn. It was her dad. I say fuck that and keep driving. Helen texts me asking where I was and I tell her I’m not stopping if that was her dad. “Lol he just came in, come back” she replies. Of course I do. I turn around and park across the street. Helen comes out in an oversized hoodie, black yoga pants and some black combat boots. I’m immediately turned on knowing I have a girl half my age approaching me. This fucking girl is about to get into a man’s car who she hardly knows.

She gets in, smiles and says “oooh it’s nice to finally get to see you. You look better in person and you’re not a weirdo”. I laugh and say “yeah, I’m an actual person”. We agree to skip coffee and she wants to hit up the spot I photographed/posted. I figured it was appropriate since that’s what got us talking.

Before making our way to the park we stop at 711 to get water. I’m figured I’d better freshen my breath just in case and get a pack of Wrigleys Spearmint. Helen notices, grabs my right arm with both hands and laughs as she leans her head in on my shoulder then says “you’re such an old man”. Again, this turned me on way more than it should. I pay for our shit and we leave.

Once at the park Helen throws her phone onto the seat before closing the door. I thought that was pretty bad ass seeing that she wouldn’t be distracted. We hike. We talk. We laugh. Helen is as gorgeous inside as she is out. I’m really drawn to her as she has this sort of old soul/free spirit vibe she’s putting out. When we are done hiking she says she wants to drive around.

We get in the car and start driving. We joke around a little, listen to music and there a little bit of flirting. Helen tells me there’s a pond near her house that we should hang by. I drive us there. Once at the pond we sit down and she leans her head on my shoulder and says “thank you for a perfect day, do you know what would make it even better?” And before I get a chance to answer she starts kissing my neck. At this point I think to myself “alright, it’s time to take over”. I lean back, place my hand on her throat and she closes her eyes and opens them slowly. I’m in fucking awe of how soft her skin is. The last time I felt the skin of an 18 year old girl I was 18 myself. I then run my thumb across her bottom lips which was just as soft. She opens her mouth a little and tries to lean in towards me but I hold her back by her hair with my other hand. I’m not sure how many times this girl has had her hair pulled, it ever, but I doubt that she’s ever reacted the way she did that night.

I feel this sense of urgency in her so I pull her towards me and put my mouth on hers. Her mouth is so eager and while we are kissing i keep thinking that she’s half my age and I get turned on even more. My hands are exploring her body over her clothes and she’s whimpering in between deep breaths. I tell her I want her and she immediately gets up and tells me to follow her to my car.

We hop into my car. We start making out some more and she starts to unzip my pants. I help her out and she starts to go down on me. Helen isn’t the best at oral, but she doesn’t have to be. She’s a pretty 18 year old blonde and at that moment I’m scratching something that hadn’t been written off of my bucket list. I have her blonde hair wrapped around my fist as I tell her she’s such a good girl. I hear a satisfied “hmm” as I tell her that and she stops, looks up at me and says thank you sir. I’ve had girls call me sir before but out of respect; never mid-blow job. Huge fucking difference.

After a few more minutes of her sucking my dick I stop her, pull up my pants, get out of my car and do some sort of fucking march like I’m leading a group of soldiers into war towards the passengers door. I start sliding her seat back, which seems to have taken forever, then I somehow position myself onto the floorboard in front of her. I’m 6’1 so it was a challenge. I take her boots off, basically tear her yoga pants off and start rubbing my hands up and down her legs. Helen is moaning. Helen is breathing heavily. I start to kiss her thighs slowly. Making my way towards her pussy. It’s somewhat dark now but upon working my mouth around I can feel she has a neatly trimmed pussy. Again I am blown at how fucking soft she is. I start softly kissing her pussy and she loses it. I feel her slide down her seat which makes her pussy press up against my face so I start tongue fucking her. I tell her how good she tastes. Helen is fucking soaked. My beard is covered with her cum and it’s the hottest thing ever. I make my way up and tell her to taste herself off of my mouth and she does so after saying “yes sir”.

We made out for a little while longer which I’m thankful for because I was ready to cum. Then Helen tells me she wants to know what it’s like to be handled by a man twice her age. Without hesitation I reach for my wallet to grab a condom and Helen impatiently waits. I put it on, shove my dick in her and wrap my hand around her throat. She’s losing her shit. I don’t know when/if this will ever happen again so I tell her I’m taking the condom off and she says “please sir, fill me up”. I take it off and continue fucking her. My hands are all over her body and I cum so hard. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. Helen’s skin was perfectly wrapped around her bones. It was soft and everything adding up to that moment contributed to one of the best sexual encounters I’ve had.

We cleaned up. I drove her to her house and parked across the street again. I lean over to kiss her, rub my hand on her pussy over her yoga pants and she’s still wet. I kiss her neck and say “you little shit” to which she replies “your little shit”.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i4waw1/mf_i_36_fucked_an_18_year_old_girl_i_met_on


  1. There’s a chance I’ll move to the Dallas area … maybe I’ll meet a pretty young blonde that my wife doesn’t know about …

    So hot you told her you were ditching the condom midway.

  2. Maan.. 5 years from now I’ll be twice the age of an 18 yrs old girl. Damn it

  3. This is so creepy. First of all, don’t ever grab someone’s throat without discussing it. You don’t know how they’ll react or how they’ll be feeling. Secondly, the fact that someone half your age, someone young enough to be your daughter, shouldn’t turn you on to the extent of just seeing her hair is an instant turn on. And maybe don’t remove your condom when you don’t know her that well?? As well as the obvious risk you could’ve gotten her pregnant, there’s also STI’s to worry about. You could’ve really fucked up this poor girl’s life for your own pleasure.

    I hope your wife left you because the normal reaction to feeling a lack of intimacy would be to have a discussion, go to therapy or break up, not cheat on her with a barely legal teenager.

  4. Your wife is the one with the job, but you give her cash and send her out on her way? Sure.

  5. As a 37 year old man recently divorced, I can say I’d love this encounter to happen to me sometime… damn…

  6. Ngl I liked the story, but the “skin was wrapped perfectly around her bones” was pretty creepy. Lmao. Thought it was about to switch from gone wild to serial killer for a second.

  7. This story is a combination of wildly inappropriate behavior, humor, and hotness overall. Well done!

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