I Didn’t Mean to Cheat [Pt 1]

“I am sorry sir. Because of the complications with the pandemic your flight has been rescheduled for tomorrow evening”

“Well, what am I supposed to do? Stay here? In the AIRPORT? All night?” I frantically asked gripping the edge of the podium separating me from the pretty Indian girl.

“Oh no sir. Wel will accommodate you. We have several passengers in the same boat” She responded clicking away at her computer. “Annndddd here we are. We have made you a reservation at a 5 Star Hotel. We have a shuttle bus that goes there every half hour” She said tugging a few pieces of paper off of her printer and handing them to me.

“So I just go to the shuttle? Then go check in? It doesn’t cost me anything?” I asked

“Oh no sir. The airport takes care of these sorts of things”

“Thanks” I mindlessly replied, while spinning on my heel and reading over the documents. After reading over all the important bits I tugged my cell phone out from my pants pocket and began scrolling through my contacts.

“Yea honey there is nothing I can do. I am stuck here for the night………. I know. I miss you too……….I really don’t know. The shuttle only goes to the hotel. So I am sure I will just get dinner there and maybe a small drink and wait for tomorrow……..Yea…….Okay well I will see you tomorrow at the airport………I love you too…….I will call you when I know more.”

As we hung up, I sat down on the bench outside of the airport. I tugged my mask down to my chin and finally breathed in some fresh air and then began to philfer around on Instagram. I had been up to Cincy for work. We were implementing a new GUI at work and since I was the youngest person that worked there, it was my job to go up there, learn it and then bring it back to teach everyone how to use it. It had been a long week and I was ready to get back home and sleep in my own bed. And the half chubbed cock between my legs was also ready to get home and curl up to my wife’s warm fat ass and find some release in her embrace .

Now what happened next. Was strictly an accident. I didn’t MEAN for it to happen. I didn’t travel for work with intentions to cheat on my wife. It was just something that happened. An aligning of stars , so to speak.

Through my peripherals I could see all the people scurrying about under the ill illuminated awning. I wasn’t really paying attention to who was coming and going but I was aware of them. A few walked. A few ran. Some sat. Some got up and left. The airport was a living breathing thing . It didn’t matter who came or who went. It just kept on keeping on. Now I wasn’t sure when she sat down originally. It was her scent I noticed first. That lingering sweet smell of perfume so casually crept up my shoulder and into my nostrils.

I shook my head and tried to dismiss it at first as I kept scrolling through insta. But it was still there. It was my dick that sensed it next. I could feel it limp against my inner thigh starting to creep to life. It was ever so slowly starting to swell and grow up my leg. That’s when I finally turned and looked. A short little soft bodied curvy woman sat there one row back and several seats over. Her curly blonde hair danced across her shoulders as she read her magazine. She was an older woman. I would guess the early 50’s. She was very curvy but I wouldn’t call her fat by any means. Her skin was a leathery brown that showed weather, such as little crows feet along her eyes. She certainly was pretty for a woman nearly 15 years older than I. But what stuck out to me the most were two things. First her lips. They were big pouty and adorned with red lipstick. I believe these were what they call “Kinda Lips” because they were the “kinda lips” you want wrapped around your cock.

I must have gawked too long because her eyebrows shot up, her head tilted and her eyes looked over at me. My lip curled up on one side as she read me over, then her lips pressed together and she gave a soft smile before I turned back and began to play with my phone again. “That’s going in the spank bank” I thought as I contemplated masturbating in that big nice hotel bed before going to sleep.

Another few minutes went by but that scent was still there. Everytime someone passed by I could feel it wafer up into my nose. It was starting to kindle a fire deep within my loins. It smelled fantastic. So subtle. So sweet. It was enough to drive any man wild, but me being nearly 10 days without the touch of a woman, made it even worse.

The brakes on the small bus squeaked and hissed as the small shuttle bus stopped in front of me. The door groaned as it opened up and I stood to my feet , taking my luggage in hand. A series of other people scattered about the seating area practicing their social distancing, stood too. Including my little crush.

Strategically I took my time getting in line on the bus. I wanted to ensure I was behind this woman as we climbed in and if possible , maybe get a seat near her. Part of my wish came true.

She was clutching her drag along suitcase as we formed a spaced out line into the bus. I luckily got right behind her as we waited. Her soft curvy body now at attention just a matter of 6 feet in front of me, give me a long hard look at her round fat peach shaped ass that was being held back by those tight denim jeans. God, what I wouldn’t give to slap or grab a handful of that.

We made it to the steps, and I watched as she took each stair up into the shuttle and disappeared into the darkness. I followed shortly after and made a quick scan of the bus to see if I could get beside her.

I could not.

To my dismay she was already on the back corner of the bus. Her face was illuminated by her phone that her thumbs were dancing across the screen of. Her head tilted up and she looked at me again for a second too long. I saw that lip curl up on one side just before she turned and gazed out the window. I took my seat closer to the front of the bus in the aisle.

Now maybe it was my imagination. Maybe it was just wishful thinking. But I SWEAR I could still smell her. Over the scent of body odor, or the stink of the bus it was there. It was so subtle. But I was craving it. I wanted to breathe it in more. It was making my mouth water for her.

The night was cool as the bus groaned and shook while it headed down the highway. It was kind of an interesting thing, being on a bus with total strangers, in a city you have never been in, going to a hotel that you have never seen.

My dick had just about forgotten about my little fantasy on the back of the bus until the hotel came into view. I will admit. It was much nicer than I had expected. She said it was 5 stars but I really didn’t believe her until now. The bus twisted and turned through the large driveway with shrubs and greenery scattered about. It was a large cubed building adorn with lots of lights and a very large awning at the drop off zone.

As soon as the bus came to a stop, I grabbed my bag and stood up. Between all the people doing the same I caught one more glimpse of this woman looking up at me as she gathered up belongings.

We all piled in and stood in line at the front desk. I greeted the woman at the desk, handed her my piece of paper about the same time this stranger stepped up to the desk 3 tellers over. I filled out my paperwork, but kept glancing over as she did the same.

“Here is your card key sir. You are in room 352” she said and handed me the card.

“Thank you” I said, nodding.

I tugged my luggage along and made my way to the elevator. I clicked my floor and waited. Just then the stranger stepped up beside me and looked up at the illuminated number above the elevator.

“Going to the third floor too?” she asked in a soft accent that I did not recognize. When she said it her lips puckered out as she said the word “too”. God, they were so suckable. I just wanted to kiss and chew on them while looking into her big green eyes.

“Ugh yea actually. I am in room 352” I said looking back down at my card.

“Ohhh we are neighbors then, no? I am in room 356”

The elevator dinged and the door slid open.

“After you” I motioned with my hand.

She tucked her hair behind her ear, and blushed a little as she climbed into the elevator dragging her luggage. I followed suit and would be lying if I didn’t say I checked out that fat ass again as she passed.

The elevator closed and it was just the two of us. I felt the excitement tingling in my loins. That scent came flooding back into my nose. And my cock began to stir again.

“You ugh…….smell really nice” I finally broke the awkward silence

She chuckled and again tucked her hair back , embarrassed . “Thank you”

“So why are you traveling?”

“Oh just work has me going from place to place overseeing a few places ….”

“What kind of work ?” I asked before she finished.

She named off some sort of beauty and cosmetic company that I had heard of before but didn’t actually know anything about. “Oh really? That’s neat. You look like you work in beauty”

She blushed again, and nodded just about the time the elevator chimed again and the door slid open.

“Well good-bye” she said stepping out tugging her luggage.

Once again, I had to check out that round backside sway back and forth tempting me as she walked. I grabbed my luggage and began to follow her, keeping back my 6-8 feet but watching her hips wag back and forth with each step.

When I came to my room I slid my key through the slot and looked over as she did the same. She smiled at me one more time, then waved goodbye as we both headed into our respected rooms.

“Ummmm I’ll have the……cobb sssalad” I slurred to the bartender an hour later , as I looked over the lackluster menu. And can I have another rum and coke please?”

“Yes sir” he said typing away on this computer for a moment , then placing another glass on the counter in front of me. First the rum…….then he shot the coke in.

“Thank you” I nodded and then sipped at the glass. I really didn’t like cobb salad…….I honestly didn’t even know what a cobb salad was. But nothing else on the menu looked at all remotely satisfying.

My head was already getting heavy after the first drink. I drank it way too fast on this empty stomach but I really didn’t care. I was in a hotel, so there was no real trouble I could get into. I would just drink until I was drunk and then head back to the room , masturbate and then pass out.

I took one more gulp of my drink and just as the horizon of the glass came down I saw her again. She had just taken her seat at the bar across from me. Her eyes locked on mine and her face lit up, as her eyes mouthed the words “Hey!”. She leaned over and patted the empty seat next to her, gesturing for me to come over.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i4vwd5/i_didnt_mean_to_cheat_pt_1