[FM] [FMMM] [Group] [20F] fucked my way across Europe for a semester – Part 4

Read parts [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hwron7/group_fmmm_i_20f_fucked_my_way_across_europe_for/), [two](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hxdiwx/fm_m_i_20f_fucked_my_way_across_europe_for_a/), and three here.

I took several steps back and sat on the foot of the bed, my heart clenching. Fuck. We had just crossed a line. Several lines. The lines probably weren’t even visible in our rear-view mirror. “Charlie — I’m so sorry,” I whispered.

He kept staring at the ceiling, his cock softening as he stood there, leaning against the door. “S’not your fault,” he murmured, brushing the back of his hand under his nose and sniffing, his eyes still watering, “I wanted this. I encouraged it.”

Guilt tightened in my chest. I have never claimed to be a perfect person. I helped my then-best friend cheat on every single one of her high school boyfriends and justified it by saying it “didn’t count” because we were both women. I went down on a friend maybe an hour before she gave her wedding vows. But I had never helped a man cheat on a woman. It felt different. Call it sexism, call it homophobia. But engaging in heterosexual contact with a man who had a girlfriend felt worse than my previous forays into being the other woman. Even if it had only been for a moment. A part of me wondered if I would still feel as guilty if he hadn’t expressed regret.

My vision blurred. I grabbed my sundress and threw it on, covering myself. I felt dirty. As Charlie finally began dressing himself, I grabbed my shitty hostel towel and keys and shoved my feet in my shower shoes. “I need to get cleaned up,” I murmured, tears threatening to spill down my cheeks.

He paused, one foot sliding into in his shorts in the air and the other on the ground. He hopped to the side to let me open the door. We didn’t make eye contact. I padded down the hallway and pushed through the door to the showers, hating myself. Barely keeping it together, I picked a stall at random and thanked the gods that there was no one in the room to hear me cry if the dam broke. I stripped and hung up my dress on one hook and towel on another. Punching the button that only allowed a water stream for maybe one minute and was always inexplicably frigid, I braced myself. Cheap ass hostels and their cheap ass showers.

The cold water was admittedly refreshing after my hot day wandering through London, but I still wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. I washed myself quickly, disgust flowing through my body as I felt how wet my pussy still was. What a horrible fucking person I was. I scrubbed against my tongue, trying to forget the taste of Charlie’s cum. The shower turned itself off and I stood there, shivering, my nipples painfully tight from the cold and goosebumps erupting on every inch of my skin. Grabbing my towel and my dirty clothes, I ran back to my room and shut the door. Thankfully, Charlie wasn’t there. I dried off and threw on a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans before heading over to the boys’ room.

Gabriel answered my soft knock, his brow knitting together when he saw my expression. “What’s wrong?”

“I think something from the market made me sick. I’m going to stay in tonight. You guys have fun.”

“Do you want someone to stay with you?” Lucas called over from deeper in the room.

“No no, go enjoy yourselves. I’ll see you for breakfast tomorrow.”

Turning on my heel, I walked swiftly back to my room. I figured out a way to fit all my purchases into my luggage and began to read my shitty book again, waves of self-loathing intermittently crashing over me. About an hour into my self-imposed exile, there was a knock on the door. “Yeah?” I called out.

Lucas opened the door. “You and Charlie are both being weird. Did something happen?”

“Kind of, yeah,” I admitted, putting down my book, “But I didn’t want to involve you guys.”

“Too late, I’m involved,” he laughed, “Can you please come hang out with us?”

I smiled sadly at him. “I’m a little too tired to be around a big group of people. But you’re welcome to stay here with me.”

He flushed and smiled. I laughed and scooted over, rolling on my side and flipping back the covers welcomingly. He crawled in next to me, wrapping his lanky form around me from behind and tucking his chin over my shoulder. “You really like him, don’t you?” he asked softly after a brief silent moment.

“Yeah,” I whispered, “But he has a girlfriend. And is being frustratingly unclear about his boundaries.”

Lucas kissed me on the cheek and squeezed me tighter. “I can talk to him,” he offered.

“Do NOT get involved,” I laughed, “I’m trying really hard to not have it effect your and Gabriel’s friendships with him.”

“Ok,” he chuckled.

The door opened, and my Australian roommate walked in, stopping short when she saw us. “Oh fuck!” she laughed, starting to back out of the room, “Sorry, sorry.”

“Nothing’s happening,” I called after her, pulling back the covers to show that both Lucas and I were fully dressed.

Lucas shot out of the bed, his face returning to his now customary shade of bright red. “I’ll just, uh…” he stuttered, and then he left without finishing his sentence.

My roommate and I locked eyes and laughed as soon as the door clicked shut behind him. “He’s shy,” I explained, “But he’s a sweetheart.”

She held her hands up placatingly. “No judgment here.”

After some initial awkwardness, she and I passed the rest of the afternoon chatting and getting to know each other, and we grabbed takeout together at a local Indian place before heading back to eat in the common area. Her name was Ella, and she was just starting a six month travel spree with London as her first stop. The evening was then spent sharing food, playing foosball against other hostel guests, and shooting the shit. Ella was wicked funny and more than happy to teach me some Australian slang, and I found myself really appreciating the opportunity to spend time with another woman after over a week of hanging out with only guys. We went to bed around the same time, and I fell asleep with a smile on my face, though I had some lingering guilt.

The next morning, Ella and I slapped our plates down next to Lucas’s and Gabriel’s at breakfast. I introduced them quickly and then turned to Lucas as Gabriel began asking a million questions about the poisonous spiders native to Australia. “Where’s Charlie?” I whispered.

“Still in the room,” Lucas murmured, “Gabriel and I have to head out by 5. Do you think you can convince him to hang out with us until then?”

“We’ll see,” I winced, feeling guilty that I hadn’t spent their last night with them, “Come up to the room after you’re done eating?”

He nodded. I wolfed down my food and said my goodbyes to the group before heading upstairs to the boys’ room. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door. “It’s unlocked,” Charlie called out.

I slipped through the door and closed it behind me. He looked down at me from his top bunk and froze, dropping his phone on his bed. “Hey,” he said softly.

“Hi,” I said simply, “We need to get over ourselves and hang out with Lucas and Gabriel before they leave. Once they’re gone, you can go back to ignoring me.”

“Ignoring you?” he repeated incredulously, “I thought you were ignoring me! You ran out of your room yesterday and then didn’t come to dinner. I avoided breakfast today to be polite to you.”

I laughed embarrassedly and smacked a palm against my face, my cheeks burning. “Cool, so we’ve both been idiots.”

“Sounds on brand,” he chuckled, climbing down the bunk ladder.

We both took a deep breath and looked at each other, silently agreeing not to move any closer. After a pregnant pause, he began to speak. “I’m not justifying my actions. But my girlfriend and I have problems. We’ve known each other practically since birth and have been dating since school and our families love each other, but we haven’t had sex in over a year. She won’t talk to me. She won’t tell me what I can do better. And then you came along and you’re, well, you, and you made me laugh and you are so fucking sexy, and you clearly wanted me too. I’m only human.”

“Why don’t you just break up with her?”

“’Bout six months after the last time we had sex, her dad died. I didn’t want to leave her in the middle of all that. I’ve been her main support system for years. I’m waiting to make sure she can stand on her own before pulling the rug out from under her, d’you know what I mean?”

“I guess can understand that,” I admitted.

There was a brief pause. “Are we cool?” he asked.

“Yeah, but I’m gonna need you to figure your shit out. You know I want to fuck you, so it’s up to you to set your boundaries and then stick to them.”

“Ok,” he whispered, “I don’t want to cheat on her. But I also don’t think it counts much as cheating if I’m planning on ending things anyway?”

“It’s your relationship, man. I’m not going to tell you what to do or how to feel.”

“But I think having sex would be crossing a line even I’m not comfortable with.”

“So what wouldn’t be crossing a line in your mind?” I asked, leaning against the door.

“I’m not gonna kiss you. And I’m not gonna fuck you. But I want you in every possible other way we can think of.”

My heart pounded in my chest. This was wrong. But it wasn’t my relationship. Did I have an obligation to his unknown girlfriend to call this off? Or was I helping him end things with her by giving him an outlet and showing him what he was missing in a stagnant, sexless relationship? “Like what?” I whispered challengingly.

Charlie’s gaze darkened. He swiftly crossed the room until his body was pinning mine against the door. He placed his palms on the wood, his arms framing my face, and kissed down my neck, the feeling of his warm mouth on my skin making my pussy flood. I let out a quiet sigh and leaned into him, needing more. His arms immediately wrapped around me, his hands wandering across my back, my ass, his fingers squeezing my ass cheeks once roughly before gliding around my body and up my shirt to cup my tits. He kissed my cheek and then pressed his forehead against mine, his fingers teasing my nipples through my bra. I let out soft sighs at his movements, my hands grabbing his lower back to pull him closer to me. Yanking the cups of my bra down to expose my tits, he then pulled my blouse up and off me. “Oh my god,” he groaned softly, dipping his face down to scrape his teeth against each nipple in turn.

He pushed my tits together and swirled his tongue around my nipples, his hands massaging my breasts as he teased me. His eyes met mine as he flicked his tongue against my hardened nipples. My pussy ached, needing him. “Please, Charlie,” I moaned.

He released me and spun me around before pushing my torso forward, my hands bracing me against the door as he ground his hard cock against my ass through our clothes. “You have no idea how much I want to fuck you,” he whispered.

I whimpered. He stepped back, flipped up my skirt, pulled my panties to the side, and plunged two warm fingers into my dripping cunt without warning, letting out a soft groan of longing as he stretched me. “Fuck!” he laughed breathily, “Gabriel wasn’t lying. Your pussy is so fucking tight.”

“You can fuck me if you change your mind,” I whispered, my hips desperately pushing back against his fingers as he set a torturously slow rhythm, “Imagine that pussy gripping your cock.”

“I don’t have a condom,” he murmured regretfully.

“I don’t care,” I replied honestly.

He let out a slow hiss of breath as he contemplated it. “I want you to cum at least once before I decide,” he whispered, picking up the pace.

My soft gasps and moans filled the room, joining the lewd, wet sounds of his fingers vigorously fucking my dripping cunt. His other hand reached around and slipped under my panties to rub my clit. He placed warm, gentle kisses up my back to my shoulders, his hot breath fanning across my skin as he pleasured me. “You’re so fucking wet,” he groaned, resting his forehead against my shoulder, “I might cum just from touching you.”

“That’s just because you haven’t gotten laid in a year,” I teased, my voice shaking as I got closer and closer to orgasming.

He laughed quietly and kissed up my back roughly. “I can’t believe I’m the last of the lads to do this with you,” he whispered in my ear, biting down on the earlobe harder than necessary, “I want to make you forget any of them even exist.”

“Charlie, I’m close,” I moaned.

His fingers kept working me consistently, my orgasm swiftly overtaking me and making me shake against the door, my knees buckling as I moaned out his name. “Oh my god,” he groaned, his pounding and rubbing not missing a single beat even as I spasmed, “I can feel your cunt cumming against my fingers.”

“Don’t stop,” I begged.

He prolonged my orgasm with his movements until I grabbed his arms to stop him, my clit so sensitive that I flinched roughly with each subsequent touch. Immediately, he wrapped his arms around me and held me from behind, pressing firm kisses from my shoulder up my neck. I panted roughly, my hands gripping his forearms. “You cum so easily,” he laughed softly, scraping his teeth against my skin.

“How much effort does it usually take?”

He released me enough to let me turn around in his embrace and wrap my arms around his lower back. His lips brushed against my forehead. “I’ve actually never been able to get my girlfriend to finish,” he admitted, “She doesn’t know what she likes, and she’s never been able to guide me. I’ve tried everything.”

“Jesus. And you’ve been dating for like three years?”

He nodded and rested his cheek against the top of my head. “I didn’t have problems with girls with before her. But I was just at my wit’s end with her, you know? It started fucking with my confidence.”

I couldn’t exactly blame her for not having sex with him in a year if they had never been able to get her to finish, but it struck me as odd that she didn’t know how to get herself off either. Whatever. It wasn’t my business. “That’s tough,” I whispered, squeezing him tighter, “Clearly it’s not an issue with your technical skills. Some people just need different things. Like therapy. Or a different partner.”

He laughed softly and released me. “Sorry,” he murmured embarrassedly, “I didn’t mean to immediately talk about my girlfriend as soon as you came.”

“It’s not ideal, but I get it,” I smiled softly, rubbing his arm.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

“For what?”

“For not judging me.”

“Relationships are tough. Especially when you started dating before you were old enough to have a solid sense of self. I’m not going to judge something I don’t know the whole story about.”

Charlie’s expression shifted. He leaned his face towards mine as if he were about to kiss me, but he turned at the last second to press his lips to my cheek. Embarrassed, he muttered something about washing his hands as he kissed me again on the cheek and guided me away from the door, giving me a moment to rearrange my clothing and then propping the door open so he didn’t have to track down his keys. I sat down on one of the lower bunk beds as he left and smiled to myself. Twinges of guilt still occasionally appeared, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I feared it would be. Maybe I was doing them both a favor by helping move their breakup along. Or maybe I was being a selfish bitch.

Lucas and Gabriel returned seconds before Charlie did, all three of them pausing in the doorway and gesturing forward to indicate another one should go first. I rolled my eyes. Idiots. “Everyone good?” Gabriel asked as he finally pushed the other two aside and walked through the door.

“Everyone’s good,” I confirmed, “And we’re sorry for being weird. Please proceed as if nothing went wrong.”

“Good,” he smiled, “Because I don’t want to spend my last day in this stuffy, wet country having to deal with other people’s bullshit.”

Charlie pushed him on the shoulder and began gathering his wallet, keys, and other supplies for the day. Lucas sat down opposite me on the other bottom bunk. “Fair enough,” I laughed, getting up, “Where do you want to go for your last adventure? We should probably head out soon if you still want to go all the way downtown.”

With a smirk, Gabriel locked the door. “Who said I want to head out yet?”

A small smile grew on my lips. “What did you have in mind?” I asked, my eyes flickering to Charlie’s.

He smirked and walked over to Gabriel. The boys conferred secretively for a moment. Lucas and I made eye contact, both of us shrugging. Gabriel laughed softly and finally turned to me. “May I make a request for my last day in the country?”

“Yeah, but I obviously reserve the right to say no.”

“Of course. I uh, I enjoy, um–”

I raised my eyebrows and laughed. “For the first time in your life, you’re lost for words?” I teased, sinking back down on the bed.

He flushed and waved me off. “It is difficult sometimes to discuss these things in front of other men,” he insisted, laughing at himself, “But I would like to cum on your tits.”

I couldn’t stop myself from giggling. “Gabriel, that’s like, the most normal, vanilla fantasy. You don’t have to be weird about asking for that.”

“And then I would like to watch Lucas and Charlie cum on you as well.”

“Oh! Ok, yeah, that’s more of what I was expecting. Um, yeah, that’s fine. But you guys will have to wait for me to shower afterwards.”


“You want me to walk around with your cum on me all day, don’t you?”

He laughed and nodded. I rolled my eyes and joined in his laughter. “I will never understand men’s obsession with their own jizz,” I sighed, “But yes. Because it’s your last day.”

Gabriel walked over to the bed and knelt in front of me, taking both my hands in his. “Lily, you are making me a very happy man.”

“I would have thought you’ve done this before.”

He dropped my hands to glide his fingers up my thighs, pushing up my skirt as he went. I leaned back and propped myself up on my elbows to watch. “I have cum on a woman before,” he whispered, “But not with other men.”

I shrugged and lifted my hips so he could pull off my panties. “Whatever floats your boat, man,” I laughed.

Gabriel pushed his face between my thighs and flicked his tongue around my entrance, groaning softly when he realized how wet I was. Lucas got up from the other bed and crawled in next to me, ducking under the top bunk and capturing my lips with his. Our tongues tangled together, and one of his hands reached up to tease and pull at my nipples. I moaned softly into his mouth and ground my pussy against Gabriel’s face. His tongue retreated for a moment, and then a wider tongue pushed briefly into my dripping cunt.

Moaning, I broke the kiss with Lucas to see that Charlie had knelt next to Gabriel and took over, his dark face framed by my pale thighs as he slid his tongue up from my entrance, buried his nose into my mound, and lapped enthusiastically at my clit. Lucas began kissing down my neck. Gabriel rested a hand on Charlie’s shoulder, and Charlie retreated to allow him to take back over. The two boys took turns teasing my pussy, their tongues swirling around my clit, pushing past my entrance, and nibbling at my labia with competing force and style. Was this why men fantasized about two women sucking them at once? I felt like a delicious treat, a tasty dessert that they wanted nothing more than to devour. Lucas pulled off my blouse, and I unhooked and removed my bra. He resumed kissing me, his soft, tentative tongue massaging mine even as my pussy was lovingly explored by two other ones.

An orgasm grew, and I broke the kiss with Lucas to watch as Gabriel finally pushed two fingers inside me. “I’m gonna cum,” I moaned breathlessly, “Please go faster.”

Lucas captured my lips again, and Charlie climbed onto the bed on my other side to flick his tongue against my nipples, one of his hands teasing at my other nipple and drawing out soft mewling noises even as I kissed Lucas. Gabriel brought one of my thighs over his shoulder and pounded my pussy with his fingers, his tongue flicking rapidly against my clit. My left hand instinctively grabbed the back of his head, pushing his face harder against my cunt as my other hand tangled into Charlie’s dark hair. My orgasm quickly overtook me, my body curling in on itself roughly as my legs shook, and I moaned loudly against Lucas’s lips. After a few moments, Gabriel slowed his movements and stopped, pressing wet kisses against my inner thigh.

He retreated, and Lucas and Charlie both released me to allow me to get off of the bed. Gabriel brushed back my hair and kissed me softly, allowing me to taste myself as he gently slid his tongue into my mouth. The sounds of clothes being removed reached my ears, and I quickly helped Gabriel out of his pants and briefs as he whipped off his shirt. Someone pulled my skirt and panties down from behind, trailing firm kisses from my shoulder, down my back, and stopping at my ass. The mystery person then pushed their face between my cheeks, his tongue swirling against my asshole and then pushing inside. I let out a yelp of surprise and pleasure and bent forward, breaking the kiss with Gabriel to wrap my arms around him to hold myself upright. Charlie came into my line of vision, which meant that it was Lucas’s tongue that was insistently exploring my ass. Charlie smiled at me, his hand slowly tugging on his hard cock as he watched.

Keeping one arm wrapped around Gabriel’s shoulders, I kissed Gabriel fiercely and brought a hand down to roughly jerk his cock. Lucas’s tongue slowed and retreated. He trailed kisses back up my body until he reached my ear. “Can I fuck your arse?” he asked softly, “I’ve never done it before.”

“Yes, but you’ll need someone to show you how to prep,” I whispered, making meaningful eye contact with Gabriel.

Gabriel winked, kissed me on the cheek, and walked over to his packed suitcase to grab the lube. Lucas followed behind him, quietly asking questions. Charlie and I locked eyes. He brushed my hair away from my face and cupped my cheek with his hand, softly brushing his other thumb across my lower lip. My eyes flickered down to his lips, but he didn’t kiss me. Instead, he held our naked bodies together in a tight hug. My heart clenched slightly, and I tried not to feel cheap or guilty or whatever other emotions were battling somewhere between my stomach and my pussy. Fuck it. I pressed firm kisses to his neck and down his chest, his arms releasing me as I gradually lowered myself to my knees and took his cock in my mouth.

Charlie let out a soft groan as I slowly pushed my face down the length of his erection, docking his tip at the entrance to my throat as my hand covered the remaining skin that I couldn’t fit in my mouth. I looked up at him, watching with pride as pleasure washed over his handsome face. “Lily,” he whispered, holding back my hair in his fist, “fuck.”

I bobbed my head rapidly on his cock as Lucas and Gabriel began slowly, methodically lubricating my ass, their gentle touches and soft murmurs exciting me even more. I heard both of them open and put on condoms, and then a cock was pushing into my ass. It pumped inside me a couple times and then retreated. Another cock slid into my ass. They traded off like that for a couple minutes: sometimes fucking me rapidly and sometimes giving me slow, languid thrusts. Charlie alternated between watching me suck his cock and watching the other boys fuck my ass. His expression was unreadable. Was he jealous? Or turned on?

Gabriel let out a soft curse in French behind me and began pounding into me. He smacked my ass a couple times as he fucked me roughly, groaning my name once loudly before pulling out, standing next to Charlie in front of me, ripping off the condom, and cumming on my tits. I withdrew from Charlie’s cock to watch, jerking him with my hand as I smiled up at Gabriel. “Can I fuck your pussy?” Lucas asked behind me.

“Put on a new condom,” I ordered, turning back to Charlie as Gabriel smiled at me, pinched my cheek, and retreated to watch.

Charlie got down on his knees and guided my face back to his cock by my hair. Lucas returned soon after and slid slowly into my pussy, both of us moaning softly. I placed one hand on the ground for balance, grabbed Charlie’s ass, and pulled him rhythmically to indicate he should set the pace. He began fucking my mouth with shallow thrusts, his breathing getting heavier. Lucas picked up his pace and pounded into me, one of his hands gripping my waist for leverage as the other slid around my body to rub my clit. I reached down to help him touch me the way I needed. In no time, I was cumming around Lucas’s cock, my loud moans getting stuck in my throat as Charlie continued fucking my mouth.

Lucas groaned and thrusted through my orgasm, pulling out soon after and following Gabriel’s lead in cumming on my tits. I laughed softly and angled myself to show Gabriel. He smiled at me, his gaze darkening. I turned back to Charlie. His eyes traveled down and up my cum-covered tits. He gently lowered my back to the floor and knelt beside me, jerking his cock over me as we locked eyes. I smiled softly at him and nodded. A couple more pumps and he was spraying cum across my torso, his thick ropes mixing with Gabriel’s and Lucas’s on my skin.

We all paused for a moment. Our loud breathing filled the room. Charlie and I held each other’s gaze. Without warning, he bent over and kissed me softly, sweetly, the gentle movements of his lips seemingly incongruent with the raunchiness of what had just happened. I tangled a hand into his hair and responded enthusiastically, deepening the kiss and slowly slipping my tongue into his mouth. After a moment, he pulled back. “Sorry,” he laughed, “Couldn’t help myself.”

I smiled up at him. Was he going to blow through every single one of his boundaries for me? Did I care? Gabriel helped me upright and kissed me on the cheek. “The perfect end to the perfect trip,” he whispered, “Thank you.”

Right. Shit. Gabriel and Lucas were leaving. But Charlie wasn’t. Charlie was staying in the hostel with me for another week. And then we were going to be taking classes at the same university for a semester. With his girlfriend. Fuck. How the fuck was this going to work out?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i53b8i/fm_fmmm_group_20f_fucked_my_way_across_europe_for


  1. I have been waiting for your next story and no doubt it delivered far more than expected. Still not sure how you get us all more caught up in the non sex parts of your story.

  2. i fucking knew he was gonna kiss you!! charlie must be very very bad at new years resolutions. wonderfully done as always, i shall begrudgingly wait another week (or however long you need :) for another fantastic installment

  3. oh. my. god.

    your story telling is strong, and characters are even stronger. I’m rooting for charlie to bust through those boundaries!

  4. Hopefully this all worked out with you helping his girlfriend finish. And finish and finish and finish.


    also low key educational lmao love that you included condom changing for PIA and PIV the sex-literate queen we stan

  6. The whole, “ignoring you, ignoring me?” bit is painfully English and something I and people I know have done so many times we’re an awful people

    I’m almost disappointed the other guys are leaving (I mean left, years ago, but we’re getting this as kind of a delayed timeline) but excited to see where this keeps going, even if I do miss hearing about the love sex between you and H man a bit

  7. ??????

    If you ever come to the UK again – we need to meet and you need to show me all these “Lily fucked here” hotspots ?

    Also – wow – and I thought I had been with men that were shit at keeping their own boundaries….

    What the fuck was he was doing? Asking for drama and heartbreak???

  8. HOTTEST ENTRY YET! Wooooooooooooooooooo! ????????????
    Girl, I don’t understand men’s obsession with seeing their cum on a woman either, but I’M obsessed with it as well and I’m not sure why *I* find it hot! Makes me go running for a mirror! ?

    OMG please tell me the Australian girl is the next flag you added to your collection! ?? ?

  9. Such an awesome story! I always love how your stories are both hot and genuine. It may be fucked up how quickly Charlie broke his own boundaries for you, but I bet it was flattering too. I’m very curious what happened once you, Charlie and his girlfriend started school.

    It’s interesting that you wrote the stories in the order you did because it’s very interesting to compare how much more emotionally aware and mature Henry is than Charlie was.

  10. I’m literally hooked by the relationship dynamics. The sex is top notch writing but wanting to know what happens next has me coming back

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