The time I 24[M] got with the 18[F] daughter at the house I was working at and painting PART 3

Reading ([part 1](
and ([part 2]( Are an absolute must before reading this Part 3.

In Part 1, Brittany and I went down on each other. In Part 2, was sneaky, slow sex.

I can remember so many small details of my interactions with Brittany. I can remember some important conversations that dropped my jaw or led to something hot happening. But there were days in between and weekends and uneventful days of just working while she was at school and an after school activity. Plus there were weekends and we only worked occasional Saturdays when a job was near complete. Remember that I only had help my first few days there and this house was a mini mansion with lots of detail work. This job probably took more than 3 weeks start to finish as I look back on it.

I want to say it was a few work days after the slow fucking while she was suspended that this odd conversation took place. I was painting her father’s big home office. He was at his desk while I was working in there. I actually really liked the guy. Super down to earth. He had cool baseball memorabilia and good stories to go along with each piece. He enjoyed talking and laughing with me too. He even said a few times “I’m only sorta working today. I’m mostly hanging out with you.”

So, we are only a few days removed from me fucking this guys much younger daughter while he wasn’t home and behind his mother’s back. We were talking about nothing in particular at the time. Out of nowhere, he says “You know, Brittany won’t shut up about you. My wife actually said to her last night at dinner to shut up. Yes the painter is cute. Yes he will be here tomorrow. But he’s not here to see you.”

Guys. I was scared. I was pissed at her immediately. I was also for the first time sizing this guy up. I’m thinking he’s a little bigger than me and a little overweight. He’s knees are probably weak because of that. I’ll kick his knee in from the side and crack him over the head with this rolling pole if he lunges at me. This was all in the matter of a second. My back was to him because I was rolling the wall opposite him.

I said “Oh that’s funny.” I just kept working. I didn’t know how much she let out. Then I was shocked at the next thing he said. He almost immediately follows that up with “Would you ever consider dating my daughter? My wife and I think you’re great. You’re a hard worker and very respectful. We haven’t liked any of the guys she’s ever introduced us to.”

I was in shock. I loosened the grip I had on the rolling pole now knowing I wasn’t going to try to break this guy’s skull with it. I said “I appreciate the compliments man. She’s adorable and she’s very nice to me. But I have a girlfriend. Plus our age difference is too far of a span to make up. I can’t really see us having anything in common. I go to bars a few times a week with a few dangerous, heavy hitters and she’s home cramming for some final that could help get her into college. I’m honored man. I just don’t see how it could possibly work out.” He said “Yeah. I told my wife last night when she asked if I thought you’d be interested that I thought you had told me you had a girlfriend.” I said “ Yeah. It’s probably just a harmless little crush that’ll end when the paint job ends.” Whew! Crisis averted!

I probably just went back to painting and we probably talked about baseball or the “good old days” before he had kids. Again, he was a really cool guy and I would still remember him as an awesome customer even if all this craziness hadn’t gone down.

Before the next time we would hook up, Brittany did some real risky stuff. I was turned on by the things she was doing. But I also wanted to slap her for being so stupid out in the open. I mean, we had committed the perfect crime only a week or so ago. Now I was worried she would get us busted on some dumb shit.

One of the times, I was back upstairs grabbing a tool. Her mom called up to me from the kitchen to ask advice on a color choice. I leaned over that same handrail I used to check for her Grandmom to be in the recliner. Brittany was in that chair now. I told her I’d be right down to help. Brittany looked up, and pulled just the front of her shorts and underwear down to show me the top of her pussy and made a kissy face at me.

Another time, both her parents were downstairs in the basement that they were finishing with a carpet company owner. She came down from upstairs. I was painting in the kitchen. She was wearing a towel around her body and a towel over her wet hair. She said “Where are my parents?” I said ,”the basement looking at carpet samples.” She immediately opened her towel and did these small jumps where her feet didn’t really leave the ground or make noise but her tits bounced and jiggled. It was hot but I said “Yo. Get the fuck out of here with that.” She scampered away like some kid that had just gotten swatted on the ass. She was nuts. I loved it.

I think it helped that I was so dismissive of her dad asking if I was interested in Brittany. It probably helped that I referred to it as a harmless crush. They weren’t ever trying to correct her or interfere when she would find silly reasons to talk to me or hang around near where I was working. Seemed like once I dismissed the idea with good reason behind it, they had no concerns (assuming they ever did).

This job was finally winding down. On a Friday afternoon I asked the guy if I could put in a half day of work on Saturday to get us a little closer to the finish. He said that was fine. He said the garage will be unlocked. He said he and his wife would be taking his other daughter to see her real father many states away for the day. Over the course of the job he told me that the other girl wasn’t really his daughter. She was his niece. But her mom had passed away from drug abuse and her dad was still using drugs but a decent guy overall. He also said Brittany would be gone before I arrived too. She had a horseback riding lesson and was going to her friends house for the day right after her lesson.

It was good knowing the house would be empty. I fucked my girlfriend before getting out of bed. I took my time getting into work. I smoked out of my bowl the entire 30 minute ride there.

I arrived a little later than normal. All was well. I remember having no business being upstairs anymore because I was done painting up there. But I went up and looked into Brittany’s room from the hallway remembering that slow fuck session in my high as a kite stupor. This was only for a minute or two and it was time to go down and start painting.

I was on one of the last rooms in the house at this point. I had been working steadily for about 20 minutes in the dining room. That’s when I heard the automatic garage door opener I had been using for the past few weeks. After a minute of wondering what they forgot…you guessed it. In walks Brittany.

She was wearing the tight, off white horseback riding pants with the black boots that go above the calf to almost the knee. She had a white tshirt on with it. Not that riding jacket or blazer. She looked a little worn out and a little sweaty.

I said “What happened to you?” She told me she told her instructor she had a terrible migraine all night and that she didn’t feel safe riding. Then she walked the two miles home and it was hot out. I remember saying “that’s a shame you get migraines.” She smiled and said “I don’t. But I knew you’d be here.”

We talked about nothing in particular for a few minutes. I was glad she was home. But I was so fucking stoned and I was in a pretty decent work groove. It didn’t help that she looked ridiculous in those pants and boots. I wasn’t into them. She said she needed to shower from the walk and to wake up more.

I just kept working. I had arrived a little late. I was probably working slower than my usual pace because of the weed. I knew I’d be fucking around with her at some point. I was just trying to get a few things done.

She came down a bit later with her hair still damp. She was wearing cotton gray shorts that may have been cut from former pants into these pussy hugger shorts. You could see the loose cotton tassels hanging from them. She had on a white babydoll tshirt with no bra.

She went into the kitchen. She grabbed a glass of water. I was still in the dining room up on a ladder. She walked past me and sat on this brown leather decorative couch that was facing me and the dining room. She put the water on the hardwood floor and lifted her bare feet up onto the couch so that her heels were just dug into the cushion supporting her legs.

I asked her if she had any idea of when her parents would be home and if it was possible they would be mad that she skipped her riding lesson. She basically said they probably wouldn’t know. If they did, how can she be in trouble for having a migraine? That they wouldn’t be home until after dinner time. That when I left she was still going to go over her friends house like she was supposed to but she’d just be a little bit late. I felt reassured at this point. I got off of my ladder to concentrate more on talking to her.

Her legs were now spread somewhat and she was opening and shutting her legs slightly. Like if you were sitting around waiting for something, you’d do this to pass the time. But her right pussy lip was peeking out of her shorts the slightest bit each time she opened her legs.

I don’t know what we were talking about. I don’t care either. I was zoning off into staring at that lip. I was standing a few feet from her when I purposely dropped to my knees for a better angle. She stopped talking and kept slightly opening and shutting her legs. I walked closer on my knees about a foot. I watched her pussy peek in and out a few more times. I said “more”. She misunderstood and pulled her shorts all the way to one side. I meant to open wider. But it was fine. Her pussy was now completely bald and free of that little landing strip she had the first time.

I crawled the other foot or two to her and just stared at it for a few seconds. I remember just inside her right pussy lip, was a small piece of cotton from her shorts that must’ve broken off when she was opening and shutting her legs. I moved her shorts back to cover her hole and clit. I pulled them up tightly and gently separated her pussy lips so that they were puffed around the shorts in the center. I went back and forth sucking on her pussy lips giving them gentle kisses to straight up biting them till she would make little shrieks. That’s when I’d release and go back to gentle kisses and build up the pressure. I was still stoned and zoned out in this little game of tease. I started eating her pussy without eating her pussy by going over the shorts in the center the same way I would go down on her but without moving them or being skin on skin.

I didn’t get to lick her pussy (which I love to do). While I was still teasing her, she said “Are you going to fuck me hard this time? I need to be fucked hard.”

She was obviously a dirty little girl. I knew that. But I also thought she was a natural sub. I’ve always been dominant. As sexy as it was to hear, it annoyed me.

I grabbed the top of her pussy hard, above the clit on her mound in an almost fist. I said “You need me to fuck this hard, you fucking cunt?” She wasn’t fazed. Her eyes were crazed. She said “yeah. Get up here and fuck me hard. I want to see it glide.”

As I got up to pull down my pants, she positioned herself so that her head was propped up like last time by using the low arm rest of the couch. My knee knocked over the glass of water across the hardwood floor. Neither of us even looked down to see it.

She opened her right leg and rested her right foot on the floor to make room for me to fit in between. My cock was so hard that my big headed dick was fucking purple.

I ripped off her shorts that were soaked with her juices and my saliva. I pushed my cock all the way into her on first thrust. I wanted to stay in deep and stretch her out. I still had my girlfriend on me from earlier that morning.

Brittany had other hopes for this. She pushed me off by my ribs until my cock head was almost leaving her lips and pulled me back in. She wanted to watch herself get fucked. I was ok with that. But I didn’t like that it wasn’t my idea. So, I pulled her hair with both hands to bottom out into her again for a few deep thrusts. I pull hair the right way. It’s a control thing. It’s not to hurt her. I ran my fingers along her scalp and grabbed her damp hair close to the roots. I needed to reestablish control.

After some deep thrusts and deep kissing-first kisses since this started I leaned back. She rolled her hips back and lifted her legs up so that her legs were up in the air a bit. I planted both my hands on the underside of her thighs and used them to push myself slowly almost all the way out where you could see the rim of my head and slam all the way back in. This was what she wanted. She was watching us fuck. So was I. She got vocal. Each time I would plunge back in she would say “c’mon, c’mon,c’mon, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.” This was to the rhythm of every thrust into her. It was super sexy. The smacking of my balls against her ass was like the loud smacking of two pieces of meat colliding.

Eventually I grabbed a pillow from the other side of the couch. The leather couch was gripping our skin at this point from sweat. I slid the pillow under her ass because I remembered from the first time fingering her and licking her that her favorite spot was up top and a little deeper than most.

With her ass and pussy propped up from the pillow, I was able to set myself back a bit and aim my thrusts upward right into her spot. I kept probably two inches of my length outside of her so I could make rapid taps against her spot and we could both watch it while it was happening. When her breathing turned to panting, I moved up a bit to go a tiny bit deeper, pushed back the hood of her clit with my left hand and rubbed her clit with my right hand while keeping the same fuck rhythm and depth with my dick.

This time, she didn’t scream her orgasm into a pillow. It was so fucking loud. She was screaming it out to the heavens. We hadn’t checked for anyone in a long time and their property was huge. I wasn’t worried about neighbors hearing. But I was definitely nervous. I just kept pounding away and rubbing her clit till she pulled my hand off.

I laid all the way on top of her and put my hands around her throat pulling and pushing her as I needed. I was very deep into her again. As I was banging her out I said “ Don’t touch my fucking hands ever. I know what you need you little fucking whore.” I kissed her deeply again after regaining my control of the situation.

The couch was awful at this point. The sweat on the leather was pulling my leg hair. I felt more crammed than ever. I was also getting tired. This was an intense fuck session.

I rolled off the couch onto the hardwood floor and knelt into the spilled water. I made a quick jerk motion on her hip toward me and the floor. “Bring me that pussy baby girl. Come down little girl. Bring me my pussy. Come on bitch. Come finish me off.” She looked exhausted and drugged and awkward coming down to the floor from her big orgasm. She pushed her ass toward me. Her head hung low and her arms resting on the seat cushion of the couch.

I pressed my head into her and opened both her ass cheeks as wide as I could and banged away. She was so wet, I wasn’t getting enough resistance or stimulation to cum. I knew she was tired and I wanted to cum at this point.

I pushed my hands up her wet from sweat back under her rolled up shirt and onto her shoulders. I used her shoulders to push and pull her back and forth pretty violently. I was getting close. I started loudly commanding her, “Come on baby!Get me off! Come on you fucking whore! Fuck me! Come on bitch fuck me!” These commands must’ve excited her and brought her back to life. She started throwing her big ass back into me and moaning. I looked down to see the fat of her ass bouncing and it was time to blow.

I pulled out and jumped up. She turned herself around to face me as I beat my dick so hard it was like I was punching it. She was such a little pervert that even though she was exhausted, she had to watch.

My cum rained down on her chest and chin. It wasn’t the thick,white ropes I shot into her the first time. It was thinner and more clear because I had my first orgasm a few hours ago with my girlfriend.

I would come down to the floor with her to kiss the top of her sweaty head and tell her she was amazing and super sexy and dirty.

We separated for her to take another shower. I continued with my work after mopping up the spilled water and wiping our sweat from the leather couch. She would eventually sit back on that same couch and we talked about prior sexual experiences with other partners while I continued to paint. Some of the shit this girl had said of previous experiences left me in shock.

There’s one last story and it’s the last time I was ever with her coming up. I can tell you that I introduced her to my closest buddy at that time. He was older than me by about ten years and married. I can’t believe half the shit I did when I was in my 20’s. I’ll tell you all about it as soon as I have the time. Thanks for checking this out.



  1. amazing how you fuck her without a condom everytime. And it sounds like the dad gave you permission hehe.

  2. No wonder you still fantasize about her. Even with her being so slutty. Love it!

  3. Awesome, man! Can’t stop thinking about shaved, 18 yo pussy! I would love to hear about the couch talk.

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