Undercover Humiliation [FF, MC, Fdom, Humil] (Part 4 of 5)


Katie and I had spent our first morning at Noricom as Katie grumbled along as my secretary. Bunny arranged it so I’d work in the Noricom office as something we called a ‘Personnel Evaluation Manager’. Basically, I got to go around and interview people and evaluate different policies.

On the other hand, Katie would stay at the newspaper and pretend to be working out of our company’s “main office”. This way Katie could write up my notes and tapes, and drop in on the other secretaries on this floor, like Tyler McCoy and the somewhat shyer April Peterson.

Katie showed me how she’d snuck in secretly the night before and started taping everything the two secretaries gossiped about that morning. I could tell Katie hated not publicly being my ‘equal’, even in this ‘undercover’ situation, but she put on a brave face and I made sure not to call her ‘Katie’ in front of the other ‘steno girls’.

Katie was in my office when Bunny walked in.

“So, you two ready for some introductions around here?” Bunny chirped.

“Jennifer, you’re not wearing your Noricom Blazer and business skirt, are you?”

“No Bernice, I’m not. And I’m not GOING too. ” I said firmly. “It is my job to evaluate policies and I’m starting with that policy.” “But Jennifer, what if Miss Price sees you—” Bunny squeaked.

“No ones ever sees this Miss Price anyhow, right? She’s just a mysterious ‘memo queen’ who litters everyone with emails, correct? She’ll never know.”

“Don’t cross her, Jen. Miss Price has eyes and ears everywhere.” Bunny warned.

“Ohhh, scary! Listen—Hey, why don’t the secretaries have to wear something? ” I smirked at Katie, who glared back. Bunny interrupted.

“Jen, it’s an honor for senior executives to wear the Noricom blazer and skirt colors. Please?” Bunny whined.

“Jen, maybe you’d better. We don’t wanna raise suspicions…” Katie added.

“Forget it Bernice—I don’t DO ‘uniforms’ and other corporate labels, so I guess you’re stuck with a not-so-bimboish executive for a while.”

I turned around, showing off my outfit. I wore dress slacks, professional yet comfortable shoes, and a nice blouse. There was nothing at all unprofessional about me. Besides, I didn’t stoop to wearing tight bright outfits when I was a reporter, and I sure wasn’t going to start now.

“This outfit is very professional. I’m sure I’ll blend in just fine.”

“I’ll just take it along, in case you change your mind.” Bunny trailed off as she folded the god-awful pink jacket over her arm and carried it along as we both politely got up and followed the older woman into the hall, images of her dolled up as a bunny rabbit still fresh in our minds.

We paused outside Tyler’s and April’s work stations. Katie and I exchanged a surreal look. Three normal looking women. Two secretaries, one executive. Except we’d already met Tyler at Doris’ house, where we’d listened to her accost some poor woman on the phone, then the next day met her boss Bernice decked out as a bunny and fucking carrots in her spare time.

Perfectly normal. Yeah, sure. And NO ONE was talking about it. God knows what was up with this April Peterson girl, or her boss Suzanne Green.

“Miss Corbitt, I’ll introduce you to our other main executive on this floor, Suzanne Green in a moment. Katie, I take it you’ve meet April and Tyler this morning?”

“Yes ma’am. Hi girls,” Katie managed with a false smile.

“Hello Katie,” April Peterson said, her face lighting up with a genuine smile.

“….Katie is it? Haven’t we met before? ” Tyler smirked. Katie and I exchanged a nervous look. Shit—we both remembered blurting out we were reporters at our first meting with Tyler. Bunny knew, but would she squeal before April?

I remember yesterday Katie asked me to ‘persuade’ Bunny (with a few more carrots), to convince Tyler how we ‘lied’ about being reporters, and that we really were ‘Private Personnel Consultants’. Yeah, right! Bunny was clearly just a joke to Tyler and there’s no way Tyler would believe ‘Bunny Cam Girl’ now.

Tyler had us, if she wanted.

But so far Tyler wasn’t blowing the whistle, minus little digs like this. Just letting us know she knows, I suppose. Maybe that’s enough. Enough of a thrill. Enough until we solve this mystery.

“Yeah you did meet Katie, just this morning, remember Tyler?” April said, as Tyler sighed at her friend for not catching her dig.

“Actually, my name’s Katie. And it’s okay April, I realize your pal here Tyler’s got a lot on her mind and probably will be working real late with all this filing?” Katie smirked at Tyler’s pile as she drummed her finger nails across the large stack of papers.

Tyler shot Katie a dirty pout, then turned to her boss Miss Vallens. “Miss Vallens, I’ve got a date tonight. Can I leave most of this stuff with Katie or April?

“Tyler, this is silly. Call me… er… ‘Bunny’, please…” Bernice said without much enthusiasm. She clearly hated reminding Tyler, who obviously relished the ritual of making her boss ask.

Katie got a panicked look as April chimed in. “Hey, I’d help, but I gotta pick up my husband from work. I’d like to help you out Tyler, really…” April shrugged guiltily.

“That’s okay,—well… guess that leaves YOU Katie, doesn’t it? Miss Corbitt, do you or Miss Vallens…?” “No more ‘Miss Vallens’—‘Bunny’, please…” Bernice whined as Tyler went on.

“…you two don’t mind too much if I break Katie in a bit by finishing my filing tonight, do you?” Tyler smirked as Bunny weakly nodded her approval.

Katie shot me a panicked look, then saved most of her glare for Tyler. I whispered privately to her ‘Steady girl’, as I grabbed her arm with a pat.

“Sorry Tyler, Katie’s mine tonight! Guess it’s ‘bye-bye’ clubs, right Bunny?” Before Tyler could protest, I quickly rushed us down the hall.

Bunny smiled weakly as she winced back at her secretary.

“Oh my. Tyler won’t be pleased, Miss Corbitt.” Bunny sniffed.

“Sorry, Bunns, but Katie’s my territory, got it?”

“Yes ma’am, got it.” Bunny replied obediently, even though she didn’t have too, since we were clearly both executives.

“Territory?” Katie mouthed with a slightly miffed pout.

“sssshhhh, do you want to do all the filing?” I whispered in her ear.

“Miss Corbitt— We really shouldn’t test Tyler, seeing as she knows our little secret. And ah — she’ll take it out on me,” Bunny chirped as she clicked sexily along in front of us.

“Why not? Your secretary’s a wimp. Think about it. Likes to push people ‘second hand’. Through the phone, or through web cams! If she was gonna blow our ‘secret’ she would have right back there, right?” I bragged with a smile.

“Jen, that’s pretty cocky…what if Tyler” Katie squeezed my arm, whispered into my ear as I whispered back,

“Look—so Tyler’s gonna be pissed and will take it out on our older Personnel Director. So what? They’ll work it out privately somehow. Hey, obviously ‘Bunny’ doesn’t mind, or she wouldn’t have greeted us in her little ‘playboy uniform’ now, would she?” I giggled with Katie.

What I didn’t tell Katie was how I was testing Tyler, trying to bait her into possibly blackmailing us, which I’d catch on tape—plus use whatever juicy ‘Bunny’ details Tyler stupidly spilled for the story to April. But Tyler just hung with April like a coward, whispering about us from a distance. If she did blow our cover to April, we’d find out today since Katie had this morning’s tape recorder in her pocket.

Bunny then paused at the next office, knocking on the door. A voice called her in.

“Now, this is Suzanne, er… Mrs. Green…”

“For Pete’s sake Bernice, I’ve been your friend for five years—it’s ‘Suzanne’ to my friends, and that includes you—Jenny is it?” Mrs. Green raised her hand which I shook.

“Jennifer’s fine. And this is my ‘girl’ Katie.” I smiled, shooting Katie a teasing smile at the ‘girl’ crack. She rolled her eyes and put out her hand to Suzanne Green, who dismissively ignored it.

“Well, Jennifer. Nice to have you aboard. Bernice speaks very highly of you. Haven’t heard your name much in the business though myself.”

“We’re new—to ‘evaluation’, that is,” Katie blurted out, catching herself, and her new status. It was a little weird, as my assistant, to have her always jumping in.

“What Katie means is, we’re still mostly a surprise on the east coast, that’s all, ” I corrected with a laugh.

“Well, we could use a good ‘spy’!” Suzanne forced a laugh, then added: “Bernice…?”

Suzanne turned to Miss Vallens, who shot her a reminding look, as Suzanne corrected herself,

“…Excuse me, …uh… ‘Bunny’ here, brought you in, so that speaks for itself, right? At least you’re a grown woman. These girls in their twenties, like my secretary April—they’re totally clueless, aren’t they Bunny?”

“Clueless,” Bunny repeated sheepishly.

“See? That’s why I drive them mercilessly! These little skinny butted bimbos April’s age, have no mud on their boots. They never trudged their way through the sexism, corporate glass ceilings, or professional humiliations we had to. The whole steno pool embarrass themselves whenever they dare bitch about equal rights, let alone equal pay, the stuff our generation fought for, right Jennifer? Here, watch this—”

“Oh jeez…” Bunny whispered to herself.

Suzanne barked for April to scurry into her office, which she did, standing in the door as we all sat, watching her.

“April, honey, can you do us a favor and explain who Germaine Greer is to the group?”

“Huh? Gemaine?”

“Not even in high school? April, It’s no secret a receptionist is an entry level job, but you did manage to keep your legs together in high school long enough to learn something, didn’t you?”

“No, Miss, I mean, yes ma’am. What was the question?”

“Suzanne, these are a bit before her time, aren’t they?” I croaked at the frazzled April who stood before us in panic, not understanding what was expected of her, if anything!

“Wellllll… How about Simone de Beauvoir? Hell, even Betty Friedan for God’s sake?” Suzanne demanded of the quivering girl.

“Nope. uh… Sorry Mrs. Green. Look, I’m not much into authors or fiction. I’m more of a movie gal myself—” April said, realizing she was just being chastised, but still quite intimidated.

“These are nonfiction, kiddo. But, I suppose you were still sucking your thumb about then, eh?” Suzanne tried to get us to laugh along, but no one was laughing.

“Okay, April, since you’re being such a fucking baby and embarrassment to me, get that thumb into your mouth. You heard me, suck your own thumb… until…” Suzanne glanced at me,

“…Jennifer tells you to stop.” She smiled.

I froze, unable to speak. Eyes darted from her to me, but I somehow wouldn’t say a word. I guess I wanted to see if she would. I could always stop it in a second, right?

The room went quiet as April looked at us, mortified by both by her boss’s request, and my silence, then with shaking hand, slid her thumb into her mouth before us all.

Sucking it. It was hard not to find it an erotic sight, as we exchanged a stunned silence and Suzanne Green beamed a smug smile.

The embarrassed secretary furiously burned her hateful gaze into the carpet, still ‘thumb sucking’, as her cheeks became inflamed with shame and anger, finally realizing she was just supposed to stand there and take it.

Or, suck it, as the case may be.

“Jesus, April – did you not even pick up a copy of Backlash? How about fucking Gloria Steinem?” Suzanne admonished.

Then April’s face brightened proudly, as she managed to work her thumb to the side of her cheek, excitedly saying:

“Oh, I heard of her. I once saw her name on some magazine that I sat on once in the gym!” April said stupidly, before her eyes darted around the room in shame. April realized her stupid answer, and resumed what she did best, and slurped away.

“I rest my case.” Suzanne Green winked at us. Katie watched in silence, but looked as aroused as I did by the pouty submissive secretary.

“Okay, she can stop.” I managed aloud, getting too worked up for it to go anywhere in public.

“Uh…’ uh…… was that all, Mrs. Green?” April asked, her thumb finally free.

No April, I’d like you to apologize to our guests for your stunning ignorance and stupidity…”

“Really Mrs. Green, is this necessary?” I snapped. “How can the poor thing apologize for what she doesn’t even know?”

April looked mortified, knowing she was the butt of a joke now.

“Okay April, tell us dear, what do you know? Something simple perhaps? How about the lyrics to that old Helen Ready song, ‘I am woman’. Surely you’ve heard it, even you. Sing me the first verse of ‘I am woman’ …and you may go…”

“Jesus, Mrs. Green…” I sneered, but getting aroused at the cornered girl, and wondering when she’d snap and burst into tears.

“I can sing it, Mrs. Green—” Bunny desperately tried, but Suzanne waved Bernice to pause.

“No, April needs to. Do it,—NOW. We’re waiting, April…”

Suzanne sat back, arms folded in her pink, pinching blazer as the poor suffering girl struggled through the song’s words in a panic from the pure humiliation of us all watching. April took a breath…

“…urm… I am woman… something… wait—hear me roar? Is that it?” April looked to me and Katie for help, but we just sat there, watching her like the sadistic sickos we were, the room permeated with intoxicating shame and humiliation.

“Something else… Oh… uh… I am strong, what is it?”

Suddenly a woman’s voice came up behind April, singing in a pleasant confident tone…

“I am woman hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore, and I know too much to go back and…” came Tyler’s voice as she took the moment of confusion to snatch the now crying April away and down the hallway.

“…pretend.” Finished Suzanne quietly singing to herself.

“Sorry for that display, but April only responds to a strong hand. You’d be advised to try the same with Tyler, Bunny…” Suzanne sighed with a frown to Bunny as she stood up, her body language telling us ‘game’ was over.

“Yes Mrs. Green…er…Suzanne.” Bunny whispered.

“So, to finish up, Miss Corbitt here’s been hired to whip our lazy butts into shape, via personal evaluations, huh?” Suzanne asked Bunny, yet glared defiantly at me.

“Suzanne, believe me, I’m not here to judge anyone…” I said a little intimidated by Suzanne Green’s arms folded across her chest as she continued standing.

“Judge? Don’t worry—I thrive on threats! And if Miss Price is behind it, I’m for it too! It’ll help us all. If I can be of any help, just say the word… Now, I’d better get back to all these faxes. April? Where is that stupid fucking girl—” Mrs. Green said with a forced smile as we walked out.

Out in the hall, Bernice quietly whispered, “Suzanne and I were once very close…”

“…once?” Katie asked as we quietly whispered down the hall.

“Well, what with Tyler and me, well… I don’t think Suzanne knows the full details, but I’m sure she’s heard the noises’. Embarrassing really. I can’t help myself. It’s the damned thumping when Tyler… oh God… ‘rides’ me. Suzanne’s office is right next door to mine! Suzanne’s also something of a…”

Bunny silently mouthed the next word distastefully: “…feminist…”

“Gee, I hadn’t noticed.” Katie cracked me a wink.

Then Bunny returned to speaking quietly, “…despite being a real sweetie, mother of two and everything!”

“And the April stuff… Suzanne didn’t mean it. She’s insecure, that’s all. I noticed Suzanne and April go to the same Gym. It must be hard on such a distinguished woman of Suzanne Green’s background to watch all these prissy skinny little women like April parading around!

“So that ‘sick display’ we saw is ‘payback’ for April daring to keep herself in shape?” Katie blanched. Bunny jumped in:

“Suzanne has a tender side. She hides it well, that’s all. She’d never let April, or anyone see her vulnerable side. She’d DIE first.

Bunny continued: “Suzanne’s secret is, she’s terrified of others judging her weight! And so stern and competitive, like I used to be! Luckily Suzanne’ll never wind up like me. She’s one tough cookie, hardest on herself really, especially her fear of being ‘f-a-t’. She a gym addict, for all the good it does, though April and I would never DARE say it to her face. I also think April respects Mrs. Green for being hard on her, unlike Tyler and I.”

“So you doubt any outside drug could be affecting you and Tyler?”

“Drug? Don’t be silly! ” Bunny trailed off.

“I see Suzanne wears those same snug little ‘real estate’ jackets as you.” I smirked eyeing Bunny’s pinching uniform, as she proudly threw her shoulders back and Katie and I had to keep from busting up.

“I told you It’s Noricom’s standard dress code. All female executives on this floor should wear them. Mandatory. Miss Jessica Price loves ‘her girls’ to look their best. Well, if they only made them a couple more sizes…well….” Bunny voice trailed off as she tried to button her little blazer which was a wee bit too small to achieve its dubious goal.

“Well… even if Suzanne is only a ‘few pounds’ overweight, she’s still makes up for it with her bull dyke cruelty with her cute little uniforms, right?” I cruelly joked as Katie winced at my words.

I couldn’t help it. I wanted to see Suzanne Green go down. Not because of her weight, or her humiliating April, or her stupid little blazer. I wanted to see her go down because the more angry and Nazi like she acted, the more aroused I was getting!

Bunny beamed back at us as I smiled placidly over at her, loathing the insipid little blazer on Bunny’s arm, which I still refused to try on.

“Well, Jen and I better break for lunch, can we finish when we come back?” Katie asked, and Bunny walked us out.


Katie and I drove back to the Sentinel, where we saw Margarette Umberger, kneeling between two parked cars on our way in.

“Hey, Margarette, what’s up?” Katie asked. She frowned up at us, then back at the ground.

“Some bitch is in my parking space!” She scowled. “and guess what her friend left…?”

We walked over, and saw a some dried doggie poop on the pavement at our Editor in Chief’s feet.

“Shit.” Katie said.

“Exactly.” Umberger peered. ” The prissy bitch parks in MY personalized, clearly marked space, then has her mutt shit next to my Honda! I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let some bitch’s bitch poop in MY parking spot! It’s even marked Umberger, see? See?”

“We see Margarette. Should we meet you upstairs? We’ve got Noricom news.”

“It’s a fucking Corvette too. I wonder are her parents rich or is it her boyfriend? Look, there she is, that’s GOTTA be the bitch!” Our editor hissed at a twenty-something brunette with a small bulldog twenty feet away.

“Let it go, Marg. We’ve got a story to talk about.” I tried.

Margarette ignored us and furiously scooped up the dried poop with a Kleenex, marched it right over to the brunette and shook the poop in her face.

“Is that your Corvette?” Umberger hissed. The twenty-something woman nodded yes, yet recoiled at the sight and smell of the poop.

“Hey, Katie, isn’t that the new ‘copy girl’, what’s her name again?” I asked Katie as we watched a few feet away, both excited by the tension in the air.

‘Yeah, Barbara’s her name, I think. Or it was, back when she worked here.” Katie whispered as our editor grilled the girl.

“Okay, then this your poop too, correct?”

“What?” The copy girl blinked.

“Is this your mutt’s Poop? Cause if it is, then that’s proof you’re stupid enough to park in MY spot, you fucking dumb-shit!” Umberger demanded.

“So what if it is? Who the fuck are you, lady?” the copy girl sneered.

Katie and I exchanged shaking heads at the bad move. She obviously didn’t know Umberger’s temper.

“Who the fuck am I? AM I???” Margarette spat, then exploded all over the woman, who panicked suddenly.

“I’m your Editor in Chief you little shit—I RUN THIS PLACE!!! Now you better dispose of this shit or I’ll have your fucking ass FIRED!!! I swear to fucking god.”

“Ah-ah-just leave it and I’ll go back in and get a bag to put it in, ” the woman said, visibly shaken.

“Come here bitch.” Margarette led the poor girl to the back of the Corvette.

“That’s right, now lean over the trunk. You heard me. Do it now, or I’ll fire you AND have you arrested.”

“Please ma’am. I didn’t know it was your space.” The brunette cried as she was pushed over the trunk of the car.

“Now, what does that sign say in front of your car?”

“Aaahhhh—it says ‘Reserved for Umberger, Editor in –‘ oh God, what are you doing ma’am?” The young girl tried to squirm away as Margarette yanked her short skirt to her waist and grabbed hold of her pantyhose.

“Now you have to learn to pick up after your dog.”

Barbara broke down into tears. “Please no ma’am. I promise it’ll never… happen again ewwww-god!”

It was too late. Margarette deposited the dog poop into the girls panties, and let the poor girl’s skirt settle back down.

“You’re damn right it’ll never happen again, alright!”

Margarette breathlessly whispered, a smile returning, now the battle was over. She rubbed and lightly slapped the defeated girl’s ass in victory, still holding the girl firmly over the hood of her car.

“…because now you’re responsible for my parking space, so I’d better not find ANY poop or cars or cigarette butts here or it’s YOUR ass I’m gonna come looking for…”

“…do I make myself clear, little miss poopy panties?”

“Y-Yes ma’am,” the young girl sobbed.

Margarette’s ass rubbing took on a more perverse and sexual nature, as she started subtly rubbing the young girl from the top of her ass crack to her crotch with her own pelvis, basically dry humping the girl from behind, making sure the brown ‘lump’ in her panties was nice and snug.

“Run along girls, I’ll be up in a minute,” she said, dismissing us.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i3lw8t/undercover_humiliation_ff_mc_fdom_humil_part_4_of