Hello guys and gals of the sub, yours truly is back with yet another crazy story to tell, this time not involving horny caregivers or cheating milfs, but prostitutes and orgies.

This story dates back to 2018 and takes place in Zurich, Switzerland.

I had been single for about a month, and after a yearlong toxic relationship, all I wanted was a wild experience to let off some of the steam I had accumulated. Right at the end of August, I received a letter from the Swiss clinic in which I do all my yearly checkups, reserving me a spot for the first week of September. After some preparations, September came and I left Italy.

Prostitution has been legal for a very long time in Switzerland, and even though I had never visited a prostitute nor a brothel before, many of the patients with whom I had shared the clinic’s rooms had told me many stories on the topic, almost all coming from personal experience. Their stories, and a little bit of research on the Internet, had led me to fantasizing about visiting a brothel, and having the craziest orgy of my life. As it often happens, I had fantasized a lot but never acted on the fantasy. While driving along the Swiss roads, I decided it was this time or never.

After a five-hour trip, I arrived at the clinic and started unpacking my things. After dinner, as soon as I was alone in my bedroom, I set on the task of choosing the place I wanted to visit. After a couple of hours of Internet surfing, it became apparent I was to visit Club Globe. Set on the outskirts of Zürich, it is considered by many Europe’s number one brothel, and one of the best sex clubs in the world. Why, you may ask? It has the best of the best, of everything. Best building, best experiences on the site, best food. And most importantly, it has the best girls in the game. Working at Club Globe is not something anyone can do, the girls have to go through a very strict selection process, which ensures that only the hottest, friendliest and horniest ones end up actually working there.

All in all it sounded great, but it was still prostitution, and I had many preconceptions about it. It took me quite a bit to decide on going, but after one of the many dull hospital dinners, I made my mind up and sneaked out of the clinic. My assistant and me drove for about an hour, and then finally arrived at the place.

Judging from the outside, you would’ve never thought it was a brothel. Club Globe is situated on a residential block, it is surrounded by trees, and is nothing but a grey four-story building. Everything about it is ordinary, until you take a look at the parking space. Amongst many ordinary cars, I saw at least six supercars with different national license plates, ranging from UAE, Russia, Germany and Monaco.

Reassuring myself on the fact that I was in the right place, I went inside the building. Being structured as a hotel, the first thing you see as you walk in is the reception. I moved to the counter with my assistant and explained my situation to the receptionist (I’m in a wheelchair, is the place accessible and bla bla bla). In the midst of all this, as I was about to pay the entrance fee, a 10/10 bombshell walks up to the counter, and hands a key to the receptionist. I give her a casual glance, and to my absolute astonishment, apart from the high heels she is completely naked. She looks at me, smiles, and in a heavy Russian accent says: “if you want for good time, come to pool and ask of me.” I smile back, utter some nonsense words, and she leaves.

The receptionist swipes my credit card; I’m instantly €200 poorer, excited and dumbstruck at the same time. As we are about to enter the brothel, she hands my assistant a white robe and a pair of slippers, and tells me to unbutton my shirt (the club has a “no clothes policy”).

We move to the changing rooms, and here I make the first crazy acquaintance of what will be the craziest night of my life. A man with Filipino traits, possibly in his late 30s, wearing nothing but a pair of superman underwear. He tells me he’s an entrepreneur, that those are his lucky underwear, and that if I stick with him and his bodyguard, my drinks for the night are on him. I of course say yes, and he escorts me inside the brothel with the manners of someone who has spent uncountable nights in the place.

He tells me that I am very lucky, as the start of the month is always the best time to visit Club Globe because people have not received their salaries yet, and no one has extra money to spend. In addition, I happen to be there on voyeur sex night, which means that the rooms are closed until 10 PM, and that most of the sexual action happens in front of other people. These two factors deter a large number of customers from coming to the club, which means that there are many more girls to choose from.

We arrive at the bar, he shows me our table and orders a €400 bottle of champagne. I feel like I have traveled back in time, and I’m on a set of an 80s porn movie. The lights in the club are very dim, the music is loud and the half-empty tables surround a stage with a dancing pole in the middle. All around the room, I see about 30 of the hottest girls I’ve ever seen in my life, all completely naked. I start drinking champagne like a maniac, more to inhibit my last bits of decency than for the fact that I actually like champagne. As soon as I start to feel the buzz, two of the girls walk to our table, and one of them sits on my lap.

We start talking; one of them comes from Romania and the other from Morocco, with the latter working as a prostitute since a week. They are actually funny, nice to talk to, and all my preconceptions about paying for sex disappear as fast as the champagne I’m drinking. We get more intimate, and the girl sitting on my lap starts rocking back and forth, making my cock hard as a rock. I keep telling myself I have to resist and not act like a rookie, as I want to see the other girls before choosing the one I want to fuck. But I’m drunk, horny, and this girl is a 10.

She kisses my neck and licks my ear. I say fuck it, whisper “pull it out” in her ear, and enjoy the sight of her unzipping my pants. My cock is out, she puts the condom on it and goes to work in front of everyone at the table. Her pussy is wet (or maybe it’s the alcohol and I’m just imagining everything), and as she start moving first slow than fast, she moans like crazy. To my astonishment, I’m having sex in front of people I’ve never seen before, and enjoying the situation so much I’m about to cum. As if the girl is inside my head, she slows down and laughing says “you’re paying for 30 minutes, I want you to last that long”. She pulls out my cock, and starts a gentle hand job while kissing my neck. In this surreal situation, I notice two girls on the stage looking at us, gesturing that they want to have the next ride. I’m being duped, milked till I have no more money, totally conscious of both things and happy as a motherfucker.

The girl keeps jerking me gently, sits on a chair next to me and asks her friend to lick her pussy. Her friend gets on her knees immediately, and starts sucking on her clit while fingering her as well. The moans grow louder, and lo and behold: she pushes her friend away and squirts all over the table and floor, reaching the superman’s underwear entrepreneur, who doesn’t get mad and instead roars with laughter, while ecstatically clapping his hands. He points at me and yells “Your turn to cum!”

The girl sits on my lap again, starts rocking on my cock superfast, and the entrepreneur’s wish is granted in a matter of seconds.

The girl abandons herself against me, and tells me I am the freakiest and horniest quadriplegic she’s ever met.

I’m speechless, drained and drunk. And the night has just begun.

Let me know if you’ve enjoyed part 1, as part 2 is coming soon!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i34fkr/m_italian_quadriplegics_crazy_night_in_one_of


  1. Wow, that’s so hot.

    And very cool of your assistant to help you with that.
    Was your assistant with you all the time while you were in the brothel? Was it the first time he/she saw you having sex?

  2. I’ve been waiting for you to post again , can’t wait for part II x

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