My friend and I jerked off a stripper on a bachelorette party [FFM]

Our friend Erin was the first of our friends to get married so the group of 20 of us didn’t really know how things should work out on this trip. However, her old sister planned everything. She kept talking about how she had a fun Saturday night planned but wouldn’t tell any of us anything except that we had to be in the lobby by 7pm.

We all met at the lobby of the hotel at 7:00 that evening and there was a line of cabs to take us to our destination. When we got to the destination and the cabs let us out there wasn’t anything there. We were dropped off in between a row buildings with what seemed had been abandoned years. Erin’s sister walked over to one of the doors that seemed deserted and knocked and waved us over. A big security type of guy let us in and we walked in. We walked downstairs and it opened up into a huge dance area with dozens of other bachlortte parties drinking and partying.

Eventually, the girls realized there were naked men on the stage. We all had our big comfy chairs and we just laid back and soaked it all in. Men in thongs came over and asked us if we wanted drinks. God, all the guys in this place were fit. They all had nice abs and were thin and GOD, what can I say. They just turned me on. I just sat there squirming in my comfy chair trying not to be too obvious about was going on down there. I mean, I was really aroused.

One of the dancers went over and whispered in the ear of one of the girls in the chair a few chairs from mine. She was an attractive girl. Blond hair, fairly thin body, nice smile, mid-thirties and she looked as if she was enjoying herself, but that this was not her first time in this type of club. I could tell the girls that were new to this by the looks on their faces. They were blushing and giggling and holding their hands over their mouths and talking to the others. But this girl, Jenna, wasn’t any of that. She was taking it all in with a smile and kind of grooving with the music and watching the men with a more deep appreciation. She had “Oh Yes” all over her face.

The guy had just got off stage and he still didn’t have his thong on, so he was all floppy and loose. He comes over to her and whispers in her ear as we all watched. Next thing I know, she reaches up and squeezes his balls and penis with her hand while he is whispering to her. He sort of pulled away quickly and started to take a deep breath. I couldn’t believe it. I thought for sure this was going to get us all thrown out, but it didn’t. He started laughing at her and told her that her hands were freezing. She reached up and put her arm around his neck and apologized and kissed him on the lips as she again grabbed for his pouch.

Now everything was changing. I mean, it is one thing to watch naked guys prance around the room, but Oh My Fucking God! She was touching his penis. She was fondling this guy right out in front of everyone, and he wasn’t stopping her.

Next thing I know, she was up from her chair and he was walking her slowly to the back of the room. All of us just stared at one another in shock and watched her walk off. None of us could really see what was happening, but it obviously was very cozy and she was moving her head back and forth and putting her arms around his neck. We couldn’t really see, but I assumed there was a lot of ecstasy going on back there.

One of the other girls took her lead and got another guy to go back with her. Another girl did the same, and another and another. At one point, there must have been five girls from our party back enjoying time with the men. One of the girls leaned over to another girl and asked how much it costs to do that. She said she thought it was $100, but that she wasn’t sure, so we pulled one of the guys to the side and asked. He told us it was $100 to start with and there were other services that could be added for more. He wouldn’t explain what that meant, but we all sort of knew it would be different degrees of contact.

After a while though, I could tell some were getting tired and were ready to go back to the room. They all got together and started talking about the trip back to the hotel. A few of the girls said they wanted to stay a while longer. One was the blonde, Jenna, that was first to go back with the dancer earlier in the evening. I blushed a little and said I also wanted to stay a while, which of course got a huge laugh out of all the girls. They made all kinds of rude remarks and such but eventually, they said they didn’t mind since we were all just taking taxies and they left.

There were three of us left and we all sort of moved ourselves into a small group of comfy chairs together. Jenna leaned over to me and asked what I thought of the club. I told her I had never seen anything so erotic in all my life. She looked me in the eye with a sort of examining look and said, are you OK with all this? She said, this is a lot to take in for a young girl and I don’t want you to get all weird over this.

The other girl was fighting her sleepiness in a real bad way and both of us could tell. She was all smiles and glassy eyed, but we could see every once in a while that she would sort of nod off. Kind of like the kid that hated going to bed because of all the fun, but couldn’t really fight her body any longer. Jenna and I talked her into getting a cab back to the hotel and by about 1:30 it was just Jenna, me, and all those male dancers in the club. I was starting to get a little sleepy, but I just had to fight that. I hadn’t had enough of this place and I wanted every nano-second to count.

Jenna and I talked for a while. Mostly chit-chat. We hadn’t talked much before that evening and we just talked about out lives back home and what our work was like. She told me she was married and had a few kids, which sort of caught me off guard. I asked her if her husband knew she visited places like this. She sort of looked at me closely, grinned and said, “What happens on the road, stays on the road Jennifer” and I just burst out laughing. I had never heard this before, but it seemed so appropriate. We were in the private land of candy where all was to be eaten but none was to be taken home.

After a while, one of the guys came by and I saw what I had seen earlier in the evening. He leaned over at her and whispered in her ear, she reached up and fondled him, he pulled away a little, giggled and whispered in her ear some more as she played with him.

It was different this time. I was real close. I mean, I could see the veins and stuff on his penis as she fondled him. I could see that he started to get a little aroused. I knew she was going to go back with him and he grabbed her hand and pulled her up to him. What happened next though was not something I expected. She leaned down to whisper in my ear and asked if I wanted to join them in the back. She said that she didn’t know if I was that way, but that if I was interested, I would have a really great time.

In an evening of being stunned, I was hit again. It was as if she hit me right between the eyes. I should have known to be ready for anything, but I wasn’t. I couldn’t believe what she just said. I didn’t know what to do, so I pretended that I didn’t hear her and asked her to say it in my ear again. She said, “Nice abs here and I are going to go in back for a while and have some fun. I would like you to join us if you are interested. It will be my treat and you don’t have to do anything you are uncomfortable with.

I heard it all that time. Every syllable. And like an out of body experience, I felt my legs lift me up as she pulled on my fingers and they walked me to the back room.

We walked into this room that had “VIP” written over the door way and in the room were these big leather couches. He walked us back to the corner of the room and immediately started kissing Jenna. She continued to hold my hand as he kissed her and within no time, he started taking off her clothes. He unbuttoned her blouse as she just let him take control.

Her blouse and bra were now off and he turned his attention to me. This sort of made me jump and Jenna interrupted him with her hand. She looked at him and said, let me do it. She is nervous. She gently looked me in the eyes and reached at the top of my blouse around my neck. “Are you OK with this? Tell me to stop if you don’t want to do something.” I told her I was okay, which I really wasn’t, but I didn’t stop her.

I looked over at the guy and immediately reached over and grabbed his thong. I pulled it down as he stepped out of it and I reached up and gently grabbed his penis as I stood up. He was hard now and I really loved the feel in my hand. I stroked it for a few seconds and Jenna proceeded to unbutton my jeans. That’s when I stopped her and I told her I wanted to focus on him.

I reached out and grabbed his penis with my hand and slowly licked around the tip. I wasn’t sure I should be doing this with a guy that had obviously had a very active sex life, but I just couldn’t stop myself. I stroked him with my hand as he pushed his penis in my mouth and I just sucked as hard as I could.

We proceeded to both lick on his penis and she jerked him off while I played with his balls. He was pretty quick also. He tensed in less than 5 minutes and sure enough, there was a steam of white headed toward the couch. Jenna got some on her hands, but not much and she just took a towel that was laying near and wiped it off.

This was some evening and all of us were pretty tired. I had never seen such things in my life before that point and it was like my nerves were on edge the whole evening. Jenna and I went back to the hotel in a cab together as she held my hand. We got to the hotel and said we would see each other in the morning and we both went up to our rooms. I got in my room and ripped every stitch of clothing off immediately and jumped into bed. I wasn’t finished with my fantasy and I played there in bed till 5:00 am.



  1. Sounds like Dancing Bear events , good on you for being open to explore.?

  2. >I asked her if her husband knew she visited places like this. She sort of looked at me closely, grinned and said, “What happens on the road, stays on the road Jennifer” and I just burst out laughing. I had never heard this before, but it seemed so appropriate. We were in the private land of candy where all was to be eaten but none was to be taken home.

    Hot story but you both kinda suck for this attitude towards cheating. If consent matters so much (and I appreciate your attention to it in the story), then you should be getting comsent from the partner(s) you’re already sexual with as well because their health is just as on the line as your health if they are under the impression that your friend or you are not having sex with anyone else.he people you have sex with are also putting their health at risk too.

  3. Uhmm, it seems kind of like Jenna was more interested in doing stuff *with you* than she was necessarily the stripper~

  4. This is one of those few reads where the OP is not getting a 10inch long and thick dick. As someone who likes reading experiences it gets really stale to read about 10+inch dicks attached to/inside almost every person posting here.

  5. Man, I don’t know what it is about stories like this but I absolutely love them!

  6. I’m glad you were able to let go a little and enjoy. That sounds like such an erotic experience.

  7. WoW… that story was hawt! I really enjoyed it. Have you ever give back to a lace line it again?

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