Confession: MILF [F] Katie and I [M] Have a Not-Quite Foursome and a Bona Fide Threesome

Katie and I had gotten together more times than I can remember since she responded to my craigslist ad some four months earlier. I hosted her in my home once, returning the favor she had done for me in hers. She wrote a fine little poem about wanting to be a mouse in my backyard, drinking water from my rain barrels and so on. She sent me another poem about seeing me — actually someone who resembled me — in a renowned local restaurant as she dined with her husband and their two sons: “I Thought I Saw You at xxxx”. It was not her best work but meant something to me and contained the line, “I want you, and all I can say is I want you.” I wanted her too and we were having plenty of each other. She was insatiable and I was only a little behind her.

We met a time or two in my office, once inside a big Dodge Ram van on the rooftop of the parking garage as the sun set over the hills, and a few times in a hotel. The sex was grand.

We wanted more. We wanted a taste of plurality, threesomes with another man and another woman, maybe a foursome, in no particular order. I found myself, as I took her from behind, imagining her mouth wrapped around another man’s cock, and when I lay on my back as she sucked me I dreamed of a second man taking her from behind. All this and more. And she dreamed of being sandwiched between two men, their four hands rubbing and caressing her up and down. All this and more too.

We co-wrote ads on craigslist but it was slow going. Finally a couple invited us to join them at a karaoke bar. It was a smoke-filled place on the north side, although indoor smoking had just been banned, and very crowded. Katie wanted the little mustache and the man that came with it. But his wife wanted no part of us, mainly because her son was somewhere in that crowd and she did want him to know about this aspect of their lives. I did not like her or him anyway, so the search continued. I pulled over the Dodge van around the corner so Katie and I could fuck in an industrial parking lot before returning to our spouses, so the evening was not a total loss. Actually it was one of the best fucks I have ever had. There was plenty of headroom in that van, and as tall as she was she could straddle me in the back seat and bounce away without fear of bumping her head. This was pure joy.

Another couple seemed to hold more promise. We met them at an outdoor venue that featured horseshoe pitches and beer, a kind of outdoor Texas honkytonk without the live music, right across from the hotel where Katie and I had first mmmm ‘met’. They were married, and she was having an affair and her husband knew it and she wanted to give him a chance to get something on the side too. He and Katie clicked straight away. After one or two beers, the other she — let us call her Mandy — stood up and strolled to the restroom, and beckoned me to follow. But this was only to give them privacy. Mandy walked ahead and into the lades room, where she looked at herself up and down in front of the mirror — that much I could see through the doorway — and ignored me. I looked back at our table and saw Katie and — let us call him Rick — hold hands and look deeply into each other’s eyes. That was Katie. She was in that moment, then and there, and nothing else mattered.

When Mandy and I got back, Mandy told Katie straight up, I want you to be the one to fuck my Rick. So we agreed on the logistics and the day and went on our separate ways. Katie sucked me off in the parking lot first, and we looked forward to the coming adventure.

The day came. They secured the room at the hotel across from the honkytonk and I handed over half the cost. It had a small couch and a double bed, and each couple began by kissing and undressing each other on that couch. After a few minutes of this, Rick and I went down on our partners, then switched it up, each eating the other’s woman. Now this was something to be savored! This was foreplay, and more foreplay came when Katie began kissing Mandy and moved her to one of the two beds. Rick looked at me with an Oh Yes! glance as we were treated to the spectacle of two women kissing, then the joy of seeing Katie devour Mandy’s pussy. I later discovered one of Katie’s posts on a poetry forum, almost a prose-poem, where she described how she enjoyed the novelty but missed the feel of a cock in her mouth.

No matter — she soon had her mouth wrapped around Rick’s. And then she had his cock in her pussy. He was a bit larger than me in stature, in both body and cock. He was a kind man, broad shouldered and clearly in love with his Mandy but very much into Katie. How could he not be? She loved having him on top as he fucked away, fell into ecstasy and at one point reached out to grab my hand and half shouted, I love you! This was one of my many gifts to Katie. The pleasure in my face mirrored the pleasure in hers. He wore a condom — that was on of our rules — but I did not as my turn with Katie came. Rick and Mandy watched as I spilled myself into her and then Katie and I watched them go at it as Mandy gave him directions, as in No, here, there, yes! Yes! You know my spot!

I would have gladly fucked Mandy too or at least gotten a nice blowjob from her; fair is fair, right? She had a tight body and swayed alluringly as she walked, and as she fucked. But she wanted nothing to do with me, nothing at all. She was outright cold, a total — this is a word that I seldom use — bitch. Katie saw it too. Her agenda was to get her man laid in a setting she controlled, and that is what she did. I felt cheated as we parted company. But I was happy for Katie.

Katie and I soon continued with our adventures, posting an ad for another man. We got numerous responses and settled on a trombone player from a town to the south. I screened the responses and passed my choices on to her for the final selection. Katie and I arrived in the hotel room early, me before her as always, and I fucked her good for some thirty minutes before he arrived. I had warned him, Be ready to get down to it as soon as you walk through the door. I knew Katie’s hunger. She did not disappoint.

And she had warned me, Do not be put off if I greet him the same way I do you. And she did, breathing into his mouth while standing just inside the doorway before giving him small kisses then deep ones. I can’t recall how it all unfolded exactly, but I do recall that even I was stunned by how she was all over him from the get-go and by how affectionately she greeted him. Later I learned that the two of them had communicated via email without me; not what Katie and I had agreed to. More on Katie’s secret ways in due time.

What followed made for a wonderful experience all around. We had said no smokers but he smelled of tobacco; we let that go. He tried to pull off his condom a time or two which we did not allow. We took turns, split-roasted her, and tried to DP her but he went soft at he critical moment. At one point I fucked her while I was standing and her legs were hoisted above my head as she lay at the edge of the bed, and he began licking the bottoms of her feet. She wrote about this too in that same poetry forum, adding that this seemed to make me harder than ever before. She attributed it to added testosterone in the room. By the time he stepped out of the bathroom after cleaning up to leave, Katie and I were at it again, and still fucking as he closed the door behind him. This was in doggy style, and Katie even offered up her ass to me. Do you want to fuck me in the ass? You can, you know. I demurred, as I was at that moment enraptured with her pussy.

Katie and I were well underway exploring, celebrating, enjoying, beginning to find our stride and test our limits. Who knows what would have happened had her husband not impregnated her with their third child? I had reason to welcome this interruption, to be explained in due course, but we carried on for several more weeks until her condition put a halt to it all. I could not know it at the time, but more, much more lay ahead.


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