[MF] Crossdressing session with sister..

It was one on of my favorite cloudy days. End of summer and beginning of beautiful monsoon. I remember that day as clearly as those beautiful skies. 

Every summer vacation I used to return home for holidays. We lived in a small village far from the cities hustle and bussle. It was a 1 storey house with living room and master bedroom on the ground and me and my sisters bedrooms on top. We had a small guest room as well on top. 

Both of our rooms were as typical as it could be belonging to a teenage kids. Mine with all movie posters and sports cars, hers with filled up with all girly things as it could accommodate. My sister was very girly and liked her stuff to be organized and with various shades of pink. Now that is what I envied the most. 

The feminine colors the pinboards with fashion styles and her beautiful dresses hanging in the closet. For some reason I had always wanted that to be my room.

My crossdressing hobby started long time ago during school days. I used to sneak in her room and try her lipsticks. Although I was younger than her when it came to our heights we were almost the same. Hence sometimes when no one was home I used to try her dresses as well. 

One of those days when I was just trying to slip in her nightie, the door opened wide and there she was looking at me with teasing eyes. She said she had known or rather doubted to a certain extent the person behind disturbing her perfectly organized closet was me. 

That day she was in a good mood and thinking this was just a play thing let me dress up as a girl. She even helped me with makeup and let me roam around the house. 

That was a one time incident and never happened again. We grew up and left home for further studies. She was studying to be a graphic designer and I had taken up interior design.  

Today my parents were traveling to my aunts place in a different province and were expected only after 2 days along with my sister. 

Hence I had the whole house to myself. As usual I ventured into my sisters bedroom to see her latest collection. 

To my surprise her taste in dressing had improved considerably. Her closet was more updated since her visits to our house were frequent.  

Before I could begun with my intimate desires it was time for a quick shower and shaving off all of that excess hair. I took shower in her extremely feminine and aromatic bathroom. It had a lavender shower curtain and different types of aromatic candles. I started of with the shaving cream meant for a women and fresh razor meant for ladies only. Shaving off the pubic hair was the most fun part. During that session I always have a massive hard on. But I try to control it and let my penis relax. There i was standing in front of the full length mirror with white towel turban on my head and stark naked and a smooth skin soft as satin. 

I stood there admiring myself and touching my body all over. 

It was time to get on with the session. I opened her drawer where she kept all her panties and felt the fabric on my finger tips. All of them smelled so good, so fresh just like petals. 

I picked a lacey one in fuscia pink and slid it on. It was so Sexy to roam around the house with a towel turban and just panties coverinv my small clitty dick. 

I picked a matching lace bra and wore that too. It was indeed a very sexy feeling. It was time to put on the makeup and get that girl out. I spent a good hour on make up and when i was ready i was so turned on just looking at myself. 

I had boughth a new wig which complimented very well with a black short dress. There was again in front of the mirror admiring myself and looking at a beautiful girl with a short balck dress in heels and red ravishing lipstick. 

Ah my day was done it was time start enjoying the evening with my jack daniels and some jazz music. 

I was already few drinks down when i heard a sudden sound from the ground floor. It was late in the evening and windy outside hence i ignored it. 

After a few minutes the drunken me, waltzing away to my jazz music was suddenly shocked and unable to move when i saw my sister stanind and sheepishly smiling at me. 

I was clearly surprised and ran out of words and blabbered something even i wasnt sure what it was. 

She just waved her hand at me gesturing me to continue with what i was doing and entered the room like nothing has haplened. 

Clealry she was tired after a long journey and had just attented some party before coming home. From the looks of it she seemed a bit tipsy as well. And asked me to pour her drink for her as well. 

I did as i was told and continued with my session on the window sill seating staring out of the window wondering whats going on in her mind. 

She kept her stuff and sat at her makeup table and took off all her makeup and jewelry. She asked me casually when i arrived and how was mg day. I spoke to her normally as well and let awkwardness find its own way out. 

She was wearing  a saree one of my favorite colors and low neck sleeveless blouse. She was a size 34D and hence that cleavage was a beautiful sight. I always had the hots for her and found her very sexy. During school days i used to masturbate in her panties and leave my cum in it. I never realsied it that time that cum stains stay. 

She stood up from her table and asked me where her drink was. I had forgotten to mix ice with the drink hence went down to the kitchen to fetch the ice. When i returned with her drink she had taken off her saree which was lying on the floor and was roaming around in her blouse and petticoat only. I was wondering how could i hide my hard on from those sheer panties i was wearing.  I tried not to look at that cleavage and that sexy waist and left her drink on the table and returned to my sitting by the window. 

She spoke about her college stuff and how her friends had been some of them even i was aware of. 

After a few drinks whilst we were still talking she approached me and stood very close to me. Since i was sitting on the window sill and she was standing while talking to me her boobs were very close my face. And i could hear my heart throbbing and my dick pulsating. I tried to cross over my legs to hide the erection. 

She realised that i was trying to hide it. She looked at my teasingly and asked if all ok down there. I blushed and just tried to joke about it saying its quite hard to tell… 

I knew she was drunk and from the looks of it horny too. 

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i1vwoz/mf_crossdressing_session_with_sister