I thought my student was wet from the rain, but that was just the beginning…[Mf, Taboo, Professor, Creampie]

**Part 1 is in my profile if you’d like it, but it shouldn’t be too hard to understand ;).

Just here for the sex? Skip to the** ***XXX!***


Much like an emaciated man who is gifted a beautiful oasis in the middle of the desert, I decided not to question providence. It was a situation I knew was impossible, yet I continued on. Honestly, I was breaking no laws. I could always go into research with a master’s degree in chemical engineering if I were caught. The reward was more than worth the cost to me.

Laci and Vanna were fighting over who could get me alone. I was enjoying the tease. I had no idea why all these young women were so interested in me, but I was milking the experience for all it was worth. There was a jealousy present in class that made lectures awkward.

Laci and Vanna seemed to have no problems sharing me with each other, but the other girls were cold as ice.

Dominique always glared at the two as they would stroll into class late. She still made it a point to come to my office hours regularly. She was hopelessly flirty but seemed a bit less committed than the other two. I found her extremely attractive, but I wasn’t about to risk my career without a guaranteed letter absolving me of any blame, or something similar. Plus, it wasn’t exactly the thing a professor could ask for from a student. Dominique needed to figure out the mystery on her own.

Then, there was Emilia.

Laci and Vanna were typical college girls. I could have resisted them all day long, had they flirted in a similar manner to Dominique. Emilia, on the other hand, made my heart race. She had a strangely uncommon metacognition that wasn’t usually found in college students her age. She understood the situation.

She wore big silver over-the-ear headphones and was always the first one in class. When I strolled in one morning, she held eye contact with me as “Don’t Stand So Close To Me,” by The Police blared. There was quite a bit of temptation and frustration surrounding her. The girl was exceptional. She wasn’t shy, per se, but was definitely introverted. Whenever I saw her on campus, she was alone.

She had an incredible voice. I’d sometimes walk the pathway through the center courtyard that led through a grove of cypress and one time I’d heard her singing along to Usher, of all things. It was an album that likely debuted before she was born. I tried not to think about that.

There was something sexy about the pale freckled cutie singing along to a song about being with a lover but thinking about someone else. In other words, almost every Usher song.

Still, the way she blushed and smiled when I caught her belting out the notes was adorable. Everything she did was delightful. I found myself frequently taking the long way to my office if it meant I got to walk behind her. I realized how selfish I was being. I had two perfectly fine lovers who would have done *anything* to get me into bed, yet I couldn’t help chasing Emilia.

It all came to a head one rainy Saturday night.

I was eating sushi in my car, you know—the peak of post-quarantine coolness, and my eyes were drawn to a florescent illuminated bus stop. She sat in her raincoat, rocking along to music of some sort. She was fine. It wasn’t like the rain was drenching her. It was perfectly acceptable to take the bus. It wasn’t like she needed my pity, but I did have a shitload of hibachi. It’d be rude to let her sit in the cold while my car was so warm.

I popped up my oversized golf umbrella and jogged over to the lonesome thing. Emilia was in good spirits, dancing her fingertips along her pleated skirt and she didn’t hear me approach.

“Having fun?” I asked.

I was an idiot. She was wearing headphones. I stomped around to the front of the sheltered bus stop. I gave an awkward wave and her eyes seemed to adjust to the darkness surrounding me.

“Professor Daniels?” she smiled.

“Hey!” I returned. “Having a nice night?”

“*Having a nice night?*” What an idiot I was. I’m sure she was having just as fantabulous of an evening as everyone else awaiting public transport in the rain.

“Oh, it’s a real riot!” she returned. “Can’t you tell?”

I shuffled in the cold and took a step underneath the stop. My umbrella dripped on her face and she shrank back. I folded the gigantic thing and lowered it to the sidewalk.

“What are you listening to tonight?” I asked.

She rolled her lips inward. I told you she was extremely quick. I realized the full meaning of my words at the same time she did. If I was asking about her song, it was because I heard the last one too, by The Police, which meant—I’d heard it. Who was pursuing whom again?

She chuckled.

“Uh, it’s—” she giggled a second time. “Akon, if you can believe it?”

“Akon?” I returned. “I must say you are shattering stereotypes daily.”

“That seems racist,” she tilted her head. “Maybe I just like the music I like. Is it wrong to prefer one genre over another?”

“Not at all!” I smiled. “I wasn’t trying to—”

“Maybe it’s just because of all the black guys I dated. You ever think that I don’t like cream in my coffee?”

My mouth shut and eyes popped open in shock. That really hadn’t occurred to me. It sure seemed like she was flirting.

“Of course,” she shrugged. “Who doesn’t love a latte every once in a while? You know, tall, white, and—aged.”

I choked on some saliva that had been pooling in the back of my mouth.

“So were you here just to chat?” she asked. “Or was there a reason for interrupting my apparently distasteful music selection.”

“I’ve got a lot of food, and it’s cold out here,” I replied, being honest. “I can take you wherever you need to go, plus my seats don’t smell.”

Her smile rose slowly. She swallowed and then looked down. Her cheeks were much rosier when she looked back toward me.

“Okay,” she returned. “What should we listen to?”


She showed me how to share Spotify playlists and we wasted copious amounts of gasoline sitting in the heated vehicle toward the back of the Misoku parking lot. I educated her on my love of rock and roll. She shared some newer R&B that I’d admittedly never heard. I was ashamed of myself for failing to listen to more Janelle Monae in my life. She was incredible. Emilia really seemed to get a kick out of my dissection of her soulful voice and beats.

At some point her hand found its way to mine. Both of us seemed to notice at slightly different moments, but neither moved it an inch.

She was the first to break the ice.

“Professor Daniels, can I say something?” she asked.

“Sure, Emilia!” I smiled, finishing the last of my noodles that had been tucked away in the corner of my takeout container.

“You’re probably the most handsome professor I’ve ever seen,” she whispered, looking straight ahead.

It wasn’t a surgical drilling to make a tidy hole for ice fishing. She rammed the ice with a purposefully built freighter. She was deliberate and unsubtle.

I choked on the noodles.

She patted my back.

“Fuck, I’m sorry!” she giggled. “I was trying to give you a compliment, not kill you!”

It was much harder to deny the raw, untamed, attraction between us when she laid it out bare like that.

“Uh,” I laughed, “wow.”

“I’m sorry!” she covered her face. “Did I just make it weird?”

I shook my head and wiped my mouth with a paper napkin.

“No, it just makes—uh,” I laughed nervously. “Well. Can I be honest, then?”

She stared at me and leaned back against the crimson fabric panel on my Ford Fusion door. She was ready for it. I wasn’t. I spit out the words before I could change my mind.

“You’re the only student I’ve ever been this attracted to,” I admitted.

Her head turned to look at the raindrops falling down the window. She smirked. I got to watch the blush cross her face in real time. It started at the peaks of her cheeks and spread down and out from there. She fanned herself with her palm and reached down to turn the heat off in the car. She let out a breath between her lips and breathed a cute little “hoo!” before a fit of giggling took her.

“I’m uh—” she chortled again. “I’m just a student trying to get by, you know. I live with my fucking grandma.”

“No car either, right?” I asked.

“Way to rub it in!” she snapped back, teasing my arm with a playful slap. She bit a finger and looked back out the window. “We just—uh. I feel like we’re at really different places. It’s a bad idea to take this any further.”

“I agree completely!” I shot back too quickly. “I was just telling you because—”

“Of how badly you *don’t* want to see me naked?”

My jaw dropped this time. It made its way closed slowly. My mind reeled trying to figure out my next sentence.

“Um—” I dragged the word. I really wasn’t sure what to do. I froze.

“*Do* you want to see me naked?” she asked, staring right into my face.

“Didn’t you just say—” I asked.

“Yeah, and I’m a pro at making bad decisions,” she breathed.

“Me too,” I agreed.

I placed my hand on her thigh and she bit her lip. It was just as soft as I’d imagined. I said the first stupid flirty thing that came to mind.

“Do you want to play the firetruck game?”

She expelled a breath through her nose and laughed at me.

“What’s the firetruck game?”

“Well,” I smiled, “I run my hand up your thigh and you say red light when it starts to tickle.”

“And if you lose?” she muttered.

“No one really loses the firetruck game.”

Emilia spread her legs and glanced down at my hand.

“Okay, go for it,” she smiled.

I obliged the horny woman and began to graze my fingertips closer to the shortish skirt I’d wanted to be under all night. Just as I drifted past her mid thigh, she gasped.

“Red light,” she smirked.

This was the fun part, only to be undertaken with a willing participant to the firetruck game.

“Firetrucks don’t stop at red lights,” I winked, tickling her panties with my fingertips.

She giggled effusively and the laughter became intermingled with sexy little moans. Her expression seemed to morph a bit. She sighed and stared into my eyes.

“How far is your place from here?”


“Oh, yeah,” I opened my arms wide as we walked into my apartment, “take it all in. You’ve arrived now, sweetie.”

The one room studio greeted her as what seemed to be an all too familiar reminder of the poverty she faced at home.

“I thought professors made at least—a little money,” she laughed, setting her purse down on the cold laminate flooring.

“This is what a little money buys you in our town,” I smiled. “But then again, who else but someone who lives in a studio can claim the convenience of rolling out of bed and making breakfast without opening any doors?”

“You make breakfast?” she smiled, raising an eyebrow.

“Care to find out?” I returned.

She looked away and bit her lip. Emilia took off her navy-colored raincoat and revealed a teal tank top which showcased almost her entire freckled chest. I stared without really meaning to.

She slipped off her shoes by the door.

“I don’t want to track mud into your bedroom,” she spoke softly.

I turned toward the kitchenette, trying to hide my growing erection.

“Can I interest you in a drink?” I asked. “I’ve got water, orange juice—”

“I’ll take a double of that gin with the OJ,” she laughed, pointing at the hard liquor above my refrigerator.

“How old are you?” I asked.

“Do you really want to know?” she replied.

I shrugged. Providing alcohol to her would probably be the most acceptable thing Emilia and I would do that night. As I handed her the glass, she downed half of it in a single sip.

“Whoa, go slow!” I smiled. “You only had half a hibachi dinner.”

“Yeah, I know,” she breathed, drinking the rest.

I cocked my head to the side.

“Gotta get drunk to come up to my place?” I asked. “It was you who wanted me to come here, remember. If you’re not ready for—”

“I am!” she shot back. “God, I’m so ready. It’s part of the problem, actually. I like you way too much. It’s all so—personal.”

Her words were cryptic. I pressed for more information.

“It’s a problem that you like me?” I asked. “If it’s a moral thing, we can wait til the semester is over. Honestly that’s probably for the—”

“No, you have to fuck me!” she blurted out.

I was *very* confused.

“Emilia, I really think it’s best if we—”


She sat up onto her knees and unclasped her bra. She lifted her top up and over her shoulders and a pair of large breasts dropped down into view. Her nipples were adorable. I just wanted to bury my face between her tits. My boner was fighting against my waistband like Tyson in his prime.

“Please, fuck me,” she whispered.

The lovely thing about being a man is—when there’s a hot enough redhead kneeling topless on your bed, its amazing how much you can forget. My confusion faded to thoughts that seemed to whisper, “*soft boobs. Delicious boobs. Go feel tits. Suck them.*”

I knew there was more to the story, but goddamn it I didn’t care. Emilia was gorgeous. I set down the bottle of gin and lunged across the floor like the pent-up professor I was. Her tits didn’t look that big in the lab coat, or outfits she wore to school. That was the lovely thing about introverted girls. With Laci and Vanna, I knew exactly what to expect when I got them naked. With Emilia, she blew me out of the water.

Boy did she blow me.

That woman dropped in-between my legs and threw open my pants. She sucked my erection like my dick contained the antivenom to a Black Mamba bite she’d gotten an hour prior. Seeing her gorgeous luminescent mop of hair draped across my lap was everything I’d dreamt it to be. I’d actually never been with a redhead, though they’d always been my fantasy. One look at my search history would prove that. My God, she was everything I’d fantasized about and more.

The woman devoured me. She sucked faster and faster, bringing me closer than I’d planned at an early point in our night.

“Stop, stop!” I ordered, yanking her head up.

“Did I do something wrong?” She asked in a rapid, anxious, burst.

“No!” I laughed. “No, nothing wrong at all. In fact, a little too right.”

A dirty smirk crossed her face and she made a kissing sound while giving me a wink.

“We never even kissed,” I remarked, realizing the surprising fact as the adorable woman sucked my cock. I grabbed her wrists and tugged her up my chest. She squeaked as she slid up my newly-stripped body and reached my lips.

I approached her much more softly than she had with me. I cradled her cheek and looked into her eyes. They were sad, and excited, and anxious, all at once.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

She sniffed and shook her head.

“Nothing. You’re perfect,” she breathed, “goddamn perfect.”

She closed the remaining inch between our lips and Emilia and I kissed. I ran a hand through her hair and tugged it closer to my face. I couldn’t get enough. I sucked her tongue gently as it entered my mouth and she unintentionally rubbed her crotch into my dick. Her slick pussy slathered my dick with her flowing juices.

I gasped.

“Took ‘em off while you got my drink,” she whispered.

There are moments of temptation so intense that they consume your entire mind. During these bewildering mental assaults, things you never would have considered before become possible. Had you asked me in the middle of a class whether I would seriously consider having unprotected sex with a student, I probably would have laughed and then reported you for inappropriate comments.

Despite this, Emilia was grinding her young delicious pussy on my cock and the only thought burning through my skull was how I could get inside her. My sanity emerged for just a moment.

“We should—uh,” I mumbled, “I have a condom.”

She stared into my eyes and kissed me at an intimate distance as she writhed atop me. Her breathing was hot and ragged. She was feeling the same temptation as me. My cock head dipped into her and then slipped back out. We both gasped.

“That’s totally cool,” she breathed, “but I’m on the pill, so if you just wanna go for it…”

I did. I really did. I was also slightly worried about STDs though.

“You aren’t—uh,” I began, “dating anyone else right? That’d be the only thing I’m worried—”

“Why?” she asked, slipping my cock back into her, but only just. “You wanna be my only one? You wanna—own me?”

“I—” I stammered. When she put it like that, it was hard to say no.

“I get it,” she whispered, letting the tip of my cock press in and out of her incredibly tight pussy. “I’ve only ever uh—God, why do you feel so good?”

She cleared her throat and slid down a few inches.

“I only had one boyfriend in high school and we did it three times,” she sighed, taking me deeper.

“How could anyone ever stop fucking you?” I growled, surrendering to her charms. I bucked my hips upward and buried myself inside her. Emilia moaned and grabbed my chest.

“Oh, my God,” she giggled. “You feel so big.”

I mean, I wasn’t really, but I suppose her lack of experience worked in my favor. She sighed and gasped as I slowly penetrated her. I reached up and grabbed one of her tits. I gently tugged at her nipple and she giggled.

She rose up and back down. My balls slapped against her ass. She looked up to the ceiling and gave her clit a quick rub with her right hand.

“Oh, fuck!” she smiled. “This is so much better than the last time, like, so—so—so—much better. It’s like I’m being—”

Her words broke down into sexy moans and she rocked her hips with me buried within her. A smile emerged and then receded as her mouth dropped open. She was drooling slightly. It was great for my self esteem as a lover, I have to say.

To drive the orgasm home, I reached around, cupped my hand, and gave a playful smack to her ass. She yelped and opened her mouth wide as she looked down at me. Her eyes begged me to do it again.

As a second spank rang out. I felt her g-spot harden and press against my dick. She clenched her thighs and gripped my chest, groping my decently toned muscles. She rose up and ground herself against me, rubbing her clit to my hips, and cried out in a single loud “*oh!*” Her fingers trembled and I felt her tighten around me affixing my dick in place.

“You’re so—fucking—tight!” I gasped, trying to hold on for dear life.

“Fucking come! Do it!” she moaned, still riding her orgasm.

It was a bad idea. I couldn’t help myself.

I let loose within her, rising up and kissing her as she continued to rock in my lap, milking me dry.

We were both taking long, quick, breaths as we finished. She ran her hands through my hair and giggled.

“That was so much better than I’d even imagined,” she sighed, kissing me again.

“You were—holy shit,” I added, groping her ass and accidentally driving myself into her again.

We both gasped and embraced. Sex wasn’t supposed to be that good. Every experience in my life had taught me that lasting relationships were what built solid sexual chemistry. Apparently not in all cases.

I groped her chest and she laughed.

“You really like ‘em, don’t you?”

“Is it—can I ask how big they are?” I smiled.

She turned away and blushed, the flushing dropped down to her tits and I kissed them, sucking a nipple into my mouth.

“32H,” she returned, jiggling them slightly. “Big enough to get me made fun of in high school.”

“Made fun of?” I chuckled. “Seriously? Your body is outstanding.”

She looked a bit sadder and glanced to her purse.

“Why are you so nice?” she asked.

I had a confused look on my face. I stroked her hair and she shuffled out of my lap.

“Did I do something wrong?” I asked.

“God, no,” she groaned. “You’re—fuck. I can’t believe we met like this. Like—couldn’t I have found you in a bar or a coffee shop?”

“You mean like every romantic comedy ever?” I asked.

“C’mon,” she shoved me. “I’m serious. What are we doing here?”

I shrugged and laid myself back down onto the bed. I exhaled through my lips and stared up at the ceiling.

“We’ve got another week of classes before Thanksgiving break,” I replied. “After that, there’s literally ten days until the semester is over. Once the semester is over—”

I trailed off and leaned up to look at her.

“You *actually* want to date me?” she breathed.

I shrugged, feeling more than a little hurt.

“Well, I mean, if we date post-class it’s frowned upon but hardly against policy. We’d just have to adjust the start of our ‘relationship’ to—”

Then she kissed me. She threw herself over me with abandon. Emilia took in my body with her hands. She explored my mouth. She was still dripping from between her legs onto my thigh. Her hair was smothering me. She lavished her love on me and seemed to desire every single inch.

I felt the same way about her.

**Was it as good for you as it was for me?** [***Follow My Profile***](https://www.reddit.com/user/ill_B_In_MyBunk/) **for more!**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i20d60/i_thought_my_student_was_wet_from_the_rain_but


  1. Very hot!! I particularly enjoyed the sweeter moments. A definite save for me :)

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