Sent a pic of me sucking a guy’s dick to my ex [F]

Yesterday one of my old friends came over. He brought me food and stuff to make me feel better because I was still feeling shitty about my breakup. We’re 100% platonic but just happen to feel at ease giving each other sexual favours (if we’re both single) so I ended up giving him a blowjob and he wanted to film me on my phone because he thought I was good lmao, I know it’s kinda suspicious but don’t worry about it I know him well. So he did and I saved the vid. I took a screenshot and sent it to my ex with a petty message, it was like: look at that pretty picture of the girl you broke the heart of.
Basically he dumped me like a week ago on text without explaining shit to me, right after spending a week together that went super well. I begged him for answers but he absolutely ghosted me and told me that he wanted to cut off all contact without explaining me shit and refusing to call me so that I can get closure. The relationship was healthy and not toxic at all. Even though I gave him time to make up his mind and talk to me, the fucker decided to cut all contact like I said so I was extremely mad, I was so so so frustrated so I just wanted to hurt him by sending him that. I just wanted closure and he couldn’t help me get that so I wanted to do something really bad to hurt him. That’s my fucked confession. If anyone wants to, I’d kinda like to know if it was something terrible from me to do and if I should feel bad. Because I really don’t know how to feel about what I did lol.



  1. Nothing wrong with feeling empowered, great job!!

    Dm me the pic please

  2. If you don’t think that photo is going to get passed around quick then you are crazy

  3. He is and has acted like a jackass!!!!! You told him since he left you, u got something already so he isn’t shit….

  4. Always sucks getting dumped. A lot of good advice is if you want to get over someone, get under someone and you seem to have done that. While your motivation was revenge hoping for a jealous and angry response, I think it will help you overcome your loss. Don’t look back, move forward and enjoy wha

  5. If my ex sent me a picture like that I’d be tempted to send it to some of my friends lmao

  6. …..and this is how pictures get sent to your parents. Just saying.

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