I saw my wife’s sex tape [MF]

This happened a couple of years ago, but I’ll never get it out of my head. We were visiting her hometown, and she had a lunch she was going to go to with her friends. She told me a guy friend of hers that I had met various times in the past offered to have me over for some drinks while she was out at lunch so I wouldn’t have to just sit around and stare at the hotel walls.

So, we’re there hanging out and having a couple of drinks, and somehow he starts talking about how he likes recording himself having sex with women, and offers to show me some of his recordings. A little weird, but I figure he’s a proud Latino who wants to show off, OK. We sit down and he puts it on, and, sure enough, there’s a video of him having sex with a girl. We watch that, and then it goes into another, and we watch that one. As that one’s coming to an end he stops it and says he has to go to the bathroom, do I need to take a pee? I say I can wait until after he’s done, and he tells me to go ‘cos he might take awhile because he has to take a shit. I didn’t think anything of it at the moment, so I went and peed and came back. He turns the video back on, and says he’s gonna go do his business.

Well, the one with the 2nd girl ends and the next one comes on. Before I could realize who it was, I realize I hear my wife’s voice, and then realize it’s her on the video. The dude left me there sitting to watch a video of him with my wife (it was when she was younger, before we were married). I tihnk I sat for 20 minutes with my jaw open and watching the two of them go to town.

A couple of minutes after it’s over, he comes out, done with his “shit”, like nothing has happened. The video has already moved to a 4th girl. He told me my wife was on the way to pick me up and we’d better turn it off. Never said anything else to me about the video.

My wife brings me back to the hotel, and I tell her what I saw. She smiles and tells me she knows. Months earlier we had been talking about sex tapes in bed, and I had told her that I wished she had a sex tape of hers that I could watch one day. She didn’t tell me that she had been filmed, but apparently she thought of that and reached out to this guy and started planning to set up the situation for me to see it the next time we were visiting.

She blew my mind away with that one….

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i1eqow/i_saw_my_wifes_sex_tape_mf


  1. “it was when she was younger” I can’t help but laugh every time someone shows me a picture or video of themselves or someone else and says it was when they were younger. All photos/videos in the present are when they were younger.

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